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1、关于我的好朋友英语作文带翻译10篇我的好挚友英语作文1 My Friend(我的挚友) Zhang Dong is my best friend。 He entered our class last semester。 He is a boy。 Both of us are good at English, so we often have a chat in English in our spare time。 After school, we often play football together on the playground。 He runs so fast that I can

2、 not catch up with him。 He is an excellent student。 He not only gets good marks in all subjects but also is very kind and modest。 He loves popular songs and also classical music。 There are three people in his family and he is the only child。 His father is a doctor and his mother is a Beijing Opera a

3、ctress。 Though Zhang Dong's family is wealthy, he is usually simply dressed。 He has a dream which is to be a lawyer。 Such is my friend, a clever and kind boy。 He is highly praised by the teachers and students。 张东是我最好的挚友。他是上学期来我们班的,他是个男孩。我们两个人都擅长英语,因此我们常常在课余时间用英语闲聊。放学后,我们常常在操场上踢足球。他跑得特性快,我追不上他。他是

4、个优秀的学生,他不但各科功课好而且很友善、虚心。他喜爱流行音乐,也喜爱古典音乐。 他家有三口人,他是独生子。父亲是个医生,母亲是个京剧演员。尽管张东家境比较富有,但是他的穿着却非常朴实。他有一个幻想,就是将来当个律师。 这就是我的挚友,一个聪慧、友好的男孩。老师和同学们都喜爱他。 我的好挚友英语作文2 我的挚友 My Friend Zeng Qiao is one of my friends。 She is a beautiful, outgoingand good-tempered girl。 She smiles frequently。 I think its her smile that

5、 makes her beauty。 We live in the same dormitory, so that we always stay together, no matter going to classroom or having dinners。 At first, I dont like her very much, because she is always talking。 It seems that she cant stop open her mouth。 I am a little bit quiet and introverted, so I seldom talk

6、 to others。 But gradually, I find that she can have influence on others by what she says。 Zeng Qiao likes sharing interesting things with others。 For example, she likes telling us her funny stories of her childhood or her former classmates。 She always tells me that I should be more extroverted and l

7、earn to talk to others。 Under the influence of her, I municate with others more frequently and I find that it feels so great。 I am so grateful that I can have such a good friend。 曾巧是我的一个挚友,她是个美丽活波,脾气又好的女孩子。她很喜爱笑,我觉得是她的笑容使她看上去美丽。我们住同一间宿舍,因此不管是去教室还是吃饭都形影不离。之前我并不喜爱她,我认为她太喜爱说话了,总是停不住她的嘴。相反我性格内向,喜爱宁静,很少跟

8、别人说话。但是慢慢地,我发觉她是个擅长用言语影响别人的女孩子,她喜爱跟别人共享搞笑的事,那些童年的故事或是以前同学的事情。她常常开导我要变得外向,多试着跟别人说话。在她的影响下,我跟别人沟通也更多了,并且发觉这感觉非常好。我觉得有这样的挚友很幸运! 我的好挚友英语作文3 I have a good friend。 She is a girl。 And she is pretty。 She is very good at English! And her English grades are very well! My good friend is a student of HengFu Roa

9、d Middle School in class five junior one。 She is 13 years old。 She is 1 years older than me。 And she has two beautiful eyes。 She has a cherry mouth and a little nose。 She loves to smile。 And her smile is very beautiful。 Do you know her hobby? Let me tell you! Her favourite sport is badminton。 She en

10、joys doing housework and playing puter games。 So her mother loves her very much。 And all of her family love her, too。 I am very happy to be her friends! 我有一个好挚友。她是一个女孩。她很美丽。她英语特别好!她的英语成果也很好! 我的好挚友是恒福路中学初一五班的一名学生。她13岁。她比我大1岁。她有两只漂亮的眼睛。她有一张樱桃色的嘴和一个小鼻子。她喜爱微笑。她的微笑特别漂亮 你知道她的爱好吗?让我告知你!她最喜爱的运动是羽毛球。她喜爱做家务和玩

