2022年新目标UintHowwasyourschooltrip说课 .pdf

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1、1 / 11 Uint 8 How was your school trip? Section A 1a-2c 一、教材分析本单元围绕 “school trips”这一主要话题展开教案活动,通过核心语言工程“Talk about events in the past ”,来学习动词的一般过去时以及“ There be” 句型的过去时。本课是第一课时,内容是1a-2c,这一部分主要是两段关于谈论“The last school trip”的听力材料,学习一些新词汇,如:aquarium,shark,seal,gift ,souvenir 等,如句型:How was your school tri

2、p? What did you do? Did you ?Were there any?等。根据教材内容,我确定本课为一节听说课。二、学情分析学生已经在七年级下册学习了“How was your weekend? Where did you go on vacation? ”等话题,本册的Unit 3 又学习了 “What are you doing for vacation? ”,所以,他们已积累了丰富的描述周末和节假日活动的词语,为本课的话题做了很好的词汇铺垫,另外,学生已经在两个单元中接触了动词的一般过去时,也具备了学习本课语言结构的认知前提,能顺利地与本课的内容进行衔接。三、教案目标根

3、据本课的教材内容课型以及课程标准对八年级学生的目标要求,我确定了本课的教案目标如下:1、 学习并掌握下列词汇:gift, hang out, win, price, aquarium, shark, seal, souvenir, autograph. 2、掌握并能正确运用下列动词的过去式形式:go went have had take took eat atemeet met is was get got hang hungwin won see saw buybought are were3、掌握并能正确运用下列句型: Did you go/see/ ? Yes, I did. / No,

4、 I did t. Were there any? Yes, there are./ No, there weren t. 4、能听懂谈论旅游经历的较长对话,并能用一般过去时描述自己有趣经历与感受。5、能积极参与谈论有关旅游经历的话题活动,感受生活的乐趣。四、教案重、难点1、重点:掌握动词过去式的构成方法和一些不规则动词的过去式。正确运用Did you ?和 Were there ?等疑问句来谈论过去发生的事情并作出正确的回答。2、难点:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 11 页2 / 11 一些不规则的动词的过去式形式,

5、如:winwon, hanghang五、教案策略1、本课的两个听力材料事实上就是一个长对话被分成了两个部分,内容是完全衔接的,都是谈论 “The last school trip ”。第一个听力材料主要是让学生听懂一些动词短语并掌握其过去式形式,所以,1b 是重点;第二个听力材料主要是让学生听懂一般疑问句Did you ? were there ?及其回答。2、教法:真观教案法,情景教案法, 任务型教案法3、学法指导:在教案中引导学生通过观察图片回答问题,积极进行交际,主动练习和实践。六、教案程序Step1 Lead-in 1. Warming up. Enjoy a song “ Let s

6、 take a trip”, Let the Ss follow the lyrics if possible. 2. Lead-in T: It s autumn now. It s a nice season for traveling. Did you go out last weekend?I went out last weekend. What did I do Last weekend? Can you guess? You can ask me like this: Did you go camping?设计意图:歌曲内容与本课的话题相符,既能活跃课堂气氛,又为导入本课话题作了

7、铺垫;导出“Did you go ?” 句型的同时又复习了一些动词短语。Step2 Before Listening. 1.T: Last weekend, I had a wonderful trip. I went to the aquarium. Whet did I do there? Let s have a look at these pictures.Present new words and expressions: aquarium, shark. seal, hang out. souvenir, autograph ,win. 2.Let s chantClap clap

8、,clap your hands. I say go, you say went. Go go go, went went went. Buy buy buy, bought, bought, bought. Have the students practice the past forms of irregular verbs by chanting. 3. T: You have known what I did on my last trip. What about Tina? What did Tina do on her school trip? Let s predict, the

