新编商务英语基础教程Unit 1.docx

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1、新编商务英语基础教程Unit 1 Unit 1 pleased to meet you .Teaching Aim (教学目的) 1.cognitive information (认知信息):greeting and introduction 2.Language focus (内容重点): 1)word study : A.acquaintance , ritual, utter, reaure, unconsciously, initial, appropriate, ignore, formula, aume, contemporary,determiner, obliged, Cong

2、reman, colleague,attorney, suspend, remark, B.Position, enquiry, customary, remain, gathering, fellow 2)Phrases :A.even though, reaure.about, be based on, in turn, carry on, be willing to;B.meet with, in the form of 3)Key words: A.addre, base,common; B.Greeting,introduction 3.Grammar: 4.Writing (写作技

3、巧):基本句型1 5.Translation (翻译技巧):词义的选择 .About phonetics () .Background information (背景学问) 商务英语的学习涉及得体的introduction(介绍)、greeting(问候)等基本会话,在这些基础上,还须要进一步地学习有关marking(市场)、sales(销售)等商务方面的学问。下面介绍一些比较基本的社交英语以及简洁的商务学问。 1.介绍客人的礼节 聚会时常常会有互未谋面的客人。开席之前主子应当逐一介绍双方相识,然后再入座。介绍时一般先介绍女士、长者和名贵者。介绍两个地位不同的人相识时,应当先让地位较高的人士介

4、绍地位较低的一方,其后再向年长的女士和年长的男士依长幼次序介绍年轻的女士和男士。 2.选用称谓的礼节 介绍时对双方的称谓和姓名以及用语,都要依据场合正式程序来选用。详细场合有三种。 1)正式场合:称谓和姓名用Dr./Profeor/Mr./Mrs./Ms./Mi/+First Name 和Last Name。 e.g 1.向地位较高的已婚女士介绍男士时可说: Mrs.Carton, may I introduce James Harding.James, this is Mrs.Carton (or Mrs.Jane Carton).卡尔顿夫人,请让我介绍詹姆斯哈定。詹姆斯,这位罗杰卡尔顿夫人

5、(或:简卡尔顿夫人)。 2)向年长者介绍年轻的女士时可说: Mrs.Baker, this is Mi Patricia Haly.Patty, this is Mr.Edgar Brown.布朗先生,这位是帕特丽夏哈利小姐。帕蒂,这位是埃德加布朗先生。 3)向长者介绍年轻的男士时可说: Mr.Baker, this is Robert Green.Robert, this is Mr.John Baker.贝克先生,这位是罗伯特格林,罗伯特,这位是约翰贝克先生。 4)向年长者介绍18岁以下的女孩时可说: This is Linda Bell, Mr.and Mrs.Alan Ro 艾伦罗斯先

6、生和夫人这位是琳达贝尔。 留意: 1)向长者介绍18岁以下的女孩时,介绍一方就行了。如例4),琳达即可向罗斯夫妇问候。 2)有时向地位高、年龄大的人介绍自己的伙伴时,不用称谓和姓。 e.g.Allow me, sir, to introduce you to my fellow travelers.先生,请容许我向你介绍我的旅伴。 1)较正式的场合:用Dr./Profeor/Mr./Mrs./Mi.+姓氏。如被介绍者是青年男女,通常用First Name 和Last Name。 E.g. Marie Green, let me introduce Profeor Banks.Profeor B

7、anks, this is Marie Green.Shes here to study for her doctorate in Law.玛丽格林,让我向你介绍班克斯教授。班克斯教授,这位是玛丽格林,是来这里攻读法律博士学位的。 下面是较正式场合常用的介绍用语。 Rose Morison,Id like you to meet Bruce Read.罗莎莫里森,我想你见见布鲁斯里德。 Rose Morison, have you met Bruce Read ? 罗莎莫里森,你见过布鲁斯里德吗? Rose Morison, do you know Bruce Read ? 罗莎莫里森,你相识

