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《必修三unit1-词汇讲解Words-&-Expressions.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《必修三unit1-词汇讲解Words-&-Expressions.ppt(42页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Unit1 Festivals around the world take place 指指事先计划事先计划或预想到的事情的发生。或预想到的事情的发生。happen 偶然或未能预见的发生偶然或未能预见的发生,可以和可以和to连用或接连用或接that引导的从引导的从句。句。occur: 突然有突然有.想法想法常用于;常用于;sth occurs to sb/it occurs to sb that.break out 仅用于负面场合仅用于负面场合, 常用于灾难常用于灾难, 战争战争, 疾病疾病,争吵争吵之类之类事情的突然发生。事情的突然发生。come about 常与常与how连用连用It _t

2、hat he had read the novel.A good idea _him.A fire _ in the neighborhood,which killed many people. Can you tell me how the accident _?Our school sports meeting is going to _ next Friday.take placehappenedoccurred tobroke outcome about2. beauty-beautiful - beautify v美化Eg:美化我们的校园是我们的职责:美化我们的校园是我们的职责3.

3、harvest n/v 收获,收割收获,收割The farmer hired extra workers for the harvest. a good harvest 丰收丰收 harvester 收割机收割机/人人We will harvest the fruit in autumn.It is our duty to beautify our school.It is our duty to protect the beauty of nature from being destroyed.保护大自然的美不受破坏是我们的职责保护大自然的美不受破坏是我们的职责抢答抢答3分分4. celeb

4、rate 庆祝庆祝We held a party to celebrate our success.celebration n.celebrate后常接日期后常接日期,事情或场合事情或场合 Christmas /ones birthday /a victorycongratulate后常接人后常接人,表示为某事而祝贺某人表示为某事而祝贺某人 congratulate sb. on/upon sth. I him on passing the exam.congratulation n.Eg:人们将会张贴对联和燃放烟花和鞭炮来庆祝新年:人们将会张贴对联和燃放烟花和鞭炮来庆祝新年People wi

5、ll put up couplets and set off fireworks and firecrackers to celebrate the New Year.抢答抢答3分分5.starve v. 1)挨饿挨饿; 饿死饿死Millions of people starved to death during the war.2) (使某人使某人)得不到某事物而受苦或渴望获得某事物得不到某事物而受苦或渴望获得某事物; 缺乏缺乏The homeless children starved for love .3) to feel very hungry 感觉很饿感觉很饿, 仅用于进行时态仅用于

6、进行时态 When will dinner be ready? Im starving.starvation n. U 饿死饿死 die of starvation starvation wages 不够维持基本生活的工资不够维持基本生活的工资(1). starve to death=be starved to death: 饿死饿死(2). starve for sth: 渴望获得某物渴望获得某物 starve to do sth: 渴望做某事渴望做某事 be starved of: 渴望;渴望;缺乏缺乏(3). sb be starving:某人快饿死了某人快饿死了6. origin-or

7、ginal(原始的;起初的;新颖的原始的;起初的;新颖的)起源,由来,起因起源,由来,起因What was the origin of the accident?the origins of life on earth 7. religious1)宗教上的,信奉宗教的)宗教上的,信奉宗教的Most western people have religious beliefs.2) 虔诚的虔诚的She is a very religious person.religion n.8. in memory of 纪念纪念;追念追念 The museum was built in memory of t

8、he famous scientist.in honor of in praise ofin celebration of in search of in need of in favour of in charge of为了纪念为了纪念.为了庆祝为了庆祝.需要需要.掌管掌管.;负责负责为了表扬为了表扬.寻找寻找.支持支持.1._ of the dead in Sichuan Earthquake, people set up a monument(纪念碑纪念碑)2.A great many college graduates went to the big cities _ better j

