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《磋商情景对话.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《磋商情景对话.doc(13页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流磋商情景对话.精品文档.交货时间Dialog 1A third bargaining chip is modifying the delivery date to allow more time for the manufacturer to produce the required units.第三个可以用来议价的筹码是修改交货日期,这给制造商更充裕的时间来制造你所订的数量.Mel:And thats the bottom line.Not too bad ,even if I do say so myself.这是最低价格了,我自己看都觉

2、得很不错了.Bill:Well,to be honest,I was figuring on something about 10% lower.老实说,我还希望能再打9折.Mel:Thats about what Id normally charge,but you added these time restrictions and Im going to have to pay some overtime to get it in under the wire.其实我平常就是那个价码,但因为你有时间限制,我得请工人加班,才能准时交货.Bill:So how much time do you

3、 need to lower the price?时间要往后延多久,我才能有折扣?Mel:Usually there isnt any time requirement.我通常都不压时间限制的.Bill:I know that,but Im not going to do that.I want this finished quickly with no breaks in between,so the time limit stays.我知道,但我不想这样.我希望这批货尽快完成,完全没有延误,所以时间限制不能变.Mel:I wont do that to you. 我不会害你开天窗的.Bil

4、l:Right,not with this penalty in the contract.没错,因为这次迟交会有罚款.Mel:Okay.Give me fifteen working days from start to finish and Ill lower the price 10%. 好吧.开工后,给我15个工作日,我就再降个百分之十. Bill:How about ten days? 10天如何? Mel:I need 12 or no deal.我要12天,否则免谈. Bill:Done!成交.Dialog 2 A: Im glad we have settled the ter

5、ms of payment. Is it possible to effect shipment during September?A: 我们已经谈妥了付款条件,你方是否能够在九月份交货?B: I dont think we can.B: 我看不行。A: Then when is the earliest we can expect shipment?A: 那么最早什么时候可以交货呢?B: By the middle of October, I think.B: 恐怕要在十月中旬。A: Thats too late. You see, November is the season for th

6、is commodity in our market, and our Customs formalites are rather complicated.A: 那太迟了。你知道,在我们那里九月份是这种商品的上市季节,我们的海关手续相当复杂。B: I understand.B: 我明白。A: Besides, the flow through the marketing channels and the red tape involvoed take at least a couple of weeks. Thus, after shipment it will be four to five

7、 weeks altogether before the goods can reach our retailers. The goods must therefore be shipped before October, otherwise we wont be in time for the selling season.A: 另外,通过销售渠道以及繁琐的公文程序,起码要花上两个星期。这样从交货到我们的零售商收到货,总共要用四至五个星期。因此,十月份之前货必须装上船,否则我们就赶不上销售季节了。B: But our factories are fully committed for the

8、 third quarter. In fact, many of our clients are placing orders for delivery in the fourth quarter.B: 我们工厂第三季度的生产任务已全部排满了。事实上,我们很多客户在订第四季度交的货。A: Mr. Li, you certainly realize that the time of delivery is a matter of great importance to us. If we place our goods on the market at a time when all other

9、 importers have already sold their goods at profitalbe prices, we shall lose out.A: 李先生,你当然知道交货时间对我们来说很重要。如果在我们把商品投放到市场上去的时候,别的进口商已经把商品脱手赚钱,那我们就亏了。B: I see your point. However, we have done more business this year than any of the previous years. Im very sorry to say that we cannot advance the time o

10、f delivery.B: 这点我明白。但是今年我们做的贸易比以往哪一年都要大,非常抱歉我们不能提前交货。A: Thats too bad, but I do hope you will give our request your special consideration.A: 那太槽了,我真心实意地希望你对我们的要求给予特别的考虑。B: You may take it from me that the last thing we want to do is to disappoint a customer, particularly an old customer like you. Bu

11、t the fact remains that our manufacturers have a heavy backlong on their hands.B: 你可以相信,我们最不愿做那些使顾客失望的事情,特别像你这样的客户,但是我们的厂家眼前的交货任务还是压得很重,这是事实。A: But cant you find some way to get round your producers for an earlier delivery? Make a special effort, please. A timely delivery means a lot to us.A: 你不能想些办

