牛津深圳版八年级英语下册《Unit 1 Helping those in need》课件:Writing.ppt

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《牛津深圳版八年级英语下册《Unit 1 Helping those in need》课件:Writing.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《牛津深圳版八年级英语下册《Unit 1 Helping those in need》课件:Writing.ppt(14页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Unit 1Helping those in need,Writing,Writing task:,Make some preparations for writing,Write a letter to the head teacher to ask permission,Brainstorm: money-raising activities,Book fairIdea: students sell old books.2. Food fairIdea: students and teachers sell food they have made themselves.Flea marke

2、tIdea: students sell second-hand things4. A charity showIdea: students sing , dance and so on,Discussion:,Q1: Why are you writing the letter?Q2: How are you going to raise money?Q3: When and where would you like to have the activity?Q4: What would you like the head teacher to do?,Closing and writers

3、 name and address,date,称呼,receivers name and address,正文,greetings:Dear Ms, Mr,body of the letter,The structure of the letter,日,月,年/ 月,日,年(写信日期),收信人姓名,地址,结束语,写信人姓名和地址,请求信开头:Dear _ ,I am writing to ask for your help / advice / suggestions ._ (请求的内容)I am writing to seek your assistance _ (请求的内容) The re

4、ason for writing the letter is that _(给出原因) I _ ,so I _(给出细节)。I would also like to request that_ (提出进一步的要求),请求信结尾:,Thank you very much in advance.I would be grateful / thankful for your help.We will appreciate for your valuable suggestions. .,Useful phrases and sentence patterns:,1. in order to + V.

5、 / in order that + 从句 so as to + V. = so that +从句 e.g. We raise money in order to help children in need.2. Would like to do . e.g. We would like to hold a book fair.3. Could you please do .? e.g. Could you please give us permission to ? Could you please give us a chance to ?,Writing time,注意: 用第一人称,一

6、般将来时,Sharing time,exchange your writing with your partner and correct mistakes,A sample writing,On March 24th, 2014 Mr. CaiNo. 1 Middle School,Dear Mr. Cai, We are writing to ask for your help. In order to raise money for children in need, we are going to hold a charity show in our school. At that t

7、ime, the students can sing their favourite songs , dance , act out the play, play instruments and show other performances.,They can donate their pocket money. We would like to have the activity at the school playground. Could you please give us permission to do that and set up a small stage for us? Thanks for your help in advance. Yours sincerely, Zhang FengClass One,The end,


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