四川省成都外国语学校2013届高三2月月考 英语 Word版含答案.doc

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1、【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流四川省成都外国语学校2013届高三2月月考 英语 Word版含答案.精品文档.成都外国语学校高2013级2013年2月月考英 语 试题命题人:余德生 张聪 审题人:邓晓婷 袁婳 负责人:刘艳玲本试卷分第I卷(选择题,共90分)和第II卷(非选择题,共60分)两部分。满分150分,考试时间120分钟。注意事项:1. 答题前,考生务必认真核对条形码上的姓名、准考证号和座位号,准确无误后将本人姓名、准考证号和座位号填写在答题卡相应位置上;2. 答选择题时,必须使用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号

2、;3. 答题时,必须使用黑色签字笔,将答案规范、整洁地书写在答题卡规定的位置上;4. 所有题目必须在答题卡上作答,在试卷上答题无效;5. 考试结束后将答题卡交回,不得折叠、损毁答题卡。第I卷(选择题,共90分) 第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 语法和词汇知识(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从A、四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1. Had they known what was coming next, they second thoughts.A. may haveB. could have C. must have had D

3、. might have had2. At this time next week _ the English Channel.A. Ill cross B. Ill be crossing C. Im to cross D. Im going to cross3. It would seem to be a general truth_ nothing is as straightforward as it at first seems. A. that B. when C. what D. if4. Brian was about to_ when he suddenly found an

4、 answer to the question.A. make up B. look up C. turn up D. give up5. Finished? No, Ive got _three questions to answer.A. other B. another C. these D. those6. Who is absent from the lecture today? _you ask? Peter, of course.A. Would B. Can C. Could D. Need7. Many people prefer large cars, _large car

5、s are safer than small ones. A. thinking B. to think C. think D. having thought8. In order to find the missing child, villagers _ all they can over the past five hours.A. did B. do C. had done D. have been doing9. The lady starred in many films. Really? But rarely _in public nowadays.A. she is seen

6、B. is she seen C. was she seen D. she was seen 10. The girl looks so beautiful. Is she a model or a film star? _. Shes a nurse. A. You bet B. Forget about it. C. Far from it. D. Whatever you say第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、和)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。I often read of incide

7、nts of misunderstanding or conflict. Im left 11 . Why do these people create mistrust and problems, especially with those from other 12 ?I was growing up in Kuala Lumpur in the early 1960s, 13 children from different races and religions played and studied 14 in harmony. At that time my family lived

8、a stones 15 from Ismails. And no one was bothered that Ismail was a Malay Muslim and I was an Indian Hinduwe just 16 our differences. Perhaps, our elders had not filled our heads with unnecessary advice, well 17 or otherwise. We were nine when we became friends. During the school holidays, wed 18 th

9、e countryside on our bicycles, hoping to 19 the unexpected. At times Ismail would accompany my family as we made a rare shopping trip to town. We would be glad of his 20 . When I was twelve, my family moved to Johor. Ismails family later returned to their village, and I 21 touch with him. One spring

10、 afternoon in 1983, I stopped a taxi in Kuala Lumpur. I 22 my destination. The driver acknowledged my 23 but did not move off. Instead, he looked 24 at me. “Raddar?” he said, using my childhood nickname. I was astonished at being so 25 addressed (称呼). Unexpectedly! It was Ismail! Even after two 26 w

11、e still recognized each other. Grasping his shoulder, I felt a true affection, something 27 to describe. If we can allow our children to be 28 without prejudice, theyll build friendships with people, regardless of race or religion, who will be 29 their side through thick and thin. On such friendship

12、s are societies built and 30 we can truly be, as William Shakespeare once wrote,“we happy few, we band of brothers”. 11. A. interested B. pleased C. puzzled D. excited12. A. parties B. cities C. villages D. races13. A. why B. which C. how D. when14. A. together B. around C. alone D. apart15. A. drop

13、 B. throw C. move D. roll16. A. refused B. made C. sought D. accepted17. A. paid B. meant C. preserved D. treated18. A. explore B. search C. discover D. desert19. A. get through B. deal with C. come across D. take away20. A. arrival B. choice C. effort D. company21. A. lost B. gained C. developed D.