9、re are some expressions to help you. Read them first. 设计意图:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 11 页3 / 11 用“ Chant” 的形式,既能激发学生的兴趣又巩固了这些不规则动词的过去式。Step 3. While listening. T: what did Tina do on her school trip? 1. Listen and circle the following expressions.(1b) Play the tape for Ss

10、to listen and then check the answers with them. (Are your predictions right?) 2. T: Listen carefully and answer these questions: How was Tina s school trip? Did she see any sharks? Ss: No, she didn t .T: Why? Were there any sharks there? Ss: No, there weren t any sharks. But there were some clever s

11、eals.3. Listen and check.(2a) T: Whet else did Tina do? Let s go on listening to another conversation, and check the questions you hear. 4. Listen and circle. (2b). Read the sentences first. Listen again more carefully and circl e“ T” or “ F”设计意图:对听力材料进行深入挖掘,拓展形容词“fantastic” ,同时引出句型:” Were there any

12、? Step 4. After listening 1. Pairwork. Let s talk about Tina s school trip.A: Did see/meet/buy/win/get?B: Yes /No Were there any?A: Y es, there were./No, there weren t.2. Fill in the blanks. Tina s school trip My friend Tina _(go) to the aquarium on her last school trip .She_ (see) some clever seals

13、 ,but there _(are not) any sharks there .She _(hang) out with her friends and _(take) a lot of photos , too. She also _(meet) a famous actor. She _(have) a good time. 3. Groupwork. Make a survey in your group of four. Ask questions like these: Where did you go on your last trip? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - -

14、 - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 11 页4 / 11 What did you do? Did you see/meet ?Were there any ?How was your trip? Fill in the chart below. Name Where What How Give a report: My friend went to the zoo on his last trip. He saw tigers, but there were n any there.He had a/an trip设计意图:听后的三个活动环环相扣,层层递进,有助

15、于培养学生综合运用语言的能力。Step 5 Homework Survey your best friend about his/her last trip and give a report next class. 设计意图:再次巩固本课目标语言的运用。Unit8 How was your school trip ?Section A 3a-4, Section B 4 一、 教材分析本单元围绕 “school trips”这一主要话题展开教案活动,通过核心语言工程“Talk about events in the past ”,来学习动词的一般过去时以及“ There be” 句型的过去时

16、。本课是这个单元的第二课时, 3a是一篇关于Class9到“Blue Water ”进行课外活动的经历的短文,接着过渡到3b 两人一组谈论各自的 “School Trip ”,训练一般过去时句型:“Did you ?Were there ?” 等,最后是一个Groupwork (编故事)的活动,并且把Section B Part 4 的对话放在这一环节来做,帮助学生正确运用一般过去时来谈论过去发生的事情。根据内容的分析,我把本课定为读说课。二、学情分析新课标对八年级学生的阅读要求有:能从简单的文章中找出有关信息并理解其大意;理解简易读物中的事件发生顺序和人物行为;对学生说英语的要求有:能引出话

17、题并进行几个回合的交谈,并能在教师的帮助下或根据图片用简单的语言描述自己或他人的经历。本课内容适合八年级学生,而且在前一课时对目标语言的学习基础之上,学生已具备了完成本课内容的认知前提。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 11 页5 / 11 三、教案目标根据本课的教材内容,我把教案目标细化为:1、学习并掌握下列词汇: visitor, outdoor, octopus, end, monitor 2、能读懂关于“ School Trip”的文章的大意,理解故事的情节,和各句子之间的逻辑关系。3、能积极参与谈论自己的有趣经历

18、并表达感受。4、培养热爱旅游,热爱大自然的心理,开阔视野。四、教案重、难点1、重点:培养学生的读说能力,能用过去时描述自己的有趣经历。2、难点:用一般过去时讲故事。五、教案策略先用问题What did you do last weekend? 来复习上一节课的内容,然后自然引出3a 部分的文章,阅读之后,设计一个Retell(复述 )环节,起到了巩固的作用,然后是Pairwork ,最后的Groupwork 环节,先让学后根据教师在幻灯片中呈现的照片用一般过去时讲简单的故事,接着让他们拿出自己的旅游照片,在四人小组里按Section B 4 的要求编一个对话,然后根据自己照片的内容完成“Cir