9、obs.3.He is _ the company when his father passed away4.We should calm down _ the danger.5.Many poor countries are _ food and water.6.What he said is sensible, so we are _his plan.In memory ofin search ofin charge ofin face of 面临面临;面对;面对in face ofin need ofin favor of抢答抢答1分分9. belief1)信任信任; 信心信心 UI h

10、ave strong belief in my future.2) 信仰信仰Creligious beliefs 宗教信仰宗教信仰 beyond belief 难以置信难以置信派生词:派生词:believe /v./相信相信believable adj可信可信的的unbelievable adj难以置信的难以置信的I_ _ that if you have_ _ in your ability you will certainly achieve your dream. (belief)believebelief抢答抢答1分分10. dress up:We dressed up for Luc

11、ys wedding.The whole family is dressing up the Christmas tree.盛装打扮盛装打扮装饰装饰dress up as.: 装扮成装扮成.;打扮成;打扮成.dress sboneself: 为某人为某人/某人自己穿衣某人自己穿衣be dressed in: 穿着穿着.(表示状态表示状态)1.Id like you to _ for my birthday party tonight.2.The children _ themselves _ _ soldiers.3.The young mother is _(dress) her newly

12、-born baby.4. She is _(dress) in a red coat,so she looks more beautiful.dress updressedupasdressing每题每题1分分dressed11. trick1)n. 诡计,花招诡计,花招They had to think of a trick to get passed the guards.do/perform a trick 玩把戏玩把戏2) n. 窍门,招数窍门,招数Daily practice is the trick in learning a foreign language. 3)vt. 欺骗

13、,诈骗欺骗,诈骗She tricked the SnowWhite into eating the poisoned apple.The man tricked the old woman out of all her money.trick sb into sth/doing sth 诱骗某人做某事诱骗某人做某事trick sb. out of sth 诱骗某人某物诱骗某人某物12. play a trick/tricks on 捉弄捉弄 戏弄戏弄.The naughty boy loves playing tricks on others.联想类似表达:联想类似表达:play a joke

14、/jokes on sb; make fun of;laugh at; make a fool of13. poet 诗人诗人 poem:诗诗Li Bai is a great poet who wrote many famous poems.诗歌诗歌-poem; 诗集诗集-poetry14.arrival1)到达,到来)到达,到来The arrival of the train is 9:00.On our arrival at the farm, we were welcomed by the farmers.2) 到达者到达者They went out to welcome the ne

15、w arrivals. a new arrival=a babyarrive /v./到达到达 arrive in/at+地点地点联想:SurviveSurvival15. gain1) 获得He gained full marks in the exam.2) 赢得The scientist gained the respect of his students.No pains, no gains. 一份耕耘,一分收获。16. independence独立,自主独立,自主Eg:India gained independence from Britain in 1947. 派生词:派生词:依靠

16、,依赖/v./_可依靠的,可依赖的/adj./_依靠,依赖/n/-独立的,自主的/adj./_ 独立的,自主的/n/_ depend on/upon 依靠=rely on/uponIt /that (all) depends!视情况而定! dependdependent dependenceindependentindependence每空每空1分分17. gather1)搜集)搜集The writer is gathering materials for his works.2)集合集合The teacher gathered the students on the playground.3

17、) 聚集聚集The clouds are gathering. 18. award(寓词于境寓词于境)仔细阅读下列句子,并试着总结仔细阅读下列句子,并试着总结award的词性,的词性,含义及用法。含义及用法。1.She got the first award in the English contest.2.They awarded him the title of Hero.3.The referee(裁判裁判) awarded a free kick(任意球任意球).4.The chairman awarded me the gold medal.= The chairman awarde

18、d the gold medal to me.自我归纳:award作为名词,意为“_”(句1); award作为动词,意为“_”(句2和句4); 作为动词句3 意为_。可构成固定搭配:award sb sth或award sth _sb.意为“授予某人某物”(句4)奖,奖品授予判定to每空每空1分分reward 多指对某人的帮助、工作或服务等的多指对某人的帮助、工作或服务等的报答或酬谢报答或酬谢(可以是金钱、物品或精神奖励可以是金钱、物品或精神奖励)award 奖金;奖品奖金;奖品 (多指奖励在工作中取得成就或成绩突多指奖励在工作中取得成就或成绩突出的人出的人) 指正式的或指正式的或官方颁发、

