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1、Unit 1 Friendship教案(第1、2课时) Unit 1 Friendship教案(第 1、2课时) (第一课时) 教学目标 本课时主要是通过学生对学案所给出的内容的学习,了解本课文中所出现的词汇,初步了解课文以及相关的背景学问,对下一堂课对课文的全面理解起到一个铺垫作用。 教学地位 本单元是新高一的第一课,上好这一课至关重要,会给学生留下特别深刻的印象。刚刚进入中学,学生离开了老挚友,急于找寻新挚友。通过本节的教学,让学生了解“友情”的重要性,同时也要了解怎样交友,交什么样的挚友。了解中学英语怎样学,学习方法上与初中有何不同。所以,上好本堂课会让学生对老师有一个初步的评价。俗话说

2、“万事开头难。”那么就通过老师的才智,开个好头吧。 新课导入 通过毛阿敏的一首歌恒久是挚友导入新课。让学生了解挚友的重要性。大家都可能会唱或听过毛阿敏唱的这么一首歌恒久是挚友(可以放录音,录像,或老师发动学生一起唱)千里难寻是挚友,挚友多了路好走,以诚相见 心诚则灵,让我们从今是挚友。千斤难买是挚友,挚友多了春常留,以心相许,心灵相通,让我们恒久是挚友。结识新挚友,不忘老挚友,多少新挚友,变成老挚友。天高地也厚,山高水长流,愿我们到处,都有好挚友。 (或通过谚语导入新课,老师把英语板书在黑板上,让学生翻译) A life without a friend is a life without a

3、 sun.人生没有挚友,如同生活没有了太阳。 A man who has friends must show himself friendly.要有挚友,必需以友情待人。 A friend is a second self.挚友乃其次之自我。 Faith will move mountain.精诚所至,金石为开。 教学流程设计 导入新课warming up pre-reading reading&comprehension learning about language Step1: Now that we know the importance of friends, so, lets do

4、 a test about” Are you good to you friend?” Do the following survey and add up your score and see how many points you get? The scores you get are as follows: 1. A2 B3 C2 2. A1 B2 C3 3.A1 B2 C3 4. A3 B2 C1 5. A0 B3 C0 Understand? Ill give you 3 minutes to finish it, go!(做第1 页的小测试) Have you finish? Ho

5、w many scores do you get? Then check the scores and see what kind of friend you are? 2-5 A fair-weather friend Only like them when they are happy and popular.If they are feeling down, or if they are having a problem, you dont want to spend time or talk with them.You dont help your friends when they

6、have problems.You are always thinking about yourself.You should care more about your friends.If you continue to be self-centered and dont consider others feelings, you wont make more friends and keep friendship for long.6-11 A school friend You see each other in school.You just study and play with t

7、hem together in school.You may not know everything about each other.You take things smoothly.You seldom hurt your friends with your benefit considered.Youd better add more affection to your friends.Friendship is about feelings and we must give as much as we take.12-17 A best friend You do everything

8、 together with your friends: study, read, watch TV, surf the Internet, play sports and listen to music.If either one has a problem, the other is there to help.You know your friends very well.You understand and yield to each other.You help with each other and improve together.You have a lot of common

9、 benefit.Your friendship is good to both of you.You are mutually beneficial.18-21 Forever friend You will always listen to your friends and try to help them, even if you disagree or if you are having a problem.Whenever they have any difficulty, youll try your best to do what you can to help them wit

10、hout hesitation.You devote yourself to your best friends.You are willing to lose what you have, even your life. Group work 4人一组,完成下列任务,最先完成的小组可加一分,在各小组均完成任务后,老师会就课本内容提问某个小组的某位同学,回答正确,可给本小组加一分,回答错误,不加分。 1.小组合作,找出文中重点单词、短语、句型 2.组内各成员探讨并理解重点单词、短语和句型的用法 老师就学生完成状况,依据课文重点提问,并找同学回答,假如反馈不志向,老师进行讲解(并用ppt展示用法

11、)。 例如:upset, ignore, calmdown, have got to, be concerned about, walking the dog, loose等 Exercise(2分钟完成下列练习) 一、短语填空 add up,be concerned about,on purpose,calm down, go through,set down,in order to,a series of 1.They _one hardship after another,but they succeeded at last.2The teacher asked us_what we h

