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《新人教版新目标英语九年级Unit9全单元课件(共116张).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新人教版新目标英语九年级Unit9全单元课件(共116张).ppt(116页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Unit 9I like music that I can dance to. Section A(1a2d) . 单词填写单词填写1. 更喜欢更喜欢(v. )_2. 电子的电子的(adj. )_3. 推断推断; 料想料想(v. )_4. 平滑的平滑的(adj. )_答案答案: 1. prefer2. electronic3. suppose4. smooth5. spare(adj. )_6. director(n. )_7. war(n. )_8. Australia(n. )_ (adj. &n. )澳大利亚的澳大利亚的; 澳大利亚澳大利亚人人答案答案: 5. 空闲的空闲的 6. 导演导

2、演7. 战争战争8. Australian. 短语连线短语连线1. 既然那样既然那样 A. World War2. 哪种哪种 B. in that case3. 第二次世界大战第二次世界大战 C. what kind of. 句型填词句型填词1. 你喜欢哪种音乐你喜欢哪种音乐? 我喜欢能随着唱歌的音乐。我喜欢能随着唱歌的音乐。What kind of music do you like? I like music_ I can sing along with. 2. 我更喜欢有优美歌词的音乐。我更喜欢有优美歌词的音乐。I prefer music_ _ great lyrics. 答案答案:

3、1. that/which2. that hasI like music that I can dance to. Carmen likes musicians who play different kinds of music. _答案答案: 不能。因为不能。因为that和和who作为关联词引导定语从句时作为关联词引导定语从句时, who代替先行词人代替先行词人, 而而that既可以代替人既可以代替人, 也可以代替物。也可以代替物。I like music that isnt too loud. I like music that I can dance to. _答案答案: 句中的句中的t

4、hat不能省略不能省略, 因为因为that作从句的主语作从句的主语; 句中的句中的that可以省略可以省略, 因为它作从句中的宾语。因为它作从句中的宾语。1. prefer v. 更喜欢更喜欢【语境领悟【语境领悟】*I prefer music that has great lyrics. 我更喜欢有优美歌词的音乐。我更喜欢有优美歌词的音乐。*Jill prefers swimming to skating. 吉尔喜欢游泳胜过滑冰。吉尔喜欢游泳胜过滑冰。*They prefer to spend the rest of the morning wandering in the streets.

5、 他们更喜欢把早上剩下的时间都用来在街上闲逛。他们更喜欢把早上剩下的时间都用来在街上闲逛。*I prefer to watch TV rather than go out. 我宁愿看电视也不愿出去。我宁愿看电视也不愿出去。【自主归纳【自主归纳】prefer为动词为动词, 意为意为“更喜欢更喜欢”, 后接名词后接名词, 相当于相当于like. . . better, 其常见结构其常见结构: (1)prefer A to B“比起比起B更喜欢更喜欢A”或或prefer doing sth. to doing sth. “比起做某事更喜欢做某事比起做某事更喜欢做某事”。(2)prefer to do

6、 sth. “更喜欢做某事更喜欢做某事”。(3)prefer to do sth. rather than_ (do/doing)sth. “宁愿做某事也不愿做某事宁愿做某事也不愿做某事”。答案答案: do【学以致用【学以致用】(2013徐州中考徐州中考)Im sleepy. I prefer _at home to going out for a walk. A. sleepingB. to sleepC. slept D. sleep2. Carmen likes musicians who play different kinds of music. 卡门喜欢能演奏不同类型乐曲的音乐家。

7、卡门喜欢能演奏不同类型乐曲的音乐家。【句型剖析【句型剖析】(1)本句是复合句本句是复合句, 其中其中_ 引导的从句是定语从句引导的从句是定语从句, 修修饰前面的名词饰前面的名词(先行词先行词)_ , 其句式结构如下其句式结构如下: (2)关系代词关系代词who在定语从句中作主语在定语从句中作主语, 不能省略。不能省略。答案答案: who; musicians【归纳拓展【归纳拓展】 关系代词关系代词that与与who的用法的用法关系代词关系代词先行词先行词在从句中的作用在从句中的作用that指物或指人指物或指人作主语或宾语作主语或宾语who指人指人作主语作主语关系代词在定语从句中作主语时关系代词

