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1、Unit5If you go to the party,youll have a great time!Tomorrow will be Lilys birthday, andthere will be a party next eveningIf you go to theparty, you will have a great time.A: If you are happy, what will you do ?B: If Im happy, I will_play the piano watch TVplay sportsdancego to travelplay computerwa

2、tch cartoon go hikinggo shoppinggo to the zoogo to sleepchat with my best fiendA: If you are sad, what will you do ?B: If Im sad, I will_Do you know him?He isHe is Bill Gates.He is very famous and rich. If you are rich, what will you do?If I am rich, I will .Period 1If Im rich ,Ill buy a big house.I

3、f I am rich, I will buy a car.If I am rich,I will help the poor.A: If you have a robot, what will you do?B: If I have a robot, I will let ithelp with the housework.babysit my sister.wake me up in the morning.When do you get up on weekdays? What will happen if you get up at 9:00 this morning ? If I g

4、et up at 9:00, I will be late. What will happen if you are late?If I am late, my teacher will be angrywith me. What will happen if your teacher is angry with you? If my teacher is angry with me, I will be sad. What will happen if you are sad? If I am sad, I will chat with my best friend. She shouldn

5、t walk to school. If she walks to school, shell be late. If they take the bus to school, they wont be late. If you play computer games on weekdays , Youll be very tired in class. your parents will be sad. you wont get good grades. your eyes will be poor. If you watch TV every night, your parents wil

6、l be mad at you.Explanation 1. if 条件句条件句 条件状语从句中的条件状语从句中的“主将从现主将从现”现象现象, 即主句为将来时态时即主句为将来时态时, 它所引导的条件它所引导的条件状语从句使用一般现在时表达将来的状语从句使用一般现在时表达将来的意味意味, 这时主句和从句所表达的时态在这时主句和从句所表达的时态在意义上仍然保持一致。意义上仍然保持一致。构成条件从句主句时态If一般现在时主语shall/will + 动词原形例句If he comes,he will take us to the zoo. 如: If he goes to England, he

7、will have to learn English. 如果他要去英格兰, 他将不得不学英语。 If it is fine tomorrow, we will have a picnic somewhere. 如果明天天气好, 我们就到什么地方野餐去。 If he gets my letter in time, hell be able to change his plans. 如果他及时收到我的信,他就能改变他的计划。 却不可以说成: If he will get my letter in time, hell be able to change his plans.Translation:

8、1.如果我今天下午有空的话,我就和你一起打篮球。如果我今天下午有空的话,我就和你一起打篮球。2.如果明天不下雨,我们将去游泳。如果明天不下雨,我们将去游泳。3.如果九点出发的话,我们就会迟到。如果九点出发的话,我们就会迟到。 If Im free this afternoon, I will play basketball with you.If it doesnt rain tomorrow, we will go swimming. If we start at nine oclock, we will be late.1a.1a. Look at the pictures, match

9、the statements and Look at the pictures, match the statements and responses.responses. 1.I think Im going to go to a If you do, the the party with Karen and Ann. teachers wont let you in.2. I think Im going to wear b If you do, youll jeans to the party. be late.3. I think Im going to take c If you d

10、o, youll the bus to the party. be sorry.4. I think Im going to stay d If you do, youll at home. have a great time. Tapescript A: I think Im going to wear jeans to the party. B: If you do, the teachers wont let you in. A: I think Im going to stay at home. B: If you do, youll be sorry. A: I think Im g

11、oing to take the bus to the party. B: If you do, youll be late. A: I think Im going to the party with Karen and Ann. B: If you do, youll have a great time.1c PairworkA: I think Im going to stay at home.B: If you do, youll be sorry.英语中常用do,did,does来代替上文中所出现的动作。如:I dont like apples,but he does.I went

