小学二年级英语优质课件精选——《Hot summer1》.ppt

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小学二年级英语优质课件精选——《Hot summer1》.ppt_第1页
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《小学二年级英语优质课件精选——《Hot summer1》.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《小学二年级英语优质课件精选——《Hot summer1》.ppt(22页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、,Hot summer1,执教教师:XXX,Unit 7Hot summer,hot,summer,Summer is hot.,swim,eat ice-cream,I can _.,drink some juice,beach,sand,Sand, sand, sand.Play with the sand.,shell,Art attact,(贝壳工艺品),Chant,Summer, summer, summer,Summer is hot. Sun, sun, sun,The sun is hot. Beach, beach, beach,Go to the beach.Sand, s

2、and, sand,Play with the sand.Shell, shell, shell,Pick up shells.,Missing game.(找出不见的图片),Choose and do,1,2,3,4,(选择并回答问题),Act and say(说并做动作):Beach, beach, beach, Go to the beach.,You get(你得到),Say and act(说并做动作):,Sun, sun, sunThe sun is hot.,You get(你得到),Say(说一说): Shell, shell, shell Pick up shells.,Yo

3、u get(你得到),Say(说一说): Summer, summer, summer, Summer is hot.,You get(你得到),It is _, _, _._, _, it is _.My hands, my toes._, _, _.,Composition,summer,hot,hot,Summer,summer,hot,Hot,hot,hot,Home work,You are all very good.I hope after class, you can read the six words and try to remember them.,Goodbye!,谢谢观看,请指导,


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