8、在定语从句中作主语时, 定语从句中的谓语动词定语从句中的谓语动词要与先行词在人称和数上保持一致要与先行词在人称和数上保持一致【学以致用【学以致用】(2013玉林中考玉林中考)Linda, can you tell me something about Mo Yan? Sure. He is the writer_won the Nobel(诺贝尔诺贝尔) Literature Prize. A. whichB. whoseC. who D. whom. 用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空1. My mother prefers music that_ (have)great lyri

9、cs. 2. Beethoven was one of the greatest_ (music)in the 19th century. 3. More and more people prefer_ (send)e-mails to writing letters to their friends. 4. Henry likes the_ (Australia)music best. 5. I like to listen to different_ (kind)of music in my spare time. 答案答案: 1. has2. musicians3. sending4.

10、Australian5. kinds. 单项选择单项选择1. Can you dance_the music? Yes, I can. Its easy. A. with B. in C. at D. to2. How wonderful the music is! Lets try to sing along _it. That sounds good. A. to B. with C. for D. on3. Lucy loves singers_are creative and energetic. A. which B. whoC. whom D. what4. The action

11、movie_I saw last week is really exciting. A. when B. whoC. that D. what5. Mr. White prefers_at home rather than_out. A. read; hang B. to read; to hangC. reading; hanging D. to read; hangUnit 9I like music that I can dance to. Section A(3a4c) . 单词填写单词填写1. documentary(n. ) _2. down(adj. )_3. superhero

12、(n. )_4. drama(n. )_5. 有才智的有才智的(adj. )_6. 对话对话(n. )_7. end(v. )_ (n. )结尾结尾; 结局结局答案答案: 1. 纪录片纪录片2. 悲哀悲哀; 沮丧沮丧3. 超级英雄超级英雄4. 戏戏; 剧剧5. intelligent6. dialogue7. ending. 短语互译短语互译1. stick to_2. plenty of_3. 关闭关闭shut_4. 偶尔地偶尔地once_ a while答案答案: 1. 坚持坚持2. 大量大量3. off4. in. 句型填词句型填词1. 当我沮丧或疲劳的时候当我沮丧或疲劳的时候, 我更喜

13、欢看能让我振作的电影。我更喜欢看能让我振作的电影。_ Im down or tired, I prefer movies_ can cheer me up. 2. 大笑两个小时是放松的一个好方式大笑两个小时是放松的一个好方式! _ _ two hours_ a good way to relax! 答案答案: 1. When; that2. Laughing for; is3. 我总是带一位朋友我总是带一位朋友, 他不怕这种电影他不怕这种电影, 并且它感觉不再那么吓并且它感觉不再那么吓人。人。I always bring a friend_ isnt afraid of these kinds

14、 of movies, and it doesnt feel so scary_ . 4. 当作者悲伤或疲劳的时候当作者悲伤或疲劳的时候, 他或她更喜欢观看哪种电影他或她更喜欢观看哪种电影? _ kinds of movies does the writer prefer_ _ when he or she is sad or tired? 答案答案: 3. who; anymore 4. What; to watch1. Why does the writer prefer the movies that make people laugh? _2. How can the writer w

15、atch the scary movies? _答案答案: 1. Because laughing is a good way to relax. 2. He or she can bring a friend to watch together. 1. down adj. 悲哀悲哀; 沮丧沮丧【语境领悟【语境领悟】*When Im down or tired, I prefer movies that can cheer me up. 当我沮丧或劳累时当我沮丧或劳累时, 我更喜欢可以使我振作起来的电影。我更喜欢可以使我振作起来的电影。*Can I sit down? 我能坐下来吗我能坐下来吗