19、授予头衔;称号官方颁发、授予头衔;称号prize 指在各类指在各类竞赛,比赛或抽奖活动中竞赛,比赛或抽奖活动中获得的奖项获得的奖项1.Well offer a/an _ of ten thousand dollars for information about her missing son.2.The Olympic winner received a gold medal as a/an_.3.He won the second _ in the compisition contest.4.How can I _ your kindness?rewardawardprizereward每题

20、每题1分分19.admire - admiration - admiring佩服的;称赞的佩服的;称赞的I admire him for his bravery and learning.We stopped halfway up the hill to admire the view.He was looking at the picture with admiration.钦佩钦佩欣赏欣赏赞赏赞赏固定搭配:固定搭配:admire sb for sth: 因某事而钦佩某人因某事而钦佩某人with/in admiration: 钦佩地钦佩地an admiring look: 赞赏的目光赞赏的目

21、光赏月:赏月:自我欣赏:自我欣赏:admire the moonadmire oneself21. look forward to (doing) sth. 期待着期待着(做做)某事某事Children are looking forward to Spring Festival.Hes looking forward to hearing from his pen pal.She has been looking forward to _(have) a chance to pay a visit to Taiwan.When the festival they have been look

22、ing forward to _(come), people will dress up to celabrate it.havingcomes常见的带有介词常见的带有介词to的动词短语:的动词短语:be used to doing:习惯于做某事习惯于做某事 stick to doing sth坚持做某事坚持做某事 object to doing反对做某事反对做某事 devote.to doing:致力于做某事致力于做某事 get down to doing sth: 开始认真做某事开始认真做某事pay attention to doing: 注意注意 attach.to doing sth认

23、为做认为做.重要重要每空每空1分分22. day and night 日夜日夜; 昼夜昼夜; 整天整天Her mother is ill. She has to take care of her day and night in the hospital.The machine worked day and night, at last it broke down.23.clothing 服装(总称,除衣裤还包括鞋帽)服装(总称,除衣裤还包括鞋帽)辨析辨析: cloth, clothes, clothing1)cloth 指做衣服等用的材料指做衣服等用的材料, 如布料如布料, 毛料毛料, 丝绸

24、等丝绸等, 不可数。不可数。 “一块布料一块布料”是是 a piece of cloth 注意注意: cloth 指具体用途的布时指具体用途的布时, 可与冠词连用。可与冠词连用。a table cloth 一块桌布一块桌布 a dish cloth 一块擦碗布一块擦碗布2). clothes 指具体的衣服指具体的衣服, 包括上衣包括上衣, 裤子等作主语时裤子等作主语时, 谓语用谓语用复数形式。复数形式。3) clothing 是衣服是衣服, 服装的总称服装的总称, 是集合名词。是集合名词。25. have fun (with sb) (与某人与某人)玩得开心玩得开心 We had fun wi

25、th each other on that day. fun为不可数名词为不可数名词, 没有复数没有复数, 也不能加也不能加a. make fun of 取笑取笑for fun作为一种乐趣,寻求乐趣作为一种乐趣,寻求乐趣 eg:read for funadj. funny 有趣的,滑稽的有趣的,滑稽的常见的不可数名词(常见的不可数名词(牢记牢记):information, progress, advice, fun, weather, luggage, baggage, news, furniture等26.permission n允许,许可 - permit vask for permiss

26、ion:请求许可请求许可 without permission:未经许可未经许可permit sb sth:permit doing sth:permit sb to do sth:He permitted me to retake the testPlease permit me a few words.We dont permit talking in the library.常考句型常考句型:Time permitting, Ill pick you up at the airport.Weather permitting, we will start tomorrow.注:permit