12、ad seen in a report.3She broke the dish_just to show her anger. 4.The parents_their sons health as he keeps coughing every night. 5.The time I spend on the way everyday_ to three hours.6My grandmother sat down and took a few deep breaths to _. 【答案】 1.went through 2.to set down 3.on purpose 4are conc

13、erned about 5.adds up 6.calm down 二、句型背诵 (找差生回答,提升其自信念和学习爱好) While_walking the dog,you were carele and it got loose and was hit by a car. 遛狗的时候,你不当心把狗松开了,它被车撞了。 She and her family hid away for nearly twentyfive months before they were discovered. 她和她的家人躲藏了将近二十五个月才被发觉。 I wonder if its because I haven

14、t been able to be outdoors for so long that Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. 我不知道是否因为我许久无法出门的原因,我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热。 4I can well remember that there was a_time_when a deep blue sky,the song of the birds,moonlight and flowers could_never_have_kept me spellbound. 我特别清晰地记得,以前,湛蓝的

15、天空、鸟儿的歌颂、月光和鲜花,从未令我心驰神往过。 5It_was_the_first_time in a year and a half that I had seen the night face to face. 这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚 (其次课时) Step2: Aims: 1.to master the new words and some useful expreions.2.to understand the text and finish the exercises in Comprehending.Teaching procedure: Step (1) Lookin

16、g and gueing Work in pairs.Look at the pictures and the heading and gue what the text might be about. 1).Imagine what it might be like if you had to stay in your bedroom for a whole year.You could not leave it even to go to the WC or to get a cup of tea.How would you feel? 2).What would you choose i

17、f you are only allowed to have five things with you in the hiding place because there is very little room? Step (2) Reading to summaries the main idea of each paragraph.Skim the text and summaries the main idea of each paragraph in one sentence.Para.One: Anne made her diary her best friend whom she

18、could tell everything. Para.Two: Annes diary acted as her true friend during the time she and her family had to hide away for a long time.Para.Three: Having been kept indoors for so long, Anne grew so crazy about everything to do with nature.Step (3) Work in pairs and find the language points(小组加减分制

19、度,同上) Work in pairs and find out the language points as much as you can.1.add (to) v. 1) to put together with something else so as to increase the number, size, or importance; 2) to join (numbers or amounts ) so as to find the total.eg: The fire is going out; will you add some wood? The snowstorm ad

20、ded to our difficulties.Add up these figures for me, please.2.ignore v.to take no notice of; refuse to pay attention to eg: His letters were ignored.Even the best of men ignored that simple rule.My advice was completely ignored.3.concern v.使担忧;使担心 (+about/for); 涉及,关系到;影响到 eg: The boys poor health co

21、ncerned his parents.He is concerned for her safety.The news concerns your brother.He was very concerned about her. 4.loose adj.not firmly or tightly fixed.She wore loose garments in the summer.I have got a loose tooth.Some loose pages fell out of the book.5.purpose n.C an intention or plan; a person

22、s reason for an action. What is the purpose of his visit? The purpose of a trap is to catch and hold animals.Did you come to London to see your family, or for busine purpose? 6.series n.(of) a group of things of the same kind or related in some way, coming one after another or in order.Then began a

23、series of wet days that spoiled our vacation.This publishing firm is planning a new series of school textbooks.They carried out a series of experiments to test the new drug.7.cheat. 1) v.to behave in a dishonest way in order to win an advantage; 2) n.a person who cheats; dishonest persons They cheat

24、ed the old woman of her house and money.The salesman cheated me into buying a fake.He never cheated in exams.I see you drop that card, you cheat! I never thought that Sam is a cheat.8.share 1) vt.&vi.(inwith amountbetween) to have, use or take part in something with others or among a group.2) n.(ino

25、f) the part belongs to, owed to or done by a particular person.The money was shared out between them.Sam and I share a room.We shared in his joy.They always share their happine and sorrow.I have done my share of the work.9.crazy adj.1) mad ; foolish 2) +about wildly excited; very interested Youre cr

26、azy to go out in this stormy weather.Johns crazy about that girl.She is just crazy about dancing.10.dare v.& v.aux.1) + to do; 2) + v to be brave enough or rude enough (to do sth.dangerous, difficult or unpleasant).How dare you accuse me of lying! How dare you ask me such a question? My younger sist

