四年级上册英语教案-Unit 2 My schoolbag Part C|人教(PEP)(2014秋).doc

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1、内容Unit 2 My schoolbag(story time)课时课型第六课时时间班级主备辅备执教教学理念英语新课程标准中对一级学生的听读能力要求是能在图片帮助下听懂和读懂简单的小故事,说唱要求是能根据录音模仿说英语。通过阅读帮助学生巩固所学的字词句,发展听说读写四项技能的综合能力。学情分析1、从学生年龄特点和认知特点,以及对英语学习的情感表现来看,学生学习了一年的PEP英语,有了一定的英语学习基础,大多数学生产生了浓厚的英语学习兴趣,但也有些学生已失去了刚开始的兴趣,基础不扎实,学习比较困难,于是出现两极分化现象,要注重培养学生良好的学习英语的习惯。2、从学生知识能力水平来看,学生在本单

2、元前五个课时已经学习了句型Whats in your schoolbag? An English book, 以及单词English book, Chinese book, maths book,notebook,而在三年级上册学过文具单词,教师在教学过程中注意反复利用以前所学的句型进行操练,让学生通过故事复习巩固本单元重点知识。教材分析重点1.学生能听懂、读懂并朗读故事。2.理解、会读句子:Put away your book. Is everything in your schoolbag? Take out your books please.难点1.理解、会读句子:Put away y

3、our book. Is everything in your schoolbag? Take out your books please.2.理解、会读短语:Sweet dream. /Good night. /All right.知识目标1.复习巩固本单元重点语言知识句型Whats in your schoolbag? An English book, 以及单词English book, Chinese book, maths book。2.理解、朗读句子:Put away your book. Is everything in your schoolbag? Take out your

4、books please.能力目标1.在构架问题的引导下理解课文意思。2.能跟录音模仿、分层朗读课文:能力弱的学生能用正确的语音语调朗读故事2、5图,能力较高的学生能用正确的语音语调流利朗读整个故事。3.能在动画、图片的帮助下听懂、读懂故事。情感目标1.通过本课学习,学生能增强对英语的学习兴趣,懂得英语与生活息息相关。2.通过同桌合作与小组合作,培养学生相互帮助,团结合作的精神。3.通过趣味故事的阅读,使学生要养成自己收拾好书包的习惯。学习策略阅读技巧(带着问题阅读并注意找关键词)、五官并用学习法、单词拼读学习法,小组合作学习等教学策略多媒体教学、phonics拼读法、TPR教学、情景教学、活

5、动教学等。教学用具多媒体课件、动物单词卡片、动物图片、头饰等。教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图Preparation(3m)知识链接1.Greeting:T: Nice to see you.T: Im very well. How are you?2.Warming up: Song: My schoolbagT: Look, I have a new schoolbag. Oh, no! Its so heavy.(Sing) “Oh, no! My bag is heavy. ”Can you sing?Lets sing together.3.Guessing: Whats in my

6、 schoolbag?T: Its heavy. Whats in my schoolbag? (stick the question on the blackboard)T takes out the books and sticks the words on the board.Ss: Nice to see you, too.Ss: Fine, thanks.Ss: Yes. (Sing with actions)1-2 Ss guess.亲切的问候拉近师生距离,让学生快速进入学习状态。以歌曲引入课堂,配合动作,调动学生的学习热情。同时复习本单元重点句型与个别单词。Guessing ga

7、me问答,能激发学生学习兴趣。板书让学生知道本课重点学习内容。Presentation(15m)精讲点拨1.Leading in:Whats in your schoolbag?T: Whats in your schoolbag? (stick on the blackboard, take 1ss schoolbag)2. Solve the difficult points:(1) Do and say: Take out your books.A. Understanding the meaning.T: (weigh 1ss schoolbag) Your schoolbag is

8、heavy, too. Take out your books, please. Now, Look at me!(take out that Ss books) Take out your English book. Take out your Chinese book. Take out, take out (with actions)B. Learn pronunciation of take out.a. Teach “take out” in phonics way.T: Cake, make, take, take out, take out (with actions).b. R

9、ead by groups.T: Take out, Group1, Group 2. Who can read?C. Chant and do.T: Now, take out your school bag. Put it on your desk. (with actions)Lets chant. Take out, take out, take out your books. (point to one group). And this group puts away the books in 3 seconds, OK? Take out, ready? Go!T: You did

10、 a good job.(2) Do and say: Put away your books.A. Understanding the meaning.T: Look! Your desk is messy now. Put away your books, please. Look at me! Put away the books.B. Learn the sound of put away.a. Teach “put away” in phonics way.T: p/p/,u/u/,t/t/,put, play, away, put away, put away (with acti