14、 missed22. A. stated B. ordered C. decided D. chose23. A. attempts B. instructions C. opinions D. arrangements24. A. anxiously B. carelessly C. disappointedly D. fixedly25. A. familiarly B. strangely C. fully D. coldly26. A. departures B. months C. years D. decades。27. A. possible B. funny C. hard D

15、. clear28. A. them B. themselves C. us D. ourselves29. A. from B. by C. with D. against30. A. still B. otherwise C. then D. instead第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分) 第一节(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、和)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ABicycle SafetyOperationAlways ride your bike in a safe, controlled manner on campu

16、s. Obey rules and regulations. Watch out for walkers and other bicyclists, and always use your lights in dark conditions.Theft PreventionAlways securely lock your bicycle to a bicycle rackeven if you are only away for a minute. Register your bike with the University Department of Public Safety. Its

17、fast, easy, and free. Registration permanently records your serial number, which is useful in the possible recovery of the bike stolen.EquipmentBrakesMake sure that they are in good working order and adjusted properly.HelmetA necessity, make sure your helmet meets current safety standards and fits p

18、roperly.LightsAlways have a front headlightvisible at least 500 feet in front of the bike. A taillight is a good idea.Rules of the RoadRiding on CampusAs a bicycle rider, you have a responsibility to ride only on streets and posted bicycle paths. Riding on sidewalks or other walkways can lead to a f

19、ine. The speed limit for bicycles on campus is 15 mph, unless otherwise posted. Always give the right of way to walkers. If you are involved in an accident, you are required to offer appropriate aid, call the Department of Public Safety and remain at the scene until the officer lets you go.Bicycle P

20、arkingOnly park in areas reserved for bikes. Trees, handrails, hallways, and sign posts are not for bicycle parking, and parking in such spots can result in a fine.If Things Go WrongIf you break the rules, you will be fined. Besides violating rules while riding bicycles on campus, you could be fined

21、 for:No bicycle registration$25 Bicycle parking banned$30Blocking path with bicycle$40 Violation of bicycle equipment requirement$3531.Registration of your bicycle may help you .A. find your stolen bicycle B. get your serial numberC. receive free repair services D. settle conflicts with walkers32.Ac

22、cording to the passage, what bike equipment is a free choice for bicycle riders?A. Brakes.B. A helmet. C. A headlight.D. A taillight.33.If you lock your bicycle to a tree on the campus, you could be fined .A.$25B.$30C.$35 D.$4034. What is the passage mainly about?A. A guide for safe bicycling on cam

23、pus. B. Directions for bicycle tour on campus.C. Regulations of bicycle race on campus. D. Rules for riding motor vehicles on campus.BFor most of my 15 years, my father usually said very little to my mother and me. He preferred reading the newspaper or watching football matches on television to talk

24、ing to his family. Everything changed one morning. As soon as I came downstairs to breakfast, I could see that he wasnt his usual reserved (缄默的) self. “Cant wait! FIFA World Cup! Big match! Must see!” I quickly figured out what all the excitement was about: Dad is a big football fan. I had never bee

25、n interested in football, but Dads excitement that morning made me more and more curious. I had to find out why this sport was making my normally reserved father act like a five-year-old on his first trip to Disneyland. Dad decided that we should all eat at a little German restaurant so that we coul

26、d watch the World Cup while eating. Secretly, I think he was hoping to turn Mum and me into football fans. The match started a few minutes after we entered the restaurant. As I was eating my meal, a loud noise came from the television. Surprised, I looked up at the TV: “Why is that man jumping up an

27、d down?” Dad patiently explained: “Thats Papa Bouba Diop, my son. Its normal for them to jump up and down after theyve scored.” Dad explained almost everything to me. His monosyllabic (单音节的) answers were a thing of the past. I loved the new Dad! I watched the rest of the match, becoming more and mor

28、e interested. When I told my father that I planned to watch more matches with him, he smiled and gave me a wink (眨眼). At long last we had something in common. Football has really helped Dad and me get closer and form a stronger relationship with each other. Who says football is only about 22 men run