12、shopping last Sunday,and he did. If you ride a bike, youll catch the train on time. If it rains tomorrow, I will stay at home. A:Lets suppose today is Sunday,what will you do ?B:If today is Sunday, I will MarkAndreaa. study for the testsb. help me organize itc. too earlyd. make some foode. Saturday

13、afternoonf. play party games2a Listening3126452b Listen again and answer the questions.What will happen if they have the party today?Half the class wont come.What will happen if they have the party tomorrow?What will happen if they watch a video at the party?What is Mark going to organize?What is An

14、drea going to do?Students will leave early to study for their tests.Some students will be bored.Mark is going to organize the party games.Andrea is going to make some food.2c Pairwork A: OK, when is a good time to have the party? B: Lets have it today. A: If we have it today, half the class wont com

15、e.Look!I think Ill ride my bike.If you do, youll be late.Ill=I willI think Im going to stay at home.If you do, youll be sorry.youll=you willGrammar Focus if 引导条状语从句时,从句中用一般现引导条状语从句时,从句中用一般现在时代替一般将来时。在时代替一般将来时。If he _(go) to the movies, he wont finish his work.goesIf I _(become) a doctor, I can help

16、others.becomeIf we _(have )time, we will go to the park tomorrow.have1. If it _, they will not go bike riding. A. rains B. wont rainC. was rainingD. doesnt rain 2. I think Gina is going to wear jeans to the party. If she _, the teachers will not let her in. A. isB. doC. has D. does 3. I think Im goi

17、ng to walk there. _ A. If you do, youll be late. B. Not really.C. Why so? D. Thank you. 4. Will you go to the park if it _ fine?A. will be B. was C. is D. /用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。1. Im sure if he _(go) to the party, he_ (have) a great time.2. If the rain _(stop) tonight, we will go to the cin

18、ema.3. Ill buy a computer if I _(have) enough money.4. You _(not get) nervous if you _(do ) enough exercise.goeswill havestopshave wont getdo5. If she _ (be) kind to me , I _(not argue) with her.6. I want to know if he _ (come) tomorrow, if he _(come), I _(give) the massage to him. 7. If you _(pay)

19、more attention to that, he _ (not get) injured. iswont arguecomeswill come will givepay wont getWrite about your own plans using sentences with“if” and “will”.Choose two things and write aboutBoth.Example:Maybe I will become a teacher.If I becomea teacher,I will work with children.I love children,so

20、 Ill be happy.But I wont be famous. Maybe Ill be a lawyer3a3a. Fill in the blanks.If you do, the teachers will call your parents.如果你这样做,老师将打电话告诉你的父如果你这样做,老师将打电话告诉你的父母。母。call 可用作及物动词,意为可用作及物动词,意为“呼叫;打电话;呼叫;打电话;称呼称呼”。如:。如: Call me at seven oclock please. 请在七点钟叫我。请在七点钟叫我。 We call the baby Alice. 我们管那个婴

21、儿叫艾丽斯。我们管那个婴儿叫艾丽斯。3b Pair work3b Pair workUse the words to make the conversations.Use the words to make the conversations.example:example:A: Im going to the school party.B: Me, too. Lets bring some snacks.A: Oh, we cant do that.B: Really? Why not?A: If we bring snacks, the teachers will not let you

22、in.icecreamsandwichA: What will you do if you go to the old peoples home visit?B: If I go to that one, Ill bring them some flowers.Now, lets make rules for our school library!Dont talk loudly. If you do,_ Dont eat food in the library. If you do,_ _we will ask you to leave. you will be asked to clean

23、 the library.Thank you for listening! When will you be happy?Will you be happy if you have lots of money?If you make lots of money, what will you do?travel around the worldIf I make lots of money, I will_ be happy_ go to college_ be famous_ travel around the world_ make a lot of money_ get an educat

24、ion1.Circle the three things you think they are important to you.An agent is a person who works for another person or a company.The Lions are a great soccer team.agent eidnt (经纪人经纪人) be happy travel around the world go to college make a lot of money be famous get an educationPPAAPPConversation 1Conv

