北师大版八年级英语下册课件:Unit 2 Communication Lesson 4 Animal Talk (2).ppt

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1、北师大版初中英语八年级下册Unit 2 Communication Lesson 4(第二课时),by smell,by sound,by body language,the waysthe purposes,mad,sound,subject,madsoundsubject,mad,sound,Scientists have done a lot of research on,subject,(adj.) 1. angry 2. crazy1. (n.) something that you can hear 2. (v.) to seem to you when you hear or r

2、ead about them(n.) 1. a thing that is discussed or studied 2. an area of knowledge that is learned in a school,Dictionary entries,Can you answer these questions?,1 How do scientists study animal communication?2 What have scientists done with mice so that they can help people?3 Are people interested

3、in animal communication now or for a long time? How do you know?,They have done a lot of research on this subject.,They have trained mice to find landmines.,People have always been interested in animal communication.,for a long time,Can you answer these questions?,They have done a lot of research on

4、 this subject.,They have trained mice to find landmines.,People have always been interested in animal communication.,for a long time,began in the past,began in the past,now,They have done a lot of research on this subject.They have trained mice to find landmines.People have always been interested in

5、 animal communication.,They have done a lot of research on this subject.They have trained mice to find landmines.People have always been interested in animal communication.,Find more sentences in the text.,have done,have trained,have always been,Dogs have helped the police for a long time, too.Scien

6、tists have discovered that even ants use smell.Everyone has heard birds singing.Research has shown that many other animals use sound to communicate.Animals have always used body language to communicate as well.,现在完成时,发生在过去,持续到现在或对现在有影响。,Scientists have discovered that even ants communicate this way.

7、Everyone has heard birds singing.,has,have,have,has been,is,has bitten,barks,have found,take,since 7 years ago,1 She has always loved animals.2 He has never had a pet.3 Molly has been my pet for 10 years.4 I have had a pet tortoise since I was ten years old.,Do you have any pets?Have you ever watched an animal?How do they communicate ?,Homework,Please write down what you know about animal communication.,Thank you!,


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