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《英语泛读试题A.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语泛读试题A.doc(8页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流英语泛读试题A.精品文档.英语泛读试题A一单项选择:从所给的四个选项A.B.C.D. 中,选出一个正确的。语法与词汇(20%)1. How long _ English when you _ to London? A. have been studying.go B. had you been studying.went C. did you study.have gone. D. had you studied.had gone. 2. Tony _ who I was, for he didnt say hello to me when

2、we met last night.A. must have forgotten B. cannot have forgottenC. must forget D. cannot forget3. The real sadness of fifty is not that you change so much _ you change so little. A. that B. but that C. than that D. but 4. We promise to help you _ getting “butterflies” in your stomach whenever you s

3、peak in front of a group, and have you _ your self-confidence.A. to avoid.to develop. B. avoid.develop. C. avoiding.to develop. D. avoiding.developing.5. She _ onions very much when she was a child, but now she even hates them. A. used to love B. would love C. was used to love D. used to loving6. _,

4、 they lost no time in training themselves.A. Ropes in their hands B. Ropes in hand C. Take ropes in hand D. Taken ropes in their hands7. The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audience _ on benches, chairs or boxes. A. having seated B. seating C. seated D. having been seated8. _ su

5、ch a good chance, he planned to learn more.A. To be given B. Having been given C. Having given D. Giving9. Having no money but _ to know, he simply said he would go without dinner. A. not wanting anyone B. not to want anyone C. wanted no one D. to want no one 10. A dream of the Red Chamber is said _

6、into dozens of languages in the last decade.A. to have been translated B. to translateC. to be translated D. to have translated21. _ our satisfaction, the motion was eventually _ at the Senate.A. With.past B. To.passedC. In.passed D. At.past22. The professor leaned towards him and _. A. patted his s

7、houlder B. patted him on his shoulder C. patted him on shoulder D. patted him on the shoulder 23. If you _ a crime you can never escape being punished.A. do B. perform C. act D. commit24. I am _ that Congress has passed the legislation. A. aware B. conscious C. alert D. awake 25. Well have to find s

8、omeone to _ Francis tonight as hes ill.A. fill out for B. fill in for C. fill up D. fill with26. He _ art while at school. A. took up B. took on C. took in D. took off 27. The speech the president made yesterday is really _.A. impressive B. impressed C. depressed D. depress28. Large amount of money

9、has been _ to that project. A. used B. committed C. spent D. disposed 29. Before you learn how to drive, you must learn to _ the fear of driving.A. win B. conquer C. go against D. oppose30. It was unsafe to walk on the floor, as some of the floor-boards had _ away. A. wasted B. broken C. destroyed D

10、. rotten 二英汉互译(30%)1.Not only has finger-feeding withstood the passage of time, but some scholars believe that it may be enjoying a comeback.2. If one needs a lift over some obstacles that seems impossible to get beyond, the other wont leave until the obstacle is conquered.3. There are over 100 bran

11、ds of pain relievers, and most come in various forms and various strengths.4. 坦率地说,这是我第一次违心地做事。(against)5. 他不厌其烦地汇报了这次商务谈判的所有细节。(go to the trouble of doing something)6. Most people have found themselves daydreaming about winning a million dollars.许多人都发现自己做过中一百万元彩票的美梦。7.When were in love, it takes le

12、ss stimulation for us to get pleasure.当人身处于爱情之中时,只需要很少一点的刺激就足以让人快乐。8. The brain has to experience a change, or there will be no excitement.大脑必须经历变化,否则就不会有任何兴奋激动的时刻。9. 他在暑假里打零工挣点钱。(take odd jobs)He took odd jobs to earn a bit of money.10. 许多漂亮的货品陈列在橱窗里。(on display)A lot of beautiful goods are on disp

13、lay in the store window.三完型填空(20%)5. Wise buyingWise buying is a positive way in which you can make your money go further. The 1 buying an article or a servicecan actually save you money or can add 2 the cost.Take the 3 example of a hairdryer. If you are buying a hairdryer, you might think you are m

14、aking thebest buy if you chooseone 4 look you like and which is also thecheapest in price. But when you get it home you may find that it 5 twice as long as a more expensive mode to dry your hair. The cost of the electricity plus the cost of your time couldwell make your hairdryer the most expensive