19、cle story”。我主要用情节教案法,并借助多媒体来完成教案内容;在教案过程中帮助学生利用图片等非语言信息理解英语。六、教案过程 Step1 Leadin 1、Revision T:What did you do last weekend ?S:2、Leadin Last weekend,Class 9 had a school trip. How was their trip ? Where did they go ?设计意图:自由的交谈复习了上节课的目标语言,又顺利地导入新课。Step 2 Reading 1、Fast reading T: Now please read the pa

20、ssage in Section A 3a quickly, then answer the questions. Where did Class 9 go ? How was their trip? 2、Careful reading Read again more carefully and correct the statements. (1) The students had a terrible school trip. (2) They saw an octopus in the VisitorsCenter. (3) They took the subway back to sc

21、hool. (4) The students watched a movie about dolphins. (5) The science teacher cleaned the bus. 3、Ask Ss to list the activities class 9 did on their school trip and then try to retell the story using these words: first, then ,after that , finally设计意图:从 Fast reading 到 Careful reading, 培养学生的阅读技巧;让学生复述

22、课文为后面的说做准备。Step 3 Pairwork 1、Present:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 11 页6 / 11 T: Do you like traveling ?Where did you go on your last vacation ?What did you do ?Did you see ?Were there any?How was your trip ?2、Pairwork : Let Ss work in pairs to write down a list of places they

23、 visitedand things they did there .Then make conversations like this : A:Where did you go on your vacation ? B:I visited Beijing. A:Really?What did you do there ? B:Well,I went to and saw A: Did you meet any famous movie star there? B: Yes, I saw ./No, I didn t. A: Were there? B: Yes, there were./ N

24、o, there weren t. A: How was ? B: It was 设计意图:用目标语言谈论自己的旅游经历,体现了语言在用中学,学中用的原则。Step4 Look and say T: I like traveling. Last summer holiday , I went to Yunnan. Here are aome pictures.Let s have a lookand try to tell a story. Ask the Ss look at the pictures and tell a story with me like this: Last summ

25、er holiday, I went to Yunnan with my family. We went to Dali, Lijiang, Kunming. We saw many 设计意图:在老师的带领下根据图片信息讲故事,为下面独立完成故事做铺垫。Step5 Groupwork 1、 Ask the students work in groups of four, show their photos of last trip to the partners, and make up a conversation by asking these questions: Where? What

26、? Did ? Were there? How was? 2、Ask them circle a story in a group. Each student adds a sentence. 2、Ask some of the groups tell the story they made up . 设计意图:能借助图片信息讲一个简单的故事是新课标对八年级学生的说的要求,也是本课的重点和难点。Step6 Homework Write down the story and bring it next class. 设计意图:将故事写下来能让学生在老师的帮助下改正一些语法错误,追求语言的准确性。

27、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 11 页7 / 11 Unit8 How was your school trip?Section B(1a-2c) 一、教材分析本单元围绕“school trips ”这一主要话题展开教案活动,通过核心语言工程“Talk about events in the past ”,来学习动词的一般过去时以及“ There be” 句型的过去时。本课是这个单元的第三课时,内容是 Section B 的 1a-2c,1a,2b 主要学习一些动词短语。如:Sleep late , go for a

28、drive ,为后面的语言输出做铺垫;a, b 的听力材料是Tina 和 Tony 谈论各自休息日情况的对话,帮助学生学会怎样用一般过去时去描述过去发生的事情,如:The weather was terrible ,It rained all day ,we went for a drive 等。 2c 的 Pairwork 。学生两人一组交流休息日的一些有益于身心健康的课外活动及感受。通过教材分析,我确定本课为一节听说课。二、学情分析学生在七年级下册的Unit 9 How was your weckend ?和Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation?两个单元