16、? *They took a trip down the river. 他们沿河往下游旅行。他们沿河往下游旅行。【自主归纳【自主归纳】(1)down形容词形容词, 意为意为“悲哀悲哀; 沮丧沮丧; 情绪低落情绪低落”。(2)down副词副词, 意为意为“(坐、倒、躺坐、倒、躺)下下; 向下向下; (表示范围或顺序表示范围或顺序的限度的限度)下至下至”。(3)down介词介词, 表示表示“(从高处从高处)向下向下; (表示位置表示位置)在在的下方的下方; (表示方向表示方向)沿着沿着向下向下; (表示时间表示时间)自自以来以来”。【学以致用【学以致用】(2013益阳中考益阳中考)The boy

17、is sleeping. Please _the radio. A. turn upB. turn downC. turn on2. plenty of大量大量; 充足充足【语境领悟【语境领悟】*Documentaries like Match of the Penguins which provide plenty of information about a certain subject can be interesting. 像像企鹅的比赛企鹅的比赛这样的纪录片这样的纪录片, 提供了大量的特定主题信息提供了大量的特定主题信息, 可能很有趣。可能很有趣。*What you need is

18、nt enough outdoor exercise. 你们所需要的不是足够的户外锻炼。你们所需要的不是足够的户外锻炼。【自主归纳【自主归纳】(1)plenty of既可修饰可数名词既可修饰可数名词, 又可修饰不可数名词又可修饰不可数名词, 相当于相当于_ 或或a lot of。(2)plenty of常用于肯定句常用于肯定句, 在否定句和疑问句中常用在否定句和疑问句中常用many, much或或_ (enough/a lot of)代替。代替。答案答案: (1)lots of(2)enough【学以致用【学以致用】Make sure theres _food for everyone. A.

19、 plenty ofB. a lotC. many D. few定语从句定语从句【观察领悟【观察领悟】仔细观察例句仔细观察例句, 体会句中的先行词及关系代词。体会句中的先行词及关系代词。1. I like music that I can dance to. 2. I only eat food that tastes good. 3. I love singers who write their own lyrics. 4. The man whom our teacher is talking with is Jims father. 5. This is the village in w

20、hich I was born. 【知识构建【知识构建】关系代词关系代词指代指代在定语从句中所作的成分在定语从句中所作的成分that物或人物或人作主语或宾语作主语或宾语which物物作主语或宾语作主语或宾语who人人作主语作主语whom人人作宾语作宾语【温馨提示【温馨提示】 关系代词前有介词关系代词前有介词, 先行词指物时先行词指物时, 关系代词只用关系代词只用which; 指人时指人时, 关系代词只用关系代词只用whom【归纳拓展【归纳拓展】(1)关系代词只用关系代词只用that的情况的情况: 先行词既包括人又包括物时先行词既包括人又包括物时; 先行词被最高级、序数词修饰时先行词被最高级、序

21、数词修饰时; 先行词是先行词是all, any, everything, anything, none, the one等不定等不定代词时代词时; 当主句是当主句是who或或which引导的特殊疑问句时引导的特殊疑问句时, 为避免重复为避免重复, 只只用用that。(2)关系代词只用关系代词只用which的情况的情况: 引导非限制性定语从句引导非限制性定语从句(主句和从句之间用逗号隔开主句和从句之间用逗号隔开), 且且先行词指物时先行词指物时, 关系代词只用关系代词只用which。(3)其他注意事项其他注意事项: 关系代词在定语从句中作主语时关系代词在定语从句中作主语时, 定语从句中的谓语动词

22、要定语从句中的谓语动词要与先行词在人称和数上保持一致与先行词在人称和数上保持一致; 关系代词在定语从句中作宾语时可省略关系代词在定语从句中作宾语时可省略, 作主语则不可省略。作主语则不可省略。【学以致用【学以致用】. 用用that, who(whom)或或which填空填空1. The young man_ is wearing glasses is our math teacher. 2. My grandma prefers music_ is quiet and gentle. 3. This is the room in_ I lived two years ago. 4. The g

23、irl_ we talked about just now is an exchange student from America. 5. This is the first gift_ I got from my parents. 答案答案: 1. who/that2. that/which3. which4. whom/that5. that. 单项选择单项选择1. I hate people_dont help others when they are in trouble. A. whoB. whichC. whoseD. where2. They often talk about t