11、ons).b. Read by groups.T: Put away (with actions). Group1, Group 2. Who can read?C. chant and do.T: Put away, put away, put away your books. Lets play a game. First, clap and say. Put away, ready? Go, put away, put away your books (point to one group). And this group puts away the books in 3 seconds

12、, OK? Put away, ready? Go!T: You did a good job.(3) Do and say (3): Is everything in your schoolbag?A.Understanding the meaning.T: (Put all the books in the schoolbag) I put away my books. Look, Everything is in my schoolbag. (PPT shows a perspective schoolbag in which theres every book and statione

13、ry.)B.Learn the sound of “everything”.a.Teach “everything” in phonics way.b.Read by groups and individuals.T: Everything, everything, Group1, Group 2.C.Game: Name of group.T: Lets play name of group, OK? Group one is “every”. Group two is “thing”. I say “every” and G1 stand up and say. I say “thing”

14、 and G2 stand up and say. Ready? Go! Now, swap! Group2 is every. Group1 is thing.T: Who can say everything?D. Chant with faces:Is everything in your schoolbag? Chant in different faces. Is everything in your schoolbag? Smiling face, Is everything, ready? Go.E. Ask and answer.T: Ask “Is everything in

15、 your schoolbag?”T choose 1-3 Ss to ask the question “Is everything in your schoolbag?”.4. Leading in the story.(1) Post the pre-reading question.T: Everything is in my school bag. Is everything in Zooms schoolbag? Whats in Zooms schoolbag?(2) Have Ss watch the video and Choose the answer on the pap

16、er.T: Lets watch the story and choose the right answer on this paper.(3) Answer the pre-question.T: Whats in Zooms schoolbag?1-2 Ss answer.Ss listen and think.Ss read“take out”. (with actions)Ss read by groups.Ss clap and chant: Take out, take out, take out your books.SG1 take out the books.Redo 3 t

17、imes.Ss read “put away”. (with actions)Ss read by groups and by oneself.Ss clap and chant: Put away, put away, put away your books.SG1 Put away the books.Redo 3 times.Ss listen and think.Ss read after T.Ss read by groups and by oneself.G1 stand up and say “every”.G2 stand up and say “thing”.G1 and G

18、2 swap.1-4 Ss read everything.Ss chant together in 3 different faces.Ss: Yes/No.1-2Ss guess.Ss watch and then choose the right answer.1-3 Ss answer: An English book,?实际情景问答,回顾旧知,为新知做铺垫;板书让学生知道本课重点学习内容。本班四年级小学生英语知识积累有限,于是设计在阅读前突破难点,有助于学生顺利进行阅读。在情境中,采用phonics拼读法来拼读take out,put away,everything,培养学生的拼读能

19、力;结合TPR反应法让学生边做边练,让学生更容易理解与记住句子意思;加上小游戏让学生上口,提高学生的学习兴趣,也能提高活动的时间效率。再采用chant的形式突破难点句take out your book、put away your books、Is everything in your schoolbag?,使句子朗朗上口;Take out your books采取chant and do游戏,读完chant,老师直到哪组,该组学生在3秒内拿出书,锻炼学生的快速反应能力。Put away your books采用say, point and do的活动让学生收拾好所有东西,为下一步做铺垫。直观

20、形象的动作与图片让学生快速理解everything的意思。难点词“everything”的语音突破除了Phonics拼读法外,还用了个小游戏“name of group”来分音操练,形式有趣,学会发音的同时也能激发学生学习热情。上口句子Is everything in your schoolbag?,除了chant外,还用了有趣的表情来读句的方式来操练,使本句的学习进入了高潮,使学生学习热情高涨!通过问题“Is everything in your schoolbag?”引出“Is everything in Zooms schoolbag?”,自然导入故事。先提出一、两个简单熟悉的问题,让学

21、生带着问题来阅读故事,培养学生的阅读技巧,提高阅读的有效性。Practice(10m)巩固操练1. Dubbing voice.(1) Leading in the task.A. Watch the silent story.T: Lets watch the story again. Oh, it has no sound.(2) Show the task.T: Lets be the dubbing voice. First, imitate the record. Second, cooperative reading. Third, dubbing show. Herere the

22、 standards. you must have Loud voice, correct pronunciation and intonation, fluent speaking. Are you ready? Go!(3) Undertake the task.A. Imitate the record of the story and dubbing it one picture by one picture.T: Now, Lets read the story.Solve the new phrases in the picture 1, 3, 4.P1: Good night.