29、的学习已经积累了丰富的描述休息日活动的动词短语,再通过本单元前两个课时对一般过去时的学习,已经具备了学习本课内容的认知前提。三、教案目标根据本课的教材内容及新课标对八年级学生听、说能力的要求,我确定了本课的教案目标如下。1、学习并掌握下列词汇: sleep late ,go for a drive , day off ,rain 2、能用一般过去时谈论休息日情况并进行适当的评价。如: I went to I visited That sounds3、能积极参与谈论自己休息日活动的话题,体会开展有益的课外娱乐活动,即能放松自我,又能促进学习。四、教案重、难点1、重点:能听懂关于谈论休息日情况的较

30、长对话。能用一般过去时去谈论自己的休息日并对此做出合理的评价。2、难点:用一般过去时谈论自己的休息日情况。五、教案策略听力材料是本课教案的重点,语言的输入到位才有输出的准确。所以,在教案听力材料的环节中,我尽量创设合理的情境,让学生更好地理解材料内容,并注重学生听力技巧的培养,如边听边作简单的记录等。六、教案程序Step1 Warming up Enjoy an English song “ What did you do last weekend ?”Step2 Before listening 1、Lead in T:Good morning !Are you going well?Oh,

31、 you looked stressed out today. Did you go to bed late last night ?What did you do last night ? Do you often study late at night ?Do you study at home on your day off ?What do you usnally do on your day off ?Do you often sleep late/ go for a drive ?精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,

32、共 11 页8 / 11 2、Presentation Ask Ss look at the pictures in and read the activities in Section B 1a. T:Which of these activities do you not want to do on your next day off ?Please rank them 1-5,No1 is the activity you dislike most 。3、Pairwork Ask Ss to do pairwork to discuss their answers like this :

33、 A: On my next day off ,I don t want to sleep late 。 That sounds really boring 。 B: Oh,really ?I think that sounds nice . I can have a good rest. On my next day off ,I don t want to go for a drive 设计意图:由轻松的问候引出新的语言,再按照教材的安排一步步踏实地做下来,有利于英语程度薄弱的学生掌握目标语言。Step3 Listening 1、 Let s predict T:Well done !Yo

34、u can do a lot of things on day off . Then what did Tina and Tony do on their last day off ?Can you guess ?Ss:Did they go for a drive take a bike riding ? T:Maybe,Ss: T:I really don t know what they did . Now , Let s listen to the tape and find out. 2、Listen and check Play the recording of Section B

35、 2a and ask Ss to Listen and check T ony or Tina 。3、 Listen and write Have Ss listen again carefully and finish 2b. Who said these sentences about their day off ?Write Tony or Tina。4、Listen and say Have Ss listen the third time and take notes about Tina s and Tony s last off ,then talk about it like

36、 this. Tina went camping on her last day off .It rained that day .Because the weather was so bad,She went for a drive 设计意图:听力材料挖掘由浅入深,有利于听力技巧的培养。Step4、After listening 1、Survey: Ask Ss work in groups of four. One student survey the others about their day off like these: A: Hi, ! What did you do on yo

37、ur last day off ?B:Oh,I went to the zoo with my friends. A: That sounds really intererting. What about you, ? How was your last day off ?C:It was auful. I went hiking. Then it began to rain. A: Oh,what a pity! How about you, ?D:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 11 页9 / 11 2、Fill i

38、n the chart below Name Activities How 3、Give a report Report like this : In my group, went to the zoo. It was interesting. went hiking ,but the weather was bad. It was auful设计意图从听力材料拓展到学生的日常生活,在Groupwork 的活动中,进一步训练学生综合运用语言的能力。Step5、Homework Intervinw your best friend about his her last day off . 设计意