15、one of all.So what principles should you adopt when you go out shopping? If you 6 your home, your car or any valuable possession in excellent condition, youll be saving money in the long 7 .Before you buy a new appliance, talk to someone who owns one. If you can, use it or borrow it to check if it s

16、uits your particular 8 .Before you buy an expensive item or a service, do check the price and 9 is on offer. If possible, choose 10 three items or three estimates. 1. A. form B. fashion C. way D. method2. A. up B. to C. in D. on3. A. easy B. single C. simple D. similar4. A. its B. which C. whose D.

17、what5. A. spends B. takes C. lasts D. consumes6. A. reserve B. decorate C. store D. keep7. A. run B. interval C. period D. time8. A. function B. purpose C. goal D. task9. A. what B. which C. that D. this10. A. of B. in C. by D. from四阅读理解(30%)TaskA. Headache Away1. When you have a headache, do you ra

18、sh to your medicine cabinet or to the drugstore for a pain reliever? If so, youre not alone. People in the United States spend over $2 billion a year on nonprescription pain relievers such as aspirin, acetaminophen and ibuprofen. Although effective, these pain relievers are not without problems. For

19、 example, many pain relievers can have serious side effects.2. So, next time you have a headache, instead of rushing to the drugstore, you might want to try one of these natural headache remedies: 3. 1. Eat something soon. Preferably, eat something high in protein, a substance necessary for growth,

20、the “hungry headache” caused by a drop in the blood-sugar supply, can be a real problem for people not eating enough at mealtimes. Why protein? Because it rebuilds your blood-sugar supply little by little. Sugary foods cause the blood sugar to go up rapidly and then drop again just as fast.4. 2. Was

21、h it away. At the first sign of headache pain, get in the shower, advises Dr. Augustus S. Rose of the UCLA (University of California at Los Angeles) school of Medicine. First take a hot shower even if the pain gets worse. This will make the blood vessels open wide. Follow it immediately with a cold

22、shower. Stay in until you shiver. Repeat this process if necessary. This process works well for a migraine headache. In a migraine headache, the blood vessels of the head first contract (get smaller), then dilate (open up) and press against the nerves. This pressure causes pain. Cold water makes the

23、 blood vessels contract, which eases this pressure on the nerves.5. 3. Freeze it out. If you are miles away from the shower, Dr. Rose suggests putting crushed ice in your mouth. Again, this is useful for a migraine headache. However, this remedy is inappropriate for elderly or sick people.6. 4. Thin

24、k it away. Sit down or lie down and close your eyes. Imagine that it is summer and you are on the beach. An ocean breeze cools your face and your hands and arms grow warmer and warmer in the hot sun. Your hands are really soaking up the sun. They become hot to the touch. Minutes pass, and when you o

25、pen your eyes, you are left with very warm handsand no headache. Thinking warmth into your hands sends blood toward them and away from the head.7. 5. Massage it out. Get to your head through your feet. Massaging the lower part of your big toe and the area under all your toes will lessen tension in t

26、he neck. This tension can often cause a headache.8. 6. Press it away. Some headaches can be cured by a sensitive finger-pressure massage. The massage should be given on sensitive “bigger” points. There are three pairs of points: one at each temple, one under each shoulder blade, and a pair at the ba

27、ck of the neck. Press each point for 15 to 30 seconds at a time. Remember to press both points in a pair at the same time, not just one side. Doing this will help the bodys nature painkillers start working. If you are alone, press the thumb of one hand against the tender spot in the “V” formed by th

28、e thumb and forefinger of the other hand.9. Always see a doctor for continuous or recurring head pain.1. From the passage, we could get to know . (B)A. Nonprescription pain relievers have no side effects.B. American people spend much money on painkillers. C. Natural headache remedies are more effect

29、ive than headache medicines.D. One cant buy pain relievers in the drugstores in the USA.2. Eating a steak can help get rid of a headache because . (D)A. Steak is high in sugar.B. Steak is high in nutrition.C. Steak is high in starch.D. Steak is high in protein.3. Which one of the following statement