11、电脑嬉戏。所以她的母亲特别爱她。她的家人也都爱她 我很兴奋成为她的挚友! 我的好挚友英语作文4 My good friend's name is LV Junru. He is tall, has a pair of big, bright eyes, curved eyebrows like a sickle, short hair, sharp chin, round face, and smiles like a ripe red apple. We often play and do homework together. After school, we went home h

12、appily together. When we do our homework, we take out our Chinese and math homework first, and then take out our pencils and sharpen them. Then we did our homework quietly and seriously. Suddenly, I encountered a problem that I couldn't do. Just when I was sweating, he came to me and taught me d

13、etailed problem-solving methods and steps. With his help, I finally fully understood. We help and learn from each other every day, and slowly we become good friends. 我的好挚友叫吕俊儒。他个子高高的,有一双大大的、炯炯有神的眼睛,弯弯的眉毛像镰刀,头发短短的,下巴尖尖的,圆圆的脸蛋笑起来就像一个熟透了的红苹果。 我们经常一起做作业、玩耍。放学后,我们一起开快乐心地回家去。写作业时我们像在学校里一样,我们先把语文和数学作业拿出来,再

14、把铅笔拿出来削好。接着我们安宁静静、认仔细真地做作业。突然,我遇到了一个不会做的题目,正值我急得满头大汗的时候,他来到我身旁教我具体的解题方法和步骤。在他的帮助下,我最终完全理解了。 我们每天相互帮助、互相学习,渐渐地我们成了好挚友。 我的好挚友英语作文5 I have a close friend whose name is LiBing。 He is half head taller than me。 He likes to dress in blue jeans and he is very friendly to people。 我有一个好挚友名叫杰克。他比我高半头。他喜爱穿蓝色牛仔服

15、,对人非常友好。 Once I was ill at home。 He lived far away from my house but he came and helped me with my study。 有一次我生病在家。他家离我家很远,但他放学之后帮忙我学习。 He always says, A life without a friend is a life without sunshine。 My friend has done the same as he says。 I'm happy to have such a friend。 If he is in trouble

16、, I'll try my best to help him。 他常说:“一个人没有挚友,就像生活没有阳光。”我的挚友这么说,也这么做了。有这样的挚友我真的很兴奋(作文地带也举荐翻译为“骄傲”)。假如他遇上麻烦,我必需会尽力帮忙他。 挚友不须要说的太多,只须要一个问候,就能让他心里泛起涟漪,作文地带期望每一个人都能够在您幸运的时候还记得起以前和你在一齐的挚友。 我的好挚友英语作文6 Zhu_ He is my good friend. She has a pair of big eyes, watery like two big grapes, and her eyelashes ar

17、e dense and long, very beautiful. She has black and beautiful hair, and her little face is always red, like a big apple. She wears a ponytail every day. It's very cute! We often play the game of Eagle catching chicken together. At the beginning of the game, we always use the form of stone, sciss

18、ors and paper to decide who is an eagle. Once, when Cheng Rui was an eagle, her movements were very agile. I blocked left and right, and I did my best to solve the skill. I couldn't protect my chicken. She caught her. We had a good time every time, and happy laughter spread all over the campus.

