2022年新译林苏教版小学英语四年级上册课本 .pdf

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1、学习必备欢迎下载新译林苏教版小学英语四年级上册课本Unit 1 I like dogs 我喜欢狗Story time 故事时间Look at these toy animals, boys and girls. 看这些玩具动物,孩子们。Wow! 哇唔!Look at this cat! I like cats. 看这只猫!我喜欢猫。Its cute. 真可爱。I like dogs. Do you like dogs, Su Hai? 我喜欢狗。你喜欢狗吗,苏海?Yes, I do. 是的,我喜欢。Do you like dogs, Mike? 你喜欢狗吗,麦克?No, I dont . I

2、like pandas. They re cute and fat. 不,我不喜欢。 我喜欢熊猫。 他们胖胖的很可爱。New words 新单词a cat 一只猫a lion 一头狮子a dog 一只狗a monkey 一只猴子an elephant 一头大象a panda 一只熊猫a horse 一匹马a tiger 一只老虎Cartoon time 动画时间Would you like a pie, Bobby? 你想要一个馅饼吗,博比?No, thanks. 不,谢谢。I like cakes. Do you like cakes, Sam ?我喜欢蛋糕。你喜欢蛋糕吗,山姆?Yes, I

3、 do. I have a cake here. 是的,我喜欢。我这有块蛋糕。Look! Do you like it? 看!你喜欢吗?Sound time g 发/g/ 音bagdogget girl good 书包狗得到 / 拿女孩好的My good little dog, 我的好小狗,Go and get my bi gbagon the lo g. 去帮我把放在木头上的大包拿来。Rhyme time 押韵时间Little monkey, in the tree! 小猴子在树上。Little dog, run with me! 小狗,跟着我跑!Little cat, on the mat

4、! 小猫,在垫子上。Little panda, cute and fat! 小熊猫,胖胖的可爱。Words 单词like 喜 欢elephant 大象dog 狗horse 马animal 动物lion 狮子cat 猫monkey 猴子精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 11 页学习必备欢迎下载cute 可爱的Tiger 老虎panda 熊猫have 有fat 胖的本课知识点。1、have 的用法。第三人称单数使用has,其它(第一、二人称,第三人称双数等)用have。I have a cake in my bag. 我有一个

5、蛋糕在我的书包里。She has an apple in her bag. 她有一个苹果在她的书包里。2、本课关键句型:Do you like/have ? 回答使用yes, I do.或 No, I don t. 3、some和 any 的使用方法。 Some主要用于肯定句中。Any 主要用于否定句和疑问句中。表示请求时可在疑问句中用some 。例如:You have some apple, but I haven t any apple. Can you give any apple to me? Do you want some coffee? Unit 2 Lets make a fr

6、uit salad 让我们做一个水果沙拉Story time 故事时间I have a pineapple. 我有一个菠萝。I have a mango and an orange. 我有一个芒果和一个橙子。Do you have any bananas? 你有一些香蕉吗?No, I don t. I have some grapes. 不,我没有。我有一些葡萄。Wang Bing, do you have a banana? 王兵,你有一个香蕉吗?Yes, I do. 是的,我有。Here you are. 给你。Thanks. 谢谢。Let smake a fruit salad. 让我们

7、做一个水果沙拉。Great !好极了!Look at our fruit salad! 看看我们的水果沙拉!How nice! 好漂亮啊!New words 新单词a banana a grape a mango a pineapple 一支香蕉一粒葡萄一个芒果一个菠萝Cartoon time Do you like mangoes, Bobby? 你喜欢芒果吗,博比?Yes, I do. 是的,我喜欢。Look! One, two, three! I have a mango. 看!一,二,三!我有一个芒果。Cool! 酷!One, two, three! I have two mangoe

