北师大版八年级英语上册课件:Unit 6 The Unexplained Lesson 16 Natural Abilities (1).ppt

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1、北师大版初中英语七年级下册Unit 6 The UnexplainedLesson 16(第一课时),2019/11/21,Which animal can hear the best?Which animal can find the way by smelling?Which animal can see clearly at night?Which animal can first know the rain is coming?,owl,wolf,rabbit,swallow,What animals do you think are amazing?What makes them a

2、mazing?,Owls are amazing because they can see clearly at night.,Their natural abilities.,2019/11/21,Amazing Animals,Lesson 16Natural Abilities,Pre-reading :,Read the title of the interviews and the pictures, and guess what happened to the animals.,interview,interviewer(采访者),Interviewee(被采访者),Pre-rea

3、ding :,Read the title of the interviews and the pictures, and guess what happened to the animals.,Maybe the interviews will talk about what made the animals amazing.,1st-reading :,When did it happen?,What was the result?,What happened,Last summer, when Tom and his family were returning from a trip,

4、their dog disappeared. Five weeks later, the dog was back home.,Main idea:,When Tom and his family were returning from a trip,Their dog disappeared,The dog was back,1,2,4,3,1st-reading :,When did it happen?,What was the result?,what happened?,When Pams aunt and uncle were working in the yard, the an

5、imals became noisy. About an hour later, there was an earthquake.,Main idea:,When his aunt and uncle were working in the yard,The animals became noisy,There was an earthquake an hour later.,1,2,4,3,1. What did you do?2. What was happening on the farm?3. What happened then?4. What were you doing when

6、 it happened?,Read the two interviews. Write the correct question in each blank.,2nd-reading :,A:_B: We were relaxing at a coffee shop near the road because my mum and dad werent feeling very well. I was taking Paddy for a walk when he saw a rabbit. He ran after it and disappeared.,2nd-reading :,Wha

7、t were you doing when it happened?,A:_B: We searched for him for hours. Finally, we gave up and went home, 150 kilometres away. Five weeks later, we were having lunch when we heard a dog outside. We looked out of the window and there was Paddy. He was back.,2nd-reading :,What did you do?,A:_B: My au

8、nt and uncle were working in the yard when their dog became really noisy. Then their two horses became noisy. They were running around, too. They tried to break the fence and run away. We didnt understand why.,2nd-reading :,What was happening on the farm?,A:_B: The animals kept acting strangely. Abo

9、ut an hour later, the ground started shaking. It was an earthquake. The dog and the horses knew before we did.,2nd-reading :,What happened then?,How did they act strangely?,Answer the interview questions using your own words.,What were you doing when it happened?What did you do?What was happening on

10、 the farm?What happened then?,Answer the interview questions using your own words.,What were you doing when it happened?What did you do?,We were resting at a coffee shop near the road and I was taking Paddy for a walk.,We looked for him for hours. Finally we gave up and went home.,Answer the intervi

11、ew questions using your own words.,What was happening on the farm?What happened then?,My aunt and uncle were working in the yard. Then their horses and dog became noisy. They were running around.,Then their animals were running around.,The animals kept acting strangely. Then an earthquake happened.,

12、4th -reading :,Read after the tape and pay attention to your pronunciation.,Deep Thinking,1. How did the dog find his way back home? Maybe by smelling and seeing. 2. Why did the horses and dog act strangely? Because they knew the danger by their feeling.,They have natural abilities.,Work in groups o

13、f four,Student A: You are a journalist who hear of the story. Ask Tom and his family some questions.Students B,C and D: You are Tom and his Mom and Dad. Answer the journalists questions.A: What were you doing when the dog disappeared?Tom: When the dog disappeared, we were returning from a trip.A: Wh

14、y did it lose?Dad:.A: what happened then?Mom: ,Choose one story,writing :,Suppose you are the reporter. After the interviews, you can choose one story to write a report for your newspaper.,Amazing but True!,22,Animals are really _. As we know , they have different _ abilities . Here is one story about it._ Probably, we cant explain why these animals have these natural abilities. But definitely we know that they are our friends.,Amazing but True,Time to share!,Natural abilities,amazing,make animals,Homework,1. Retell the stories2. Polish your story.,stick like glue,Thank you !,


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