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《2021年辽宁大学英语考试模拟卷(4).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021年辽宁大学英语考试模拟卷(4).docx(17页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2021年辽宁大学英语考试模拟卷(4)本卷共分为2大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共25题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.A candle used to burn at auction sales _.Abecause they took place at nightBas a signal for the crowd to gatherCto give light to the auctioneerDto limit the time when offers could be made 2.Auctioned goods

2、are sold _.Afor the highest price offeredBonly at fixed pricesCat a price less than their true valueDcheaply 3.The end of the bidding is called knocking down because _.Athe auctioneer knocks the buyer clownBthe auctioneer knocks the rostrum downCthe goods are knocked down on to the tableDthe auction

3、eer bangs the table with a hammer 4.It can be inferred that poverty _.Ais defined very concretely in every periodBis difficult to define in specific termsCis defined in material termsDis defined according to the standard of each decade 5.In the eighties, Americans as a whole _.Abecame richerBbecame

4、poorerClived a poorer life than in the seventiesDneeded more jobs to support their families 6.In which of the following years did the poor people constitute the largest proportion of the American populationA1973.B1987.C1969.D1983. 7.Those who consider the poverty line high point out that _.Athe poor

5、 people enjoy other benefitsBsociety as a whole is not well offCthe poor people may conceal their real incomeDthe poor people need less money to support themselves 8.How many people are there in the United States in 1987A259 million.B117 million.C175 million.D230 million. 9.The writers attitude towa

6、rd the future city life is _.AoptimisticBpessimisticCobjectiveDindifferent 10.The teachers whispered _ they should disturb the students.Ain order thatBprovided thatCin caseDwith the result that 11.Adams hadnt a _ what the speaker was talking about most of the time because the class was in chaos.Ague

7、ssBthoughtCconceptDclue 12.People were certain Thomas _his foot on the road to fame when he arrived in New York.AputBtrodCsetDplaced 13.It was unusual for there _ so few students in the classroom.Ato beBbeCbeingDare 14.Henry felt so hungry that he ordered a double,_ of fish.ApieceBpartCportionDsecti

8、on 15.If you keep getting wrong numbers, your phone could be _.AdeceptiveBdefectiveCdeficientDineffective 16.Such euphemisms may be stylistically permissible if they are kept within _.AboundariesBrangesCbordersDlimits 17._people are contemptuous of those who make obscene calls.ARespectableBRespectfu

9、lCRespectiveDRespected 18.Up _into the air when the ten-second countdown was over.Athe rocket shotBshot the rocketCwas the rocket shotDthe rocket was shot 19.When Ken studied at Stanford University, he lived _ the University.Aout ofBapart fromCdistant fromDa long way from 20.Frank realized fully wha

10、t he had dreamed about could not_ have happened in real life.AlikelyBcertainlyCdoubtfullyDpossibly 21.Though the hotel has been open for a few days, it is already _ booked.AheavilyBexpectantlyCimmediatelyDquickly 22.The National Geographic Society headquarters,_ in Washington, D.C., is well-known fo

11、r its magazine.AsituatedBplacedCstoodDpositioned 23.Accidents and exhaustion may force more than half the cyclists to drop out before reaching the _.Adead lineBend lineCfinish lineDfinishing line 24.The National Gallery in London has more visitors than _ any other because of its free admission.Aprac

12、ticallyBreallyCactuallyDcompletely 25.We had to wait some time before the menu was brought to us and our orders _.AtakenBgivenCdoneDmade 二、多项选择题(共25题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,有多个符合题意) 1.有的人喜欢阅读网络作品; 2有的人喜欢阅读印刷作品; 3我的做法。 Read Online Works or Printed Works 2.For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a sh

13、ort essay entitled Should High School Students Study Abroad You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:1上图为X市市民对中学生出国留学看法的统计,请简单描述该图2请说明两种观点可能的论述理由3你对出国留学的看法,并为人们的顾虑提供可能的解决方法 3.社区教育是外来名词,由联合国教科文组织对社区教育的界定引入到对我国社区教育的定义。随着我国经济的发展,城市化进程的加快,大批城乡居民搬迁新居,从而产生了一个个居民小区,社区由此形成。而社区教育

14、适应了社区居民精神生活和终身学习的需要,满足了居民的受教育的权利和自身和谐发展的需要,促进了社会的稳定和生产力的发展。我国社区教育的发展,需要全社会转变教育观念,树立终身教育、大教育观和社区教育观念,将社区教育放在一定社会经济、社会发展的大背景下去考虑。 4.There is a saying We must live in the present. If we dwell on the past, we will lose the present. To what extent and in what ways do you agree or disagree with this state

15、ment Explain and illustrate your answer. You are to write a composition in no less than 400 words, on thee above topic. Marks will be awarded tot content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to, follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Write your composition on ANS

16、WER SHEET FOUR. 5.校园里谈恋爱已经变得很普遍 2.校园里谈恋爱会引起许多问题 3.作为一名大学生,你怎么看 6.For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic My View on Traveling. You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline given below:1许多人喜欢旅游,不同的旅游者有不同的感受。2我喜欢不喜欢旅游,是因为 7.一切都

