新概念英语第二册59课答案_新概念英语第二册第59课-In or out.docx

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1、新概念英语第二册59课答案_新概念英语第二册第59课:In or outLesson 59 In or out?进来还是出去?First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。Why did Rex run away?Our dog, Rex, used to sit outside our front gate and bark. Every time he wanted to come into the garden he would bark until someone opened the gate. As the neig

2、hbours complained of the noise, my husband spent weeks training him to press his paw on the latch to let himself in. Rex soon became an expert at opening the gate. However, when I was going out shopping last week, I noticed him in the garden near the gate. This time he was barking so that someone wo

3、uld let him out ! Since then, he has developed another bad habit. As soon as he opens the gate from the outside, he comes into the garden and waits until the gate shuts. Then he sits and barks until someone lets him out. After this he immediately lets himself in and begins barking again. Yesterday m

4、y husband removed the gate and Rex got so annoyed we have not seen him since.参考译文我家的狗雷克斯,过去常坐在大门外面叫。每当它想到花园里来时,便汪汪叫个不停,直到有人把门打开。由于邻居们对狗叫很有意见, 所以我丈夫花了几个星 期的时间训练它用脚爪按住门闩把自己放进来。雷克斯很快成了开门的专家。然而上星期我正要出去买东西时,发现它正呆在花园里边靠门的地方。这次它叫着让人 把它放出去!从那以后,它养成了另外一种坏习惯。它从外面把门一打开,就走进花园,等着门自动关上。这之后他就坐下汪汪叫起来,直到有人来把它放出去。出 去

5、之后,它又马上把自己放进来,接着再开始叫。昨天,我丈夫把门卸了下来,雷克斯很生气,此后我们便再也没有见到它。New words and Expressions生词和短语barkv. 狗叫pressv. 按,压pawn. 脚爪latchn. 门闩expertn. 专家developv. 养成habitn. 习惯removev. 拆掉,取下Lesson 59 自学导读First things first课文详注 Further notes on the text1Every time he wanted to come into the garden he would bark until som

6、eone opened the gate.每当它想到花园里来时,便汪汪叫个不停,直到有人把门打开。every time在这里为连词引导一个时间状语从句,表示每次、每当,主句中的would表示过去的习惯性动作。用一般过去时的句子中它们经常连用:Every time we met, we would talk for a while.我们每次见面都要聊一会儿。Every time he came to the restaurant, he would first ask for a cup of tea.他每次到这个饭馆来,都是先要一杯茶。2…my husband spent wee

7、ks training him to press his paw on the latch to let himself in.……我丈夫花了几个星期的时间训练它用脚爪按住门闩把自己放进来。(1)spend表示在……上花时间时,后面如果跟名词则用介词on;如果跟动名词则用介词in(在口语中in往往省略):Why don't you spend more time on studies?你为什么不在学习上再多花点时间呢?I spent two weeks(in) reading this book.我花了两星期的时间读这本书。(2)

8、train的宾语是him, to press…是宾语补足语,to let…为目的状语。3Rex soon became an expert at opening the gate.雷克斯很快成了开门的专家。expert表示做/干……的专家/高手时后面通常用 at doing sth.;表示在某一领域是专家、权威时可用介词in或on:John is an expert at driving a car.约翰是开车高手。She is an expert in flowers.她是花卉方面的专家。Sam is an expert on that

9、 problem.萨姆是研究那个问题的权威。4This time he was barking so that someone would let him out!这次它叫着让人把它放出去!连词so that引导的是目的状语从句。(cf本课语法)语法 Grammar in use1复习第5058课语法He's having lunch , isn't he?他正在吃午饭,是不是?(现在进行时表示说话时正在进行的动作)Yes,he always has lunch at this time of the day.是的,他每天总是在这个时间吃午饭。(一般现在时表示习惯性动作)She

