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《2022中国餐桌礼仪英文.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022中国餐桌礼仪英文.docx(8页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2022中国餐桌礼仪英文中国餐桌礼仪英文 中国餐桌礼仪用英文来说明应当怎么说呢?我整理了几篇关于中国餐桌礼仪的的英文版,感爱好的可以看一下! 中国餐桌礼仪英文英文描述中国餐桌礼仪中国饮食在世界上是很出名的。I believe the Chinese food is famous around the world。假如你来到中国,中国挚友请你吃饭,你就须要了解一下有关宴会中的座次问题。And if you are in China and you are asked by your Chinese friend to a dinner, you may want to know how to p

2、ick up your seat at the table and what is the proper way to sit at the table。这个位子一般是主位,是主子的。Well, normally this seat is the seat for the host or the hostess。这个位子面朝着门。(面朝着门的一般是主位。)The seat is facing the door of this room。也可以依据餐巾的样式来辨别座位。One may also distinguish the seats at the table from the style i

3、n which the napkins are folded。无论餐巾折成什么样式,最高的餐巾对应的座位,肯定是主位。Regardless of how the napkins are arranged。,the tallest arrangement will always correspond to the master seat。一张坐四五个人的小桌子,与主子的座位相对应的背对着门的那个位置则是被邀请的主客坐的位置。At the small table, a table for four of five, the seat right across of the host seat, t

4、he seat over there, the back of which is facing the door is the seat for the main guest。当然假如桌子大一点的时候,比如说可以坐十到十二个人的桌子,由于主子和客人说话不太便利,跨越桌子就像跨越一片大海一样,所以他们可以挨着坐,这种状况下是可以挨着坐的,这样坐主子和客人说话更便利一些。But usually of course, when it’s a bigger table, a table for ten or twelve, and it is not easy for host or ho

5、stess talking with the main guest, right across the table like right across the ocean and they can just sit side by side which can make it easier for them to talk。对,它可以便利客人夹菜。Yeah, this can make things easier for us。因为在中国的宴席上,我们并不是谁点的菜谁吃。Because in the Chinese way of having food,we don’t order

6、 our own food。而是为全部人点菜,大家一起共享食物。We order for everybody and everybody shares the food on the table。我们常常会实行桌上的人每人点一个菜的方式。And usually we can have each of the people at the table to order one of the dishes。那么假如我想吃的菜在桌子的另一边,比如说我想吃鸡肉,我就可以转动这个小桌子,让鸡肉转到我这一边来。So what if something I want is on the other side

7、of the table, for instance if I want the chicken, so I can turn the Lazy Susan and turn the chicken to my side。这样不用站起来就可以够到菜,因为站起来夹菜是不礼貌的。I can just pick it up without standing up and reaching out which is not proper or polite in Chinese table manner。另外还要留意当别人夹菜的时候,这个时候你最好不要转动这个小桌子。And of course whe

8、n someone else picks the dishes you are not gonna turn the table at that time, turn lazy Susan at that time。你知道为什么我坐在这儿而不是坐在那儿吗?And do you know why I just sit hear rather than there?因为坐在那儿的人要负责买单。Because the one sitting there is gonna pay the bill。中国的宴席中一般都有敬酒的习俗。Most Chinese people have the traditi

9、on of making toasts at banquets。敬酒的依次通常要根据年龄先长后幼、职位由高到低或者先主宾后次宾的依次。The order on the toast may be based on age from the eldest to the youngest by social position from high to low, or by guest status from principal to secondary。只有充分考虑到敬酒的依次,才能达到敬酒的效果,使大家皆大高兴。Only if the individual proposes the toast i

10、n a correct and reasonable manner, would the toast be well received and appreciated。在宴席上饮酒的过程中,随时都可以敬酒,而且可以向同一个人多次敬酒。One may propose a toast at any time throughout the meal, and making several toasts to one person is acceptable as well。当杯中的饮料少于一半时,主子通常会为客人斟满。If the guests’ glasses are less tha

11、n half full, the host will help refill glasses for them。斟酒的次序同敬酒的次序一样也是有长幼凹凸之分的.。The order in which this takes place is similar to that of proposing toasts, placing those of higher social status first。在与长辈或地位高的人碰杯时,人们为了表示自己的虚心和对对方的敬重,往往会让自己的杯口低于对方的杯口。When people make a toast to a person superior, th

12、ey usually make sure that rim of their glass clinks at position lower than rim of the other person’s glass, which expresses respect and modesty。为了表示热忱,主子通常还会不停地劝客人多吃一点。To show good hospitality, the host usually urge the guest to eat more。遇到孩子或者特殊亲近的人,甚至还会亲自为客人夹菜。For children, relatives or clos

13、e friends, they will even serve the dishes themselves。客人通常要友好地接受,并且表示感谢。The guests are supposed to accept the serving and kindly show their appreciation。即使遇到自己不喜爱吃的菜,也不要拒绝,放到自己盘子一边就可以了。Even if they do not like the particular dish, they do not refuse the serving as simply accept it and leave it at si

14、de of their plate。另外,在中国的饭店吃饭可以不用另外付小费。Eating in the restaurant in China, tips are not necessary。干杯Bottom up!买单Pay the bill。餐巾napkin中餐礼仪的常用英文表达1让客人和长辈先吃每一道菜let the elder people and the customer eat first2不要用筷子敲碗don't use the chopsticks hit the bowl3不要将手伸到饭桌对面夹菜don't reach to get the food on the opposite side4等大家到齐了,才起先吃don't eat until everyone is there5为主子的长寿、健康、胜利干杯wish for the people who host the dinner本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第8页 共8页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页


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