17、是虚荣,人人皆爱虚荣女人极其虚荣,男人也不甘落后如果可能,他们则变本加厉。孩子也不例外,尤其是女孩子。其中一个正敲着我的腿,她想知道我对她的新鞋有何看法。坦白地说,这两只鞋并不怎么样,它们既不对称也没有曲线美,看上去有种无法形容的臃肿(同时我也相信它们穿在了错误的脚上)。但我没有这样说,她想要的不是批评而是奉承;虽然我觉得有失体面,但还是把她的鞋大大夸了一通。除此以外,什么也不能让这个固执己见的小天使满意。有一次,我试着像个朋友一样,委婉而推心置腹地规劝她,结果并不乐观。 8. Write a composition of about 400 words on this issue: Shou

18、ld Raising Pets Be Banned In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary. Marks will be a

19、warded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Write your composition on ANSWER SHEET FOUR. 9.1. 举例说明水对人类的重要性2. 举例说明我国所面临的水资源问题3. 为了生存和发展人们要 10.Directions : For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a sh

20、ort essay entitled Advantages and Disadvantages of Electronic Dictionary. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below. 1. 电子词典的优点; 2. 电子词典的缺点; 3. 你的观点。 _ 11.Title: A Job or Further Study 说明:下表数据所示为 1997、2001、2004 年某校大学毕业生选择就业和选择参加研究生入学考试人数百分比变化情况(Remember you should quote a

21、s few figures as possible. ) (1) 描述上述数据的变化情况。 (2) 说明这些变化的原因。 (3) 作为大学生,说说你的选择和理由。 A Job or Further 12.当然恐惧还是有些道理的。我们正处在一个变的时代。我们深感变化的必要性,我们正在变,我们必须变。我们抵挡不住变化,就像树叶到秋天挡不住要变黄、变枯,球茎在春天挡不住要钻出土壤,萌出新芽一样。我们正在变,我们正外于变化的阵痛之中,正将是一场伟大的变化。本能让我们感觉到,直觉使我们认识到这和变化。他们害怕了,因为变化带来痛苦,同时每逢重要的转变时期,一切都捉摸不定,而有生命的东西最容易受至伤痛。 1

22、3. Throughout our lives we have many teachers, and parents have been regarded as first and important tebachers. And still some others strongly hold the view that parents are the best teachers. Do you agree or disagree with this point of view Write an essay of about 400 words entitled: Parents are th

23、e best teachers In the first part of your writing you should state your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details (or examples). In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary. Marks will be awar

24、ded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Write your essay on ANSWER SHEET FOUR. 14.窗前挂着一串淡紫色的风铃,仿佛也和我拥有着同样的寂寞,似乎已经忘记了它在夏季中怎样歌唱。在此时,一个冷冷的冬季,留下寂寞的风铃,在窗前苦苦等待。难道,风儿真的也把它的友伴遗忘了吗可是,分明听见风儿在空中无奈地呼唤,有力拍打着窗棂,却没有一点点回响。我突

25、然想到,是窗把它们隔开了。于是,我打开窗户,风儿涌了进来,那静默已久的风铃,发出“叮叮咚咚的声音,仿佛有和友伴诉不完的思念和话语。 15.Nowadays, the world population has been increasing sharply, there might be various reasons for the trend. Then, what is your opinion Sharp Increase in World Population You are to write a paper of approximately 400 words on this iss

26、ue. In the first part of your paper, you should present your interpretation of the pictures above and in the second part you should give your reasons for the increase in population with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion with a summar

27、y. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the a bove instructions may result in a loss of marks. Write your composition on ANSWER SHEET FOUR. 16.根据上图描述某高校拥有信用卡的学生所占比例的变化 2.分析产生这些变化的原因 3.分如何看待信用卡令后在学生中的使用情况 Credit Cards in College Campus 17.有些人

28、认为“网上恋爱”可以接受。2有些人认为“网上恋爱”不可以接受。3我的看法是 Love Online 18.随着网络的发展,我们可以轻而易举地从网络上获取各种信息2.如此便捷地获取信息有利也有弊3.你的看法 Obtain the Information Online_ 19. 大千世界充满各种诱惑 举例说明不能抵制诱惑的害处 如何抵制诱惑 Learn to Resist Temptation 20.指出写信的目的; 2. 介绍一下晚会的安排和参与者的情况; 3. 说明需要留学生在晚会中做什么。 An Invitation Letter 21.For this part, you are allo

29、wed 30 minutes to write a letter oat thanks. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline given below in Chinese: 假设你过生日时收到了Lucy 让人送来的鲜花,写信向她表示感谢。信的内容应包括:1. 表达感谢之意;2. 提出回报对方;3. 期待对方做客。 22.For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic L

30、ong Holidays. You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:1.长假给大学生带来的好处2.长假可能给大学生带来问题3.我应当怎术过好长假 23.男女学生就业选择的区别。 2分析造成差异的原因。 24.公共设施破坏严重的问题有待解决 2. 解决办法有哪些 3. 你的看法。 25.1. 家用电脑的普及。 2家用电脑的好处。 3家用电脑带来的问题。第17页 共17页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页


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