24、hings and persons_they are interested in. A. who B. which C. that D. what3. This is the most exciting movie _Ive ever seen. A. which B. that C. what D. where4. Shanghai, _is the biggest city in China, is really beautiful and modern. A. where B. that C. when D. which. 用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空1. My uncl

25、e likes to watch_ (documentary)that are funny. 2. Do you enjoy_ (listen)to music that is loud. Yes, I do. 3. Pete, the famous football player, was very_ (intelligent) when he was young. 答案答案: 1. documentaries2. listening3. intelligent4. Mr. Black dislikes people who talk much but always_ (shut) off

26、their brains. 5. Have you heard of the song_ (call) Yesterday Once More? 答案答案: 4. shut 5. called. 单项选择单项选择1. He has a friend who _the piano very well. A. playB. playingC. playsD. played2. Fang Fang failed in the singing competition. Lets go and_. A. call her up B. wake her upC. pick her up D. cheer

27、her up3. Teresa is _nervous _talk in front of the class. A. such; that B. too; toC. so; that D. too; that4. Alice prefers _to_. Lets ask her to take part in our dancing club. A. dancing; singing B. singing; danceC. singing; dancing D. to sing; dance5. Sorry, we dont have the coat _you need. A. who B

28、. which C. what D. whom. 完成句子完成句子1. 像像天下无贼天下无贼这样的电影让我感到更安全。这样的电影让我感到更安全。Movies like A World Without Thieves_ me feel_ . 2. 你可以在网上搜寻大量的信息。你可以在网上搜寻大量的信息。You can search for_ _ information on the Internet. 答案答案: 1. make; safer2. plenty of3. 你怎样描述这首歌曲你怎样描述这首歌曲? _ _ you describe the song? 4. 你更喜欢哪种乐曲你更喜欢哪

29、种乐曲? 能随着跳舞的。能随着跳舞的。What_ _ music do you prefer? Music that can dance_ . 答案答案: 3. How do4. kind of; toUnit 9I like music that I can dance to. Section B(1a1d) . 词图匹配词图匹配music band, movies that are scary, movies that make us feel sad, jacket, books by Mo Yan答案答案: 1. movies that make us feel sad2. jacke

30、t3. books by Mo Yan4. movies that are scary5. music band. 句型填词句型填词1. 他喜欢奇异的衣服。他喜欢奇异的衣服。He likes clothes_ _ unusual. 2. 说说你喜欢的每件事情的原因。说说你喜欢的每件事情的原因。Say_ you_ each thing. 答案答案: 1. that are2. why; like1. Write the three things that Michael likes in the first column of the chart. _2. Write why Michael l

31、ikes each thing in the second column of the chart. _答案答案: 1. that引导的是定语从句引导的是定语从句, that是关系代词是关系代词; 2. why引导的是宾语从句引导的是宾语从句, why是连接副词。是连接副词。unusual adj. 不同寻常的不同寻常的; 独特的独特的【语境领悟【语境领悟】*He likes clothes that are unusual. 他喜欢奇异的衣服。他喜欢奇异的衣服。*Why do you look unhappy? 你为何看起来不高兴你为何看起来不高兴? Because I failed the

32、 exam. 因为我考试没考好。因为我考试没考好。【自主归纳【自主归纳】(1)unusual为形容词为形容词, 意为意为“不同寻常的不同寻常的; 独特的独特的”。其反义词。其反义词为为: usual。(2)unusual是由是由un-(否定前缀否定前缀)+usual(平常的平常的)构成。构成。un-为否定为否定前缀前缀, 意为意为“不不; 非非”。【归纳拓展【归纳拓展】 否定前缀否定前缀un-的用法的用法(1)un-+形容词形容词, 表示表示“相反相反”的状态的状态, 如如unimportant/unhappy/ unhealthy等。等。(2)un-+动词动词, 表示表示“相反相反”的动作的

33、动作, 如如unlock/unpack等。等。【学以致用【学以致用】(2013十堰中考十堰中考)This is a useful dictionary, I think. So it is, and its _unusual one. A. theB. anC. aD. 不填不填. 用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空1. Do you know the_ (direct)of the movie? Yes. Its Feng Xiaogang. 2. Karen had an_ (usual)experience while traveling in Europe. 3. Sam l