8、布鲁斯里德吗? 2)非正式场合:用被介绍者的First Name。 e.g.美国人在非正式场合介绍双方时常用名字,有时介绍其父母时也只用名字。 “John, these are my parents, George and Sylvia .”“Pleased to meet you.”“约翰,这是我的父母,乔治和西尔维娅。“相识你们很兴奋。” “Dad,this is my boyfriend,Kevin.”“Hello,Kevin.Andreas told me all about you.”“老爸,这是我的男挚友凯文。“你好,凯文。安德莉总在我面前提到”你。” “Hi,Jack, meet

9、 my brother Tom.”“Hi there Tom!I didnt expect to see you here.”“你好,杰克,这位是我的哥哥汤姆。“你好,汤姆!没想到在这儿见”到你。” 4)自我介绍的用语: 用于正式的和较正式的场合: Let me introduce myself.My name is Frank Darney,legal advisor to Netcape Com.容许我来自我介绍,我叫弗兰克达尼,是网景公司的法律顾问。 用于非正式场合: Hello,Im Alan Simmons.I work in the Forbes Parent Company.大家

10、好,我叫艾伦西蒙。我在福布斯总公司工作。 3.介绍后双方应行使的礼节 介绍后双方要相互问候,常用How do you do?或Its nice to meet you 等。假如是两位男士,通常握手以示相识,如是一男一女,应等女方伸出手,男方才可以伸出手相握;如若女方不伸手,男士是不应当主动伸手的。握手时用力要适中,太重了表现的过于热忱(尤其同女士握手,太用劲会使女士产生squeeze的感觉),太轻了使对方感到敷衍了事,对人不敬重。 介绍客人时切勿漏掉任何一个人。未介绍应当介绍的人会被视为不礼貌的行为,而没被介绍的人会被认为是不受欢迎的人。 此外,向外国挚友介绍中国同事或上级时,有两点值得留意:

11、 我们国家的习惯是介绍客人时常爱用官衔、职务或职业名称等冠于姓氏之前,但有些名称词在英语用法上却不用于姓氏前,如:secretary,director,engineer,manager,master等。所以,如要介绍说“这位是北京化工厂张厂长。”要说This is Mr.Zhang,Director of Beijing Chemical Plant.。 介绍已婚女士时,要考虑到西方人的习俗:女士婚后改用其丈夫的姓,而我国女士婚后仍保持娘家姓氏。如介绍说“这位是邓教授的夫人。”英语若说成This is Mrs.Profeor Deng.这就成了“邓太太是教授。”了。实情如此,倒也罢了。若不是实

12、情,改用同位语方式作说明,或用“邓太太”,或用娘家姓“李”,后接同位语说明身份。 e.g.This is Mrs.Deng,wife of Profeor Deng. This is Ms.Li,wife of Profeor Deng.总之,向外宾介绍我国人士要“入乡随俗”。 .Language and Culture Focus (语言文化要点) 1.Word Study 1) acquaintance n. U with sth./sb.(often slight) knowledge of sth./sb.了解;相识 E.g.He has some little acquaintanc

13、e with Japanese language.他略微会一点儿日语。 2)a person that one knows but is not a close friend 相识的人;泛泛之交 E.g.He has a wide circle of acquaintances.他交友广泛。 Shes an old acquaintance.她是个老相识。 相关搭配 Have a nodding acquaintance with sb./sth.与某人泛泛之交。 Make sb.s acquaintance/make the acquaintance of sb.结识某人。 E.g.I ma

14、de his acquaintance at party.我是在一个聚会上相识他的。 On (further) acquaintance 2)ritual n.the prescribed from of conducting a formal secular ceremony;惯例;仪式 E.g.She went through the ritual of warming the teapot before she put the tea in.她在沏茶之前按例先把茶壶热一下。 3)Utter v.To speak;give forth a sound 说出;发出(声响) E.g.Andre

