冀教初中英语九下《Lesson 53 Working in Groups》PPT课件 (1).ppt

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1、look forward to的用法,Lesson 53:Working in Groups,1.我们正盼望着暑假呢。 We the summer holiday.2.Hello!Tom.Long time no see! Hello! Mary.Are you busy these days? Im looking forward your phone.(2015荆门) A.to answer B.answering C.to answeringD.answer,are,looking,forward,to,so far的用法,1. So far,I five places in Beiji

2、ng. A.visitB.visitedC.will visitD.have visited2.到目前为止,我们学了53课。,We have learned 53 lessons so far./So far,we have learned 53 lessons.,形容词修饰something等不定代词要后置,1.Im glad to tell you . A.nothing interesting B.something interesting C.interesting nothing D.interesting something2.今天的报纸有什么重要事吗? Is there in t

3、odays newspaper?,anything,important,do ones share/part的用法,每个人必须尽自己的职责。Everyone must .,do,his,part/share,一、根据首字母或汉语提示写单词1. We are all here.Nobody is a .2.When you are in t ,you can ask me for help.3.Sorry,I cant tell you.Its a s .4.Were busy with our (课题).5.Lily (意识到) that she was wrong.,bsent,rouble

4、,ecret,project,realized,二、用方框中所给短语的正确形式填空,look forward to,be absent from,slow down,from now on,do ones share,6. ,I will work hard.7.I your reply.8.David is ill today.He class.9.The bus had to because of the foggy weather.10.If everyone can to protect the environment,it will be better and better.,Fro

5、m now on,look forward to,is absent from,slow down,do his share,三、单项选择( )11.Is everyone here? No.Tom is because he is ill. A.activeB.present C.absentD.abroad( )12.We should help them when they are . A.in troubleB.in style C.in sightD.in total( )13.He is looking forward to his parents soon. A.visiting

6、B.visit C.visitedD.visits,C,A,A,( )14.Girl:Im the trip which we can go whenever we want to go. Boy:Youll take me,and Ill take the money.(2015东营) A.taking part inB.taking care of C.looking back atD.looking forward to ( )15. Have you read todays newspaper? Yes,but there isnt . A.new somethingB.somethi

7、ng new C.new anything D.anything new,D,D,四、连词成句16.speak,is,for,it,time,to,you (.) 17.boy,is,named,from,Tom,a,school,absent (.) 18.trouble,you,in,dont,get,I,want,to (.) 19.with,wrong,your,is,anything,computer,there (?) 20.try,to,share,everyone,hard,will,his,do (.),Its/It is time for you to speak.,A b

8、oy named Tom is absent from school.,I dont want to get you in trouble.,Is there anything wrong with your computer?,Everyone will try hard to do his share.,五、根据汉语意思完成句子21.昨天你为什么缺席会议了? Why were you the meeting yesterday?22.违背诺言会使你自己陷入困境。 Breaking a promise will .23.我正考虑去游览西湖。 I the West Lake.24.从现在起,我

9、将开始写我的书了。 ,I will begin to write my book.25.我期待着能尽快回北京。 I look to Beijing soon.,absent,from,get,yourself,in,trouble,am,considering,visiting,From,now,on,forward,to,returning,六、完形填空,When a group of people work together to reach the same goal(目标),they make up a team.Teamwork is very important as men tr

10、y to learn more about the world in which we 26.In 1957,a team of eighteen men from the United States 27 the winter at the South Pole(南极).They were there 28 the secrets of the earth and the sky. The South Pole is at the 29 of the world.During its winter,the sun 30 rises.The men had to face the darkne

11、ss of a six-month night,as well as the worlds worst 31.The men lived in a group of buildings joined together by tunnels(隧道,地道).They were cut off from the rest of the 32.During the long winter,they could not be reached even by plane.,The men depended on one 33 for company(陪伴).Everyone took turns work

12、ing in the “snow mine”.This was the giant(巨大)cave dug into the ice beneath(在下方) their camp.There,they dug out 34 snow needed as a water supply. Each man also had his own important job to do.There was a cook and a doctor.There were scientists and men 35 were trained in other jobs.Working together,the

13、y proved that men can live and work at the South Pole.,( )26. A.have B.live C.notice D.turn( )27. A.spent B.cost C.paid D.took ( )28. A.learningB.learn C.to studyD.studying ( )29. A.top B.bottom C.middleD.centre( )30. A.once B.always C.not D.never ( )31. A.temperature B.weather C.snow D.sunshine ( )32. A.worldB.city C.village D.gold ( )33. A.the otherB.other C.othersD.another ( )34. A.clean B.cleanest C.clearlyD.cleaned ( )35. A.whatB.who C.when D.whether,B,A,C,B,D,B,A,D,A,B,谢谢观赏!,


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