25、ersation 2A: agentP: parentsListen to two conversations.2a1.If you join the Lions, 2.If you become a Lion, _3.And if you work really hard, _4.If you become a professional soccer player, _5. But if I dont do this now, _a. youll be famous.b. Ill never do it.c. youll become a great soccer player.d. you

26、ll never go to college.e. youll travel around the world.2bListen again. Complete the sentences.2c. PAIRWORKA: I think you should go to college.B: But if I go to college, Ill never become a great soccer player.Liu Xiang is a professional athlete.What does “a professional athlete” mean?A professional

27、athlete is a person whose only job is playing sports.If you become an professionalathlete, you willIf you become a professional athlete, you will be famous and people all over the world will know you.What are they doing?They are donating money to help people.Sometimes they will be very dangerous and

28、 get injured. For many young people, becoming a professional athlete might seem like a dream job. If you become a professional athlete, youll be able to make a livingdoing something you love. If you become famous, people all over the world will know you. Many athletes give money to schools and chari

29、ties, and do a lot of work to help people. This is a great chance that many people do not have.谋生谋生慈善事业慈善事业机会机会If I become an athlete, will I be happy? However, professional athletes can also have many problems. If you are famous, people will watch you all the time and follow you everywhere. This ca

30、n make life difficult. If you play sports for a living, your job will sometimes be very dangerous. Many professional athletes get injured. And if you become rich, you will have a difficult time knowing who your realfriends are. In fact, many famous people complainthat they are not happy. They say th

31、ey were happier before they became rich and famous.总是总是受伤受伤 For many young people, _ a professional athlete might _ a dream job. If you become a professional athlete, youll be able to _ doing something you love. If you _, people all over the world will know you. Many athletes give money to schools a

32、nd _,and do a lot of work to _. This is _ that many people do not have. _, professional athletes can also have many _. If you are _, people will watch you _and follow you _. This can _life _. If you _ for a living, your job will sometimes be very _. Many professional athletes _. And if you _, you wi

33、ll have a difficult time knowing who your real friends are. _, many famous people complain that they are not happy. They say they were _before they _.Read the passage and fill in the blanks._ I become an athlete, _ I be happy?Ifwillbecoming seem like make a livingbecome famouscharities help people a

34、 great chanceHoweverproblemsfamous all the timeeverywhere makedifficultplay sportsdangerousget injuredbecome richIn facthappierbecame rich and famous1. youll be able to make a living doing something make a living 谋生谋生, 以以(靠靠)谋生谋生 make a living (by) doing sth.e.g. He makes a living( by )selling books

35、. His father makes a living (by) writing books. make a living as .e.g. His father makes a living as a writer. 周杰伦是以唱歌谋生。周杰伦是以唱歌谋生。 Zhou Jielun makes a living as a singer. =Zhou Jielun makes a living by singing songs.Explanation 2. people all over the world will know you. all over the world 遍及全世界遍及全世

36、界 = throughout the world = around the worlde.g. People all over the world think peace and freedom are important. My dream is to travel around the world.3. If you are famous, people will watch you all the time and follow you everywhere. 如果你们如果你们(职业运动员)出名了职业运动员)出名了, 人们会一直关注你们,人们会一直关注你们, 并且会到处追随你们。并且会到

37、处追随你们。1) all the time = always 一直一直, 总是总是 如如: She kept crying all the time.Tom likes to help others all the time.He always laughs at me./ He laughs at me all the time.My mother likes Deng Lijuns songs all the time.Xiaomei helps me with my English all the time.2) follow v. 跟随跟随, 追随追随, 理解理解, 遵循遵循 如如:

38、Spring follows winter. 冬去春来。冬去春来。 He followed the speakers words closely. 他仔细听演讲者的话。他仔细听演讲者的话。 I didnt follow his line of reasoning. 我不明白他的推理方法。我不明白他的推理方法。 I do not quite follow you. 我听不大懂你的话。我听不大懂你的话。4. If you play sports for a living, your job will sometimes be very dangerous. do sth. for a living

