师大附中小学六年级英语优质课件精选——《Unit 3》.ppt

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1、,Unit 3,执教教师:XXX,Welcome!,1. fly (v.)飞行 flight (n.)航行2.flyer (n.)飞行员,飞行器3.per (prep.) 每,每一 48 kilometres per hour每小时48公里4.climb (v.)爬5.roll (v.)滚动6.forward (adv.)向前 roll forward向前滚动7.second (n.) 秒 8.however (adv.) 然而9.height (n.)高度10.watch sth./sb. do sth.看做11. through the air 穿过空气12.want to do sth.

2、 13.start the engine 启动发动机13.how far多远 ;how fast多快;how long多长(时间); how often多长时间做一次,language points,(Page13),Answer the questions:1.Were there any aeroplanes a hundred years ago?2.Who made the first aeroplane?3.Why did they watch the birds fly?4.What was the name of the first plane?,No, there were n

3、ot.,The Wright brothers.,They wanted to fly like the birds.,Flyer 1.,Reading,Answer the questions:1.When did the first aeroplane fly?2.Who was the first pilot of the first aeroplane?3.Where did the first aeroplane fly?4.How fast did the first plane fly?5.How high / far did the first plane fly?6.How

4、long did it fly?,On 17 December 1903.,Orville Wright was the first pilot.,It flew in Kittyhawk,USA.,It flew at 48 kilometres per hour.,Reading,It flew 3.5 metres high and 36.5 metres far .,It flew for 12 seconds.,Have a try,The Wright brothers l_ in Kittyhawk,USA.The brothers w_ the birds fly throug

5、h the air.They m_ an aero plane and c_ it Flyer 1.On17 December 1903,Orville Wright c_ into the plane.He s_ the engine.The plane r_ forward and f_ .It w_ the first aeroplane to fly.,Fill in the blanks:,ived,atched,ade,alled,limbed,tarted,olled,lew,as,waterfall,bath,well,pump,tap,pond,Read a poem,1.(

6、 ),2.( ),3.( ),4. ( ),5.( ),6.( ),tap B.well C.pond,D.waterfall E.bath F.pump,D,B,E,C,F,A,Water all around us Water has no_at all.Water has no _.Waters in the _,The _,the _,the _.Waters everywhere _ us .Waters in the _,in the _and in the _,And in the _ again.,Write the poem:,taste,smell,waterfall,pump,tap,well,around,rain,bath,pond,sea,waterfall (n.)瀑布 pump (n.)抽水机3. tap (n.) 水龙头4.well (n.)井5.bath (n.)浴室,澡盆6.pond(n.)池塘7.around (prep.) 在周围 round8.everywhere(adv.)每个地方9.again(adv.) 再一次 again and again反复,language points,(Page14),Byebye!,谢谢观看,请指导,


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