八年级英语上册 unit 3 Newspapers 课件 牛津深圳版.ppt

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1、Unit 3 Grade 8 What were you doing when the UFO arrived? 之Do you remember what you were doing?,Word study,flight,playground,bell,earth,Im a hero.Youre heroes, too.,hero,terrorist 恐怖分子murder 谋杀;凶杀destroy 破坏;毁坏kill 杀死;致死,World Trade Center,September 11, 2001,tragedy 悲剧 tusnami tju:na:mi 海啸,Groupwork:

2、What you were doing when you heard the news?,Liu Xiang won the gold medal at the 2004 OlympicsI was ,Groupwork: What were you doing when you heard the news?Yang Liwei flew around the earth on October 15, 2003.,Groupwork: What were you doing when you heard the news?Liang Jingru was in Xiamen on Janua

3、ry 23, 2005.,Before you read page 24,Martin Luther King 马丁路德金 (1929-1968) 2005年1月16日是美国黑人民权运动领袖马丁路德金75周岁的诞辰。在美国,这一个日子被政府确定为法定节假日。,While you read,QuestionsWhen was Dr. Martin Luther King murdered?Where was Dr. Martin Luther King killed?What was the weather like that day?What happened in New York on S

4、eptember 11, 2001?When did man first walked on the moon?Who became the first Chinese astronaut to fly around the earth?How many hours did it take Yang Liwei to fly around the earth?,After you read,Dr Martin Luther King was murdered.Yang Liwei flew around the earth. The World Trade Center was destroy

5、ed in New York.Man walked on the moon for the first time. a. September 11,2001 b. April 4, 1968 c. July 20, 1969 d. March 15, 1979 e. October 15, 2003,a,b,c,e,Beijing was make host to the 2008 Olympics.host “主人、主持人、老板”I was away so my son acted as host.The host on tonights show is Wang Xiaoya. be /

6、play host to sb 作为主人,招待或款待某人Our school is host to the visitors from Australia.,2. Although some people may not remember who murdered him, they remember what they were doing when they heard about the event.(1) although / though 与不可以在同一个句中出现。Although it was raining heavily, they still worked in the fi

7、eld.It was raining heavily, but they still worked in the field.(2) hear heard hear about sth 听到关于某事物的消息I ve only just heard about his illness.hear of sb / sth 听到或知道某人/ 某物I heard of that place.,3. Even the most everyday activities can seem important. Lets practise everyday English!4. Dr Martin Luther

8、 Kings murder took place about thirty years ago. murder 名词 The murder of a six-year-old child happened yesterday evening. 动词 murder sb with sth 用某物谋杀某人 He murdered his wife with a knife, so he was a murderer. take place “发生”=happen Last Sunday, a sports meeting took place in our school. An accident

9、happened yesterday.,5. However, in more recent times, most Americans remember what they were doing when the World Trade Center in New York was destroyed by terrorists.times (与某情况、经历等有关的) 时期,常用复数。 Times are hard for us. University was a good time for us.(2) destroy “摧毁、破坏” ,动词。 The terrorists destroy

10、ed the building. The house was destroyed by the fire.,6. Not all events in history are as terrible as this, of course. (1) not all 只是部分否定。 所有的学生都在操场。 All the students are in the playground. 不是所有的学生都在操场。 Not all the students are in the playground. None of the students are in the playground. (2) as as

11、 与一样 , She looks as pretty as her sister. The boy works as carefully as the girl. not as / so as 不如,比不上 She didnt run so / as fast as Lucy.,1. 金牌 2. 在2004 奥运会上3. 在现代美国历史上4. 听到5. 日常活动6. 在操场上7. 要求我们停止8. 沉默9. 发生10. 在近段时间 11. 在月球上行走12. 绕地球飞行,gold medalat the 2008 olympicsin modern american history hear

12、about everyday activitiesin / on the playground ask us to stop in silence take place in recent timeswalk on the moonfly around the earth,Section 4 Go For It !,Discussion topic:Do you think something good can come out of something terrible?How can terrible events bring people together?,Homework,Read the text (P24 Section 2) again.Keep the new words in mind. Copy them.Review the whole unit. Get ready for the test.Pre-read Unit 4.,Thank you for listening!,


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