23、All right.a. Understanding the meaning.(pictures to explain)T: Underline good night and all right. Say good night before you sleep. All right, OK.b. Learning the words with actions.T: light, night, right. Good night, all right.(with actions)P3: Sweet dreams.T: Underline sweet dream. Sweet dreams, sw

24、eat dreams.a. Understanding the meaning.(pictures to explain)T: Which picture is a sweet dream? (PPT: two pictures to compare)T: Is this a sweet dream? They are sweet dreams.b. Learning the words with actions.T: Sweet dreams, sweet dreams.(with actions)b. Look and say (pictures of sweet dreams or ba

25、d dreams)T: Look at the pictures! You see sweet dreams, say sweet dreams. Bad dreams, keep silent. OK?T: Well done.P4: Some more.a. Understanding the meaning and say. (pictures to explain)T: Underline some more.T: Some, have some eggs. Some, some, some more. More, more, many. Look, one ice cream for

26、 you. (PPT: one ice cream) Some more?(PPT: 3 ice creams) Some more?(PPT: many ice creams)T: Two balsam pears for you. Some more?B. Read together.C. Cooperative reading in group of 4 or in pairs.T: Now read it in groups of four /pairs. Two Zooms (one Zoom), Two Mums (one Mum).T: Pay attention to the

27、standards.T: 1 minute. Ready? Go.D. Dubbing showT: Show time. If you show well, you can get 3 Zoom stickers.T: Which pair can read it?(Picture2, 5, 6 show by oneself)T: Can they get the stars?2. Open and read.T: G1 is Zoom. G2 is Mum.Ss watch the story.Ss surprise.Ss listen and think.Ss underline th

28、e new words and try to understand by pictures.Ss read after T with actions.Ss underline the new words and try to understand by pictures.Ss: Picture 2.Ss: Yes.s read after T with actions.Ss look and say the phrases.Ss: Some more.Ss: Yes.Ss: Yes.Ss: NoSs read together.Ss read in groups or pairs.1-2 pa

29、irs show (each picture).Ss judge.Ss point and the story.通过故事无法播出声音的情境,引出为故事配音的任务,让学生模仿录音发音,达到任务,引起学生的挑战热情。把任务的详细进行过程告诉学生,让学生清楚地知道接下来要做什么。给出配音评价指标,提高学生配音练习的效率。逐图逐句跟读,模仿语音语调,有助于学生形成正确的发音;让学生画出新词,培养学生的阅读技巧;在故事情境中学习新词,结合图片与动作进行解释,让学生更容易理解与接受;多样的操练形式,使学生的积极学习状态得以持续。通过看、说与判断的练习,让学生高度集中注意力,深刻记住sweet dreams

30、的含义,同时发展学生的思维能力。通过旧知理解新知,帮助学生循环巩固知识。每个图片听音模仿后解释难点,再一起读一遍,总分总的形式让学生知识不断节。对难点对话进行合作朗读练习,让学生在合作学习中相互练习、相互指正、相互提高,不仅能提高学习的有效性,还能增进学生间的感情;进行配音,让老师了解学生的学习掌握情况,及时解决问题。简单的图片让学生自己配音,重难点分明。全班开书指读,提高学生对本故事的认读能力。Production(10m)拓展运用1.Rearrange the pictures.T: You have good voices. Do you have good eyes? Is this

31、the right story? Now, please rearrange the story.T checks 2ss answer through the camera( take photos and compare the two answers)2.Make a name of the story.T: You know well about the story. Whats the name of the story?Ss do the exercise paper.Check 1-2Ss answer through the photo comparing.Ss choose

32、a name.给故事图片排序,检测学生是否读懂了故事内容。通过摄像头给学生答案照相,同步推送到屏幕上,同时对比两位学生的答案,使检测更快捷方便,使教学更现代化信息化。让学生给故事选名,培养学生的阅读归纳能力。Progress(2m)总结提高1.Affection education.T: What does the story tell us?T: Who can try?T: Put away your things by yourself.2.Summing up.T: Youre really great today. Its time to say goodbye. Now take

33、out your schoolbag, please. Lets do and say.Put away your books.Put away your notebook.Put away your pencil box.Is everything in your schoolbag? Check your desks. Is everything in your schoolbag?T check 1-2Ss desks.3. Which group is the winner?T: Well done. Look! Which group is the winner?1-3Ss answ

34、er.Ss put away the things.Ss check and answer.Ss tell who wins.通过学生小组回顾故事,总结故事寓意,教育学生养成收拾好东西的好习惯。通过现场收拾书包的情境,复习本课重点词汇,让学生再次在语境中巩固语言知识。对学生的总体表现进行总结,鼓励学生继续努力。Homework作业1.Read the story to your parents.2.Put away your things before you go to school.Ss memorize the homework.口头作业减轻学生负担,让学生轻松地结束本单元的学习;德育作业提醒学生要养成收拾好学习用具的习惯。板书设计Unit2 My schoolbag (story time)Whats in my schoolbag?An English book, a Chinese book, a maths book and a storybook.Put away your book.Take out your books, please.Is everything in your schoolbag?课后反思最大亮点改进方向


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