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《山西省某医学院校学生心理健康状况及相关因素研究-梁三平.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山西省某医学院校学生心理健康状况及相关因素研究-梁三平.docx(52页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、山西医科大学 硕士学位论文 山西省某医学院校学生心理健康状况及相关因素研究 姓名:梁三平 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:儿少卫生学 指导教师:王芳芳 20110525 中文摘要 研究目的 1. 通过调査,了解山西省职工医学院医学生心理健康的现状、存在的问题和需求。 2. 通过研究,分析影响医学生心理健康的相关因素。 3. 提出开展心理健康教育的相应对策,以便预防和减少医学生心理卫生问题的发生, 提高他们的心理健康水平。 对象与方法 1. 对象采取分层整群随机抽样的方法,以山西省职工医学院全体在校学生作为研究对 象,选取大一、大二、大三的三个年级共计 1082名学生作为被试,其中包括临床、护理、 药

2、学、检验、中医等八个专业。对 1082名在校医学生进行了心理健康调査,共获得有效 问卷 1006份。其中男生 105名( 10.4%),女生 901名( 89.6%),年龄分布 15-35岁。 2. 方法与内容采用横断面现场问卷调査的方式,调査时统一指导语,以班为单位进 行,对被试进行无记名方式的现场问卷调査。 2.1 般情况包括性别、民族、年级、层次、是否独生子女、 家庭所在地、父亲职 业、母亲职业、父亲学历、母亲学历等。 2.2心理量表测评内容包括 适应能力测验,共 14个问题。 人际关系状况测验 , 共 36个问题。 简易应对方式问卷,共 20个问题。 自尊量表,共 10个向题。 自我

3、意识量表,包括对 自我 和 我的人生 两方面的认识情况。共 20个项目。 SDS(抑 郁自评量表 ),共20个项目。 2. 3统计方法:采用 SPSS13.0软件建立数据库并进行 t检验、 F检验、逐步回归分析 等统计学处理。 结果 1. 本次调査医学生的心理健康状况: ( 1)不同性别学生问卷分析,在自我意识问卷上 对 人生的看法 ,男女生比较有差异 ( P . 5)。 ( 2)不同年级学生问卷分析显示,二年级学生的人际关系状况测 验评分低于一年级学生 ( P0.05)。( 4)不同层次学生各问卷分析结果显示,在社会适应能力得分上 成人和中专学生均显著高于高职学生 ( P0.05). (4)

4、 Different level student various questionnaire analysis result demonstration: The adult and the medium specialized technical students obviously are higher than the quality student in social adaptation ability score (P0.05) . Prompt: The High-level professional technology students social adaptation a

5、bility is relatively bad. The adult is higher than the duty is high and specialized middle school students in self-awareness lo self -view5 aspect The High-level professional technology students Obviously is higher than the medium specialized technical students in self-awareness 4tto self-viewJ, asp

6、ect (P value 0.05) . The adult and the High-level professional technology students is lower than the medium specialized technical students from SDS meters score (P0.05) . The medium specialized technical students easier to occur the despondent tendency. (5) Father school record different student var

7、ious questionnaire score comparison: Father school record for doctor and masters student social adaptation ability test score obviously is lower than the father school record is the undergraduate college, the technical college, the specialized middle school professional school, the high school, the

8、junior middle school and the following student. But the father school record for technical colleges studstudent. The mother school record obtains the minute for doctor and masters student interpersonal relationship condition obviously is lower than the mother school record is the undergraduate colle

9、ge, the technical college, the specialized middle school professional school, the high school, the junior middle school and the following student. But the mother school record is the technical college, the junior middle school and the following student score obviously is lower than the mother school

10、 record is high schools student. 2. This investigation medical school student psychologically healthy multi-factor analysis result showed: (1) The social adaptation ability multi-factor analysis result showed: Social adaptation ability and the student deal with the way, the good interpersonal relati

11、onship positively, the high self-awareness and the self-respect level present connection. But Deals with the way negatively and its despondent condition present connection. (2) The interpersonal relationship condition influencing factor analysis demonstrated: Along with the social adaptation ability

12、s enhancement, self-awarenesss enhancement, deals with ability positively increase and the self-respect enhancement, its interpersonal relationship condition vsdll also be improved. But deals with the way, feminine, the mother occupation negatively is bad for the special technique as well as the fat

13、her occupation for other group of students interpersonal relationship condition. In the different level student, the High-level professional technical students interpersonal relationship condition is relatively bad. (3) Deals with the way influencing factor analysis to demonstrate positively: Along

14、with the interpersonal relationship condition, the self-respect, the self-awareness and the mother school records markup, the medico deals with the way score obvious markup positively. Along with from comments the meter always to score points despondently and the grade markup, the medico deals with

15、the way score to reduce obviously positively. The clinical college major and the mother occcorrelation with it. Feminine self-respect compares male student. But the higher professional technical students self-respect is strongest in different level student. (6) The despondent major effect factor is:

16、 To self-view,self-respect, to life view, interpersonal relationship condition, level, specialized whether for clinical. Along with the student to the self-view, to the life view and interpersonal relationship condition scores reduction, its despondent meters score can elevate. The self-respect is w

17、eak, the specialized middle school students and the non-clinical specialized student changes has the despondent tendency. Conclusion The medical school students will be future high-tech personnel and relatively special community. Their psychologically healthy condition is not allowed to neglect. Thi