8、s. 一,二,三!我有两个芒果。Wonderful! How many mangoes do you have? Ha! Ha! 好极了!你有多少芒果了?哈哈!精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 11 页学习必备欢迎下载Sound time h 发/h/ 音behind have horse hot hurry 在的后面有马热的快点H elen, H elen, please hurry. 海伦,海伦,请快点。H ave a hot cake with a cherry. 来吃带有樱桃的蛋糕。Song time Do you

9、 like purple grapes? 你喜欢紫葡萄吗?Do you like purple grapes? 你喜欢紫葡萄吗?Purple grapes, purple grapes? 紫葡萄,紫葡萄?Yes, I like purple grapes. 是的,我喜欢紫葡萄。Oh! They re nice and sweet. 哦!它们又好看又甜。Words 单词Let s = let us 咱们Some 一些Make 做/ 制作Grape 葡萄Fruit 水果Thanks 谢谢Salad 色拉Our 我们的pineapple 菠萝Cool 酷,真棒Mango 芒果Wonderful 精彩

10、的,绝秒的Any 一些How many 多少Banana 香蕉Unit 3 How many? 多少?Story time Look at my toy cars. 看我的玩具汽车。Theyrenice. How many cars do you have,Mike?他们好漂亮。你有多少玩具汽车,迈克?Thirteen. 十三个。Do you have any toys cars ,Helen? 你有一些玩具汽车吗,海伦?No, I don t. 不,我没有。What do you have? 你有什么呢?I have some stickers. 我有一些贴纸。Can I have a lo

11、ok? 我能看看嘛?Yes. 可以。Theyrevery beautiful. How many stickers do you have? 他们非常美丽。你有多少贴纸?I have fifteen stickers. 我有十五张贴纸。Can I have one? 我可以要一个吗?Sure. 当然可以。New words 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 11 页学习必备欢迎下载thirteen 十三seventeen 十七fourteen 十四eighteen 十八fifteen 十五nineteen 十九sixtee

12、n 十六Cartoon time I have a ball. Let splay.我有一个球。我们一起打球吧。I have many balls. Theyrein that box. 我有许多球。他们在那个盒子里。How many balls do you have? 你有多少个球?I have twelve balls. 我有 12 个球。Can you play table tennis? 你会打乒乓球吗?No, but I can do this !不,但我会做这个!Sound time l发/l/ 音el even l ibrary l ook l ovel y rul er 十一

13、图书馆看可爱的尺子Look at the l ion in the l ibrary. 看图书馆里的那个狮子。It l ooks so funny and l ovel y. 他看起来是如此的有趣和可爱。Rhyme time Cakes 蛋糕Look at all those cakes. 看那些蛋糕。One, two, three and four. 一个,两个,三个,四个。See how long it takes. 看一下需要多少时间For you to eat them all. 你可以把他们全部吃掉。Words 单词thirteen 十三Seventeen 十七sticker 贴纸E

14、ighteen 十八can 可以,能,会Nineteen 十九have a look 看一看Play 玩,打(球)Very 很,非常Many 许多Fifteen 十五Box 盒子sure 当然,当然可以Table tennis 乒乓球fourteen 十四But 但是sixteen 十六Do 做,干Unit 4 I can play basketball 我会打篮球Story time Can you play basketball, Wang Bing? 你会打篮球吗王兵? Yes, I can. 是的,我会。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - -

15、 - -第 4 页,共 11 页学习必备欢迎下载Nice! 真不错!Can Mike play basketball? 迈克会打篮球吗?Yes, he can. 是的,他会。He can play basketball very well. Look! 他能把篮球打的很好。看!Cool! 酷!What about you, Liu Tao? Can you play basketball? 你呢刘涛?你会打篮球吗?No, I cant. 不,我不会打。Have a try, Liu Tao. 试一试吧,刘涛。Yeah! I can play basketball! 耶!我会打篮球!Great!