19、We often run together, jump rope together and draw together. We do a lot of things together. We are a pair of inseparable good friends. 朱_是我的好挚友。她有一双大大的眼睛,水汪汪的像两颗大葡萄,睫毛又密又长,特别美丽。她有一头乌黑亮丽的头发,小脸总是红彤彤的,似乎一个大苹果。她每天扎着一根马尾辫,可爱极了! 我们常常一起玩老鹰捉小鸡的嬉戏,嬉戏刚起先时,我们总是用石头剪刀布的形式来确定谁当老鹰。有一次,程睿当老鹰,她的动作特别灵敏,我左挡右挡,使尽浑身解术,

20、也爱护不了我的小鸡,被她捉住了。我们每次都玩得很快乐,快乐的笑声传遍校内。 我们还常常一起跑步,一起跳绳,一起画画好多事情我们都一起去做,是一对形影不离的好挚友。 我的好挚友英语作文7 _ She is my good friend. She is a lovely little girl. Her eyes are big and bright, like shining stars; She has a round face and a pair of lovely dimples when she smiles. LAN LAN is very optimistic and always

21、 smiles. Whenever I see her smiling face, I feel happy. After school, LAN LAN and I often exercise on the playground. We like running very much and often have running competitions. In a running race, I accidentally fell down and couldn't help crying. Lan Lan hurriedly ran over to help me and enc

22、ouraged me to carry on the game to the end. I clenched my teeth and tried to rush to the finish line. LAN LAN is waiting for me at the end. Cheer for me! This is my good friend, a kind little girl. She always gives roses and shares happiness with others. _是我的好挚友,她是个可爱的小姑娘。她的眼睛大大的,亮亮的,就像闪亮的星光;脸蛋圆圆的,笑

23、起来有一对可爱的小酒窝。兰兰特别乐观,总是面带微笑,每当我看到她的笑脸,也跟着欢乐起来。 放学以后,我和兰兰常常在操场上熬炼身体。我们很喜爱跑步,常常进行跑步竞赛。在一次跑步竞赛中,我不当心摔倒了,眼泪忍不住流下来。兰兰赶忙跑过来扶我,还激励我要将竞赛进行究竟。我咬咬牙,努力冲向终点。兰兰在终点等我呢,为我欢呼加油! 这就是我的好挚友,一个和善的小姑娘。她总是予人玫瑰,与人共享欢乐。 我的好挚友英语作文8 My good friend's name is Zheng _, He is nine years old. He is almost as tall as me. When he

24、 smiles, his eyes are always narrowed into a line, which makes people feel very playful. He also has a eloquent mouth. He always competes to answer questions in class and talks endlessly every time. He is very knowledgeable and is a little doctor in our class. We all like him very much. We play game

25、s together, draw pictures together, do experiments together and play flying flower order together. I remember once when we played the flying flower order, we said to each other poems containing Moon. At first, we said one thing to me and you said one thing. It was a lot of fun! After about a dozen s

26、entences, Zheng Haoren got stuck. He touched his head and thought hard for a long time, if you can't say it again, I'll win! I'm sure I can think of it! He didn't give up, and finally came up with a sentence: the moon geese fly high and escape alone at night. Look, this is the little

27、 doctor in our class, a little doctor who refuses to admit defeat! 我的好挚友叫郑_,他今年九岁了。他个子跟我差不多高,他笑起来的时候,眼睛老是眯成一条线,给人感觉很俏皮的样子。他还长着一张能说会道的嘴,上课的时候总是争着抢着回答问题,每次都说得滔滔不绝。他学问很渊博,是我们班的小博士。我们都很喜爱他。 我们一起玩嬉戏,一起画画,一起做试验,一起玩飞花令。记得有一次玩飞花令的时候,我们相互说含有“月”的诗句,起先,我们我说一句你说一句,说得不亦乐乎!也许说了十几句后,郑皓仁卡住了,他摸摸脑袋,冥思苦想了半天,“你再说不出来,我就

28、赢了!”“我确定能想出来的!”他不放弃,最终最终想出了一句:“月黑雁飞高 ,单于夜遁逃。”瞧,这就是我们班的“小博士”,一个不服输的“小博士”! 我的好挚友英语作文9 She, her name is Li _. She is my good friend. Her hair is black and has a braid. Her red face glowed like a ripe apple in September; There are also a pair of childish eyes decorated with long eyelashes on his face, l

