实验中学七年级英语优质课件精选——《A letter from a pen-friend》.ppt

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1、,A letter from a pen-friend,执教教师:XXX,Welcome!,Chapter One A Letter from a Pen-friend,(一)综述本单元的阅读部分是一个生活在英国的学生写给香港笔友的一封英文信。学生对国外同龄孩子的生活比较感兴趣,再加上他们对英文信形式不陌生。所以,教师应充分利用学生的兴趣,通过比较不同的学校生活进行教授。本课的任务有两个:学生通过对课文的学习。掌握一些核心词汇,例如:pen-friend ,magazine,inch ,form等。通过学习课文,了解英文信的结构,为writing部分做准备,(二)阅读目标知识目标学习课文中重点

2、词、词组、句型和语法。能力目标通过阅读进一步掌握英文信的结构、格式。情感目标帮助学生学会与他人交流。(三)教学方法采用任务型教学法组织教学,通过听说训练、讨论等具体活动,达到教学效果。,(四)重点和难点,词汇学习核心词汇 magazine pen-friend foot inch hobby own form keen keen on physics ambition shut probably拓展词汇 rugby hockey top-right signature postal code postal codechess enclose trainer idle inaudible act

3、ually geography,句型学习I would like to be your pen-friend.My ambition is to be an engineer.,Teaching Designs,Pre-reading 八、九年级和六、七年级课本结构体系完全不同,在这个阶段完成以下任务:介绍八、九年级课本结构特点,课文所涉及的语法及有关阅读技巧先通过Brainstorm让学生说出自己最喜欢的运动,然后通过P2练习A检测,并利用学生喜爱的足球明星照片过渡到鼓励学生谈论对英国的了解,同时教师向学生介绍一些有关英国的学校教育背景知识,最后教师与学生分享阅读一封笔友的来信(即课文)与学

4、生一起讨论英文信的组成部分,为进入课文学习作好铺垫。,While-reading,听课文录音全文, complete Ex.E1( P6 ) 讲解课文:A. 介绍英文信格式、地址写法及Newcastle upon Tyne.B讨论文章四段大意.C猜词训练-根据上下文推测词意D. 重点词汇及句式讲解EConsolidation and conclusion 指导学生完成课文后的P5 Ex C2、Ex D。,Post-reading 同时推荐学生阅读补充材料(视学生阅读能力定),英文信格式、地址写法及Newcastle upon Tyne介绍,(可以先画一个format of an informa

5、l letter)1.Senders address2.Date3.Dear_ (the name of the receiver)4.Greeting (and/ or reasons for writing the letter)For your close friends How are you?/ How are you getting on?/How are things with you?/ Hi/ Ive got some wonderful news for you.For reply letters It was great to hear from you.For a ne

6、w friend My name is _. I want to be your pen-friend.Apology Sorry for not writing to you for so long.,5.Main body of a letter, divided into paragraphs6.Farewell message: Im looking forward to your letter. Keep in touch! Write to me when you have time. Hope to hear from you soon.7. Closing: Love/ Muc

7、h love / Best wishes /Bye for now /Yours8. The senders signature,注:英文信地址中文习惯从小到大,邮政编码单独立项;英文信是从小到大,邮编位于国家和城市之间。英国的邮政编码由字母和数字构成,为5 至7位数。如: Middle Street 中街 Walker 沃克 Newcastle upon Tyne 纽卡斯尔 (=New-castle,因位于Tyne河以北而得名) NE6 4BY 邮政编码 England 英国,英文阅读理解涉及到词汇、句子、段落、语篇四个层次的理解问题,关键在于真正读懂文章,所以最根本的是对词汇的理解。初中英

8、语学科教学基本要求规定,学生能根据上下文推测词义,并能不借助词典读懂含有3%生词的语言材料。在8A 开始的每个Chapter中,都有一个阅读技巧训练,教师要充分利用课本语言材料,结合书本或配套练习,对学生进行专项阅读技巧指导。,在这篇课文中“Find the meanings” 根据上下文猜测词意就是其中一个内容。,1、根据构词法猜测词意 :前缀一般改变词义,后缀一般改变词性。 前缀dis/un-表反义词,如interesting/ uninteresting,appear /disappear等;后缀- ment/tion表名词,如develop/ development,recite/re