39、图:体现用中学,学中用。 Unit 8 How was your school trip? Section B 3a3c and Self check 2 一、教材分析本单元围绕“school trips ”这一主要话题展开教案活动,通过核心语言工程“Talk about events in the past ”,来学习动词的一般过去时以及“ There be” 句型的过去时。本课是本单元的第四个课时,内容是Section B 3a3c 和 Self Check 的 Part2。3a是一封 Nick 写给 Tom 的关于自己上个休息日活动情况的短信。学生从阅读信件过渡到3b 的完成 Tom 给

40、 Nick 的回信,接着给好朋友写一封有关自己上次休息日的信,最后是Self Check 中的 Par2,让学生以日记的形式写出自己难忘的一次旅游经历并与大家分享。从控制性的写到自由发挥的写,很好地训练了学生的写作能力。通过教材分析,我确定本课为一节读写课。二、学情分析新课标对八年级学生的阅读要求有:能读懂简单的个人信件;能理解读物中的人物行为和事件发生顺序;对学生写作的要求有,能起草简单的短信,并在教师的指导下进行修改。本课内容适合八年级学生,而且前三课时的学习已为本课作好了铺垫。三、教案目标根据本课的教案内容和课型,我把教案目标细化为:1.学习并掌握下列词汇:yard, umbrella,

41、 raincoat, wet, competition, future, again, yard sale, luckily, player 2.能读懂关于“ Nick s last day off” 的信件的大意。3.能写一封关于自己的“Last Day Off ” 的短信。四、教案重、难点1. 重点:理解信件中的人物行为和事件的发生顺序。2. 难点:写一封关于自己休息日活动的短信。五、教案策略精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 11 页10 / 11 Self Check 的第二部分也是一个写作,与3c 内容可以衔接,所

42、以,我把它们结合在一起进行教案。结合教材及学情,遵循教案原则和认知规律,采用情景教案法和自由交谈法导入话题,采用任务型教案途径,在活动中以以循序渐近法突破重难点。在教案中,引导学生通过预测,熟悉话题,理解意义,学会使用认知策略。六、教案程序Step 1. Warming up Enjoy an English song: What did you do last weekend? 设计意图:歌曲内容即前一课时的目标语言,技能渲染课堂气氛,又复习了句型。Step 2. Before reading 1.Lead in T: Good morning! How are you today? Did

43、 you have a nice day off ?What did you do? Where did you go? How was the weather? 2.Present T: You did many things on your day off. So did my friend Nick. Let s look at the picture on your books first. What can you see? How many people are there?What are they wearing? What are they doing? How is the

44、 weather? Present these new words: yard, yard sale,umbrella, raincoat, wet 设计意图:在轻松的问候交谈中导入新课,接着利用书上的图片呈现生词,有利于学生对新课内容的学习。Step 3. Reading 1.Read and take notes. T: Here is a letter from Nick to Tom. What does Nick say in his letter? Let s read it and take notes of the things Nick did that day. 2.Rea

45、d and answer. Ask the students to read it again and answer: How was Nick s day off? What did he do? Why? Did Nick get wet? 3.Ask the students to write one or two sentences to give their opinions about the day like this: I think it was an interersting day. 4.Ask the students retell the letter. 精选学习资料

46、 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 11 页11 / 11 设计意图:不管是阅读,还是读后的表达自己的感受和复述都是为了下一步的写做准备。Step 4. Writing 1.Finish the letter. T: Imagine that you are Tom and this is a letter from you to Nick. Fill in the blanks (Section B 3b) 2.Write a letter to your pen pal about what you did on your las

47、t day off. Ask the students to write a letter about their last day off and get some of them to read it out, then let the other students help to correct the mistakes in the letters. 3.Write a diary about your unforgetful trip and share it with your classmates. 设计意图:先是控制性的写,然后过渡到规定话题的写,到最后自由发挥的写,体现了循序渐进的教案策略。Step 5. Homework Write a diary about your last day off. 设计意图:培养学生长期写日记的习惯,养成良好的学习习惯。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 11 页


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