34、ikes movies that_ (be)really funny. 4. The ship_ (sink)quickly after it hit the big iceberg. 5. Please tell me why your mother_ (like)this movie. 答案答案: 1. director2. unusual3. are4. sank5. likes. 单项选择单项选择1. Frank wants to be a basketball_, so he practices basketball every day. A. playerB. actorC. wr

35、iterD. singer2. I like friends_like to do the same things as I do. A. which B. whose C. what D. who3. My parents got the piano that_very expensive for me on my fifteenth birthday. A. to be B. is C. are D. was4. Steve likes to wear clothes _look really cool. A. what B. who C. that D. where5. I dont k

36、now why Laura _books about how to keep healthy. A. likes read B. likes readingC. like reading D. like to readUnit 9I like music that I can dance to. Section B(2a2e) . 单词填写单词填写1. 感觉到感觉到; 意识到意识到(v. )_2. 痛苦痛苦(n. )_3. 反映反映(v. )_4. 表演表演(v. )_5. lifetime(n. )_6. pity(n. )_答案答案: 1. sense2. pain3. reflect4.

37、 perform5. 一生一生6. 遗憾遗憾7. praise(v. )_8. recall(v. )_9. wound(n. )_10. sad(adj. )_ (n. )悲伤悲伤; 悲痛悲痛11. move(v. )_ (adj. )动人的动人的; 令人感动的令人感动的12. pain(v. )_ (adj. )令人痛苦的令人痛苦的; 令人疼痛的令人疼痛的答案答案: 7. 表扬表扬8. 回忆起回忆起9. 伤口伤口10. sadness11. moving12. painful. 短语互译短语互译1. look up_2. in total_3. 随着随着; 与与一起一起along_4. 例

38、如例如such_答案答案: 1. 查阅查阅2. 总共总共3. with4. as. 句型填词句型填词1. 那首用二胡演奏的乐曲特别使我感动。那首用二胡演奏的乐曲特别使我感动。The piece_ _ played on the erhu especially moved me. 答案答案: : which was那首二胡曲听起来就像有人在哭泣那首二胡曲听起来就像有人在哭泣, 我听的时候几乎随之哭起我听的时候几乎随之哭起来。来。The erhu_ _ someone_ , and I almost cried_ _ it as I listened. 答案答案: : sounded like;

39、crying; along with2. 遗憾的是遗憾的是, 总共仅有六首乐曲录制了下来供后人欣赏总共仅有六首乐曲录制了下来供后人欣赏, 可是可是(人们人们)对他的喜爱一直持续到今天。对他的喜爱一直持续到今天。It_ a pity_ only six pieces of music in total were recorded for the future world to hear, but his popularity_ _ this day. 3. 它的凄美不但刻画在阿炳自己的生活中它的凄美不但刻画在阿炳自己的生活中, 而且也让人们回忆而且也让人们回忆起来自他们自身悲痛经历的最深伤痛。起

40、来自他们自身悲痛经历的最深伤痛。Its sad beauty_ _ paints a picture of Abings own life_ _ makes people recall their deepest wounds from their own sad or painful experiences. 答案答案:2. is; that; continues to3. not only; but also1. Who taught Abing to play the different musical instruments when he was young? _2. Which p

41、iece of music of Abings was the most well-known for the future world? _答案答案: 1. Abings father. 2. Erquan Yingyue. 1. look up查阅查阅; 抬头看抬头看【语境领悟【语境领悟】*Later I looked up the history of Erquan Yingyue, and I began to understand the sadness in the music. 后来我查阅了后来我查阅了二泉映二泉映月月的历史的历史, 才开始理解了音乐中的悲伤。才开始理解了音乐中的

42、悲伤。*My little dog is lost. All of my friends are helping me to look for it. 我的小狗丢了。我所有的朋友都在帮我找它。我的小狗丢了。我所有的朋友都在帮我找它。*Have you found the lost dog? 你找到那只丢失的狗了吗你找到那只丢失的狗了吗? *I found out the phone number by looking it up. 通过查找通过查找, 我查到了那个电话号码。我查到了那个电话号码。【妙辨异同【妙辨异同】look up/look for/find/find out的用法辨析的用法辨