9、citation等;后缀-er、-or或-ist表同源名词,如teach/teacher,visit/ visitor,wait/ waiter,science/scientist,art/ artist等。,2、根据文中举例猜测词义常见的举例提示词有:for example, for instance, such as如:Today many young people spend a lot of money on appliances, for instance, washing machines, refrigerators and color televisions.如不知道appli

10、ances的意思,从文中举例washing machines, refrigerators and color televisions可以猜出该词的意思为“家用电器”,3、根据上下文猜测词意I am keen on sports. I enjoy playing rugby and badminton in the winter, and tennis in the summer. 首先推测keen这个词的含义。从后面句子enjoy这个词可以推测出am keen on 为喜欢的意思。rugby这个词的意思从badminton 、tennis可以推测它是一项球类运动项目。 巩固练习:P4 C1,

11、核心词汇,magazine n. a large, thin book with pictures, usually published once a week or month 杂志pen-friend n. someone you write letters to as a hobby 笔友; 写信但未曾谋面的朋友foot n. 英尺( 长度单位, =30.48 厘米, 复数 feet。1英尺=12 英寸。3英尺=1码。英寸叫做 inch, 码叫作yard。)inch n. 英寸 ( =2.54 厘米 ); 复数 inches。hobby n. an interest or activit

12、y such as collecting stamps or making models; 业余爱好,own v. 拥有form n. 形式; 种类; ( 需填写的 ) 表格; ( 人或物体的 ) 形状; 外形; 样子; ( 学校的 )年级 ( 尤其指英国的中学年级 )keen a. 热心的; 渴望的; 敏锐的; 灵敏的keen on very interested in; wanting to do something; 十分喜欢; 很感兴趣physics n. 物理学; physicist n. 物理学家,ambition n. wish or goal; 雄心;抱负shut v. 关闭;

13、 关上probably ad. 几乎肯定;很可能;大概;或许length n. 长度;long a. 长的birth n. 出生;诞生;birthday n. 生日actress n. 女演员;actor n. 男演员,扩展词汇,rugby n. ( 英式的 )橄榄球运动 ( 两队各13或15人参赛, 用手脚均可 )hockey n. 曲棍球 ( 球场叫作pitch )top-right a. 右上方的signature n. 签名;署名postal a. 邮政的;邮递的;post v. 邮寄( 信件或包裹 )code n. 代码;密码;编码postal code n. 邮政编码,chess

14、n. a common board game( Note that games and activities are often uncountable, and so they do not take the indefinite articles a or an.) 国际象棋enclose v. put inside 随信附上;放入封套trainer n. 软运动鞋idle a. 懒惰的;空闲的inaudible a. 听不见的;不可闻的,geography n. 地理学;geographical a. 地理(学)的 consonant n. 辅音;子音vowel n. 元音Europea

15、n n. 欧洲人;European a. 欧洲的;Europe n. 欧洲,reference n. 参考;参阅reference book n. 参考书;工具书 ( 如字典 )encyclopaedia n. ( 常以字母顺序排列的 )百科全书directory n. ( 按字母顺序排列的 )姓名地址录;号码簿alphabetical n. 字母表的;按字母顺序的;alphabet n. ( 按顺序排列的 )一套字母;字母表omen n. 预兆;征兆,destined a. 命中注定的;destine v. 命定;注定;预定fortune n. luck 运气;好运arrival n. 到达

16、;抵达;arrive v. 到达;抵达embassy n. 大使housekeeper n. someone who is paid to clean and organize your house and to cook for you 管家China Drama Academy n. 中国戏剧学院idol n. 偶像,重点词组,a letter from a pen-friend 来自笔友的一封信an address at the top-right corner 一个在右上方的地址a postal code 一个邮政编码Newcastle upon Tyne 纽卡斯尔 ( = Newca

17、stle, 因位于Tyne 河以北而得名 )would like to 愿意;想tell sb. some things about 告诉某人一些关于的事情about five feet tall 大约5英尺高work as 以为职业enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事be keen on 十分喜欢; 很感兴趣,play rugby 打橄榄球play chess 下国际象棋play badminton 打羽毛球write to 写信给tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人关于某事look sth. up in a dictionary 在字典中查阅have never bee

18、n there 从未到过那里be born 出生( 于 )speak Chinese 说中文a brother called Edwin 一个名叫埃德温的兄弟Form One 中学一年级walk to school 步行去学校less than 小于,not at all 根本不sports field 运动场a photo of mine 一张我自己的照片in the middle 在中间best wishes 诚挚问候take a look at 看一看at the end 在结尾处all in 疲劳; 疲乏到极点full name 全名leave school 毕业; 离开学校; 放学回

