师大附中初三英语优质课件精选——《What a large population》.ppt

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1、,What a large population,执教教师:XXX,Welcome!,学习目标:1.继续学习现在完成时。2.学习数字的表达法。3.提高对人口问题的认识。,2a Look at the numbers and read them . 543 3,980 98,721 768,540 6,004,0012,346,780 82,364,580 405,000,000 5,555,555,555 7,764,198,502,thousand,million,billion,自学指导一:,China,Canada,a.6,575,b.8,844,43,c.32 million,d.21

2、0 million,e.1.3 billion,f. 326,Beijing,Toronto,Discuss :1.What are the problems in China ?2.What is the biggest problem?How can we deal with it?,1b.Listen to the tape ,then fill out the table,1.3 billion,222 million,184 million,296 million,1.1 billion,Work in pairs:A: Whats the population of ?B; Its

3、 ,自学指导二 :,Points:1.have a population of +数字 有 人口2.increase by 净增3.China has the largest population with 1.3 billion, and India is the second one with 1.1 billion. (合并为一个含比较级的句子)4.What s the population of ? 有多少人口?5.developing/developed country 发展中的/发达国家6.carry out 执行,The population of China is larger

4、 than that of India.,Exercise :1.The country has a p_ of 1.1 billion.(填词)2.Our country carried out the one-child p_.(填词)3.I can learn English better now _his help .(因为)4.China is a _country ,while the U.S.A is a _country. (develop)5._,it didnt rain yesterday . (lucky),population,policy,because of,de

5、veloping,developed,Luckily,Choose the best answer.1._ is the population of China ? -1.3 billion.How many B. How much C. What D. How2.-You seem to like sweets . -_.So I do B. So do I C. So am I D. So I am3.-I like playing football when I was young . -_.So he was B. So was he C. So did he D. so he did

6、4.The population of France is nearly as _as that of Britain.fewer B. large C. more D. many,5.-Mary hasnt paid for the school things ,has she ?-_.Her mother will pay for her.Yes ,she has B. No, she hasnt C. Yes ,she did . D. No, she has.6.66,374,125,368 can be read _.,The population of the world :6.5 billion,Byebye!,谢谢观看,请指导,


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