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《2014年八年级英语下册Unit1课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2014年八年级英语下册Unit1课件.ppt(78页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 Unit1Whats the matter? Language goals: 1. Talk about your health. 2. Give advice(建议建议).bodyfeettoothteethfacenosenoseeareartoetoeneckneckleglegheelheelelbowelbowfacefaceearfacenoseeyemouthheadkneelegfingerhandheadfoott tbackshoulderneckarmhealthy1a Look at the picture. Write the correct letteram fo

2、r each part of the body._arm _back _ear _eye _foot_hand_head _leg _mouth_neck _nose _stomach _toothhegibajicdmkfsing a songI had a cold.Whats the matter?I have a sore back.I have a stomachache.have a (bad) coldhave a stomachache感冒感冒胃痛胃痛Whats the matter? (你你)怎么了?怎么了? have a toothachehave a headacheha

3、ve a (high) fever发烧发烧牙痛牙痛头痛头痛have a sore back have a sore throat背痛背痛喉咙痛喉咙痛I have a (bad) cold.=I have got a (bad) cold.Whats the matter with you ? =Whats the trouble with you?=Whats wrong with you?你怎么啦?你怎么啦?我患感冒了。我患感冒了。Whats the matter with him ?He has/has got a stomachache.他胃痛。他胃痛。Whats the matter

4、with him?He has/has got a sore back/backache.他背痛。他背痛。Whats the matter with him ?He has a sore throat.他喉咙痛。他喉咙痛。She has/has got a (high) fever.Whats the matter with her ?她发烧。她发烧。She has a (bad) toothache.Whats the matter with her?她牙痛。她牙痛。He has a (bad) headache.他头痛。他头痛。Whats the matter with him?He ha

5、s a sore backHe has a sore neck.She has a sore throat.Whats the matter?Whats the matter?He has a headache.He has a toothache.He has a stomachache.Grammar Focus1.Whats the matter with sb?= Whats the trouble with sb?= Whats wrong with sb?注:注:with为介词,后跟人称代词宾格,为介词,后跟人称代词宾格, 如如her,him,them等。等。eg:Whats th

6、e matter with your mother? Whats wrong with you? Whats the trouble with her?怎么了怎么了Grammar Focus在英语中,表达在英语中,表达“疼痛或不舒服疼痛或不舒服”时的常用结构:时的常用结构:(1)主语主语+have/has+a +病症病症 have a cold/fever (2)主语主语+have/has+a+sore+发病部位发病部位 sore 是一个独立的形容词,指的是身体某一部位的酸痛。如:是一个独立的形容词,指的是身体某一部位的酸痛。如:sore back, sore throat,sore back

7、,sore neck.(3)主语主语+have/has+a+部位部位-ache -ache作后缀,常与表示身体部位的名词合成一个新词,作后缀,常与表示身体部位的名词合成一个新词,表身体某部位疼痛,表身体某部位疼痛,如:如:toothache , headache , stomachache . (4)have/has a pain in/on the +身体部位身体部位 I have a pain in the arm. 我胳膊疼。我胳膊疼。(5)(There is)something wrong with +ones+部位部位 某人某部位不舒服某人某部位不舒服/出了毛病。出了毛病。 Ther

8、e is something wrong with my stomach. 我肚子不舒服。常用常用sore 修饰的词:修饰的词:throat leg foot eye常加常加后缀后缀-ache构成的词:构成的词:head tooth stomach ear两者都可用的词:两者都可用的词:back1. have a cold2. have a fever3. have a headache4. have a stomachache5. have a toothache6. have a sore throat7. have a sore backa. 喉咙痛喉咙痛b. 背痛背痛c. 牙痛牙痛d.