30、s is NOT true to the remedy “wash it away”? (A)A. Only hot water should be used when this remedy is applied.B. This remedy works well for a migraine headache.C. This remedy is applicable at the first sight of headache pain.D. Sometimes the process of taking showers should be repeated.4. What is the

31、right way to press headache away? (C)A. Have someone apply pressure to the side of your head that hurts the most.B. Have someone apply pressure to the side of your head that hurts less.C. Have someone apply pressure to sensitive spots on both sides of your head.D. Have someone apply pressure to sens

32、itive spots in your feet.5. The main idea of the passage is . (B)A. More and more American people take medicines to release pains.B. There are many natural headache remedies worth trying to release pains.C. Pain relievers are usually more effective than natural headache remedies.D. Massaging toes ca

33、n lessen tension in the neck. 4. Winning the lotteryis it a dream come true? 1. Most people have found themselves daydreaming about winning a million dollarsas a solution to their money problems or as a path to happiness and a life of luxury. As more and more states set up lottery games, more and mo

34、re people rush to buy a ticket and a dream. The states view lotteries as a way to make money, since only about half of what they take in is given back as prize money. The prize is usually broken down into as many as twenty smaller, yearly payments instead of one huge payment.2. Because there are so

35、many types of lottery games, and they all have winners, it can seem like a very easy thing to winespecially in those rare cases where someone has won more than one game. But in reality, the odds of winning the lottery are very small. In fact, you are more likely to be struck by lightning than to bec

36、ome an instant millionaire.3. But what about those lucky few who do win? Have they achieved the American dreamare they on easy street? Its fun to picture these winners quitting their jobs, going on a wild shopping spree, and spending a lifetime traveling around the world. But according to a survey,

37、most people who win keep their jobs, stay in their neighborhoods and keep the same friends, and theyre careful about how they spend their money.4. When Christene Cooper won $19 million in the California lottery, she was a 20-year-old student working two jobs. According to Christene, “Winning was pre

38、tty unbelievable; it changes so much in your life.” Because they were able to afford to live on their own, she and her high school sweetheart got married. They went to Disney World on their honeymoon, and they bought a BMW convertible, a truck, and a yacht. She bought houses for relatives and set up

39、 a trust fund for her sister.5. But for Gloria Mitchem, winning the Florida lottery prize of $37.4 million was more of a problem than a blessing. She was living in a small town and working in a nursing home when she found out she was a winner. By the next day, crowds of people and reporters were out

40、side her home. She needed a police escort to take her to claim the prize. Then, after a press conference when relatives mentioned that theyd like to buy a fancy car, automobile salesmen started hounding her along with the press. Finally she quit her job, took her child out of day care, and left town

41、. She refuses to speak to reporters, and only her family and a few close friends know where she now lives.6. Even the lottery agencies recognize that winning can open the door to worry as well as happiness. They advise winners to at least get new phone numbers if they cant move. They also recommend

42、getting a good lawyer and financial adviser. To win the lottery you only need luck, but to manage the changes in your life that come with the jackpot, you need lots of planning and good advice.1. More and more states set up lottery games to .(D)A. create job opportunities B. advocate American dreamC

43、. help the poor D. make money 2. About lottery games, which of the following statements is TRUE?(A)A. It is more likely to be struck by lightening than to win a lottery.B. Lottery winners usually get one huge payment once for all.C. It is quite easy to win a lottery game if you calculate carefully.D

44、. Winning lottery games always brings happiness to the winners.3. What is in common for the two lottery winners mentioned in the article?(B)A. Both were troubled by automobile sellers.B. Both bought or intended to buy an automobile.C. Both continue their work and live a happy life.D. Both moved to a

45、 bigger house.4. In Paragraph 3, the underlined phrase on easy street means .(C)A. walking on an easy streetB. walking on a busy streetC. living without worries about moneyD. living without principles5. Lottery winners usually can get from lottery agencies advice except for .(A)A. getting a new job

46、B. getting a new phone numberC. getting a good lawyerD. getting a financial adviserTask B Bickering Employees are bad news in the office1. If youve ever spent time with a bickering couple, you can sympathize with managers who supervise two bickering employees. “Its destructive if two people are arguing,” said Marilyn Moats Kennedy, managing p


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