12、法说服厂家提前一些时候交货吗?请你特别加把劲。适时地交货对我们关系可大啦!B: All right, Mr Jones. Well get in touch with our producers and see what they have to say.B: 好吧,琼斯先生。我们和厂家联系一下,听听他们的意见。包装情况华先生: Glad to see you again.很高兴再次见到您.怀特先生:你好.很高兴再次见面.华先生: Hi, glad to see you too.我得知你想了解一下商品的包装情况.对吗7怀特先生: Im told that youd like to know s

13、omething about the packing of the products, is that right?是的.我今天来访的主要目的就是看看包装样品.华先生: Yes, the main purpose of my visit today is to see the samples of the packing.嗯.首先我想知道你们对这些羊毛衫的包装有何意见.怀特先生: Well, first, wed like to have your opinions about the packing for these woolen sweaters.引入注目的包装外观肯定对促销有很大作用.

14、我喜欢漂亮.有吸引力的包装.华先生: The appearance of the package that catches the eye is surely a great help in pushing sales. I like packing which is beautiful and attractive.我们知道,同行厂家的竞争很激烈,因此我们一直在改进包装疗法。现在,我们的内包装是把每一件货物装在一个透明的塑料v袋中,外包装是一个设计精美的具有中国风格的小盒子。我方其他国家的客户反应我们的包装对顾客很有吸引力。怀特先生: We know that the competition

15、 from the similar producers is quite tough, so we are l improving our method of packing. Our packing is wrapping each item in a transparent plastic bag, and the outer wrapping is a small elegantly-designed box of Chinese听到这些我非常高兴.你能让我看看吗7华先生: Id be glad to hear it. Could you please let me have a loo

16、k?样品在这儿怀特先生: OK, here is the model.好.确实有吸引力,那么.运输包装怎么样呢7华先生: Good, its indeed of attractive. Then, what about the packing for transport?我们把货物打包在纸箱里.怀特先生: We pack the products in cartons.是国际标准出口纸箱吗?华先生: Are they standard export cartons?当然是怀特先生: Sure.请确保包装结实.能够承受粗鲁装卸.华先生: Please make sure that the pac

17、king is strong enough to stand rough handling.当然.我们将用金属带加固纸箱.怀特先生: Certainly. Well reinforce the cartons with metal straps.那就好.华先生: Do you have more questions about packing?关于包装还有问题吗?怵特先生:No,thanks.没有了.谢谢.货物包装1.黄先生: What kind of packing do you plan to use for this consignment of goods?您打算怎样包装这些货物呢7赵

18、先生: Cartons. Is that okay?用纸箱.可以吗?黄先生: Im concerned about: the possibility of jolting, squeezing and collision that may take place when these cases are moved about.对于箱子在搬来搬去的过程中可能发生的碰撞.挤压和撞击的问题我还是很关心的.赵先生: Well.what I can tell you is this. Weve got an excellent record on making deliveries to our cus

19、tomers. Besides, all our cartons are lined with shock proof cardboards and are wrapped up with plastic sheets. So theyre not only shock proof but also dampproof.我可以告诉您.我们在向顾客发货方面有着良好的记录.而且.我们所有的纸箱都有防震纸板作内衬.整箱外面再用塑料布包起来.所以.它们不仅防震.而且防潮.黄先生: In that case, I guess I can rest assured.如果是那样.我想我可以放心了.赵先生:

20、Well, I guess you can say that. The safety of packing is something we always pay a lot of attention to. Especially for those fragile commodities, weve got to be extra careful. Otherwise, if the things we dont want to see happened, we would be responsible.嗯.我想您可以这样说.包装安全是我们一向所重视的.特别是易损坏品.我们格外小心.不然的话.

21、当我们看到不愿发主的事发生了.不仅我们要负责.也会给你们带来诸多不便.黄先生: Youre right. But wouldnt it be safer to use wooden cases?您说得对.但是用木箱不是更安全吗?赵先生: We surely can if you want us to, but the charge will be much higher.如果你们想要我们这样 做的话.我们保证做到.但是费用就更高了.黄先生: It wouldnt be worth the trouble in that case, would it? Lets still use carton

22、s.要是那样的话.就不值得麻烦了.不是吗7我们还是用纸箱吧.赵先生: Sure, no problem. As I said, cartons are good enough for goods like this. You dont have to worry about it.好的.没问题.就像我说的.这种物品纸箱就够了.您不用担心.2.采购商对产品的包装很满意,但是不知道出口的包装如何,销售跟采购商保证,到目前还从来没有客户投诉过包装问题,最后成功销售出了产品,请看下面的英语口语对话。卡尔:These are the various kinds of packing for pliers