9、 头痛头痛e. 胃痛胃痛f. 感冒感冒g. 发烧发烧Look and matchNancy_ Sarah_ David_Ben_ Judy_1b:1b: Listen and look at the picture. Then number the names (1-5).42135 have a cold=catch a cold = have got a coldNurse: You dont look well. Whats the matter, Sarah?Sarah: I was playing with my friends at the park yesterday. Then

10、 it got windy, but I didnt put on my jacket. Now I have a cold.Conversation 1Conversation 2Nurse:Whats the matter, David?Are you OK?David: I ate too much junk food at my friends birthday party. So last night, I got a stomachache. I almost couldnt get myself out of bed this morning.Conversation 3Nurs

11、e:Whats the matter, Ben? Can you move?Ben: Not really. I was playing soccer the other day and I hurt myself. It seemed OK at first, but now I have a really sore back.Conversation 4Nurse: You look really tired. Whats the matter, Nancy?Nancy: I didnt sleep well last night. I have a toothache. Its terr

12、ible! I cant really eat anything either. It hurts a lot.Conversation 5Nurse: Whats the matter, Judy?Judy: Im sorry, but its very difficult for me to talk.Nurse: Oh, dear.Whats the matter?Judy: I talked too much yesterday and didnt drink enough water. I have a very sore throat now.He has a cold.He ca

13、tches/gets a cold.Whats the matter with him?Work in pair have a cold catch/get a cold have a cold 可以接一段时间,不能用于进行时可以接一段时间,不能用于进行时catch/get 不能接一段时间,瞬间动作不能接一段时间,瞬间动作 Eg. How long have you had a cold? I have a cold for 6 days.She has a toothache.Whats the matter with her?He has a headache.Whats the matt

14、er with him?She has a fever.Whats the matter with her?Whats the matter?She has a sore throat.1cA:Whats the matter with him?B:He talked too much yesterday and didnt drink enough water.He has a very sore throat now.too much 太多太多 修饰不可数名词修饰不可数名词I always worried too much.He drinks too much water every da

15、y.much too太太 修饰形容词和副词修饰形容词和副词much too dear/fast enough 足够的足够的enough water/food enough+n old /hard enough adj.adv.+enough The dining hall is - to hold 300 people.A small enough B enough smallC big enough D enough big C2a-2b4. toothache3. cough and sore throat2. stomachache1. fevera. lie down and rest

16、b. drink some hot tea with honeyc. see a dentist and get an X-rayd. take your temperature5. cut myselfe. put some medicine on it Listen and number the pictures 1-5 in the order you hear them. Listen again and match the problems with the advice.2,4,3,1,5.A:You dont look well. Your face looks a bit re

17、d.B: Yeah, and my head feels very hot. What should I do?A: Maybe you have a fever. You should take your temperature. B: Yes, youre right. should 应该 情态动词情态动词,后接动后接动 词原形词原形Conversation 1B: I didnt take good care of myself. I didnt wear enough warm clothes yesterday. Now I have a cough and a sore throa

18、t.A:Whats the matter?A: You should drink some hot tea with homey.B:That sounds like a good idea.Conversation 2B: I think I ate too much at dinner last night. It was an all-you-can-eat meal at the restaurant. But now I have a stomachache.A: You look terrible! Whats the matter?A: Thats too bad. You sh

19、ouldnt eat so much next time. Right now , you should lie down and rest.B: I guess I should.Conversation 3B: Its not my face. Its my tooth. I have a toothache. A: Whats wrong with your face?A: You should see a dentist and get an X-ray.B: But will it hurt?Conversation 4A: No, and if you dont go to the

20、 dentist now, itll hurt even more later!B: I was making dinner just now and I cut myself by accident.A: Oh, no! What happened?A: Oh, that looks serious. You should put some medicine on it . Here, let me lhelp you.B: OK, thanks.Conversation 5lie (1)躺,位于)躺,位于 lie lay lain lying The girl lying on the r

