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1、Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date人教版新目标英语九年级Unit1教案人教版新目标英语九年级Unit1教案Unit 1 How do you study for a test?Part 1: Teaching design (第一部分:教学设计)Structures: verbby with gerundTarget language: How do you study for test?Well,

2、I study by working with my classmates.Have you ever studied with a group?Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way. I dont have a partner to practice English with.Maybe you should join an English club.Vocabulary: flashcard, take notes, frustrating, memorize, aloud, comma, make mistakes, pronunciation,

3、 be afraid to, What about? Why dont you?Learning strategies: Personalizing, Role playingSection AGoals To talk about how to study To read about how to studyProceduresWarming up by greetingHello, everyone! From now on you are a ninth grader. Congratulations to you and I wish you a great success in yo

4、ur studies!Today we shall take up the first unit in this new term, Unit 1 How do you study for a test?Look at the blackboard and read after me the target language for this unit. When you read pay attention to the structure of the sentence.How do you study for test?Well, I study by working with my cl

5、assmates.Have you ever studied with a group?Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way. I dont have a partner to practice English with. Maybe you should join an English club.Learning to Learn is very important. And learning to pass a test is also very important to you. Learning couldnt be easier!If you

6、 have not developed good ways or methods to study for a test, talk to your classmates about it, your parents, or the teacher like me if you are brave enough. You should be brave enough to talk to others about your problems with your studies. Next Id like to give you some useful practical advice abou

7、t studying for a test and also ask you questions to make you think about things such as:using your time effectively motivation how to learn your lessons in the ninth grade year different modes of teaching you may meet how to develop particular skills, such as note-taking in class 1A: Checking the wa

8、ys you studyNext turn to page 2 and check the ways you study for an English test. Then add other ways you use sometimes.How do you study for a test?I study for a test_By reading to the tape; By underlining the expressions; By reading beyond the text; By doing used exam papers; By going over exercise

9、s books; By copying down the text; By learning the text by heart; By speaking with classmatesNow raise your hand and report your added ways to the class. I will make a list of all the added ways on the blackboard.1b Listening and writingListen to understand how these people in the picture on page 2

10、study for a test. Write letters from the pictures. While listening, pay attention to the structures of the sentences.1c Doing a pairworkNow in pairs ask your partner how he or she studies for a test.A: How do you study for a test?B: I study by working with a group.C: I study by listening to English.

11、D. I study by playing games with my classmates.E. I study by doing actions such as coloring, matching.F. I study by singing English songs.G. I study by writing letters and emails.H. I study by acting out simple dialogues.I. I study by listening to and understanding stories.J. I study by writing simp

12、le sentences.K. I study by imitating from the recording.L. I study by speaking out words or phrases.M. I study by doing simple role plays.N. I study by reading and understanding simple stories.O. I study by using daily expressions.P. I study by performing short plays.Q. I study by performing simple

13、rhymes.R. I study by writing sentences for pictures.S. I study by writing out simple poems.T. I study by reading aloud correctly.U. I study by playing text plays.V. I study by working with classmates.W. I study by going over the text before class.X. I study by copying words and expressions.Y. I stud

14、y by looking and saying.Z. I study by asking others questions.2a Listening and checkingNow lets go to page 3. Listen to the tape and check the questions you ask.While listening, pay attention to the structures of the sentences.2b Listening and matchingListen again and match each question from 2a wit

15、h an answer in the box on page 3.2c Doing a pairworkNext we are going to make a conversation in pairs using the information from activities 2a and 2b.A: Have you ever studied with a group?B: Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way.A: Have you ever learned English by watching videos?B: Yes, I have. I

16、ve learned a lot that way.A: Have you ever practiced conversations with friends?B: Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way.A: Have you ever listened to tapes?B: Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way.A: Have you ever read aloud to practice pronunciation?B: Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way.3a

17、 Reading the article and completing the chart1.Reading to the tapeWe are going to read the article on page 4. First we shall read to the tape together. That is, we start reading aloud as the recorder goes, and we stop reading aloud as the recorder stops. While reading, lets pay enough attention to t

18、he pauses, the pronunciation and the intonation of the native reader. Make our reading aloud as the same as the readers.2.Reading and dividing the article into partsNext we are going to read aloud the article slowly and clearly. We will try to divide it into thought groups.3.Reading and underliningW

19、e shall read the article once again, this time, to underline all the useful expressions in it. After school, you are going to write them down in your notebook.4.Translating and completing the chartBecause you have read this article many times you are going to translate it into Chinese first and then

20、 complete the chart on page 4.Who will be the first to have a try?Ways of learning EnglishNot successfulOKSuccessfulLillian LiStudying grammarmemorizing the words of pop songsreading English magazinesWei Mingwatching movieswatching English moviesstudying grammarLiu Changhaving conversations/ with fr

21、iendsjoining the English club3b Doing a pairworkSilence, please! We are going to have a role play in pairs. One of the pair is to be one of the people in 3a. The other is to interview him or her about learning English.Zhao: Excuse me, Li Hong. Could you help me with my English?Li: Yes, please. Whats

22、 the matter?Zhao: I have difficulty studying grammar.Li: Grammar? I never studying grammar. I study English mostly by memorizing the words of pop songs. Zhao: No grammar at all?Li: Yes, I did study grammar. But I study it by reading English magazines. I put grammar learning into reading articles. Th

23、at is the best way to understand English grammar.4 Doing a pairworkTurn to page 4 to check what you do to learn English in the box. Closing down by asking and answeringHow did you learn English? I listened to English them every day. I read English books many times a day. I learned many English songs

24、 by heart. I sang the English songs to myself. I learned every new English word in the text. I learn English by going to English classes. I do English homework at school. I read English textbooks in the evening. I speak English very slowly. I play computer games in English. I read a lot of English s

25、entences in the morning. I do well in class English tests. I get a lot of good advice on learning English from my teacher. I discuss English problems with my classmates. I follow the advice from my father. I learn English sounds from the tape. I use English-English dictionaries. I listen to recordin

26、gs and English-language TV. I talk to native speakers every chance I got. I read books in English, mostly novels. I learn a lot of new words from English books. I write more and more e-mail in English. I use English more than my first language. Most of my reading (websites and books) is in English.