23、 Normally, we have three types of packing: skin packing, hanging packing, and blister packing这些是钳子的各种包装通常有三种:薄膜包装挂式包装罩板包装瑞秋:Oh, the packing looks very nice这些包装很好看卡尔:The skin packing is the most advanced packing for this product in the world market It catches the eyes and can help push sales薄膜包装是世界市场

24、上这种产品的最新包装它惹人注目能帮助促销瑞秋:Good, what about the export packing?很好那么出口包装如何?卡尔:Well, they are packed in boxes of two dozens each, 100 boxes to a wooden case每两打装一盒一百盒装一木箱瑞秋:Is the wooden case strong enough for transportation? You see, 100 boxes of pliers are very heavy Its about 2,400 kilograms木箱是否很坚固适应运输需

25、要?一百盒钳子很重大约有二千四百公斤卡尔:You can rest assured of that So far, no customers have complained about our outer packing这点你尽可放心目前还没有客户抱怨我们的外包装有问题瑞秋:Im glad to hear that By the way, do you accept neutral packing?这样太好了顺便问一下你们接受中性包装吗?卡尔:Yes, we can pack the goods according to your instructions接受我们可以根据你方的指示说明进行包装

26、瑞秋:Very good Ok, Carl, Im now totally satisfied with your packing You can execute our first order now, and I will open the L/C immediately after I return to Taipei好的卡尔就这样吧我很满意你们的包装现在你可以生产我们的第一批订货了我回到台北后就立即开立信用证卡尔:All right Well make the shipment as soon as your L/C is on hand那好一收到你方信用证我们即安排装运价格Dialo

27、g 1一个台湾出口商正在和加拿大进口商谈论价格。 A Taiwan exporter talks with a Canadian importer. Importer : Im interested in your portable electric heater. But Id like more information before placing an order. Exporter : ld be happy to answer your questions. Importer : Theres one problem I think I ought to mention. How a

28、bout the energy efficiency rating of the heater? Exporter : As you know, heaters tend to be high energy users. Our model E22 is no exception. But although this heater is not as energy-efficient as some, it does have the most durable, problem-free electric motor of any heater weve tested. Importer :

29、That sounds very impressive. Youre talking about the motor that powers the blower? Exporter : Yes, thats right. Importer : What about safety features? Exporter : It has an automatic thermostat control which keeps temperatures from reaching unsafe levels. It also has an automatic shut-off switch in c

30、ase the thermostat should malfunction. The cabinet contains special insulating materials, so even if it comes into contact with flammable materials its heat will not ignite them. This model is made especially for export. Importer : Do you have any similar, but smaller, heaters? Exporter : Why dont y

31、ou have a look at this one? This is our newest heater. Importer : How large is the fan? Exporter : It only has a four-inch blade, but it is made to rotate at high speeds. For its size it distributes the heat very rapidly. Importer : What are the prices on these models? Exporter : The large model goe

32、s for $60.00, and the smaller unit is $25.00. Importer : Are those prices the lowest you can offer? I dont know if those prices will work for us. Exporter : We might be able to offer you a 10% cut on your initial order. Ten percent off is about as low as we can go. Importer : That sounds more in lin

33、e with what we can handle. Exporter : Well, let me check my figures and get back to you on it.Dialog 2Dan Smith是一位美国的健身用品经销商,此次是Robert Liu第一回与他交手。就在短短几分钟的交谈中,Robert Liu既感到这位大汉粗犷的外表,藏有狡兔的心思他肯定是沙场老将,自己绝不可掉以轻心。双方第一回过招如下:D: Id like to get the ball rolling (开始) by talking about prices.R: Shoot. (洗耳恭听) Id

34、 be happy to answer any questions you may have.D: Your products are very good. But Im a little worried about the prices youre asking.R: You think we about be asking for more? (laughs)D: (chuckles莞尔) Thats not exactly what I had in mind. I know your research costs are high, but what Id like is a 25%