29、ning after a silly ball? 35. Which of the following words can best describe the authors father? A. A talkative football player. B. A parent busy at work. C. An encouraging father. D. A man of few words.36. What made the author curious about his father one morning? A. His unusual excitement. B. His u

30、nexpressed eagerness.C. His great interest in the newspaper. D. His high expectation of the winner.37. The authors growing interest in watching the match mainly came from_. A. his and his fathers common love of German foodB. watching a top level performance of the playersC. his fathers love of footb

31、all and his explanationD. eating in a restaurant with the excited fans38. What can we learn from the passage? A. Sharing is the foundation of good relationship.B. Family members should be fans together.C. Interest is the mother of success.D. Personality decides everything.CBased on new analysis, we

32、are rapidly approaching major climate change and the effects on society and the environment could be quite severe. Geographers predict that within the next eighty years, current world climate zones could shift and some could completely disappear. Polar regions will get colder while tropical regions

33、will get even hotter, forcing animals to migrate (迁徙) north. Climate changes like these could lead to the spread of diseases. Tropical storms and hurricanes will not only increase but may also become more intense. If the changes come too quickly, animal and plant species may not be able to adapt fas

34、t enough and could disappear. According to Science Daily, a new study predicts that by the year 2100, many of todays familiar climates will be replaced by climates unknown in todays world. It is urgent that we reduce the risks of these far-reaching consequences for the whole world. The planet itself

35、 has been showing signs of change. In 2004, a serious tsunami created by a major earthquake killed thousands in Sumatra and in 2008, thousands died in China because of another severe earthquake. Egypt was hit in 2009 with a major earthquake and Haiti was devastated in 2010 by yet another massive ear

36、thquake. Within just the last few months, new reports from around the world have been coming in and most agree that our climate situation is much worse than previously thought. At this point, it doesnt matter what is causing it, but rather, what can be done about it. Whats more, our world is getting

37、 more and more unstable every year. There is war and threat of war everywhere. Natural disasters are becoming more frequent and serious.However, other planets are experiencing global warming as well as our own and some scientists believe there may be some connection between this. No one knows anythi

38、ng for sure at this point because there is simply not enough data.39. Which of the following would be the best title for the Passage ? A. Ways to protect our planet. B. Solutions to climate change. C. Be prepared for climate change. D. Climate change and its effects.40. What is the authors purpose i

39、n using the examples of earthquakes?A. To show the damage earthquakes caused. B. To remind people to prevent future earthquakes.C. To show major changes are taking place on the planet.D. To tell us more earthquakes will happen in the future. 41. What does the underlined word “devastated” in Paragrap

40、h 3 mean?A. Separated. B. Destroyed. C. Removed. D. Affected.42. What can be inferred from the Passage ?A. Animals and plants wont die out as long as climate changes slowly.B. Theres enough data for us to predict the future of climate change.C. The world is getting more unstable because of animal mi

41、gration.D. The earth is not the only planet that is experiencing climate change.DThis brief book is aimed at high school students, but speaks to anyone learning at any stage of life Its formal, serious style closely matches its content, a school-masterly book on schoolingThe author, WHArmstrong, sta

42、rts with the basics: reading and writingIn his opinion, reading doesnt just mean recognizing each word on the page; it means taking in the information, digesting it and incorporating it into oneself just as one digests a sandwich and makes it a part of himselfThe goal is to bring the information bac

43、k to life, not just to treat it as dead facts on paper from dead treesReading and writing cannot be completely separated from each other; in fact, the aim of reading is to express the information you have got from the textIve seen it again and again:some-one who cant express an idea after reading a

44、text is just as ineffective as someone who hasnt read it at allOnly a third of the book remains after that discussion, which Armstrong devotes to specific tips for studying languages, math, science and historyHe generally handles these topics thoroughly and equally, except for some weakness in the science and math sections and a bit too much passion regarding history to his students, that was a hundred times more than my history teachers ever got acrossTo my disappointment, in this part of the


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