27、本身也可以作名词。意为“许可证”30. turn up.1) 出席出席(某活动某活动), 出现出现 We planned to meet at 7:00, but he didnt turn up.2) 把把(收音机等收音机等)音量开大一些音量开大一些Turn up the radio a little, I can hardly hear the Program.联想记忆:联想记忆:turn off 关掉关掉 turn on 打开打开 turned down 开小,拒绝开小,拒绝 turned out 结果是,证明是结果是,证明是turn to sb for help 向某人求助向某人求助E

28、g:The teacher turned down the students proposal(请求请求). 拒绝拒绝I thought it would rain the next day,but it turned out to be a sunny day.结果是结果是31.keep ones word: 守信用守信用 break ones word: 食言;食言;失信失信 in other words: 换句话说换句话说 in a word: 总而言之总而言之 have a word with sb: 和某人说句话和某人说句话 have words with sb: 与某人吵架与某人吵

29、架 word came that.有消息称有消息称I promised my teacher to work hard, I must_.Dont _, otherwise, no one will trust you.Could I _ with you before you go to the meeting?Dont _your teachers! Be polite!_, I am satisfied with what you have done these days.Tonny is the best student of the three._,he is a better st

30、udent than the other two.keep my wordbreak your wordhave a wordhave words withIn a wordIn other words32. hold ones breath 屏住呼吸屏住呼吸The girl held her breath at the sight of the snake. All Americans held their breath to see who would win the election.be out of breath 上气不接下气;喘不过气来上气不接下气;喘不过气来lose ones b

31、reath 喘不过气来喘不过气来 catch ones breath喘口气喘口气take/have a deep breath 深吸一口气深吸一口气breathe v.The weak girl was _ only after five minutes running.If you run very fast, you will _.Please _ before doing exercise.The race was so close that everyone was _ at the finish.out of breathlose your breathtake/have a dee

32、p breath holding his breath33.apologize v apology nJhon apologized to Mary for having kept her waiting too long.apologize to sb for doing sth: 因做某事向某人道歉因做某事向某人道歉make/offer an apology to sb for doing sth: 因做某事向某人因做某事向某人道歉道歉accept/refuse ones apology: 接受接受/拒绝某人的道歉拒绝某人的道歉你应该为你的粗心大意向她赔礼道歉。你应该为你的粗心大意向她赔礼

33、道歉。他为遗失我的书而向我道歉。他为遗失我的书而向我道歉。You should make an apology/apologize to her for your carelessness.He offered me an apology for losing my book.34. drown (drowned, drowned) v.1)淹死淹死Dont play by the river in case you fall and drown.There was a drowning man .(快要淹死的)快要淹死的)drowned 已经淹死的已经淹死的Drowning 快要淹死的快要淹

34、死的2) 浸浸, 泡泡借借 消愁消愁 drown ones sorrow/sadness inThe floods drowned the streets and houses.3) 淹没淹没The noise in the street drowned out her voice.35. obvious adj. 明显的明显的, 清楚的清楚的Obviously, he is telling a lie.36. wipeWipe your hands with the handkerchief.The girl wiped her tears away.The students wiped t

35、he floor dry.weep (wept, wept)哭泣,流泪哭泣,流泪Failing in the exam, the girl wept over/for her bad learning results.set off:My father will set off for Shanghai tomorrow morning.That joke set off laughter.Be careful that you dont set the fireworks off by mistake.出发;动身出发;动身引起引起使爆炸使爆炸set out to do = set about

36、 doing sth 开始做开始做set aside: 留出留出/存;把存;把.放置一边;对放置一边;对.置之不理置之不理set down: 写下;记下写下;记下set up: 建立;创立建立;创立_ some time each day to write, even if it is only five minutes.I dont want to _ a series of facts in a diary as most people do.We ought to _ at 7:00, while the roads are empty.The company plans to _ fa

