北师大初中英语九上《Unit 1 Leaning to Learn》PPT课件 (12).ppt

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1、Module4 Life in the futurePeriod 1,一、教材分析 本模块以学校为题材,要求学生想象未来的学校,通过对未来学校的描述,掌握一般将来时的表达方式。这题材贴近学生的生活经历,通过想象导入将来时态,使语言学习与学生能力培养相结合,有利于激发学生的学习动机,既符合学生的认知特点,又符合学生的心理特点。,二、教学目标1、语言知识目标功能和语法:通过预测和想象,表达学习一般将来时will 动词原形词汇: cable TV, calculator,cell zx、xk phone,computer,email,Internet, satellite,climate,educa

2、tion,technology transport,machine,comfortable,rough, strong,expensive,smooth,dull语音:多音节单词的重读。,2、语言技能目标 听: 能听懂谈论未来的简短对话,能判断未来事 实。 说: 能用will 表达自己对未来的想象。 读: 能读懂叙述未来的短文,掌握整体理解技能, 理解概念之间的 上下意关系。 写: 能用will表达自己对未来的预测和设想。、情感态度目标 通过对美好未来的憧憬,培养乐观向上的精神。,、学习策略: 自学策略:掌握分类学习策略,理解上下词汇关系。 合作学习策略:掌握保持话轮的技巧应答他人的话语。 Z

3、x。xk 其他:掌握理解大意的策略。、文化意识:高科技与文化之间的关系, 在享受高科技带来的便利的同时,能注意民族文化的传承。,三、教学重点和难点、一般将来时will 的用法。、形容词的学习。、Will 和be going to 的区别。四、教学策略1、任务形教学2、开放性教学五、模块任务 能用will 描述自己对未来的设想。,六、本模块设置的任务Task 1: Interview the headmaster about “The school in 10 years”.Task 2: Make a survey about “Dream homes” .Task3: Design your

4、 dream school.,七、教学课时Period 1 :Unit 1 (listening and speaking )Period 2 Unit 2 (vocabulary and reading) and Activity 4 of Unit 3Period 3 Unit 3 (language in use )Period 4 Grammar and workbook zx、xk,Module 4 Life in the future,Period 1 Everyone will study at home,Whatever will be will be,Will I be pr

5、etty(漂亮) in the future?Yes, I will be pretty. Zxx、kWill I be rich(富有) in the future?No, I wont. I wont have much money.,cell phones,cars,robots,on the moon,under the sea,Where will you live? Z,xxk,chalk,radios,dictionary,paper,rulers,pencils,blackboard,pen,cable TV,satellite TV(卫星电视),calculator,What

6、 will classrooms be in the future?,Discuss and draw:,Example:There will be a cable TV/satellite TV.Everyone will use .No one will use a calculator.,Listen and check ()the true sentences for Daming and Betty.,Who thinks there wont be a school in the future,Betty or Daming?,Daming,Listen and choose th

7、e best answer to the questions :1.Will students go to school in the future?2.Will they study at home?3.Will everyone send their homework by email?4.Will there be teachers?5.Will there be computers in school?6.Will we read books in the future?7.Will teachers use a blackboard and chalk?8.Will students

8、 use paper , pencils and pens?,No, they wont.,Yes, they will.,Yes, they will.,Yes, there will.,Yes, there will.,No, we wont.,No, they wont.,No, they wont.,Introduce Damings and Bettys future schools.Example: Daming thinks there wont be a school. He thinks students will . Betty thinks there will be a school. She thinks there will be .,Speaking,Interview,Interview your headmaster about the school in 10 years.,Homework,1.Write down the interview dialogue. 2.Write five sentences about the classroom in the future.,Thanks for Listening,


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