八年级英语上册 Unit 8 English week words课件 .ppt

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1、,Unit8 English week,Words,n.speech 演说,发言notice 通告 布告competition 比赛,竞赛treasure 珍宝,宝物text 文本,chance 机会topic 话题winner优胜者opinion 意见,想法suggetion 建议,提议,v.advise 建议,提议communicate交流,沟通hide 藏,隐藏attack 攻击,袭击choose 选择,adj.whole 整个的rich 富有的,富裕的shy 害羞的adv. confidently 自信地else 其他的,det. several 几个conj.whenever 在任何

2、时候, 在任何情况下,phrase.treasure hurt 寻宝游戏in public 公开地,put on 上演,in my opinion 依我看above all 最重要的是 look out 小心,当心,1.speech n.演说,发言He will make a speech at the meeting this afternoon.今天下午他要在会议上做一个演讲。make a speech 做演讲,2.notice n.通告,布告There is a notice board in the back of our classroom.在我们教室后面有个布告板。翻译:你能看见黑

3、板上通知吗?Can you see the notice on the blackboard ?,v. notice sb doing sth 注意到某人做某事I noticed him coming into the classroom just now.刚才我注意到他走进了教室。I noticed that he was unhappy this morning.我注意到今天早上他不开心。,3. competition n. 比赛n. (C.) have a competition 进行一次比赛We will have a competition in English class tomo

4、rrow.明天我们英语课上将进行一次比赛。,4 treasure n.珍宝, 宝物Time is a treasure to us.时间对我们来说是一种财富5. text n. 文本 We will learn about the nature in this text.在这篇文章里,我们将会学到关于自然的知识。,6. chance n. 机会 He has a chance to study in England.他有机会去英国学习。take the chance 抓住机会give up the chance 放弃机会。,7. confidently adv.自信地 He confident

5、ly made a speech at the meeting yesterday.昨天他很自信地在会议上做了一个演讲。My brother _(confident) read English to my father.我弟弟很自信地读英语给我爸爸听。,confidently,confident adj.自信的 He is confident in English.在英语这一科,他很自信。 be confident in doing sth 做某事很自信 翻译:我妹妹对唱歌很自信。_,My sister is confident in singing.,confidence n. 自信Have

6、 confidence in 对有信心Dave has confidence in his drawing.大卫对他的画画很有信心。,8. topic n.话题 The topic of this meeting is about the pollution.这次会议的话题是关于污染。9. winner n. 优胜者 Mike is the winner of this game.麦克是这次游戏的优胜者。,10. advise v. 建议 advise sb to do sth My teacher advised me to learn English by speaking more.我们

7、老师建议我通过多讲来学习英语。,advise doing sth 建议做某事Our monitor advised climbing the hill this weekend.我们班长建议这个周末去爬山。advice n.建议(不可数名词)give some advice 给出建议My classmate gave me some advice on learning Maths.,11. several det.几个 一些=a few , some He has several good friends in this city. 他在这个城市有好几个好朋友。several 修饰可数名词,

8、12. opinion n. 意见,想法 What is your opinion about this book?对这本书你有什么看法?翻译: 你能告诉我你的想法吗?_,Can you tell me your opinion?,13. whole adj. 整个的,全部的 In the whole morning , I was reading books ,整个早上我都在读书。注意: the 放在whole 的前面, 放在all 的后面the whole morning = all the morning.,14. suggestion n. 建议可数名词 Can you give me

9、 some suggestions on how to make friends ?你能给我一点关于怎么交朋友的建议码?,区别advice advice 是不可数名词,suggestion 是可数名词suggest v. 建议suggest sb doing sth suggest doing sth My friend suggested me going to work in Australia.我朋友建议我去澳大利亚工作。,15 communicate v.沟通,交流 We need to communicate with our parents . 我们需要好好和父母沟通。 commu

10、nication n. 沟通,交流have a communication with sb = have a talk with sb.,16. whenever conj.无论什么时候 Come to me whenever you have questions.无论什么时候你有问题都可以来找我Whenever you see him, he is smiling to you .无论何时你见到他,他总是对你笑着。,17. rich adj. 丰富的,富有的He is a rich man, so he has lots of houses.他是一个有钱人,所以他有很多房子。be rich

11、in 在某方面很丰富Oranges are rich in vitamin C. 柑橘里含有丰富的维生素C。,18. poor adj. 贫穷的 His father is poor , so he cant go to school .他爸爸很穷,所以他没上学。反义词:rich,19. hide v. 隐藏 过去式 hid , 过去分词 hiddenThe cat hid behind the door.有只猫躲在门的后面。My brother often hides his toys under the bed.我弟弟经常把玩具藏在床下。,20. attack v. 攻击,袭击A typh

12、oon attacked this city last week.上个星期一阵台风袭击了这个城市。n. attack 袭击 The enemys attack came suddenly.敌人的袭击突然的来了。,21. shy adj.害羞的,腼腆的My friend Lucy is a shy girl.我的朋友露西是一个很腼腆的女孩。翻译:他很腼腆,所以他没有参加运动会。_,He is shy, so he didnt attend the sports meeting.,22 else adj. 别的, 其他的What else do you want?你还需要别的吗?=What oth

13、er things do you want ?翻译:你还需要其他东西吗,Do you need anything else?,adv. 其他 Where else do you want to go?你还想去哪里呢?翻译:你在别的其他地方都找不到这种相机了。_,You can find this kind of camera nowhere else.,23. choose (chose , chosen) v.选择,挑选 He chose a beautiful coat in the shop.他在商场选了一件很漂亮的外套。choice n.选择 It is a good choice t

14、o go to Thailand.去泰国是 一个好的选择。,练习 1 He can speak English in p_.2. Do you want to take part in the English c_.3. My teacher gave me a c_to speak English with the foreigners.4. My mother gave me a good s_ on learning cooking.,ublic,ompetition,hance,uggestion,5. He seldom has s_ in front of his classmates.6. He didnt give any _(advise ) to his friends.7. I dont have much _(confidently) in English.8. It is a good _(choose) to visit Yunnan this holiday.,peech,advice,confidence,choice,Thank you !,


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