北师大版八年级英语下册课件:Unit 5 lesson 14Warm-up Listening Vocabulary.ppt

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1、Unit 5,Warm-up & Listening & Vocabulary,Lesson 14,Enjoy a song Yesterday Once More.,Do you like to stay with your parents / grandparents?,What do they often talk about?,Do you like to listen to their memories?,My grandpa often talked about his childhood. He told me what games he played and how cleve

2、r he was. He was proud of himself. I like to listen to his stories.,Look at the picture and guess what Linda and her grandpa are talking about.,Guess!,3 Listen to the dialogue and check your guess.,They are talking about Lindas great-grandpa.,Listen again and answer questions.,1. Who grew up in Brit

3、ain during the war?2. Which countries were at war?,Lindas great-grandpa.,Britain and Germany.,3. Did her great-grandpa hope to have the war then?4. Why were there no any lights at night then?,Yes, he said they were expecting it.,Because the Germany planes often bombed the cities at night. Its hard t

4、o see a city at night from a plane if there are no lights.,5. Did her great-grandpa hurt?6. Where did her great-grandpa get married?,No, he didnt get hurt.,In Untied States.,4 Listen again and write T for True of F for False.,Lindas grandpa is in the photo. The other person in the photo is her great

5、-grandpa.2. Her great-grandpa remembered the day the war started.3. There were only a few street lights on at night during the war.,T,T,F,4. Her great-grandpa was hurt during the war.5. Lindas grandpa moved from Britain to the US.6. Her great-grandpa met his wife in Britain.,F,F,F,Listen again.,Wow,

6、 you look so young!Is it? / He did?Thats good!That was lucky!,How do they express surprise or excitement?,How do they express disappointment or sadness?,Oh no! That would be scary.Thats so sad!,Vocabulary,screen,scary,expect,luckily,move,bomb scary expect luckily move,Read these words in the box and

7、 try to make a sentence with each word.,The city was bombed by the enemy. Grandpa told me a scary ghost story.I expect to be back next Monday.Luckily, we caught the train.My family moved here two years ago.,5 Complete the sentences with these words.,bomb scary expect luckily move,I didnt _ him to be

8、 a successful singer.His dad was in the army, so Henry _ a lot when he was a child.,expect,moved,3. Many people died when the enemy _ the city.4. That film is really _.5. _, we arrived home before it started to rain.,bombed,scary,Luckily,bomb scary expect luckily move,expect v. 期望;预料Im expecting Tom

9、 any minute now. 我现在期待着汤姆随时到来。I expect that I will be back on Sunday. 我预计我会在周日回来。 expect sb. to do sth. 期望某人做某事Im expecting you to telephone me. 我期待你会给我打电话来。,【2011 山东威海】34. What time do you expect her_? A. arrive B. is arriving C. arriving D. to arrive 【解析】考查动词的用法。expect sb. to do sth. 意为“期望/期待某人做某事

10、” ,符合题意。故选D。,6 Read the Key Expressions.,Key Expressions: surprise or excitement,Wow, you look so young!Is it? / He did?Thats good!That was lucky!,Key Expressions: disappointment or sadness,Oh no! That would be scary.Thats so sad!,7 Choose the best expression to complete the conversations.,I won the

11、 prize at the school Sports Day, Mum!,Oh no! / Thats great!,Thats great!,I lost my wallet but someone found it on the bus and brought it to the school.,That was lucky! / Thats great!,That was lucky!,We lost the football match 5-0.,Oh good! / Thats too bad!,Thats too bad!,I came first in all myexams

12、this year.,That was lucky. / Wow!,Wow!,I fell over and broke my leg.,Oh no! / Oh good!,Oh no!,Tell your partner about the following situations.,Speaking,You lost something and found it later.You won a prize or competition.You had an exciting trip or holiday.You were sad or unhappy.,Example,I lost my

13、 pet Stone a year ago. I was really sad.,Oh, thats too bad.,My neighbour found him and brought him back home a week later.,That was lucky.,Listen and underline the correct meaning.,“Thats great!” I (think/dont think) its great.2. “Thats great!” I (think/dont think) its great.,Pronunciation,3. “Thats

14、 too bad.”I (think/dont think) thats too bad.4. “Thats too bad.”I (think/dont think) thats too bad.,Now listen and repeat.,“Thats great!” I (think/dont think) its great.2. “Thats great!” I (think/dont think) its great.,3. “Thats too bad.”I (think/dont think) thats too bad.4. “Thats too bad.”I (think/dont think) thats too bad.,


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