15、w was too excited to utter a word.安德鲁激烈得说不出话来。 4)Reaure v.to restore confidence to ;sb.About sth.to remove sb.s fears or doubts;make sb.confident again 消退疑虑;复原某人的信念;使放心 E.g.The police reaured her about her childs safety.警方让她放心,她的孩子很平安。 A glance in the mirror reaured him that his tie wasnt crooked.他照

16、了一下镜子,领带的确没有戴歪。 5)unconsciously ad.Lacking awarene and the capacity for sensory perception;not consciously 无意识地 E.g.He unconsciously imitated his father.他在不知不觉中效仿了他的父亲。 6)Initial a.attrib. of or at the beginning ;first 起先的;最初的;第一个的 E.g.the initial letter of a word 一个单词的首字母 In the initial stages 起先阶段

17、 My initial reaction was to refuse.我最初的反应是予以拒绝。 n.usu.pl.the initial letter (of a name )(姓名的首字母) E.g.George Bernard Shaw was well-known by his initial GBS.萧伯纳以姓名的首字母GBS为人熟知。 Sign your name and initials.请签上您的名字及名字的首字母。 v.to mark or sign (sth.) with ones initials 用姓名的首字母签名(或做标记)于 E.g.Initial here,plea

18、se.请在这儿签上您的姓名首字母。 Initial a note, document, treaty,etc.用名字的首字母签署便条、文件、条约等 【相关词】 Initially ad.最初;开头;首先 7)appropriate a.for /to sth.Suitable;right and proper 适当的;合适的;正值的 E.g.Sports clothes are not appropriate for a formal wedding.着运动服参与正式婚礼是不合适的。 【相关词】 Appropriately ad.Appropriatene n.U 8) ignore v. t

19、o take no notice of (sb./sth)忽视(某人|某事) E.g.Youve been ignoring me.你始终对我视而不见。 to deliberately refuse to greet or acknowlege (sb.)不理(某人) E.g.I said hello to her ,but she ignored me completely!我向她打招呼,可她根本不理我! 9)formula n.pl.s or ,in scientific use e a fixed arrangement of words,esp as used on social, l

20、egal or ceremonial occasions 惯用语句(尤其是社交、法律场合或仪式上运用的) E.g.How do you do and excuse me and social formulas .“你好”和“对不起”是社交中的客套语。 Know the formula for addreing bishops 知道对主教的习惯称呼 化a set of symbols showing the elements that a substance is made of 分子式 E.g.the formula for water is H2O.水的分子式是H2O。 数或物an expr

21、eion of a rule or relationship in algebraic symbols 公式 E.g.the formula for converting gallons into liters加仑和升的换算公式 【相关词】 Formulate v.to create (sth.)in a precise form 使公式化;规划 E.g.Formulate a rule,policy,theory 制定规则,政策,创立理论 to expre(sth.)clearly and exactly by using particular words 准确地表达 E.g.formula

22、te ones thoughts carefully 准确地阐述自己的思想 The contract was formulate in difficult legal language.该合同是用深邃的法律术语定力的。 Formulation n. Uaction of formulating 格式化;公式化;准确的表达 result of this 公式;准确的表达 E.g.Choose another formulation 选择另一种表达方式 10)aume v. to accept (sth.)as true before there is proof 假定,假设;臆断 E.g.We

23、cannot aume anything in this case.在这种情形下我们无法作出任何揣测。 to put on or display (sth.)falsely;pretend 呈现;假装 E.g.aume ignorance,indifference,an air of concern 假装不知情,装作不在乎,假意关切 to begin to act in or exercise(sth.);undertake;take on 担当;担当 E.g.aume office 就职 He aumes his new responsibilities next month.他下月担当新任

24、务。 【相关词】 aumed a.假装的;假的 e.g. living under an aumed name 运用化名生活 11)contemporary a.(with sb./sth.)of the time or period being referred to; belonging to the same time 属于同一时期的;存在于同一时代的 e.g.Many contemporary writers condemned the emperors actions. 当时的很多作家都指责该皇帝的行径。 a contemporary record of events 同时代的大事记

