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《武汉科技大学2018版机械工程专业本科培养方案.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《武汉科技大学2018版机械工程专业本科培养方案.doc(17页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、1院教学指导委员主任 (院长)学院分管教学 副院长审核人 (专业责任教授负责人)执笔人2019 版机械工程专业本科培养方案版机械工程专业本科培养方案一、培养目标一、培养目标本专业培养具有良好的人文素养、较强的社会责任感和良好的职业道德,德、智、体、美、劳全面发展,具有扎实的自然科学和机械工程基础理论,具备较强的计算机和外语应用能力、工程实践能力和终身学习能力,具有创新创业精神和国际视野,能够适应我国机械工业转型升级要求的高素质应用型人才。能在机械工程及相关领域从事设计、制造、测控等方面的科学研究、技术研发、工艺创新、工程组织管理等工作,并期待毕业生毕业 5 年左右达成以下目标:目标 1:具有良

2、好的人文社会科学素养和社会责任感,能够在工作中自觉遵守职业道德和规范,履行责任;目标 2:能够合理选择理论方法、实验方案和现代工具等分析和解决机械工程产品研发、工艺设计、产品制造和工程管理等工作实践中遇到的复杂工程问题;目标 3:熟悉机械工程领域行业规范和法律法规,能在工程实践中充分考虑工程与社会、环境、法律、安全、健康及文化的关系,促进社会的可持续性发展;目标 4:能够持续关注国内外现代机械设计、智能制造与先进制造、互联网+环境下的机械工程及其相关领域的最新进展;目标 5:具有创新创业和终身学习的意识,能通过自主学习有意识地构建和完善工作所需的机械工程知识体系和先进分析手段,拓展自己的知识和

3、能力;目标 6:具备良好的沟通、协调和领导能力及外语应用能力,具有良好的国际视野,能在多学科、多文化背景下的工程项目管理团队和工程研发团队中担任负责人。I.Training objectivesThe major aims at developing multi-skill technology talented person with good humanity accomplishment, stronger sense of responsibility and good professional ethics, all around development of moral, inte

4、llectual, physical,aesthetics and labor education. Who has solid theoretic foundation in natural science and mechanical engineering, and has strong computer and foreign language application ability, engineering practice ability and lifelong learning ability. With the innovative entrepreneurial spiri

5、t and international vision, he can meet the requirements of the transformation and upgrading of Chinas machinery industry, and engage in design, manufacturing, control and measurement and other aspects in mechanical engineering and its related field, like scientific research, technology research and

6、 development, process innovation, engineering organization management and other work. Graduates of this major are supposed to achieve the following aims: Aims 1: (Personality cultivation) Having a good humanities sciences and social sciences quality and have a sense of social responsibility, can abi

7、de by professional ethics and norms in the work and perform duties and fulfil obligations consciously. Aims 2: (Professionalism) Can make appropriate choices in theoretical methods, experimental programs, and modern tools to analyze and solve complex engineering problems encountered in work practice

8、s, such as 2mechanical engineering product development, process design, product manufacturing, and engineering management. Aims 3: (Society and the environment) Familiar with industry norms and laws and regulations in the field of engineering, can fully consider the relationship between engineering

9、and society, environment, law, safety, health and culture in engineering practice to promote the sustainable development of society. Aims 4: (Knowledge acquirement) Staying focus on the latest development in the field of modern mechanical design, intelligent manufacturing, advanced manufacturing and

10、 maintenance for complex electromechanical equipment under the Internet+ environment at home and abroad. Aims 5: (renewal of knowledge) Having the spirit of innovative entrepreneurship and lifelong learning, can consciously construct and improve the mechanical engineering knowledge system and advanc

11、ed analysis methods needed in the work by self-learning to develop their knowledge and skills. Aims 6: (team communication) Having a good communication skill, coordination skill, leadership skill and advanced ability of foreign language application. Equipped with good international perspective, he c

12、an serve as leader in engineering project management team and engineering R计算方法(1.5);工程项目管理(1);冶金生产核心装备(1);特种加工技术(1);机械系统动力学仿真与分析(1/4);模具设计(3/6);计算机辅助工程及案例分析(1/10);专业课程模块专业选修课程(10 学分)机械振动及其应用(2);智能设计(2);机械设备故障诊断(2/2);钢结构(1);起重运输设备(2);材料成型设备(1/2);Visual C+程序设计方法及其机械工程应用(2/6);智能材料及应用(1);疲劳寿命分析与仿真(2/2)

13、;三维 CAD 技术(2/8);模具 CAD/CAM(1.5/6);数值仿真与MATLAB(1.5/6);机械创新设计(1.5/8);结构力学的计算机求解(2/4);摩擦与润滑(1.5);可编程控制器(2/10);机器人技术基础(2);设备故障诊断典型案例分析(1);实践教学模块必修(24 学分)机械测绘(1);工程训练 A(2);认识实习(1);机械原理课程设计(1);机械设计课程设计(2);数学建模实践(1);机制工艺实习(2);专业课程设计(1);生产实习(3);毕业实习(2);毕业设计(论文)(8)素质拓展模块必修(7 学分) 创新创业教育(3);第二课堂(3);心理健康教育实践(1)说明:课程教学每 16 学时计 1 学分,体育课每学期 1 学分,专业课程名称中设置成A(B/C)的格式,A 表示学生应修课程名称,B 表示该课程的学分,C 表示该课程的实验、上机或实践学时。【】中的课程名称为先修课程


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