16、 太好了!New words a basketball 一只篮球a football 一只足球jump 跳skate 溜冰swim 游泳Cartoon time Quack! Quack! I can swim. 呱,呱!我会游泳。I can swim, too. 我也会游泳。Tweet! Tweet! I can fly. 啾,啾!我会飞。I can fly too. 我也会飞。Can you? 你会飞吗?Look at me, Sam! Ouch! I cant fly. 看我,萨姆!哎呦!我不会飞。Don t be sad, Bobby. I cant fly either. 不要伤心博

17、比。我也不会飞。Sound time f 的发音/f/ Af ternoon break f ast f amily f ather f ootball 下午早餐家庭父亲足球Father has f ive f ootballs 父亲有五个足球For his f ive f unny boys. 给他五个可爱的男孩。Song time I can skate and I can jump 我会溜冰和跳高Can you swim and can you run? 你会游泳和跑步吗?Can you skate and can you jump? 你会溜冰和跳高吗?Oh yes, I can. Oh

18、 yes, I can. 哦,是的,我会。I can swim and I can run. 我会游泳和跑步。I can skate and I can jump. 我会溜冰和跳高。Checkout time 检验时间 Listen and judge 听并判断1、Can you swim, Helen? 你会游泳吗海伦?No, I cant, but I can skate. 不,我不会,但我会溜冰。2、Can you play table tennis, Su Yang? 你会打乒乓球吗苏阳? Yes, I can. I can play table tennis very well. 是

19、的,我会。我打乒乓球非常好。3、Look, Liu Tao,Can he play basketball? 看,刘涛他会打篮球吗? Wow! He s cool. 哇唔!他很酷。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 11 页学习必备欢迎下载4、Can Yang Ling play football? 杨玲会踢足球吗? No, she cant, but she can play table tennis. 不,她不会,但她会打乒乓球。Words 单词basketball 篮球well 好得can t = can not 不能

20、/不会yeah 是(口语)football 足球jump 跳skate 溜冰swim 游泳quack 呱呱(鸭叫声)tweet 啾啾(小鸟的叫声)fly 飞ouch 哎呦(疼痛时的叫声)sad 伤心的either 也(不),用于否定句重点词组。play basketball 打篮球what about you? 你呢?I can t 我不会play football 踢足球have a try 试一下look at me 看我be sad 伤心 / 难过five funny boys 五个可爱的男孩Unit 5 Our new home 我们的新家Story time Mum, where s

21、 my bag? 妈妈,我的包在哪里?It s in your bedroom. 在你的卧室。Mum, where are my skirts? 妈妈,我的短裙在哪里?Theyre in the living room, on the sofa. 它们在客厅的沙发上。Wheres my white cap, Su Hai? 我的白色帽子在哪里,苏海?Is it in your bedroom? 它在你的卧室吗?No, it isn t. 不,不在卧室。Come and look, Su Yang. Your cap is in the kitchen! 来看看苏阳。你的帽子在厨房。New wo

22、rds a clock 一个闹钟bathroom 卫生间 / 浴室a fridge 一台冰箱bedroom 卧室a sofa 一个沙发kitchen 厨房a table 一张桌子living room 客厅Cartoon time How are you? 你怎么了?I m hungry. 我饿了。Would you like an orange? 你想要一个橙子吗?No! 不!What about a hot dog? 来个热狗怎么样?No! 不!精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 11 页学习必备欢迎下载What wou

23、ld you like? 你想要什么?I d like that. 我想要那个。Here you are. 给你。Thank you. 谢谢。Sound time K 发/k/ 音bike kite lake like thank 自行车风筝湖喜欢谢谢I like to fly my kite 我喜欢放我的风筝And I like to ride my bike. 我喜欢骑我的自行车。Song time I love my bedroom I love my bedroom. 我喜爱我的卧室。It s nice and clean. 漂亮又干净。I love my little bedroom

