北师大版英语七上Unit 1《Lesson 3 Happy Birthday》ppt课件 (2).ppt

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1、北师大版初中英语七年级上册Unit 1 Family Lesson 3 (第二课时),Birthday,Mum: Helen, Grandmas birthday is _. What can we _? Think about it. What _ your grandma like? _ she like music?Helen: Yes, she does. Grandma _ old music. She likes books _. Mum: _ she _ books about art?Helen: No, she _. She _ books about history.,Mu

2、m: Thats right. What _ does she like?Helen: Well, she _ like sports. Oh, I know! We can _ her a _ _!Mum: Thats a good _.Helen: Then I can _ to Grandma _ _!Mum: Yes, you can.,Mum: Helen, Grandmas birthday is _. What can we _? Think about it. What _ your grandma like? _ she like music?Helen: Yes, she

3、does. Grandma _ old music. She likes books _. Mum: _ she _ books about art?Helen: No, she _. She _ books about history.,soon,get,does,Does,likes,too,Does,like,doesnt,likes,Mum: Thats right. What _ does she like?Helen: Well, she _ like sports. Oh, I know! We can _ her a _ _!Mum: Thats a good _.Helen:

4、 Then I can _ to Grandma _ _!Mum: Yes, you can.,else,doesnt,get,mobile,phone,idea,talk,soon,mobile,phone,get think like talk know,1. I dont _. Let me _ about it.2. Does he _ sports?3. Your cousins birthday is soon. What can we _ for her?4. Grandpa is not at home. You can _ to him in the morning.,kno

5、w,think,like,get,talk,-What does Gao Haotian like?-He likes sports.-Does he like computer games?-Yes, he does.-,Complete the dialogue.,Amy: My cousin Judys birthday is soon. What can I _ (get) her?Jenny: What _ she _ (like)?Amy: Well, she _ (like) lots of things.Jenny: _ she _ (like) pets?Amy: No, s

6、he _.,get,does,like,likes,Does,like,doesnt,Jenny: _ she _ (like) music?Amy: Yes, she _. She _ (like) pop music. I _ (think) her favourite singer is Jim Robbins.Jenny: OK, I _ (know). You can _ (get) her a CD of Jim Robbins.Amy: Thats a good idea.,Does,like,does,likes,think,know,get,Work in pairs.,Listen and circle the sentences you hear.,1. a) Im Paul. b) Im tall.2. a) Is that a pen? b) Is that ten?3. a) I like your cap. b) I like your cat.,Homework,完成练习册P80 Ex. 4.在作业本上描述自己的一位家庭成员喜欢和不喜欢的物品。,What does your grandpa like?He likes,


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