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《人工搬运-44.0-Manual-lift-practice.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人工搬运-44.0-Manual-lift-practice.doc(67页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date人工搬运-44.0-Manual-lift-practiceMANUAL LIFT PRACTICEHSE DOCUMENT健康、安全和环保文件Shanghai SECCO Petrochemicals Company Limited上海赛科石油化工有限公司Integrated Project Management Team一体化项目管理组Caojing, Shang

2、hai, P R China中国,上海,漕泾Document Title文件名MANUAL LIFT 人工搬运PR-00-SIJ-SE-0044A00Approved 审批P02For Review 供审核P01For IPMT Review 供IPMT审核P00For Review 供审核R.N15/06/02LYB26/06/02Issue RevIssue or Revision DescriptionOrigin byDateCheck byDateApprovebyDateApprove byDateThis Document is Owned by Michael Tousigna

3、nt IPMT AuthoritySite Safety Practice现场安全规定MANUAL LIFT 人工搬运INDEX目录1 INTRODUCTION引言2 AIM目的3 INTERPRETATION解释4 RECOMMENDED MANUAL LIFT PRACTICES人工搬运物件方法1 INTRODUCTION 引言For convenience and speed many people will be tempted to lift a load manually which is too heavy or too awkwardly placed to be moved

4、without causing damage to their backs. Handling loads is one of the major causes of industrial accidents.为了图方便和快捷,许多人不管面前的东西有多沉,都试图用人拉肩扛的办法去搬动。结果,或者由于东西太重,或者由于放的地方太尴尬,不适宜人工搬动,反正,用足了十二分的劲,东西没搬成,反而把腰给扭了。实践表明,搬运重物的方法不当是导致工伤事故的主要原因之一。2 AIM 目的The aim of this practice is provide some useful guideline to t

5、hose who plan and carry out manual lifting on SECCO Project site.本规程的目的是希望对那些打算在赛科项目现场用手工搬运的员工提出一些建设性的指导意见。3 INTERPRETATION 解释3.1 Manual Handling Operations手工搬运的操作Manual handling operations mean the lifting, putting down, pushing, pulling, carrying, or moving of a load with hands or bodily force, by

6、 the effort of one or more workers. Manual handling also includes supporting a load in a static posture, by the hands, shoulder or any other part of the body. The effort may be applied directly to the load, or indirectly by hauling on a rope or pulling on a lever to support or move the load. Introdu

7、cing mechanical assistance, for example a sack truck or powered hoist, may reduce but not eliminate manual handling since human effort is still required to move, steady or position the load.手工搬运意谓一人或多人用双手或体力举起、放下、推拉、提升或移动重物。手工搬运也包括有双手、肩部或身体的其它部位支撑静止的重物。手工搬运时的力可以是直接施加在重物上,也可以是通过绳索拖曳或用撬杠抬拉间接地施加在物体上,其目

8、的都是为了支撑或搬动物体。采用机械辅助设备,例如手推车、电动葫芦等或许可以降低手工搬运的可能性,但不能从根本上消除手工搬运的必要性,因为要移动、固定或放置一件重物,人力的参与总是少不了的。3.2 Load重物A load in this context must be a discreet moveable object. Loads being handled may be different from one workplace to the next, and may consist of barrels, drums or sacks, hot kettles of soup in t

9、he galley, chain hoists in the rigging loft, material supported on a shovel when loading a vessel or container or furniture to be moved in the office. An implement, tool or machine - such as a portable drill or grinder - is not considered to constitute a load while it is in use for its intended purp

10、ose.本文中讲到的重物一定是指那些既沉重又可移动的物体。视作业场所的不同,需要搬动的物体也不尽相同。有的是斗装的、有的是桶装的或麻袋装的,有的是盘中一壶壶滚烫的鲜汤,有的是传动装置中一节节死沉死沉的链条,有可能是装船或装车时铁铲里的材料,也有可能是办公室中一件件需要搬动的家具。而一般认为,一件正在正常使用中的器具、工具或设备,例如手提式电钻、砂轮等不属于重物。3.3 Injury受伤The Site Safety Practice seek to prevent injury not only the back but to any part of the body. Various inj