29、ike two crystal grapes. Look, when she smiles, her white teeth show up! We often play a game called horse riding. This game can be played by 4-8 people. At this time, Yu Hanyu and Hu Shuxiang also want to play. Of course, we are very welcome! The first is grouping. Li zhangchi and I are in a group,

30、and they are in a group. I am a galloping fine horse, running with her. Originally, they were ahead. I found that Li zhangchi didn't hold on. I said to her, hold on, I'm going to rush. I fired like an arrow and pursued them closely. At the critical moment, we caught up with them and shouted

31、happily, we win! It's nice to have a little partner! 她,她叫李_。她是我的好挚友。 她的头发乌黑乌黑的,还扎了一条辫子。她红嘟嘟的脸蛋闪着红光,就像九月里熟透了的苹果;脸上还有一双带有稚气的,被长长的睫毛装饰起来的眼睛,就像两颗水晶葡萄。瞧,她笑起来雪白的牙齿就露了出来! 我们常常玩一个嬉戏,叫做“骑马”。这个嬉戏是4-8人可以玩的。这时,正好余翰宇和胡舒翔也想玩,我们当然非常欢迎啦!首先是分组,我和李张弛一组,他们俩一组。我是一匹奔驰的“骏马”,带着她飞奔。原来,他们领先,我发觉李张弛没抓紧,我对她说:“抓紧,我要冲了。”我就“箭

32、”一样地放射了过去,紧追不舍,在关键时刻,我们追上了他们,欢呼雀跃地喊道:“我们赢啦!” 有小伙伴的感觉真好啊! 我的好挚友英语作文10 I have a good friend named Cheng, He is a humorous and cheerful person. He is tall and fat. He has a chubby round face and a pair of black and blue glasses on the bridge of his short nose. The little eyes narrowed into a slit when

33、laughing. He also has a loud voice and a eloquent mouth. He sometimes pretends to be serious, like a little adult. We often read, study and play games together. What makes me most happy is playing Taekwondo. Qiye taught me Taekwondo. I worshipped him as my teacher. He first taught me the basic attac

34、k 'Zha Ma Bu'. At first, I learned from him, put my feet apart, stretched my arms straight, and said with a smile, this is a standing horse step! I squatted down. He frowned like a coach and said seriously, this is a squatting horse step! I quickly stood up again. He pointed happily and said

35、, yes, that's the position. Hold it for ten minutes. But this half squat is so difficult that I can't hold on for a minute. He saw me lazy, standing there with my waist crossed, complaining while angry. Looking at his little adult appearance, I couldn't help falling to the ground laughin

36、g and stammering: Master. Stop talking. There are so many jokes because of a horse step. This is our friendship. 我有一个好挚友,叫程_,他是个即幽默又开朗的人,他个子高偏胖,有一张胖乎乎的圆脸,不高的鼻梁上架着一副黑蓝相间的眼镜。小小的眼睛笑起来眯成一条缝。他还有一副嘹亮的好嗓子和一张能说会道的嘴。他有时候装正经,像个小大人 。 我们常在一起看书、学习、做嬉戏。最让我快乐的是玩跆拳道嬉戏,祺烨教我跆拳道,我拜他为师,他先教我基本攻扎马步。起先,我学着他的动作摆好扎马步姿态两脚分开,双手臂伸直,他微笑地说:这是站马步!我就蹲下去了儿,他像个教练似的皱着眉头肃穆地说:你这是蹲马步!我抓紧又站起来点儿,他兴奋地指着说:对,就是这个姿态,保持非常钟。可这个半蹲动作好难,我一分钟也坚持不住。他看我偷懒,叉着腰站在那里一边生气一边发牢骚,看着他这副小大人的样子,我忍不住倒在地上捧腹大笑,结结巴巴地说:师傅你别再讲了。就因为一个扎马步闹出了那么多笑话。 这就是我们之间的友情。 关于我的好挚友英语作文带翻译10篇


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