35、discount.R: That seems to b#from 商务谈判实战对话:商讨价格来自学优网end#e a little high, Mr. Smith. I dont know how we can make a profit with those numbers.D: Please, Robert, call me Dan. (pause) Well, if we promise future business - volume sales (大笔交易) - that will slash your costs (大量减低成本) for making the Exec-U-cis

36、er, right?R: Yes, but its hard to see how you can place such large orders. How could you turn over (销磬) so many? (pause) Wed need a guarantee of future business, not just a promise.D: We said we wanted 100pieces over a six-month period. What if we place orders for twelve months, with a guarantee?R:

37、If you can guarantee that on paper, I think we can discuss this further.Robert回公司呈报Dan的提案后,老板很满意对方的采购计划;但在折扣方面则希望Robert能继续维持强硬的态度,尽量探出对方的底线。就在这七上八下的价格翘翘板上,双方是否能找到彼此地平衡点呢?请看下面分解:R: Even with volume sales, our coats for the Exec-U-Ciser wont go down much.D: Just what are you proposing?D: Thats a big c

38、hange from 25! 1is beyond my negotiating limit. (pause) Any other ideas?R: I dont think I can change it right now. Why dont we talk again tomorrow?R: I hope so, Dan. My instructions are to negotiate hard on this deal - but Im try very hard to reach some middle ground (互相妥协).D: I understand. We propo

39、se a structured deal (阶段式和约). For the first six months, we get a discount of 20%, and the next six months we get 15%.R: Dan, I cant bring those numbers back to my office - theyll turn it down flat (打回票).D: Then youll have to think of something better, Robert.Dan上回提议前半年给他们二成折扣,后半年再降为一成半,经Robert推翻后,Da

40、n再三表示让步有限。您知道Robert在这折扣缝隙中游走,如何才能摸出双方都同意的数字呢?他从锦囊里又掏出什么妙计了呢?请看下面分解:R: How about 15% the first six months, and the second six months at 12%, with a guarantee of 300units?D: Thats a lot to sell, with very low profit margins.D: (smiles) O.K., 17% the first six months, 14% for the second?R: Good. Lets i

41、ron out (解决) the remaining details. When do you want to take delivery (取货) ?D: Wed like you to execute the first order by the 31st.R: Let me run through this again: the first shipment for 150units, to be delivered in 27 days, by the 31st.D: Right. We couldnt handle much larger shipments.R: Fine. But

42、 Id prefer the first shipment to be 100units, the next 2015. The 31st is quite soon - I cant guarantee 1500.D: I can agree to that. Well, if theres nothing else, I think weve settled everything.R: Dan, this deal promises big returns (赚大钱) for both sides. Lets hope its the beginning of a long and pro

43、sperous relationship.Dialog 3Smith: What do you have there,Ms.Yang? Yang: Some of our new products.Would you like to have a look at the paterns? Smith:Yes,please. Yang: Here they are,MRS.Smith. Smith: I like this printed poplin.How much is it a yard? Yang:45 pence per yard. Cif London. Smith:Your pr

44、ice is higher than i can accept. Could you come down a little? Yang:What would you suggest? Smith:Could you make it 40pence per yard,CIF London? Yang:Im afraid we cant.This is the best price we can quote. Smith: Lets leave that for the time being. Yang:Are you interested in our pongee? Smith:Yes.Ple

45、ase show me the latest products. Yang: Here it is. Smith:The quality is very good.But nowadays nylon is pushing this material out. Yang: I donot think so. We are sold a lot this month.1/8页Smith:Well, anyway, Ill book a trial order. The price? Yang: Same as we offered last time. Smith:What about the

46、quantity? Yang:200 pieces for September shipment. Smith: All right.Ill take the lot. Yang: How about printed poplin,then? Smith: Theres stall a gap of 5 pence.Will you give me a trade discount? Yang: Sorry. Can we meet each other half way? Smith: What do you mean? Yang: Lets close the deal at 43 pen

47、ce per yard,CIF London. Smith: You drive a hard bargain,(意思是拼命讨价还价),but Ill accept this time. Yang:We will provide good service and quality. Smith: That will be deeply appreciated. Yang: Shall I make out the contract for you to sign tomorrow?Smith: Fine保险金: In terms of CIF, we will offer you With Particular Average.依据CIF(到岸价)价格条款.我们会为您投保水渍险.福特: I think wed better have insurance against All Risks.我想我们最好还是投保一切险.金: W


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