37、ctories else where in Europe.The moment she arrived home, she _(clean) the house.Set asideset downset off/outset upset out to cleanset about cleaningremind 提醒提醒, 使想起使想起remind sb of/about sth 使某人想起使某人想起remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事提醒某人做某事remind sb that 提醒提醒这张照片时常让我想起我幸福的童年时代。这张照片时常让我想起我幸福的童年时代。请提醒我明天给我

38、母亲回电话。请提醒我明天给我母亲回电话。老师提醒我我应该按时完成作业。老师提醒我我应该按时完成作业。The photo often reminds me of my happy childhood.Please remind me to call my mother tomorrow.My teacher reminds me that I should hand in homework on time.forgive (forgave, forgiven)-forgivenessforgive sb for doing sth: 原谅某人干了某事原谅某人干了某事forgive sb(s) d

39、oing sth: 原谅某人做某事原谅某人做某事ask for forgiveness: 祈求宽恕祈求宽恕请宽恕我迟到了。请宽恕我迟到了。Please forgive me for being late.Please forgive my being late.请原谅我,我不是故意伤害你的。请原谅我,我不是故意伤害你的。Please forgive me, I didnt mean to hurt you.补充:补充:1.permit常考句型常考句型:Time permitting, Ill pick you up at the airport.Weather permitting, we w

40、ill start tomorrow.2.obvious adj. 明显的明显的, 清楚的清楚的Obviously, he is telling a lie.3.drown (drowned, drowned) v.drowned 已经淹死的已经淹死的Drowning 快要淹死的快要淹死的1.我们又见面时,他为自己没有信守诺言而向我道我们又见面时,他为自己没有信守诺言而向我道歉,并希望我能原谅他。歉,并希望我能原谅他。(keep ones word; apologize; forgive)2.他因违背诺言向我道歉,最终我还是原谅了他(break ones promise; apologize

41、to sb for sth; forgive sb)when we met again, he apologized to me for not having kept his word and asked me to forgive him. He apologized to me for breaking his promise, eventually I forgave him.3.这张照片时常让我想起我幸福的童年时代。这张照片时常让我想起我幸福的童年时代。请提醒我明天给我母亲回电话。请提醒我明天给我母亲回电话。老师提醒我我应该按时完成作业。老师提醒我我应该按时完成作业。(remind)

42、The photo often reminds me of my happy childhood.Please remind me to call my mother tomorrow.My teacher reminds me that I should hand in homework on time.4.他哄骗我相信他已经征得老师的允许(fool sb into Doing sth; ask for sbs permission.)He fooled me into believing that he had asked for the teachers permission.1. 那照

43、片让她想起淹死在海里的爱人,她哭了。当她走出房间时,尽管已经拭去了泪水,那照片让她想起淹死在海里的爱人,她哭了。当她走出房间时,尽管已经拭去了泪水,但仍掩盖不住脸上的悲伤。但仍掩盖不住脸上的悲伤。( remind.of.; drown; weep; wipe; sadness)2.多年来,这位身居墨西哥的老人日夜梦想着回到自己的祖国。多年来,这位身居墨西哥的老人日夜梦想着回到自己的祖国。(Mexico; day and night)3. 这位精力旺盛的诗人也没有能够找出这些词的起源。这位精力旺盛的诗人也没有能够找出这些词的起源。(energetic; poet; origin)4.我们又见面时

44、,他为自己没有信守诺言而向我道歉,并希望我能原谅他。我们又见面时,他为自己没有信守诺言而向我道歉,并希望我能原谅他。(keep ones word; apologize; forgive)5. 根据专家们的预测,他会荣获今年金鸡奖的最佳男演员奖。根据专家们的预测,他会荣获今年金鸡奖的最佳男演员奖。(prediction; award; rooster) 6. 很明显,他在尽力屏住呼吸很明显,他在尽力屏住呼吸.(obvious; hold ones breath) 7. 如果你没有获得夜间泊车许可,就不能在此停车。如果你没有获得夜间泊车许可,就不能在此停车。(parking; permissio