11、uries may result from the external physical properties of a load which might either affect grip or cause direct injury, for example slipperiness, roughness, sharp edges, or extremes of temperature. Injury may also result from the weight, shape, size, rigidity or lack of rigidity of a load or from mo

12、vement of its contents.现场安全规定当然是不仅希望避免员工背部受伤,也避免身体的其它部位受伤。综观各类伤害事故,其中很多是由于物件的外部物理特性引起的,这些特性或者影响人们抓握的牢度,或者直接导致人员受伤,譬如表面滑溜、过分粗糙,边缘锋利或者温度太高。除此之外,物件本身的重量、形状、尺寸、硬度或硬度不足,甚至物件的构成都有可能导致人员受伤。4 RECOMMENDED MANUAL LIFTING PRACTICES人工搬运操作方法a) First Line Supervisors have the primary role to avoid, so far as is r

13、easonably practicable, the need for employees in their charge to undertake any manual handling operation at work which involves a risk of their being injured.生产第一线的各级主管所担负的一项基本责任是在合理、可行的原则指导下,尽量避免自己属下的员工冒着受伤的危险用人工办法搬运物件。b) No person should attempt or should be asked to lift a weight that is too heav

14、y, and if there is any doubt, persons should be encouraged to make a trial lift of only a few centimeters, If the activity involves twisting while holding the load, repetitive lifting, or lowering or carrying over a long distance, then the risk of injury increases and hence a risk assessment is requ

15、ired. Refer to Appendix 1 for Assessment Checklist.任何人都不应该尝试手工搬动过分重的物件,也不允许任何人要求别人手工搬运过分重的物件。员工在搬动物件之前,如果无法一下子估摸出它的重量,应该先试着提起几公分,以了解它的大致重量。如果工作中需要用扭曲的姿势扶住物件,如果需要长距离地重复提升、放下或搬动某个物件,则受伤的危险会大大增加。因此,对于这一类工作,要预先进行风险评估。参见附录一“风险评估检查表”。c) It is difficult to generalize about the optimum or maximum weight of

16、a load to be lifted, because there are so many factors involved besides the actual weight to be lifted. If lifting has to be frequently repeated, the acceptable weight of the load rapidly diminishes.要为手工搬运规定一个最佳或最大的统一重量标准显然是困难的,这是因为除了被搬动物体的实际重量之外,整个搬动过程还牵涉到许多其它因素。比方说,如果需要频繁地提举物件,则提举物体的允许重量必定要大大减小。d)

17、 All employees must be trained in manual lifting techniques.所有的员工都必须接受人工搬运的技能培训。e) Following procedure should be adopted when carry out manual lifting: 在用人工方法搬运物件时,至少必须遵守下列几项规定: Check that the area through which the load is to be moved is clean and tidy. Make sure that shoes have a good grip and pre

18、ferably that they are fitted with protective toecaps. Wear appropriate clothing that will not become entangled with the load during the lift. Wear gloves to protect hands from nails, splinters etc. 检查将要搬运物体的现场是否干净整洁。注意穿着的鞋子不要太宽松以防脱落,鞋子的头部最好有脚趾保护支衬。衣服穿着要适当,以免在搬运过程中钩住物件。另外要带好手套,以防钉子、碎片一类的尖器伤手。 Stand c

19、lose to the load with feet about 18 inches apart and bend the knees as necessary to grip the load if it is low down, keeping the back straight. 搬运时,两脚距离物件45cm以上,如果要放下物件,必要时应该跪下双腿,保持背部挺直。 Lift by straightening the legs. Do not lift above chest height. 提举物件时,双腿要站直,提举重物时,不要高过胸部。 Keep the load close to

20、the body throughout transit. Avoid twisting the body by moving the feet when changing direction. 搬动物件过程中,要使物件尽量靠近自己的身体。在转向时,不要因为移动脚步而使身体扭曲。 To lower the load, bend the knees and again keep the back straight. 在放下物件时,跪下双膝,并保持背部挺直。 If possible, avoid lifting altogether. Use a trolley or barrow instead

