北师大初中英语九下《Unit 7 Storytelling》PPT课件 (1).ppt

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1、Unit 7 Storytelling,Lesson 25The tailor enjoyed the trip so much that he soon fell asleep.,What fairy tales do you know?,tailorclothcheesegiantjamknifebirdkingcandybeltboxapple treeflieschocolaterockbranchesqueenprincesscherriesgold,The Brave Little Tailor,Listen to the first part of the story and c

2、heck the people or things that appear in the story.,Who did the tailor hear from the street?What did he do before he bought the jam?How did the woman feel after she sold the jam?What did the tailor do with the jam?,(1.4) Read the story and answer the questions.,A woman.,He was busy sewing.,She wasnt

3、 very happy.,He put some of the jam on a piece of bread and put it down beside him.,What did the tailor do to the flies? What did the tailor take with him before leaving? How did the giant test the tailor?,He hit them with a piece of cloth. Seven flies fell to the ground and died.,He took a piece of

4、 cheese and a bird.,The giant first picked up a rock and pressed it with his hand until water came out. Then he threw a rock far away. After that, he asked the tailor to help him carry a huge tree.,once upon a time曾经be busy doing忙于做某事lay out摆出,展示出in the end在最后,在结尾be happy with对某事高兴as soon as一就fall t

5、o the ground摔到地上travel around the world周游世界be tired of厌烦做某事pick up捡起out of sight离开视线point to指向fall asleep入睡,PHRASES,What happened next? ,The following words appear in the second part of the story. Can you predict the rest of the story.,The Brave Little Tailor,The tailor jumped over the tree so that

6、he cold eat the cherries.The giant got his foot caught in the branches.The tailor asked the king to catch the giant for him.The tailor got a bag of gold and lived happily ever after.,True FalseTrue FalseTrue FalseTrue False,(2.2) Listen to the rest of the story and circle True of False.,The best app

7、les were _, so the giant _ the branches over for the tailor to pick some. But when the little tailor _ the top branch, the tree pulled him right over the top. The giant tried to jump over but _ his foot _ in the branches. Since the giant had been _ in the country, the king gave the tailor a bag of g

8、old.,Listen to the tape again and fill in the blanks.,at the top,bend,caught hold of,got,caught,a great headache,so that such that ,The woman was so excited that she laid out all of her jams. Finally, the tailor got so angry that he hit them with a piece of cloth. Still, he couldnt believe that such

9、 a small man could be so strong. the giant was so surprised to see this that he couldnt breathe.,so + 形容词副词 + that从句such + 名词 + that从句,such + (a/an) + (形容词) + 名词 + that从句,I was _ tired _ I couldnt walk home. She was _ worried _ she couldnt sleep. There will be _ a large number of people in the world

10、 _ there wont be enough food. The tailor was _ a normal man _ nobody would notice him.,so,that,so,that,such,that,such,that,so + 形容词 + (a/an) + 名词+ that从句,如果修饰名词的形容词为many, few, much, little时,前面用so。,There are _ a large number of people in the empire that there isnt enough food. The forest was _ dirty

11、that nobody wanted to go through it. The tailor was _ clever that he caught the giant! Traveling around the world is _ a wonderful thing that we all like it.,(1.6) Complete the sentences with such or so.,such,so,so,such,(1.7) Use so or such to complete the sentences.,She was _ a beautiful princess t

12、hat everybody was amazed by her beauty. She was _ beautiful a princess that everybody was amazed by her beauty. Tony is _ clever a boy that we all like him. Tony is _ a clever boy that we all like him. There were _ many people that I couldnt find my friend. There were _ a lot of people that I couldnt find my friend.,such,so,so,such,so,such,P184, (4),HOMEWORK,


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