25、 Dickens was contemporary with Thackeray 狄更斯与萨克莱属于同一时代。 a.of the present time; modern 当代的;现代的 e.g. contemporary events, fashions 当代事务、款式 furniture of contemporary style 现代风格的家具 n.a person who lives or lived at the same time as another 同代人 e.g. She and I were contemporaries at college. 她和我在学院里是同学。 12

26、)determiner n.something that determines 起确定作用 的人(或事物) 13) obliged adj. pred.(to sb.)(for sth./doing sth.) grateful(to sb.)for performing some service 感谢(某人) e.g. Im much obliged to you for helping us.特别感谢你帮助了我们。 much obliged thank you 多谢 e.g. “Much obliged, ” he said as I opened the door for him. 我给

27、他开门时他说了一声“多谢”。 【相关词】 oblige v.force or compel somebody to do something 强制 e.g. They obliged all students to fill out this form.他们强制 全部学生填写这份表格。 14)Congreman n.(pl.-men)Congrewoman n.(pl.-women)a member of the Congre美国会议员(尤指众议员) 15)colleague n.a person with whom one works, esp.in a profeion or busine

28、 同事;同僚 e.g. the Prime Ministers Cabinet colleagues 首相的内阁同僚 David is a colleague of mine./David and I are colleagues. 戴维是我的同事。/戴维和我是同事。 16) attorney n. a person appointed to act for another in busine or legal matters(业务或法 律事务上的)代理人 e.g. power of attorney 代理权 a letter of attorney 授权书 (US) a lawyer 律师

29、e.g. a district attorney 地方检察官 Attorney-General (in certain countries) 某些国家的)司法部长 17) suspend v. sth.(from sth.)to hang sth.Up 悬,挂,吊 e.g. A lamp was suspended from the ceiling above us. 我们头顶上的天花板上吊着一盏灯。 usu.paive not to allow(sth.) to fall or sink in air or liquid, etc. 使悬浮 e.g. a balloon suspended

30、above the crowd 悬浮在人群上方的气球 Smoke hung suspended in the still air.轻烟在静止的空气里悬浮着。 to prevent(sth.) from being in effect for a time; stop(sth.) temporarily 使短暂不起作用;暂停 e.g. suspend a rule 暂不实行一项规定 Rail services are suspended indefinitely because of the strike. 铁路运输因罢工而无限期停运。 【相关词】 suspender n.esp.pl. a s

31、hort elastic strap for holding up a sock or stocking by its top 吊带 18) remark v. on/upon sth./sb. to say or write(sth.)by way of comment; observe 评论;留意 e.g.I couldnt help remarking on her youth.我脱口而出说她那么年轻。 The similarity between them has often been remarked on. 他们之间很相像,这一点常有人提。 v.(dated or fml.)to

32、take notice of(sth./sb.);perceive 留意;觉察 e.g. remark the likene between father and son 留意到父子之间的相像之处 n.thing said or written as a comment; observation 评论; 评述;留意;察觉 e.g. pointed, cutting remarks 直言不讳的、尖刻的评论 make a few remarks about sb./on a subject 就某人/事发表几句评论 In the light of your remarks, we rejected

33、her offer. 鉴于你的评 语,我们拒绝了她的提议。 【相关词】 remarkable a.(for sth.) worth noticing or unusual; exceptional 值得留意的;异样的;出凡的 e.g. a remarkable person, feat, event, book 出类拔萃的人、非凡的业绩、引人瞩目的事务、特殊好的书 a boy who is remarkable for his stupidity 笨得稀奇的男孩 remarkably ad. 2.Phrase 1) even though despite the fact that; thou