10、's reading a book,isn't she?她正在读一本书,是不是?Yes,she's been reading the book all morning.是的。她整个上午一直在读这本书。(现在完成进行时强调动作的持续性)I was told that ships were built here.我听说这里造过船。(被动语态was told表示说话谨慎;从句中的一般过去时表示不知现在是否仍造船)They used to be built here,but they aren't any more.过去这里是造过船,但现在不造了。(used to表示过

11、去有过但现在已终止的状态,强调过去与现在的对照,因此不可用would代替)You've taken your time! What on earth have you been doing?你可真够慢约!你到底一直在干什么?(on earth用于表示强调)I'm sorry.We got caught in astorm.对不起。我们遇上一暴风雨了。(在口语中get+过去分词相当于被动语态)2表示目的的几种方式:to, in order to, so as to, so that, in order that(1)带to的不定式及其变体in order to和so as to

12、可以用来表示目的:I went to live in France to/in order to/so as to learn French.我去法国居住,以便学习法语。not to可以用于表示取舍:I went to France not to study French, but to study chemics.我去法国不是为了学法语,而是为了学化学。so as not to/in order not to可以用于表示以防:I shut the door quietly, so as not to/in order not to wake the baby.为了不惊醒婴儿,我轻轻地关上门。

13、在bring, buy, need, take, use, want等动词后经常用宾语+不定式(而不用宾语+in order to/so as to),不定式表示用宾语的目的:I want something to drink.我想要一点喝的东西。I need a spoon to eat this ice cream with.我需要一把汤匙来吃这冰淇淋。Bring me a chair to sit on.给我拿一把椅子来坐。(2)连词 so that, in order that可以引导目的状语从句。当主句用一般现在时、现在完成时或一般将来时的时候,so that和 in order t

14、hat后面可以跟may, can或will。so that比in order that更为普遍:I've arrived early so that/in order that I may/can/will get the tickets.我到得早,以便能买到票。当主句中的动词为一般过去时、过去进行时或过去完成时的时候, so that和in order that后面跟should, could, might或would:I arrived early so that/in order that I should/could/might/would get the tickets.(译

15、文同上)so that和in order that后面的否定形式如下:I arrived early so that/in order that I might not miss anything.我到得很早,以免错过什么。(否定句中不可用could,可用should, would等)(3)相比之下,带to, so as to和 in order to的结构比带that的结构要简单、自然,所以多为人使用:I arrived early so as not to/in order not to miss anything.(译文同上)当前后主语不一致时,不定式前面加for+名词/代词比that结

16、构更简洁:I bought a new car in order that/so that my wife might learn to drive.我买了一辆新车,以便我妻子学习驾驶。I bought a new car for my wife to learn to drive.(译文同上)词汇学习 Word study1press(1)vt., vi.按,挤,压:She pressed my hand warmly.她热情地握我的手。Can you press that button for me please?请问您能帮我按一下那个按钮吗?The dog pressed his paw

17、 on the latch to let himself in.那狗用脚爪按住门闩把自己放进来。(2)vt.挤取,榨取(……的汁):This is the time of the year when they press their grapes.这是他们榨葡萄汁的季节。If you prefer juice, you can press some oranges.如果你更喜欢果汁,你可以榨些橙汁。(3)vt.催促,敦促,竭力劝说:My parents pressed me to enter for the competition.我父母竭力劝我报名参加这个竞赛。I

18、 don't like to be pressed.我不喜欢被人催促。2develop vt.,vi.(1)发展,扩展:The village has developed into a town now.那个村子现在已扩展成一个镇了。Do you believe that you can develop your mind through watching TV?你相信通过看电视能开发你的智力吗?It's hard to develop your business in this city.在这座城市扩展你的业务是困难的。(2)(逐渐)显现出,产生,获得,养成:He has developed another bad habit.他/它养成了另外一种坏习惯。She developed an interest in swimming.她对游泳产生了兴趣。Lesson 59 课后练习和答案Exercises and Answer本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第8页 共8页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页


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