24、. 我喜爱我的小卧室。A sofa, a chair and a desk. 一个沙发,一把椅子和一张书桌。A window, a door and a bed. 一扇窗户,一扇门和一张床。Words home 家fridge 冰箱bedroom 卧室table 桌子living room 客厅bathroom 沙发sofa 沙发How are you? 你好吗?come 来hungry 饿的 / 饥饿的kitchen 厨房What would you like? 你想要什么?Clock 钟I d like我想要Unit 6 At the snack bar 在小吃店Story time Wh

25、at would you like? 你们想要什么?I d like a hamburger and a glass of milk. 我想要一个汉堡包和一杯牛奶。I d like some noodles. 我想要一碗面条。What about you, Dad? 你想要什么呢爸爸?I d like a sandwich and a cup of coffee. 我想要一块三明治和一杯咖啡。A hamburger, noodles and a glass of milk, please. 请给我们来一个汉堡包,一碗面条和一杯牛奶Anything else? 还有别的吗?A sandwich

26、and a cup of coffee. 一块三明治和一杯咖啡。Here you are. 给你。Thank you. 谢谢。Thank you. 谢谢。New words a cup of coffee 一杯咖啡a hamburger 一个汉堡包精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 11 页学习必备欢迎下载a cup of tea 一杯茶a sandwich 一块三明治a glass of juice 一杯果汁noodles 面条a glass of milk 一杯牛奶rice 米饭 / 大米Cartoon time I m

27、 hungry. 我饿了。Me too. 我也是。Heres a snack bar. I d like some fish. 这儿有个小吃店。我想要一些鱼。I d like an egg. 我想要一个鸡蛋。Can I help you? 要我帮忙吗?Yes. I d like some fish, please. 是的。我想要一些鱼。I d like an egg, please. 我想要一个鸡蛋。What a big egg! 真是一个大鸡蛋啊!Sound time X 发/ks/ 音Boxfo xsi xta xi 盒子狐狸6 出租车Mr. Fo x, can you see the b

28、ox? 福克斯先生,你能看见那个盒子吗?Yes, yes. I can see the box是的,是的。我能看见那个盒子Behind Mrs. Fox. 在福克斯夫人的后面。Rhyme time what would you like? What would you like? 你想要什么?What would you like? 你想要什么?I d like a pie. 我想要一个馅饼。I d like some rice. 我想要一些米饭。Theyre all very nice. 它们都很好吃。Checkout time 检验时间 Listen and judge 听并判断1、 Wh

29、at would you like, Yan Ling? -Id like some noodles and a glass of juice. 2、 What would you like, Wang Bing? -I d like a cake and an ice cream. 3、 What would you like, Su Hai? -I d like a sandwich and a pie. 4、 What would you like, Liu Tao? -I d like a hamburger and a glass of milk. Words at 在(某处)Any

30、thing else? 还要别的吗?snack bar 快餐店 / 小吃店tea 茶hamburger 汉堡包juice 果汁a glass of 一(玻璃)杯rice 米饭 / 大米noodles 面条Me too. 我也是。Dad 爸爸(儿语)fish 鱼sandwich 三明治Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?a cup of 一(茶)杯big 大的coffee 咖啡精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 11 页学习必备欢迎下载Unit 7 How much 多少Story time Good morning!

31、 Can I help you? 早上好!我能帮你吗?Yes. I d like these shoes. How much are they? 好的。我喜欢这双鞋。一共多少钱?Five yuan, please. 5元,谢谢。Ok. 好的。These socks are very nice. How much are they? 这双袜子非常漂亮。一共多少钱?Theyre four yuan. 4元。Ok. Here you are. 好的。给你。Hi,Mike. 嗨,迈克。Hi. This umbrella is cool. How much is it? 嗨。这把雨伞真酷。多少钱?It

32、s only nineteen yuan. 只要 19 元。We have twenty-eight yuan, Miss Li. 我们有 28 元,李老师。Well done. 做的不错。New words A fan 一把扇子twenty 二十umbrella 雨伞thirty 三十shoes 鞋子forty 四十socks 袜子fifty 五十Cartoon time Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?Yes. I d like these, please. 好的。我想要这些。How much would you like? 你想要多少?Ten, please. 10个。Ten