34、gh 即使;尽管 e.g. We should not be conceited, even though we had achieved great succe in our work . 即使我们在工作中取得了巨大成果,也不应当自满。 2) reaure .about to remove fears or doubts from(sb.); restore confidence to(sb.) 使放心;消退疑虑;使复原信念 e.g. The officer reaured us about our safety. 那位官员劝告我们对平安放心。 3) be based on to build

35、 sth.as grounds for sth.Else 以为的依据 e.g. This novel is based on historical facts. 这部小说以历史事实为依据。 4) in turn one by one; in succeion 依次地;逐个地 e.g. Well cro the bridge in turn.我们要挨个过桥。 5)carry on (with sth./doing sth.); carry sth.on to continue (doing sth.)接着 e.g. Carry on working/with your work while Im

36、 away.我不在的时候,要接着工作/你的工作。 Carry on the good work! 好好干下去! carry sth.on to take part in sth.; conduct or hold sth. 参加;进行 e.g. carry on a conversation, discuion, dialogue 进行谈话、探讨、对话 to conduct or transact sth.经营 e.g. carry on a busine 经营事业 6) be willing to pred.(to do sth.) to have no objection(to doing

37、 sth.)情愿(做) e.g. Are you willing to accept responsibility? 你情愿担当责任吗? willing a. ready or eager to help 乐意的 e.g. willing aistants 情愿帮忙的人 pred.(to do sth.)having no objection(to doing sth.)情愿的 e.g. Are you willing to accept responsibility? 你情愿担当责任吗? attrib. done, given, etc.readily or gladly 主动肯干的 e.g

38、. willing cooperation, help, suppor 自愿的合作、帮助、支持 【相关词】 willingly ad. willingne n.U 3.Key Words 1) addre v. with/as to call or greet, as with a prescribed form, title, or name 称呼 e.g.He always addrees me with “Sir”.他总是称我为“先生”。 Dont addre me as “Profeor” Im only an aistant. 别称呼我教授,我还只是助教。 to make a spe

39、ech to 对发表演说 e.g.The chairman addreed the rally.主席向大会致了辞。 to sb./sth.to put/write an addre on(an envelope, parcel, etc.) the name of the receiver, with the place where he lives or works (在信封、包袱上等)写姓名和地址 e.g.The letter was wrongly addreed to Shanghai.那封信错把地址写成上海了 to sb./sth.to direct or present ones

40、remark or written statement to (sb./sth.)向提出 e.g.Id like to addre my thanks to you.我想对你表示感谢。 The customers addreed all their complaints to the administration. 顾客向管理部门提出了全部的投诉。 oneself to sth.to direct ones attention to(sth.);begin to work at(sth.) 致力于 e.g.Today, were going to addre ourselves to the

41、item on the agenda.今日,我们将着手解决议程上的主要议题。 2) base v. be based on/ sth.on sth.to take sth.as grounds, evidence, etc.for sth.else 以为基础;依据 e.g. I base my hopes on the good news we had yesterday. 我把希望寄予在我们昨天得到的好消息上。 Direct taxation is usually based on income.干脆税通常以收入为依据。 esp.paive sb.in/at to place sb.in(a

42、 place from which to work and travel)设立;驻扎 e.g. Most of our staff are based in Cairo.我们大部分工作人员都驻在开罗。 【相关词】 basis n. pl.bases main principle that underlies sth.; foundation 基础;基本原理; 准则 e.g.the basis of morality, friendship, etc. 道德、友情等的基础 Rates of work are calculated on a weekly basis.工资是以周为计算基准的。 st

43、arting-point for a discuion探讨的动身点 e.g. No basis for negotiations has been agreed upon. 谈判以什么为中心议题尚未取得一样看法。 This agenda will form the basis of our next meeting. 本议程将成为下次会议的中心议题。 3) common a. usual or familiar; happening or found often and in many places 一般的;通常的;常见的 e.g. a common flower, sight, event一般的花、风景、事务 the common cold 一般感冒 attrib. to sb./sth.shared by, belonging to, done by or affecting two or more people, or most of a group or society 共有


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