八年级英语上册 Unit 2 Numbers grammar课件 .ppt

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1、Unit 2 Numbers,Grammar,Lead-in: answer questions.,1 How old are you?Im 13 years old.2 Whats your telephone number?My telephone number is 27227854.3 How many students in your class? How many students in your grade?There are 52 students in my class and about 310 students in our grade.4 In which year w

2、ere you born?In 1999/ 2000/2001.以上的数字都是基数词(cardinal numbers).,A. Do you know! Cardinal numbers,12345678,17181920,111213141516,910,3040528598,onetwothreefourfivesixseveneight,nineten,eleventwelevethirteenfourteenfifteensixteen,seventeeneighteennineteentwentythirtyfortyfifty-twoeighty-fiveninety-eight

3、,基数词的构成,1)112, 独立成词。 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve2)13-19, 由39 + teen构成。 14fourteen 16-sixteen 17-seventeen 19nineteen 特殊拼写: 13 thirteen 15-fifteen 18eighteen 3)2090, 以-ty结尾。 20twenty 30-thirty 40forty 50fifty 80-eighty 60-sixty 70-seventy 90ninety 4)2199, 两位数,十位与个位之

4、间有 “”。 21 twentyone 55 fiftyfive 99 ninetynine,Lets play a game: 报数,Say numbers one by one according to the seat order.按照座位顺序一个接一个报数。报错数的同学站着,并要在小组得分上扣一分。,100,375,200,one hundred,two hundred,three hundred and seventy-five,642,958,236,six hundred and forty-two,nine hundred and fifty-eight,two hundred

5、 and thirty-six,5)101999,三位数,百位与十位/个位之间加and。 101 one hundred and one 840 eight hundred and forty 693 six hundred and ninety-three,29,431,500,7,6,thousand,hundred,million,billion,and,6) 1,000以上数目,从右向左每三位用“,” 分开,分别读为thousand , million, billion,基数词的构成,Read the following numbers.,2,534,25,342,253,423,2,

6、534,233,two thousand five hundred and thirty-four,twenty-five thousand three hundred and forty-two,two hundred and fifty-three thousand four hundred and twenty-three,two million five hundred and thirty-four thousand two hundred and thirty-three,534,five hundred and thirty-four,2,250,342,330,two bill

7、ion two hundred and fifty million three hundred and forty-two thousand three hundred and thirty,A. lets read it.,1000,15,362,4,189,one thousand,four thousand one hundred and eighty-nine,fifteen thousand three hundred and sixty-two,100,000,285,643,one hundred thousand,two hundred and fifty-eight thou

8、sand six hundred and forty-three,A. Cardinal and ordinal numbers,1,000,000,3,367,982,one million,three million three hundred and sixty-seven thousand nine hundred and eighty-two,Work out the rule,In the cardinal numbers, we do not add -s to hundred, _ and _.With large numbers, we put _between hundre

9、d and ten.,thousand,million,and,注意:表示具体、准确的数目时,hundred, thousand, million等数词后不能加-s, 如five hundred, six thousand, seven million等。当hundred, thousand等数词与of连用,表示不具体、不准确的数目时,词尾须加-s。如: thousands of students, millions of trees.,1、 “几十”的复数形式可以表示: 几十多岁 - in + ones + 数词复数 年 代 - in + the +数词复数 1) He died in hi

10、s forties四十多岁 2) In the nineties, most people go to work by bike. 90年代,2、“基数词+名词” 的合成形容词作定语, 中间有连字符“”,当中的名词用单数。 a 3 year old girl a seven-day holiday,3、表计量- “基数词+度量单位+形容词” The classroom is 7 meters long, 6 meters wide and 3 meters high.,基数词的用法,A. Cardinal and ordinal numbers,1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th

11、,17th18th19th20th,11th12th13th14th15th16th,9th10th,21st33rd40th100th,firstsecondthirdfourthfifthsixthseventheighth,ninthtenth,eleventhtwelfththirteenthfourteenthfifteenthsixteenth,seventeentheighteenthnineteenthtwentiethtwenty-firstthirty-thirdfortietyhundredth,序数词的构成,1) 13, first, second, third 。2)

