冀教初中英语九上《Lesson 4 Don't Smoke, Please!》PPT课件 (2).ppt

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1、Lesson 4,Dont smoke, please!,教学目标,1. 掌握下面的词汇:Words: smoke, harmful, disease, lung, breathe, harm, cigarette, whenever, risk, somebody 2. 句型1. Smoking is bad for your health.2. Smoking pollutes the environment, too.3. Youll have no time for cigarettes.,Warming up,Think about it:List some of the disea

2、ses in the world today?Why do people get ill?,New words,smoke harmfuldisease lungbreathe harmcigarette wheneverrisk somebody,ill,smoke,terrible,beer,wine,Useful structures and expressions,Once you get into the habit of smoking, its not easy to give it up. 一旦你养成吸烟的习惯,就不容易戒掉了。 【用法】句式get into the habit

3、 of doing意为“养成或形成习惯”,介词of后加动名词作宾语。Eg. His uncle has got into the habit of drinking wine. 他叔叔养成了喝酒的习惯。,2. If your family members smoke, encourage them to stop smoking. 如果你的家人吸烟,鼓励他们戒烟。,【用法】句式encourage somebody to do something 意为“鼓励某人做某事”,这里用不定式作宾语补足语。Eg. The teachers always encourage us to study hard

4、. 老师总是鼓励我们努力学习。,【用法】句式 stop doing something 意为“停止做某事”,类似句式stop to do something 则表示“停下来去做某事”。Eg. It is too late. Please stop playing games. 时间很晚了。请不要玩游戏了。,Talk show,Why is smoking harmful?,1. Smoking will cause some serious diseases, like lung cancer, heart disease, etc.2. Smoking hurts not only your

5、self, but also other people, because other people breathe too much cigarette smoke. So smoking is not allowed in some public places.,Language notes,1. plenty of2. be bad / good for3. Allow + n. / doing4. cause,Exercises,1.She isnt _ (允许) to go out at night.2. _ (抽烟) is bad for your health.3. Are you

6、 for or _ (反对) this plan?4. His father died of _ (癌症).5. Drinking can _ (引起) many diseases.6. He felt _ (不舒服) yesterday and stayed in bed for a whole day.,根据汉语提示完成英文句子。,allowed,Smoking,against,cancer,cause,terrible,用所给单词的适当形式填空。,1. _ (eat) many sweets is bad for your teeth.2. He felt bad because he

7、_ (drink) so much wine yesterday.3. My father never _ (smoke); he looks younger.4. Do you feel _ (terrible)? Yes. I feel _ (bad) than morning.5. There are a few posters against _ (smoke) and _ (drink).,Eating,drank,smokes,terrible,worse,smoking,drinking,Homework,作文:以 Smoking is a bad habit 为题写一片80左右的说明文。提示: 1. 吸烟的原因 2. 吸烟的危害,


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