21、oad is my teacher.All the motels lie beside the road.所有的汽车旅馆都位于公路两边所有的汽车旅馆都位于公路两边.(2) 说谎说谎 lie lied lied lying A half truth is often no better than a lie. 半真半假的话不见得比说谎要好。半真半假的话不见得比说谎要好。 He lied that his school lay in the north of the city.他撒谎说他的学校位于城市的北面。他撒谎说他的学校位于城市的北面。 shouldshouldnt=should notadv

22、ice n. 建议,忠告,劝建议,忠告,劝some/much/a lot of/lots of advicea piece of advice 一条建议一条建议 stomachachefevertoothachetoothache对对症症下下药药sore throat stay in bed . have a good rest. lie down and rest. wear warm clothes. drink lots of water. drink hot tea. take some medicine.You should.I have a cold. What should I

23、do? take some medicine traditional Chinese medicine western medicineWhat shouldnt he do? -I think he shouldnt He has a sore throat drink cold drink. eat ice cream. eat hot food. talk too much. talk loudly.He shouldnt-2c A :Whats the matter? B:My head feels very hot. A:Maybe you have a fever. B:What

24、should I do? A: You should go to a doctor. B:I guess I should./ Yes, youre right. Thanks.Whats the matter?I have a_.sore backYou should _.see a doctorYou shouldnt_.exercisePairwork:Whats the matter?I have a _.You should_.You shouldnt_.feverdrink lots of water and go to bedgo out and exerciseA:Whats

25、the matter?B:I have a _.A:You should_. You shouldnt _.stomachachelie down and have a resteat anything for two hours2d.Read the conversation and answer my questions .1. Whats the matter with Lisa?2. What did Lisa do on the weekend?3. What should Lisa do ?Mandy: Lisa, are you OK?Lisa: I have a headach

26、e and I cant move my neck. What should I do? Should I take my temperature?Mandy: No, it doesnt sound like you have a fever. What did you do on the weekend?Lisa: I played computer games all weekend.Mandy: Thats probably why. You need to take breaks away from the computer.Lisa: Yeah, I think I sat in

27、the same way for too long without moving.Mandy:I think you should lie down and rest. If your head and neck still hurt tomorrow, then go to a docotor.Lisa: OK. Thanks, Mandy.1. I have a headache. 2. You should go to bed. 3. He has a stomachache.4. She shouldnt eat anything.5.She has a toothache.6. Sh

28、e should see a dentist.翻译下列句子:1. 我头痛。2. 你应当去睡觉。3. 他肚子痛。4. 他不应当吃任何东西。5. 她牙痛。6. 她应当看牙医。GrammarFocus3a-3cBus Driver and Passengers Save an Old ManAt 9:00 a.m. yesterday, bus No. 26 was going along Zhanghua Road when the driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road. A woman next to him was shouti

29、ng for help.The bus driver, 24-year-old Wang Ping, stopped the bus without thinking twice. He got off and asked the woman what happned. She said that the man had a heart problem and should go to the hospital. 3a-3c Mr. Wang knew he had to act quickly. He told the passengers that he must take the man

30、 to the hospital. He expected most or all of the passengers to get off and wait for the next bus. But to his surprise, they all agreed to go with him. Some passengers helped Mr. Wang to move the man onto the bus.3a-3cThanks to Mr. Wang and the passengers, the doctors saved the man in time. Its sad t

31、hat many people dont want to help others because they dont want any trouble, says one passenger.But the driver didnt think about himself. He only thought about saving a life. see sb. do sth. 看见某人干某事看见某人干某事 I see Mary pick up the wallet.(钱包) 强调动作已经完成强调动作已经完成,看到了全过程看到了全过程 see sb. doing sth.看见某人正在干某事 I

32、 saw her dancing in the street. 强调动作正在进行强调动作正在进行 see/watch/notice/hear(2)except+sb. to do sth He excepts her to go with him.他期望她和他一起去。他期望她和他一起去。(3)except+名词名词/代词代词 Im excepting a letter from her.我正在等她的信。我正在等她的信。 (4)+that从句从句 I except that hell come back tomorrow. 我希望他明天回来。我希望他明天回来。(1)except+to do st