21、如果可能,尽量避免全部用人工搬运。可以找一辆电动车帮助运送。实在找不到,找一辆手推车也行。 Refer to Appendix 2 for illustrated manual lift guide. 有关人工搬运的直观解释,请参阅附录二。a) Team lifting must be properly planned. To enable load sharing, lifting partners should be of similar height and build and should be trained together. There should be a person no

22、minated as team leader to co-ordinate the lift. 对于合伙进行的人工搬运,要作好正确的计划。为了使各人吃力均匀,要使合伙搬运的各人承受大致相等的重量,而且应该在一起接受这方面的培训。在合伙的一帮人中间,应该指定一个头儿,以起到协调的作用。APPENDIX 1附录一MANUAL HANDLING ASSESSMENT RECORD No. Date .人工搬物评估记录 编号 日期Questions to consider:需要考虑的问题:Level of Risk风险等级Notes注释The task - does it involve:任务-是否含

23、有下列行为?Yes无风险Low低风险Med一般风险High高风险- awkward posture or movement- 姿势笨拙或移动局促?- twisting or handling from/to side?- 身体扭曲或前后左右搬动?- stooping/leaning/stretching forward?- 弯腰曲背/前倾后仰?- reaching upward to take/place the load?- 要踮着脚尖取/放物件?- lifting/lowering excessive distance?- 提举/放下物件的距离太长?- load held away fro

24、m body?- 物件是否靠近身体?- carrying excessive distance (10m)?- 搬运的距离是否太长(大于十米)?- change of grip/loss of grip?- 抓握方式改变/没有抓手?- unpredictable load movement?- 物件的搬运无法预知?- risk of trapping hand or feet?- 有否压着手、脚的危险?- risk of knocking head, elbows or knees?- 有否撞伤头部、肘部或膝部的威胁?- overbalancing, slipping or tripping?

25、- 东倒西歪/滑倒/拌倒?- frequent/prolonged physical effort?- 频繁/长时间体力劳动?The Load - is it:重物-是否- bulky, flexible or unwieldy?- 体积庞大、柔软无骨或笨重无度?- out of balance/centre of gravity not central?- 轻重不均/重心不处于物件中心?- unstable/contents likely to shift?- 装载不稳/内里的东西没有定势?称- intrinsically harmful (rough/sharp/hot)?- 物件本身就存

26、在着危险(粗糙/快口/灼热)?- wet or slippery?- 物件湿滑?- poorly packaged, difficult to grasp?- 包装不当,难以抓握?- impairing handlers vision?- 搬运者的视线被挡?The Working Environment - is there:作业环境-有否:- space constraints to good posture?- 空间狭窄,无法伸展手脚?- slippery, uneven or unstable floors?- 地板打滑、高低不平或摇晃?- variation in floor/work

27、 surface levels?- 地面情况多变/作业表面平整?- obstacles/tripping hazards?- 障碍物/拌脚物?- ladders or stairs to be negotiated?- 需要通过梯子/楼梯?- strong wind or air movement?- 有大风或强气流通过?- hot or cold or humid conditions- 周围环境是热、是冷还是潮湿?- movement between contrasting environments?- 在明暗对比强烈的环境中搬运物件?- poor lighting, shadows, s

28、trong glare?- 照明不良,有阴影或令人眩晕的光照?Individual Capability:个人能力:- task too strenuous: age/physical ability?- 任务太重:年龄/体力?- task requires unusual strength or height?- 任务需要不寻常的力量或身高?- task requires special knowledge/skill/training?- 任务需要特殊的知识/技能/培训?- is training satisfactory and updated regularly?- 培训是否足够,是否

29、接受定期的培训?- is movement/posture hindered by PPE?- 搬运和姿势是否与个人保护用品相抵触?- are team handlers equally matched?- 合伙搬运时,搭档是否配合均匀?- is risk due to handlers lack of confidence?- 是否存在着由于搬运者信心不足而产生的风险?Other Factors:其它因素:Indicate your overall assessment of the risk of injury: Insignificant/Low/Medium/High给出你对受伤风险的

30、总体评估意见: 风险不明显/低/中等/高Assessors signature评估者签名 .Dept Ref Ind部门编号. Date日期.MANUAL HANDLING ASSESSMENT RECORD No. Date .人工搬物评估记录 编号 日期Steps taken to reduce the risk should be appropriate. Address the problem in a practical and effective manner. The emphasis given to each of the factors may depend upon th

