八年级英语上册 Unit 3 Computers Reading 1课件 .ppt

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1、Period 1,Getting readyReading (I)Culture corner,Module 2 Science and technology,Oxford English,Unit 3,Computers,Brainstorm,Computer,type,calculate,1 The _ shows words and pictures.2 We use the _ for typing.3 The “brain” of a computer is in the _.4 We move the _ to control the computer.5 We hear soun

2、d from the _.,How much do you know about computers? Look at the photo below and complete the sentences with the correct names.,Look at the pictures, the title and the sub-headings of the article on page 35. Then tick () the facts that the article probably talks about.,1 Computers are getting smaller

3、 and better.2 Computers can do important jobs like flying planes.3 Computers may work as doctors.4 Computers are expensive.,Before you read,3,A sub-heading usually tells us the topic of the paragraph(s) below it.,sub-headings,Look at the pictures, the title and the sub-headings of the article on pag

4、e 35. Then tick () the facts that the article probably talks about.,1 Computers are getting smaller and better.2 Computers can do important jobs like flying planes.3 Computers may work as doctors.4 Computers are expensive.,Smaller and betterIn the 1940s, the first computers were bigger than cars. No

5、w computers are becoming smaller and better.Some computers are tiny. You may be unaware of them. There is probably one inside your TV or washing machine. You depend on computers more than you realize.,Computer facts,Vocabulary,4,What can we do with computers?We can use computers to calculate.They ca

6、n calculate at a faster speedthan we can and almost never givewrong answers. We can also type anddraw things with them. In addition,computers can do important jobs likeoperating railways and flying planesand spaceships.,Is a computer cleverer than me?The answer is “No”. Your brain can produce newide

7、as but computers cannot. However, one daycomputers may be able to do a better job thanhuman beings. For example, they may be betterthan doctors at doing their job.What will happen to us if computers can do all ourjobs? Will we have nothing to do? Computers may change our lives, but will they make th

8、em better?,1 If something is very small, it is _. (line 5)Some young people always need help from their parents. They should learn to _ themselves. (line 8)We had fun and learnt something new as well. We had a good time. _, we learnt a lot. (line 14)When we make a machine work, we _ it. (line 16),C1

9、 The words in italics explain the meanings of some words on page 35. Find these words to complete the sentences. Change their forms if necessary.,C2 Complete the conversation below with the words from the box.,S1: We can do many things with computers in our daily life.S2: For example?S1: We can _, _

10、 and _ with them.,S1: There may be tiny computers in your home.S2: Where, for example?S1: Inside your _ or _.,2,1,After you read,3,D1 Complete the answers with the examples from the article.,TV,washing machine,calculate,type,draw things,S1: Computers can do some important jobs.S2: For example?S1: Th

11、ey can_ and _.S1: One day, computers may be able to do a better job than human beings.S2: For example?S1:They_.,4,3,operate railways,fly planes and spaceships,may be better than doctors at doing their job.,D2 Answer the questions below in complete sentences.,What were the first computers like? _2. W

12、hy are we unaware of some computers? _3 Are computers cleverer than you and me? Why or why not? _ _,They were bigger than cars.,Because they are tiny.,No, they arent. Because our brains can produce new ideas,but computers cannot.,Computer facts,Part 3,Part 2,Part 1,The _ of computers in different ti

13、mes,The _ of computers in daily life,The _ between human beings and computers in the future,sizes,uses,relationship,Complete the outline of the article.,Discussion,4,D3 Discuss and answer the questions below with your classmates.,Do you depend on computers a lot in your daily life? Give examples.,Do

14、 you agree that computers will be able to do all our jobs in the future? Give reasons.,一、译出下列短语,1. be unaware of 没有意识到2. depend on 依靠3. more than 超过4. do with 处理 5. use sth to do sth 用某物去做某事6. at a faster speed 以更快的速度7. in addition 另外,8. operate railways 操控火车9. produce new ideas 产生新的主意10. be better at doing 更好的做某事11. happen to 发生 12. have nothing to do 无所事事 13. change our lives 改变我们的生活,完形填空:1-5 BACDA 6-10 DBCBA阅读理解:14 : B D A C,


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