27、er dare not go out alone.He did not dare to leave his car there.11.trust 1) n.U (in) form believe in the honesty, goodne or worth etc, of someone or something 2) v.to believe in the honesty and worth of someone or something; have confidence in I have no trust in him.I dont place any trust in the gov

28、ernments promises.Why do you trust a guy like him? I trust your wife will soon get well.12.suffer v.(for) to experience pain, difficulty or lo I cannot suffer such rudene.He suffered from poverty all his life.My father suffers from high blood preure.They suffered a great deal in those days.13.advice

29、 n.U opinion given to someone about what they should do in a particular situation v.advise to give advice to I want your advice, sir.I dont know what to do.I asked the doctor for her advice.I f you take my advice, you wont tell anyone about this.He gave them some good sound municate v.1) (to) to mak

30、e (opinions, feelings, information etc.) known or understood by others. e.g.by speech, writing or body movements; 2) (with) to share or exchange opinions, feelings, information etc.Our teacher communicates his idea very clearly.He had no way to communicate with his brother.Did she communicate my wis

31、hes to you? We learn a language in order to communicate.Deaf people use sign language to communicate.15.calm 1) adj.free from excitement, nervous activity or strong feelings; quiet 2) n.U peace and quiet 3) v.to make calm You must try to be calm.The high wind paed and the sea was calm again.The poli

32、ce chief advised his men to stay keep calm and not lose their tempers.There was a calm on the sea.She calmed the baby by giving him some milk.We calmed the old lady down.Useful expreions: 1.add up to join (numbers or amounts ) so as to find the total.Add up 3, 4 and 5 and youll get 12.Add up your sc

33、ore and see how many points you can get.If we add these marks up, well get a total of 90.2.calm down to make or become calm Calm down, sir.Whats the trouble? Just calm down, theres nothing to worry about! We tried to calm him down, but he keep shouting.3.be concerned about with to worry or interest

34、My parents are concerned about my studies.Dont concern yourself about with other peoples affairs.Shes concerned about his sons future.4.go through 1) to suffer or experience; 2) to look at or examine carefully; 3) to pa through or be accepted The country has gone through too many wars.The new law di

35、d not go through.Lets go through it again, this time with the music.5.set down 1) to make a written record of; write down 2) put down I have set down everything that happened.I will set down the story as it was told to me.Please set me down at the next corner.6.a series of + pl.& n 做主语时,谓语动词用单数 一连串的

36、,一系列的,连续的 There has been a series of car accidents at the croing.These days I have read a series of articles on reading.A series of TV play is on Channel 1 these days.7.on purpose intentionally; with a particular stated intention He did it on purpose.“I am sorry I stepped on your toe; it was an acci

37、dent.” “It wasnt! You do it on purpose.” I came here on purpose to see you.8.according to as stated by sb.or sth.They divided themselves into three groups according to age.Please arrange the books according to size.According to the Bible, Adam was the first man.According to her, grandfather called a

38、t noon.9.fall in love begin to be in love (with sb.) They fell in love at once; it was love at first sight.What will he do if his daughter falls in love with a poor man? They fell in love with each other for years.10. join in to take part in (an activity) They are going to join in the singing.She st

39、arted dancing and we all joined in.Would you like to join in my birthday party? Step 3 Learning about Language(对应上述所讲词汇短语的练习) This part is a consolidation of the words learnt in this unit.Ask the students to do the exercise independently.T: Now please open your books and turn to Page 4.First lets le

40、arn about language.Use the word theyve learnt in this unit to fill in the blanks.Complete the sentences with suitable words in correct forms. Homework: 1.完成学案的练习(针对本课所讲重点的针对性练习和关于高考的拓展性练习) 2.写作 How to make friends? Unit 1 Friendship教案(第1、2课时) Unit 4 第1课时教案 Unit1_第1课时教案示例 Unit 1 Hello! Part A(第1课时)视频教案(举荐) Unit 1 Friendship 教案 Unit1_第1课时教学设计 Unit1_第1课时教学设计 Unit1_第1课时教学设计 白杨礼赞(第1、2课时)教案 PS理论教案第1、2课时 本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第16页 共16页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页


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