39、 = make a living by doing sth. 周杰伦是以唱歌谋生。周杰伦是以唱歌谋生。Zhou Jielun sings songs for a living.Zhou Jielun makes a living (by) singing songs.Zhou Jielun makes a living as a singer.姚明靠做篮球运动员谋生。姚明靠做篮球运动员谋生。Yao Ming plays basketball for a living.Yao Ming makes a living (by) playing basketball.Yao Ming makes a

40、 living as a basketball player.5. have a difficult/hard time (in) doing sth. have a difficult /hard time with sth. 很吃力很吃力, 很费力地干某事很费力地干某事e.g. He has a difficult time in learning English.That little girl is having a hard time in riding her bike.去年我学语文很吃力。去年我学语文很吃力。I had a difficult time (in) learning

41、 Chinese last year.现在我很费劲地在包饺子。现在我很费劲地在包饺子。I am having a hard time (in) making dumplings now. 昨天他不费力地把他的工作完成了。昨天他不费力地把他的工作完成了。He didnt have a difficult time in finishing his workyesterday.= He had an easy time in finishing his work yesterday.If I become an athlete, will I be happy?Advantage:Seem lik

42、e a dream jobDo something you loveBecome well-knownHave a great chance to help peopleDisadvantage:Have many problemsMake life difficultBe dangerousDifficult to know real friendsBe unhappyReasons for becoming a professional athleteReasons against becoming a professional athleteYou can make a lot of m

43、oney.People will follow you everywhere.do something you lovebecome famouspeople all over the world will know youhelp othersgive money to schools and charitiespeople will watch you all the timevery dangerousyou will have a difficult time knowing who your real friends areRead the article and complete

44、the chart.Dear Mr Brown, I have decided that I wont join the Lions. If I join the team, I will have to travel a lot. But I dont want to be so tired. And if I join the team, I will be watched and followed everywhere. Then I will have a very difficult life. I am very sorry to say so, but I hope you ca

45、n understand. Sincerely Michael3b. Complete the letter.3c. Write about your own plans using sentences with if and will.Example 1 Maybe I will become a teacher. If I become a teacher,I will work with children. I love children, so I will be happy. I will also be able to work outside sometimes. But I w

46、ont be famous.Example 2 Maybe Ill be a lawyer. If become a lawyer, I will be able to help people. But I wont be able to work outside and I wont be able to work with children.So I think I will be a teacher.S2: If I go to the movies, I wont finish my homework.S1: I think Im going to go to the movies t

47、onight.S3: If I dont finish my homework S4: 4. GROUPWORKIf I dont finish my homework, I wont do well on my test.If I dont do well on my test, my parents will be mad.If my parents are mad, they wont let me borrow the car.If I cant borrow the car, Ill have to stay at home on Saturday night.If I stay a

48、t home on Saturday night, Ill be sad.1. If it _ tomorrow, well go to the park.A. isnt rain B. doesnt rain C. will rain D. dont rain2. I _ with you if Im free . A. go B. will go C. went D. going3. The volleyball match will be put off if it _. A. will rainB. rains C. rainedD. is rained4. There _ a foo

49、tball game on TV this afternoon. A. is going to have B. will be C. is going to play D. will playB B 单项选择单项选择B B 5. This work is _ for me than for you. A. difficult B. the most difficult C. most difficult D. more difficult6. Ill catch up with Lucy before she _ the finishing line. A. reachB. is reachi

50、ng C. reaches in D. will reach7. Excuse me. Could you tell me _? A. wheres the office B. wheres the bus stop C. whats she doingD. where the post office is8. I wont go if it _ tomorrow. A. rain B. is raining C. rains D. will rain9. Wu Dong is good at _ English. A. speakB. speaksC. speakingD. spokeD C


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