12、 419, 相应基数词+th, 特殊拼写:fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth。3) 2090, y变成ie +th,如twentieth。4) 2199, 只把个位的基数词变成序数词 如twenty-first。5) 序数词缩写-数字最后两字母 如1st, 2nd, 3rd ,4th,基变序,有规律,一、二、三,特殊记,面目全非要注意,加th从4起,八少“t”,九去“e”,“ve”要用“f”替,(five, twelve)见“y”变成“i”和“e”,词尾加上“th”,(twenty, thirty,ninety)若是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。序数词缩写记清楚,数字后跟

13、两字母。,(序数词构成规律),Work out the rule,We form most ordinal numbers by adding _to the cardinal numbers. There are exceptions, like first, second and third.,th,Practice makes perfect!,1(2)_3412(6)_2328,MayAlanDannyJanePeterAliceSteveZoe,May is the(1)_.Alan is the second.Danny is the(3) _.Jane is the (4)_.P

14、eter is the(5) _.Alice is the nineteenth.Seveve is the(7) _.Zoe is the(8) _.,first,third,fourth,twelfth,twenty-third,twenty-eighth,2,19,序数词前加定冠词the,1999 nineteen ninety-nine two thousand and eight1949年10月1日 读作: October (the) first, nineteen forty-nine (月-日,年) the first of October, nineteen forty-nin

15、e(日-月,年)写作: October 1st,1999(日用缩写,月-日-年) October 1, 1999 (日用数字) 1st October,1999日-月,年,年份、日期表达法,年用基数词表示,两位一读,介词用in日用序数词表示,介词用on,表示“在世纪”, 用序数词。 在20世纪 写作:in 20th century 读作:in the twentieth century,常考点,易错点,第1单元, 第5课 Unit1 / the first unit/ Lesson Five / the fifth lesson302 号房 Room 3029个生日,第9个生日, 我的第9个生

16、日nine parties, the ninth party, my ninth party,Make a dialogue:talk about the birthdays,Betty-2 JanuaryDavid- 30 SeptemberCindy- 16 JuneAlan-3 MarchJay- 22MaySam -12 OctoberA: When is Bettys birthday?B: It is on the second of January/ January the second.A: Is Bettys birthday on the the twelfth of Ja

17、nuary?B: No. Its on the second of January.,B. Instruction about numbers,3+9 9-33*99/3,Add 3 and 9Subtract 3 from 9Multiply 3 by 9Divide 9 by 3,3 plus 9 equals/is 12.9 minus 3 equals/is 6.3 multiplied by 9 equals/is 27.9 divided by 3 equals/is 3.,3+9=129-3=63*9=279/3=3,add,substract, multiply 和 divid

18、e都是动词。 plus and minus 都是介词,add and ,subtract from ,Read the instructions aloud.,B. Instruction about numbers,1. S1: Add 11 and 1. S2: 11 plus 1 equals/is 12. (11+1=12),2. S1: S_5_13 S2: _ m_ _ equals/is_. ( )3. S1: M_ 7 _8. S2:_m_by _equals/is _. ( ),ubtract,from,13,inus,5,8,13-5+8,ultiply,by,7,ulti

19、plied,8,56,7*8=56,4. S1: D_16_4. S2: _d_ by_ equals/is_. ( )5. S1: A_ 9 _6. S2:_p_ _equals/is _. ( )6. S1:A_ 14 and 4 and d_the answer by 2. S2:_p _ _ and d _the answer by _ equals/is _. ( ),ivide,by,16,ivided,4,4,16/4=4,dd,and,9,lus,6,15,9+6=15,dd,ivid,14,lus,4,ivided,2,9,(14+4)/2=9,Competition!,全班分为两大组,开展加减乘除对抗赛。由A组向B组提问5道题,例如:729= ?, B组回答,然后再交换。注意题目不要太难,如果自己都回答不上来,出题人会被扣分。,


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