27、Section BGoals To listen about learning English To talk about learning English To read about learning EnglishProceduresWarming up by reading to the recordingHello, everyone. To begin with, lets listen and read to the recording of the text HOW DO YOU LEARN BEST? That is, read aloud to the tape, as fa

28、st as the tape goes, as clearly as the native reader reads. OK? Here we go!My cat speaks English. Sometimes my cat comes to me and tells me that she is hungry. Or that her leg hurts. How does my cat tell me these things? I dont speak pussy-cat language.1a Reading and checkingLearning English can be

29、both easy and difficult. What things are easy for you? And what things are difficult for you? Now turn to page 5, read the list on the top and check the statements that are true for you.1b Making a listYou have read and checked the statements true for you. Now think and make a list of other things d

30、ifficult for you, too.I dont know how to!1. I dont know how to use commas.2. I dont know how to work with others.3. I dont know how to make flashcards.4. I dont know how to read the textbook.5. I dont know how to make vocabulary lists.6. I dont know how to listen to tape.7. I dont know how to ask th

31、e teacher for help.8. I dont know how to study for a test.9. I dont know how to work with a group.10. I dont know how to watch English videos.11. I dont know how to practice conversations with friends. 12. I dont know how to read aloud to practice pronunciation.13. I dont know how to learn by using

32、English.14. I dont know how to get more specific suggestions.15. I dont know how to read English magazines.16. I dont know how to learn new words.17. I dont know how to memorize the words.18. I dont know how to studying grammar19. I dont know how to watching English movies20. I dont know how to join

33、ing the English club21. I dont know how to improve her English22. I dont know how to get lots of practice13. I dont know how to ask teachers about the best ways to learn more English.2a Listening and checkingPaul is a nice boy. He works hard at his English, but still has many learning challenges. No

34、w listen to find out what challenges he has and check them in the box on page 5. 2b Listening and matchingNow listen again to Paul talking about his challenges at learning English and match them with the solutions listed in the box on page 5. While listening, pay attention to the structures of the s

35、entences.2c Doing pairworkIN pairs we are going to role play conversations using the information from activities 2a and 2b. I dont have a partner to practice English with.Maybe you should join an English language club.I cant get the pronunciation right.Listening can help.I forget a lot of new words.

36、Write the new words on cards and study them daily.I cant understand when people talk to me.You can join an English club to talk to people more in English.I cant understand the words in magazines.You can look them up in a dictionary.I dont get much writing practices.Start writing an English diary eve

37、ry day.I read very slowly.You should read to the recording of the text.I make mistakes in grammar.Why dont study the basic sentence patterns3a Reading and cuttingIts time to read the text HOW I LEARN ENGLISH. Now read and check (/) the sentences.We are going to read the text again to study the form

38、and function of all the predicate verbs. Next we shall read the text for the third time to underline all the useful expressions. After class you are to copy them into your notebook. All right, read the text the fourth time and circle all the signal words, or the linking words which connect all the s

39、hort sentences. Now you may read the statements in the box on page 6 following the text. Write “T” or “F” beside each statement. 3b Writing a letterYour friend Lin Feng is having difficulties with her English. Write her a letter telling her how to become a better English learner.Dear Lin Feng,I know

40、 it isnt easy to learn English, but I have some ideas that may help. You said you couldnt understand people who talked fast. Well, you can try to listen for the most important words, not every word. It is difficult to understand by listening what you have not read or what you cant understand well by

41、 reading. To listen well you have to read well. So keep on reading English. Listening and reading to the recording of the text is very important, too. Every text, after being read, should be listened to and read aloud to the tape. At first you may find it difficult to follow the reader reading aloud

42、 the text. Dont worry. If you keep practicing you will be able to read aloud as fast as the native reader from the tape. And then you can understand people who talk fast in English.Yours, Tai Zuo3c Writing an articleYou have been learning English for at least three years. That is such a long time. N

43、ow think about the things that have helped you the most in learning English. Write an article telling others about them.4 Doing an interviewNext we shall do an interview in groups of four. Ask the three group mates about learning English. Take notes of what they say. Tomorrow you shall stand to tell

44、 the class about their answers.Q. What isnt easy about learning English?A. Reading is not easy. Q. What do you do about this?A. I try to cut the sentences into thought groups. Q. What is your favorite way to learn more English?I read and read aloud a lot. These are the best way. SELF CHECK1.Filling

45、in the blankWe shall make a check on our use of expressions first. Turn to page 7 and fill in each blank with the correct word given. Change the form of the word if necessary. Then make your own sentences with each word.Complete the sentencesMake your sentences1. You should write down new English wo

46、rds in a vocabulary list.Dont trust your memory. Write it down.2. If you dont know how to spell new words, look them up in a dictionary.I dont know how to spell your name.3. The best way to improve your English is to join an English club. Id like to join the school football tea. 4. Another thing tha

47、t he find very difficult was English grammar.I find it easy to learn English.5. This kind of paper feels very soft.Do you feel cold?2.Writing an articleTurn to page 7 and write an article about Xu Zheng using the notes on Xu and his essay.Xu Zheng: a boy fond of English Most people in the world speak English as a second language. And so does Xu Zheng. Yesterday I asked Xu Zheng about his ways to learn English. He said he learns by making up conversations


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