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《B1U2英语一轮复习.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《B1U2英语一轮复习.ppt(21页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 Why has English changed over time? Actually all languages change and develop when cultures meet and communicate 1_ each other. At first the English 2_ (speak) in England between about AD 450 and 1150 was very different from the English 3_ is spoken today. 4_ was based more on German than the Englis

2、h spoken at present. Then 5_ (gradual) between about AD 800 and 1150, English became less like German because those 6_ ruled England spoke first Danish and later French. These new settlers enriched the English language and especially its vocabulary. spokenIt gradually whichwho一、课文填一、课文填 空空 with So b

3、y the 1600s Shakespeare was able to make use of a 7 _ (wide) vocabulary than ever before. In 1620 some British settlers moved to America. Later in the 18th century some British people 8_ (take) to Australian too. English began to be spoken in both 9_ (country). Finally by 10_ 19th century the langua

4、ge was settled. Today more people speak English 11 _ their first, second or a foreign language than ever before.widerwere takentheascountries重点单词重点单词 1. adj. 本国的本国的;本地的本地的 n. 本地人本地人;本国人本国人 n. 国家国家 adj. 国家的国家的 n. 国籍国籍_ adj. 国际的国际的2. adv. 实际上实际上;事实上事实上 adj. 实际的实际的3. vt. 以以为根据为根据 n. 基部基部;基地基地;基础基础 adj.

5、 基础的基础的;基本的基本的 adv. 基本上,大基本上,大体上;从根本上说体上;从根本上说nativenativenationnationalnationalityactuallyactual basebasicbasebasicallyinternational5. n. 本身本身;本体本体;身份身份 v. 确认确认;验明验明6. adj. 流利的流利的;流畅的流畅的 adv. 流利地流利地;流畅地流畅地 n. 命令命令;指令指令 vt. 命令命令;指令指令;掌握掌握 n. 指挥官指挥官8. n. 词语词语;表达表达;表示表示 v. 表达表达;表示表示9. _ v. 使富裕,充实,改善使富

6、裕,充实,改善_ adj. 丰富的丰富的 _ 富含富含4. adj. 逐渐的逐渐的;逐步的逐步的 adv. 逐渐地逐渐地;逐步地逐步地graduallygradualidentityidentifyfluentfluently commandcommandcommander expressexpressionenrichrichbe rich in1. The students will pay a visit to the Science Museum, Tom and John _(include).2. The students will pay a visit to the Scien

7、ce Museum, _(include) Tom and John.2. His _(nation) language is Chinese though he speaks fluent English.3. My cousin studies in a university in Guangzhou, which is a _ (south) city.4. _(actual), the old man is easy to get along with.5. She asks us for dinner just out of _ (polite).用所给词的正确形式填空用所给词的正确

8、形式填空includingincludednativesouthernActuallypoliteness1. 因为因为;由于由于2. 现在现在;目前目前3. 走近走近;上来上来;提出提出4. 利用利用;使用使用5. 扮演一个角色扮演一个角色;参与参与6. 例如例如7. 以以为基础为基础because of at present come up make use of play a part/ role (in) such as be based onclose to8. 接近,靠近接近,靠近Now electricity _peoples daily life.2. There are ma

9、ny subjects for students to choose, _ chemistry, physics and biology.The theory _ his long research on the wildlife.4. _the bad weather, they had to put off the sports meeting.5. Go ahead, and youll find the cinema _of the road.because of, such as, play an important part in, at the end, be based on

10、,be close to plays an important part insuch asis based onBecause ofat the end1. Native English speakers can understand each other even if they dont speak the same kind of English.even if.尽管尽管/即使即使模仿造句: 尽管你取得了进步,你还是要努力。Even if you have made progress, you should still work hard.尽管英语难学,为了考上理想的大学我们也要把它学

11、好。尽管英语难学,为了考上理想的大学我们也要把它学好。Even if English is difficult to learn, _, we should learn it well in order to be admitted to an ideal university. 2. It was based more on German than the English we speak at present.当时的英语更多的是以德语为当时的英语更多的是以德语为基础的基础的, 而现代英语不是。而现代英语不是。(B1P10)morethan 比比更更;与其说;与其说不如说不如说例:例:(1)

12、 当他儿子再次撒谎时他感到更多的是伤心而不当他儿子再次撒谎时他感到更多的是伤心而不是生气。是生气。He was more sad than angry when his son lied again. 幸运的是幸运的是, 他受的伤不重他受的伤不重, 只是受惊了。只是受惊了。Luckily, he was more frightened than hurt.3. Believe it or not, there is no such thing as standard English. 信不信由你,世界上没有什么标准英语。信不信由你,世界上没有什么标准英语。Believe it or not 插

13、入语插入语, 信不信由你信不信由你常见插入语常见插入语generally speaking frankly speakingto tell you the truthto be frank to be exactto make matter worse whats worsewhats more一般来说一般来说坦白来说坦白来说说真的,老实说说真的,老实说坦白说坦白说确切地说确切地说更糟糕的是更糟糕的是更糟糕的是更糟糕的是而且,另外而且,另外Believe it or not, there is no such thing as standard English. 信不信由你,世界上没有什么标准