45、n) 8.下下周举行的大会是为了纪念他们的祖先周举行的大会是为了纪念他们的祖先100多年前来到这个村庄。多年前来到这个村庄。(take place; in memory of; ancestor; arrival)9. 我们的运动会将于下周五举行我们的运动会将于下周五举行(take placce) (2). 这个街区昨晚发这个街区昨晚发生了火灾,死了很多人生了火灾,死了很多人(break out) (3) 你知道这件事故是如何发生的吗你知道这件事故是如何发生的吗(come about) 10. 我们举行了聚会来庆祝他们的婚礼我们举行了聚会来庆祝他们的婚礼(celebrate) (2)我们祝贺他

46、通过了驾照考试我们祝贺他通过了驾照考试(congratulate sb on sth) 11.数百万人在战争中饿死数百万人在战争中饿死(starve to death) (2).无家可归的人无家可归的人们渴望爱们渴望爱(starve for) 12.你知道泰迪熊的起因吗你知道泰迪熊的起因吗(origin)? 13. 这个博物馆修建起来就是为这个博物馆修建起来就是为了纪念这位死去的科学家了纪念这位死去的科学家(in memory of) (2).很多年轻人来到大城市为了寻找好的工作很多年轻人来到大城市为了寻找好的工作(in search of ) 14.为了为了Lucy的婚礼的婚礼,我盛装打扮我

47、盛装打扮(dress up) (2) 穿着红色的外套,她看起来更穿着红色的外套,她看起来更加漂亮加漂亮 15.她欺骗白雪公主吃这个毒苹果她欺骗白雪公主吃这个毒苹果(trick; poisoned apple) 16.李白是著名的诗人写李白是著名的诗人写了很多的诗了很多的诗(poet; poem) 17.一到农场,我们就受到了当地农民的欢迎一到农场,我们就受到了当地农民的欢迎(on ones arrival) 18.1947年印度脱离英国获得了独立年印度脱离英国获得了独立(gain independence from.) (2). 我的手表快了五分我的手表快了五分钟钟(gain) 19.我很钦佩

48、他的勇敢和博学我很钦佩他的勇敢和博学(learning) ( admire sb for sth)(2) 我们停在了半山我们停在了半山腰欣赏美丽的风景腰欣赏美丽的风景(admire) 20.我一直期待有机会到台湾旅游一下我一直期待有机会到台湾旅游一下(look forward to) 21.他他走路时好像喝醉了一样走路时好像喝醉了一样(as if) 22. 他是一个信守诺言的人,所以他肯定会出现的他是一个信守诺言的人,所以他肯定会出现的(keep pnes word; turn up)。19.20.我一直期待有机会到台湾旅游一下(look forward to) 21.他走路时好像喝醉了一样(

49、as if) (2)他谈起来仿佛自己之前去过纽约(as if) 22.他是一个信守诺言的人,所以他肯定会出现的(keep ones word; turn up)。23.这个旅行要花费大约两个小时, 具体还要依据交通情况(depend on)24.老师让学生们在操场上集合(gather) 25.机器日日夜夜地工作,结果机器出故障了(day and night; break down) 26.庆祝春节是中国人民的传统风俗(custom) 27.我很奇怪你竟然被这个恶作剧给愚弄了(fool; trick) 28时间允许的话,我去机场接你(permit; pick up)29.我本以为明天会下雨,结果

50、却是晴天(turn out) 30. 他因违背诺言向我道歉,最终我还是原谅了他(break ones promise; apologize to sb for sth; forgive sb)1. The photo reminded her of her lover who had drowned at sea, and she wept. Although she wiped all her tears away when she came out of the room, she could not hide the sadness on her face.2. For many yea


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