33、? 10个?Theyre for my sister Tina. Her tail is long.它们是给我的姐姐蒂娜的。她的尾巴长。How beautiful! 好漂亮!Thank you, Bobby. 谢谢你,博比。Sound time v发/v/ 音Fi ve Gi ve Li ve Love Very 五给生活爱/ 热爱 / 喜欢非常 / 很Fi ve men live near the river. 五个男人生活在河边。They lo ve to swim in summer. 他们喜欢在夏天去游泳。Song time The clothes shop 服装店Blue skirt

34、s and T-shirts, 蓝色短裙和T 恤,Yellow shoes and red socks. 黄色鞋子和红色袜子。They are very cheap and they are very good! 它们非常便宜又非常好看!精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 11 页学习必备欢迎下载You can try them on. 你可以试穿一下。Blue skirts and T-shirts, 蓝色短裙和T 恤,Yellow shoes and red socks. 黄色鞋子和红色袜子。They are very

35、cheap and they are very good! 它们非常便宜又非常好看!You can buy them all. Ha! Ha! 你可以都买下它们。哈哈!Checkout time 检验时间 Listen and judge 听并判断1、 Good morning! Can I help you? - I d like that umbrella, please. How much is it? -Its fifteen yuan. 2、 Good afternoon! Can I help you? - I d like these shoes. How much are th

36、ey? -They are fifty-eight yuan. 3、 Can I help you? - I d like these socks. How much are they? -Seven yuan, please. Words how much 多少钱twenty 二十shoe 鞋子thirty 三十yuan 元(人民币)forty 四十sock 袜子fifty 五十umbrella 伞 / 雨伞forty-five 四十五only 只有 /仅仅her 她的twenty-eight 二十八tail 尾巴well done 好样的 / 干得好long 长的fan 扇子Unit 8

37、Dolls 洋娃娃Story time Look at our doll. 看我们的洋娃娃。She s beautiful. 她很漂亮。Her hair is long. Her eyes are big. 她的头发是长的。她有一双大眼睛。Her nose and mouth are small. 她的鼻子和嘴巴很小。This is our doll. His hair is short. 这是我们的洋娃娃。他的头发是短的。His eyes and nose are small. 他的眼睛和鼻子很小。But his mouth is big. His ears are big too. 但他的

38、嘴巴很大。他的双眼也很大。Look! He s a king now! 看!他现在是个国王!Cool! 酷!New words big 大的Tall 高的Small 小的Short 矮的Fat 胖的Eyes 眼睛Thin 瘦的ears 耳朵Long 长的Hair 头发精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 11 页学习必备欢迎下载Short 短的Mouth 嘴巴nose 鼻子Cartoon time These robots are cool! 这些机器人真酷!Look at this robot. His eyes are

39、very big. 看这个机器人。他的眼睛真大。Hello. 你好。Wow! You can talk! 哇唔!你能说话!Can you jump? 你能跳高吗?Yes, I can. Look! 是的,我能。看!You re great, but youre short. 你棒极了,但是你太矮了。Look! Now I m tall! 看!现在我高了!Sound time z 发/z/ 音zebra 斑马zoo 动物园The zebras in the zoo, 动物园里的斑马,Eat apples with me and you! 和你我一起吃苹果。Rhyme time two fat b

40、oys 两个胖男孩Two fat boys meet in the rain. 两个胖男孩在雨中相遇。Bow and bow and bow again. 鞠躬鞠躬再鞠躬。How are you? How are you? 你好吗?你好吗?How are you again? 再问一次你好吗?Words Hair 头发Short 短的,矮的Eye 眼睛Ear 耳朵Nose 鼻子king 国王Mouth 嘴巴Thin 瘦的Small 小的Tall 高的his 他的Snowman 雪人精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 11 页


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