14、英语信不信由你,世界上没有什么标准英语。such用法小结no such as 没有这样的没有这样的such as 例如例如suchas 像像这样的这样的suchthat 这样这样以致以致模仿造句模仿造句: (1) 信不信由你,这世上没有什么鬼之类的东西。信不信由你,这世上没有什么鬼之类的东西。Believe it or not, there is no such thing as ghost.(2) 她是个如此善良的女孩以致班上每个人都喜欢她。她是个如此善良的女孩以致班上每个人都喜欢她。She is such a kind girl that everyone in the class lik

15、es her. 4. This is because in the early days of radio, those who reported the news were expected to speak excellent English. those who 那些那些的人的人模仿造句: 老师说那些要去爬山的人明早七点在校门口集合。The teacher said _ should gather at the school gate at 7am tomorrow. those who want to climb the mountain句子翻译句子翻译(1) 即使困难重重即使困难重重

16、,你也应该坚持干下去。你也应该坚持干下去。(2) 与其说他是个老师不如说他是个学者。与其说他是个老师不如说他是个学者。(3) 经常运用英语在英语学习中起着重要作用。经常运用英语在英语学习中起着重要作用。(4) 因为天气不好,我们不得不推迟运动会。因为天气不好,我们不得不推迟运动会。(5) 我应该充分利用每一个机会用英语同他人交流,如我应该充分利用每一个机会用英语同他人交流,如老师、同学和室友等。老师、同学和室友等。(6) 现在我的英语成绩有了很大提高现在我的英语成绩有了很大提高,这是因为我改变这是因为我改变了对英语学习的态度。了对英语学习的态度。(7) 任何方法都建立在努力的基础上。任何方法都

17、建立在努力的基础上。 (8) 信不信由你信不信由你, 用这种方式学习一段时间后用这种方式学习一段时间后, 你会发现你会发现英语学习比以前容易多了。英语学习比以前容易多了。(9) 目前,学习英语的最好方法是使用英语。目前,学习英语的最好方法是使用英语。句子翻译句子翻译(1) 即使困难重重即使困难重重,你也应该坚持干下去。你也应该坚持干下去。Even if there are many difficulties, you should insist on doing that. (2) 与其说他是个老师不如说他是个学者。与其说他是个老师不如说他是个学者。He is more a scholar t

18、han a teacher.(3) 经常运用英语在英语学习中起着重要作用。经常运用英语在英语学习中起着重要作用。Using English frequently plays an important part in English learning.(4) 因为天气不好,我们不得不推迟运动会。因为天气不好,我们不得不推迟运动会。We have to delay our sports meeting because of the bad weather.(5) 我应该充分利用每一个机会用英语同他人交流,如我应该充分利用每一个机会用英语同他人交流,如老师、同学和室友等。老师、同学和室友等。I sh

19、ould make good use of every opportunity to communicate in English with other people, such as my teachers, my classmates and my roommates.(6) 现在我的英语成绩有了很大提高现在我的英语成绩有了很大提高,这是因为我改变了这是因为我改变了对英语学习的态度。对英语学习的态度。My English has improved a lot. This is because I have changed my attitude to English.(7) 任何方法都建立

20、在努力的基础上。任何方法都建立在努力的基础上。 Any method is based on hard work.(8) 信不信由你信不信由你, 用这种方式学习一段时间后用这种方式学习一段时间后, 你会发现英你会发现英语学习比以前容易多了。语学习比以前容易多了。Believe it or not, after you have learned it in this way for some time, youll find English learning much easier than ever before.(9) 目前,学习英语的最好方法是使用英语。目前,学习英语的最好方法是使用英语。

21、 At present, the best way to learn English is to use it.书面表达书面表达 假定你是李华,你刚收到你的笔友假定你是李华,你刚收到你的笔友MaryMary的来信。的来信。信上说她英语成绩很差,而高考即将到来,为此信上说她英语成绩很差,而高考即将到来,为此她很着急,于是你给她写了一封回信。内容包括她很着急,于是你给她写了一封回信。内容包括: 1. 1. 安慰她;安慰她; 2. 2.你的做法和建议。你的做法和建议。注意:注意: 1. 1.词数词数100100左右左右 2. 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 3

22、. 3. 开头和结束语已为你写好开头和结束语已为你写好Dear Mary, I am sorry to hear that you are having trouble in learning English. _ I hope youll find these useful. Yours, Li HuaDear Mary, I am sorry to hear that you are having trouble in learning English. Dont worry about it. Now Id like toshare my experience of learning E

23、nglish with you. Since vocabulary is an essential part of language, Imake every effort to memorize as many words as possibleevery day and put them to use whenever possible. Here are some tips to help you. First, you should read more English newspapers, magazines and books in order to develop your in

24、terest which playsan important part in learning a language. Then, youshould make use of every opportunity to use what youhave learned. Finally, I suggest you participate in Englishactivities, such as English contests and festivals. I hope youll find these useful. Yours, Li Hua1. because ; because of

25、 改错改错:Because of I spend little time memorizing English words, so my vocabulary is so small.=Because of _.my spending little time memorizingEnglish words, my vocabulary is so small.印度曾经被英国统治过,所以许多印度人能说流利的英语印度曾经被英国统治过,所以许多印度人能说流利的英语Because India was once ruled by Britain, many Indians can speak fluent English.因为博客的广泛流行,我们不得不重视这个传播媒介。因为博客的广泛流行,我们不得不重视这个传播媒介。Because blog is very popular, we have to pay attention to this media.Because of the popularity of blog, we have to pay attention to this media.


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