19、家,Reading 重要句式,1.and I would like to be your pen-friend. 并且,我想成为你的笔友。Would like to 表示“想要、愿意”,有want to 之意-Would you like to go swimming with me?-Yes, Id like to.2.I will tell you some things about myself.我将告诉你一些与我有关的事情。Tell sb sth about告诉某人关于.的一些事情3.Im about five feet tall.我大约5英尺高。我们可以用“数词+单位+形容词”来表示

20、身高、体重、长度、宽度、年龄等。如:Tom is eleven years old.,4.My favourite hobby is playing computer games.我最大的兴趣爱好是电脑游戏。在这个句子中,playing computer games是动名词作表语。5.Now my parents own a Chinese restaurant in Newcastle.现在,我的父母在纽卡斯尔开有一家中国餐馆。own是动词,“拥有,占有”,与have 相近,但own 更强调物品归属为某人自己。own 还可以作为形容词放在所有格前面,如my own car6.He works

21、 as an architect, in London. 他在伦敦当建筑设计师。work as 以.为职业My uncle worked as a teacher in America last year. 我叔叔去年在美国当老师。,7.I have a brother called Edwin. 我有的哥哥名叫艾德温。call v. 称呼;取名;呼唤;打电话给n. 叫,喊;(一次)电话;通话 该句中的call作“称呼;取名”解释,相当于with the name of8.Im keen on sports. 我热爱运动。 be keen on = likevery much= be inte

22、rested in 特别喜爱,渴望,热衷于。 后面跟名词短语或动名词。9. I enjoy playing rugby and badminton in the winter, and tennis in the summer.我喜欢在冬天打橄榄球和羽毛球,在夏天打网球。enjoy 是欣赏、喜欢的意思,后跟名词或动名词,不接不定式。enjoy 在表示“喜欢”的意思时,与Likelove 同意,可以互相替代,但Likelove可跟动词不定式,表示“想要去做” ,” 喜欢去做.” 的意思。另,enjoy oneself=have a good time 过得快乐,10.My ambition is

23、 to be an engineer. 我的理想是成为一名工程师。ambition n. 壮志,雄心,相当于strong wish. to be an engineer是不定式作表语11.I enclose a photo of myself and some school friends. 随信附上一张我和同学的照片。enclose是动词,“随信附寄”的意思 ; a photo of myself 是一张有我本人的照片,而a photo of mine 表示“我拥有的照片中的一张”,强调的是“这是我的照片”,但照片中有可能没有我。,特殊疑问词及不定冠词a/an的基本用法的简单教案,1.Dai

24、ly talk .Ask Ss some questions using Wh-questions .Who is your favourite star?Which subject do you like best?Whats your hobby?How do you go to school every day?How old are you?How many books do you read every year?,2. Leading in 在进行了短暂热身练习之后,教师有意识地将书中Wh-questions及a/an 用法呈现给学生。Who针对“某人”提问,Who在特殊疑问句中可

25、做主语、宾语Which 后可跟名词,不跟名词时,只能用来指物,而不能指人What针对“事物”提问,后可跟名词如:What size, What time ,What dayWhere 针对“处所”提问When针对“时间”提问How常常用来针对“身体状况”“做事的方式”、“外表”、“天气”等提问,如How old,How many,How far,How long,How often, How much,a/an用在单数可数名词前,a 用在以辅音音素开头的单词前,而an用在以元音音素开头的单词前。1、 形容词修饰名词时,不定冠词放在形容词前2、可数名词单数前,表示一类事物或人中的任意一个3、表示

26、一类人或,a/an不用翻译4、有时用a/an表示one的含义, 也可用在固定搭配中。,Consolidation,IComplete the questions with How +adj/adv.1._is the Oriental TV Tower? Its 468 metres tall.2._ does the train to Beijing run? Every two hours.3._ is it from here to your school? Its twenty minutes walk.4._ have you learned English? More than f

27、ive years.II. Put in what/ which/who.1._ is that ladys name?2._way shall we go? Left or right?3._day is it today? Friday.4._is your favourite sport?5._is younger, Tom or Mike?6._is your nationality?,Write a or an,1._ old lady 2._ hour 3._uncle 4._useful book5._S 6._D 7._100-word report 8._cartoon9._taxi driver 10._address 11._honest man 12._inn13._good time 14._ airport 15._Chinese restaurant,Byebye!,谢谢观看,请指导,


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