43、析look_ 查阅查阅, 指在词典等资料中查找指在词典等资料中查找, 代词作宾语代词作宾语时置于短语中间时置于短语中间look_ 寻找寻找, 强调动作强调动作find找到找到, 强调找的结果强调找的结果find_ 查明查明, 强调经过一番努力后得出的结果强调经过一番努力后得出的结果答案答案: up; for; out【学以致用【学以致用】(2013成都中考成都中考)I have _ my watch everywhere. But I cannot find it. A. look atB. looked upC. looked for2. perform v. 表演表演; 执行执行【语境领悟

44、【语境领悟】*He performed in this way for many years. 他以这种方式演出了多年。他以这种方式演出了多年。*Our football teams performance has been excellent this year. 今年我们的足球队表现出色。今年我们的足球队表现出色。*The performers are from all over the world. 表演者来自全世界。表演者来自全世界。【妙辨异同【妙辨异同】perform/performance/performer的用法辨析的用法辨析perform动词动词表演表演执行执行performa

45、nce名词名词表演表演, 表现表现performer名词名词表演者表演者【学以致用【学以致用】(2013枣庄中考枣庄中考)In the last ten months, September Miracle(奇奇迹迹)_in CCTV for more than five times and is popular all over the country. A. has played the pianoB. has given out their song disksC. has written songsD. has performed3. Its sad beauty not only pa

46、ints a picture of Abings own life but also makes people recall their deepest wounds from their own sad or painful experiences. 它的凄美不但刻画在阿炳自己它的凄美不但刻画在阿炳自己的生活中的生活中, 而且也让人们回忆起来自他们自身悲痛经历的最深而且也让人们回忆起来自他们自身悲痛经历的最深伤痛。伤痛。【句型剖析【句型剖析】not only. . . but also. . . 句型句型(1)not only. . . but also. . . 意为意为“不但不但而且而且

47、”, 用来连接用来连接两个两个_ (相同相同/不同不同)的成分的成分(主语、谓语、宾语、表语、主语、谓语、宾语、表语、状语等状语等)。She is famous not only in the USA, but also in other parts of the world. 她不仅在美国出名她不仅在美国出名, 而且在世界其他地方也出名。而且在世界其他地方也出名。(2)not only. . . but also. . . 连接并列主语时连接并列主语时, 由于强调由于强调but also后后边 的 成 分边 的 成 分 , 因 此 句 中 谓 语 动 词 在 人 称 和 数 上 要 与因 此

48、 句 中 谓 语 动 词 在 人 称 和 数 上 要 与 b u t also_ (前边前边/后边后边)的部分保持一致的部分保持一致, 即遵循即遵循“就近原就近原则则”。答案答案: (1)相同相同(2)后边后边【学以致用【学以致用】(2013广东中考广东中考)Not only my friends but also I_interested in football and Messi is our favorite star. A. beB. am C. isD. are【备选要点【备选要点】in total总共总共【语境领悟【语境领悟】*It is a pity that only six

49、pieces of music in total were recorded for the future world to hear, but his popularity continues to this day. 遗憾的是遗憾的是, 总共仅有六首乐曲录制了下来供后人欣赏总共仅有六首乐曲录制了下来供后人欣赏, 可是可是(人们人们)对他的喜爱一直持续到今天。对他的喜爱一直持续到今天。*What is the total population of Japan? 日本的总人口为多少日本的总人口为多少? *Their expenses reached a total of 1, 000 pou

50、nds. 他们的花费总计一千英镑。他们的花费总计一千英镑。【自主归纳【自主归纳】(1)total作形容词作形容词, 意为意为“总计的总计的, 总括的总括的, 全体的全体的”。(2)total作名词作名词, 常与常与in构成短语构成短语in total(总共总共, 合计合计); a total of意意为为“总计总计”。【学以致用【学以致用】市场共有市场共有17年时间一直处于萧条。年时间一直处于萧条。The market stayed depressed for 17 years_ _ . 答案答案: in total. 用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空1. You should s


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