33、h She excepts to go to school tomorrow. 她期望明天去上学。她期望明天去上学。except 希望,期待希望,期待to ones surprise 令某人吃惊的,出乎意料令某人吃惊的,出乎意料 To my surprise,he is a student.agree agree to do sth. My mother agree to buy me a gift. agree with sb. I agree with you. agree on sth.We agree on the question. thanks to 多亏,幸亏多亏,幸亏 Than

34、ks to your help,I finish my job.in time 及时及时 on time 准时准时Read the passage in 3a. Do you think it comes from a newspaper or a book? How do you know? Then read the passage again and check ( )the things that happened in the story.3a-3c1. _Wang Ping was the driver of bus No. 26 at 9:00 a.m. yesterday.2.

35、 Bus No. 26 hit an old man on Zhanghua Road.3. _ The old man had a heart problem and needed to go to the hospital right away. 3a-3c4. _The passengers on the bus did not want to go to the hospital, so only Wang Ping went with the woman and old man.5. Some passengers helped to get the old man onto the

36、 bus.6. _ The old man got to the hospital in time. 3a-3cNow answer my questions.1. Why was Wang Ping surprised that the passengers agreed to go to the hospital with him?2. Did the passengers think Wang Ping did the right thing? How do you know?3. Do you agree that people often do not help others bec

37、ause they do not want to get into trouble? Why or why not?-Whats the matter?- I have a stomachache.- You shouldnt eat so much next time.1. -怎么了? - 我肚子疼。 - 下一次你不要吃得太多。GrammarFocus翻译下列句子-Whats the matter with Ben?- He hurt himself. He has a sore back.- He should lie down and rest.2. -Ben怎么了? - 他伤着了自己,

38、他背疼。 - 他应该躺下来休息。GrammarFocus翻译下列句子-Do you have a fever?-Yes, I do./ No, I dont. / I dont know.3. -你发烧了吗? - 是的,我发烧了。 /不,我没发烧。 /我不知道。GrammarFocus翻译下列句子-Does he have a toothache?-Yes, he soes.- He should see a dentist and get an X-ray.4. -他牙疼吗? - 是的,他牙疼。 -他应该去看牙医并且拍一个X光片子。GrammarFocus翻译下列句子-What should

39、 she do?-She should take her temperature.5. -她应该干什么? - 她应该量体温。GrammarFocus翻译下列句子6. -我应该在上面敷一些药吗? -是的,你应该。/不,你不应该-Should I put some medicine on it?-Yes, you should./ No, you shouldnt.4a. Fill the the blanks and practice the conversations.1. A: I hurt _ when I played basketball yesterday. What _ I do?

40、 B: You _see a doctor and get an X-ray.2. A: _ the matter? B: My sister and I _ sore throats. _ we go to school? A: No, you _.3. A:_ Mike _ a fever? B: No, he _. He _ a stomachache. A: He _ drink some hot tea.myselfshouldshouldWhatshaveShouldshouldntDoeshavedoesnthasshould4b.Circle the best advice f

41、or these health problems. Then add your own advice.1. Jenny cut herself.She should ( get an X-ray/ put some medicine on the cut).My advice:_She should stick a band-aid(创可贴)创可贴)。2. Kate has a toothache.She should ( see a dentist/ get some sleep).My advice:_3. Mary and Sue have colds. They shouldnt (

42、sleep/ exercise).My advice:_She should drink some hot water with salt。They should take some medicine。4. Bob has a sore back. He should ( lie down and rest/ take his temperature).My advice:_He shouldnt play basketball。4c. One students mimes a problem. The other students in your group guess the problem and give advice. A: Whats the matter? Did you hurt yourself ( when you were ) playing soccer? B: No, I didnt.C: Did you fall down?B: Yes, I did.D: You should go home and get some rest.


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