18、s school students psychologically healthy condition overall is good. But still had a part of student to have certain mental hygiene problem. And the medium specialized technical students self-awareness condition is bad. The main performance is insufficient for the self-confidence, is low to the self

19、-appraisal. The school should act according to the different category students self-awareness present situation and the characteristic carries out the psychologically healthy education and the advisory service target-oriented in order to raise medicos self-awareness level and social adaptation abili

20、ty. Should strengthen the quality and become the human student social adaptation ability the raise, helps its change negatively to deal with the way. Between the attention psychologically healthy multi-dimensions characteristic and the various dimensions interaction and the influence, promote medico

21、s psychological comprehensive healthy development. From this, the educator should aim at with the psychological question has the related various factors, to the different sex, the grade, the level, the specialized student adopts personalized the education consultation method. Helps the student healt

22、h maintenance the psychology, prevents each kind of psychological question the occurrence, forms the perfect personality, completes the studies smoot附表清单 表 2-1抑郁自评量表与各问卷相关检验结果 . 5 表 2-2同 性别学生各问卷得分比较 ( is) . 5 表 2-3不同年级学生各问卷得分比较 ( Sis) . 6 表 2-4独生与非独生子女各问卷得分比较 ( ) . 7 表 2-5不同层次学生各问卷得分比较 5 ) . 7 表 2-6

23、父亲学历不同各问卷得分及其比较 ( Ss) . 8 表 2-7母亲学历不同各问卷得分及其比较 ( 5s) . 9 表 2-8社会适应能力影响因素多元逐步回归分析 . 10 表 2-9人际关系状况影响因素多元逐步回归分析 . 1 表 2-10积极应对方式影响因素多元逐步回归分析 . 11 表 2-11消极应对方式影响因素多元逐步回归分析 . 12 表 2-12 对自我的看法 影响因素多元逐步回归分析结果 . 13 表 2-13 对我的人生的看法 多元逐步回归分析 . 13 表 2-14.抑郁影响因素多元逐步回归分析 . 14 表 2-15自尊影响因素 logistic回归分析 . *15 刖 S

24、 随着社会的进步和发展,健康越来越受到人们的重视。世界卫生组织把健康定义为不 仅指一个人没有疾病或虚弱现象,而是指一个人在生理上、心理上和社会上的完好状态。 现代健康的含义是多元的、广泛的,包括生理、心理和社会适应性 3个方面,其中包括身 体健康 、情绪健康、智力健康、精神(道德 ) 健康、社会、生活方式健康等要素 1。心理 健康是身体健康的精神支柱,身体健康又是心理健康的物质基础。良好的情绪状态可以使 生理功能处于最佳状态,反之则会降低或破坏某种功能而引起疾病。身体状况的改变可能 带来相应的心理问题,生理上的缺陷、疾病,特别是痼疾,往往会使人产生烦恼、焦躁、 忧虑、抑郁等不良情绪,导致各种不

25、正常的心理状态。作为身心统一体的人,身体和心理 是紧密依存的两个方面。当今大学生作为一个特殊的群体,面临着越来越激烈的社会竞争 和压力,其心理健康状况也为越来越多 的研究者和教育者所关注 。我国越来越多的教育 工作者和大学生己经认识到,当今时代心理健康是大学生全面发展、早日成才的不可缺少 的基础。 1996年 6月 13日中共中央、国务院关于深化教育改革全面推进素质教育的决 定中提出 :要尊重学生身心发展的特点和教育规律,全面推进素质教育,提髙大学生的 心理健康水平,使学生生动活泼、积极主动的得到发展,培养适应 21世纪现代化建设需 要的社会主义新人。如何提高大学生心理健康素质,改善他们的心理

26、健康己被列为高校的 一项重要任务 据流行病学家调査,国内外大学生的心理健康状况不 容乐观 p。近年来 ,上海市精神卫 生中心、美国夏威夷大学、世界卫生组织联合调査统计显示 :大学生中有 21%的人存在各种 心理障碍,属于亚健康心理状态者占 55%t4】。 有关文献报道,美国大学生心理疾患的患病率 约为20%,加拿大约为 30%,瑞士约为 18%,日本约为 25%,中国香港约为 28%,中国台湾 约为 25%3。国内一些调査表明,大学生心理健康状况堪忧 ,大学生心理障碍的发病率为 10%-30%51。不少高校的调査表明 ,心理健康问题己成为影响大学生正常学习与生活的主要 干扰源之一 6。大量的研

27、究及调査己表明大学生中出现的恐怖症、焦虑症、疑病症、强迫 症、神经性抑郁症和情感危机等心理问题比较突出 m。据国家教委的一项调査报告证实, 1998年在调査的 12.6万名大学生中,心理疾病患病率高达 20. 23%8。多方面的研究发现, 我国大学生心理障碍发生率髙于正常青年组,且呈现出逐年上升趋势 9。其中常见的有抑 郁、焦虑、强迫、人格障碍和人际关系问题等 大学生的心理健康问题己成为大学生休 学、退学、自杀的主要原因之一。 大学生心理健康问题不仅是教育界学者的研究课题,也是人类学、社会学、心理学甚 至法学界的研究课题。我国大学生心理健康研究工作开始于八十年代中期,大多集中在大 学生心理健康状况测评和大学生心理健康工作研究方面。全国各地的心理卫生工作者应用


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