31、e nature and circumstances of the operations.为降低风险而采取的步骤应该恰当。以实用、可行和有效的方式处理这类问题。重点解决哪些问题,取决于操作的性质和环境。The task - is practicable to:任务-是可行的:Priority优先级High高Med中Low低- Improve the layout/modify work routine- 改进场地布局/更改作业方式- Change the layout/modify work routine- 改变场地布局/更改作业方式- Change the sequence of oper

32、ations- 改变操作顺序- Introduce job rotation, adopt team handling- 进行岗位轮换,采用合伙搬运- Reduce the range of load movement- 控制物件搬运的范围- Eliminate stretching/twisting/stooping- 避免弯腰曲背/前倾后仰- Provide intermediate rest point- 提供中间休息点- Employ another handling technique- 采用其它的搬运技术- Bring handler closer to the load- 搬运者

33、要靠近物件- Push or pull the load- 推拉物件- Use mechanical assistance/levers/sack truck/trolley, etc.- 使用机械辅助器具/杠杆/手推车/电动车等等- Use hoist/winch/jack/ramp/conveyor/chute, etc.- 使用吊车/绞盘/千斤顶/斜坡/输送带/斜道等等- Frequently prolonged physical effort?- 频繁的长时间体力劳动?The Load - is it practicable to:物件-是否可行:- Make it lighter,

34、easier to handle/control- 尽量做得轻巧,易于搬动,方便掌控- Improve shape/make less bulky, make it shorter/less flexible- 改进形状/减小体积,使之短小又硬扎。- Improve containment/packaging, stabilise contents- 改善封扎/包装样式,避免内里的东西东倒西歪。- Move powdes/liquids in smaller containers- 用较小的容器搬运粉末或液态类物件- Bring heavier side/centre of gravity c

35、loser to body- 使物件较重的一侧或重心所在一侧靠近搬运者的身体- Improve grip with special gloves/suction pads/tools- 通过带手套、吸盘或使用特殊工具来改善抓握效果- Add additional hand holds/hand grips- 增加握柄或抓手The Working Environment - is it practicable to:作业环境-是否可行:- Relocate workplace, increase floor space/headroom- 重新选择作业场所,增加地面空间或高度- Install

36、shelter/windbreak- 安装防护设备/防风设备- Improve floor surface/clear tripping hazards- 改进地面状况/清理拌脚物- Provide special footwear- 提供特殊的鞋类- Level uneven floors/work surfaces- 整平七高八低的地板/作业场地- Remove obstacles/constraints to movement- 移走碍手碍脚的障碍物/隔离物- Supply clothing/PPE more suited to conditions- 提供合适的衣着/更适合于环境的个人

37、保护用品- Properly direct lighting/improve lighting level, shield dazzle/glare- 合适的直接照明/改进照明度/遮避令人眩目的光照/灯光- Ensure high standard of good housekeeping- 确保高标准的内务管理The Individual Capability - is it practicable to:个人能力-是否可行:- Design the task to suit the handlers- 改善设计,使物件更易于搬运- Improve handlers capability w

38、ith special training- 通过特别培训,改善搬运能力- Ensure handlers clearly understand the operations- 确保搬运者清楚地了解搬运要求- Provide full and specific information on loads- 提供有关物件的全面而具体的信息- Provide clear warnings with respect to risks- 凡是有危险的地方,要提供清晰明了的警告标志- Train handlers to deal with potentially dangerous situations-

39、对搬运者进行处理危险情况的培训- Train handlers to deal with unfamiliar loads- 对搬运者进行搬运不熟悉物件的培训- Ensure handlers always employs handling aids provided- 确保搬运者始终如一地使用搬运辅助器械- Ensure regular retraining- 确保提供定期的再培训Other factors:其它因素:Indicate your overall assessment of the risk of injury: Insignificant/Low/Medium/High给出你对受伤风险的总体评估意见: 风险不明显/低/中等/高Assessors signature评估者签名 .Dept Ref Ind部门编号. Date日期.-


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