读后续写小词好句积累素材 --高考英语备考.docx

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1、读后续写小词好句积累对课标内的词或者读后续写常见的一些超纲词进行讲解+外刊或名著经典的好句(一)好句1.The wind swirled(swrl旋动,起旋涡) like a lasso(lso套索) around them. 风像一根套索一样绕着他们旋转着。2.His heart was doing leapfrogs(lipfrg跳背游戏). 他的心正跳得极快。这两句话出自于Highlights英国外刊Sledding这篇文章。第一句话是环境描写,运用了比喻的修辞手法,生动形象地写出了当时风很大,绕着他们转,就是给人一种寸步难行的感觉,如果在2019年经历过台风“利奇马”,当时还在户外走,

2、就能感受到这种大风的感觉。第二句话描写的是Simon坐在雪橇上,抓着两边的把手,准备向下滑时候的场景。这是他的心理描写,他的心在做跳背游戏(跳背游戏就是指游戏者轮流从其他弯背人身上跳过,相当于跳山羊),就是形容他的心跳得很快,当时很紧张的样子。小词Shoot 英 ut 美 ut v.开枪,射击,发射; 打猎; 飞驰; 剧痛跳窜; 迅速地看; 拍摄; 射,投; 玩,打;变形:过去分词: shot 复数: shoots 过去式: shot 现在分词: shooting 第三人称单数: shoots首先我们看,shoot这个词很常见,一开始基本学的意思都是射击的意思,但其实它的意思非常丰富。1. s

3、th at sb | sb sth 无被动态 to direct sth at sb suddenly or quickly 突然把投向She shot her a meaningful look.秘密花园她向她意味深长地看了一眼。(此时,这个shot也可以用flash/cast/throw)She shot an angry glance at him./shot him an angry glance.她很生气,瞪了他一眼。The man in the black overcoat shot a penetrating look at the other man.身穿黑大衣的男子目光犀利地

4、扫了另外一名男子一眼。2.+副词或介词短语 to move suddenly or quickly in one direction; to make sb/sth move in this way(使朝某方向)冲,奔,扑,射,飞驰There she was, in a flash of fiery orange, the dreamlike creature shot into the sky, whistling through the forest with orange furs blazing like flame and gray wings flapping like waves

5、.她就在那里,在炽橙色的闪光中,一个梦幻般的生物飞向天空,嗖嗖地穿过森林,橙色的毛皮像火焰一样燃烧着,灰色的翅膀像波浪一样拍打着。One more look and he noticed flames shooting out from under the disabled vehicle.他再一看,注意到火苗从抛锚的汽车底部喷射出来。His hand suddenly shot out and grabbed my ear, pinching it tightly. Terror gripped me.大卫科波菲尔他的手突然伸出来,抓住我的耳朵,紧紧地捏着。恐怖抓住了我。More light

6、ning bolts shot out of the clouds, stabbing the ground like burning spears.I survived the San Francisco earthquake 1906更多的闪电从云层中喷出,像燃烧的长矛一样刺向地面。A plane shot across the sky. 飞机掠过天空。3. (sth) (at sb/sth) | sth (from sth) to fire a gun or other weapon; to fire sth from a weapon 开(枪或其他武器);射击;发射The police

7、 had orders to shoot anyone who attacked them.警察接到命令可以枪击任何攻击他们的人。I saw altogether four aircraft being shot down.我看到总共有四架飞机被击落。He fatally shot himself three days later.三天后,他开枪自杀了。(二)好句1.Her hands clenched(攥紧) into fists, as if she was terribly angry about something. Her mouth opened but froze there f

8、or a moment, as if she was scared of all the things she might say if she allowed herself to begin. 她的手攥成了拳头,似乎非常气愤。她张开嘴,但又像僵住了一样,好像如果她真要说出来,会被自己所说的话吓坏似的。2.His boots squelched(发吧唧声)in the mud and he started to enjoy the walk more than he ever had before. With every step he seemed to face the danger o

9、f toppling over and falling down, but he never did and managed to keep his balance, even at a particularly bad part where, when he lifted his left leg, his boot stayed implanted in the mud while his foot slipped right out of it. 他的靴子踏着泥巴,他比以往更加享受这种感觉。每一步,他都走得东倒西歪的,几乎要摔倒,但是他努力控制着平衡,即使在最难走的地方,当他抬腿的时候,

10、靴子陷入了泥巴里脚踩空了,也没有摔倒。这两句话出自The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas穿条纹睡衣的男孩第一句话是神态描写,生动形象地描写出了愤怒,惊恐的表情。第二句话是动作描写,将动作放慢,细化,让连续性变强,让视觉效果更细腻。小词Stir 英 st(r) 美 str vt.& vi.(使)移动; 搅拌; (使)行动; (使)微动; n.搅动; 骚乱; 激动; 微动;变形 过去分词: stirred 过去式: stirred 现在分词: stirring 第三人称单数: stirsStir这个词我们原来学习的是搅拌的意思,比如说我们泡奶茶,或者很多拌饭如石锅拌饭等都是要

11、stir一下,就是搅拌一下,接下来见证一下这个单词的多面。1.动词 + 名词短语 sth (into sth) | sth (in) to move a liquid or substance around, using a spoon or sth similar, in order to mix it thoroughly 搅动;搅和;搅拌She stirred her tea. 她搅了搅茶。Stir in the milk until the sauce thickens. 把牛奶搅进去,直到酱汁变稠为止。2.to move, or to make sth move, slightly

12、(使)微动A slight breeze was stirring the branches. 微风吹动着树枝。A noise stirred me from sleep. 响声把我从睡梦中惊醒。Nevertheless, the extremely loud noise of the ladders snap split the dead silence, stirring the stagnant air. 然而,梯子的巨大的巨响打破了死亡的寂静,打破了停滞的空气。3.动词 + 名词短语 sb (to sth) to make sb excited or make them feel st

13、h strongly 打动;激发Deeply stirred by his speech, I was determined to study harder. 他的演讲深深打动了我,我决心更加努力学习。Each step inside the woods stirred up a treasured piece of memories with her father, as if they were still walking hand in hand, sharing the excitement of adventure. 走进树林的每一步,都唤起了她和父亲之间的一段珍贵的回忆,仿佛他们还

14、在手牵着手走着,分享着冒险的兴奋。She was stirred by his sad story. 他那悲惨的故事打动了她。4.单独使用的动词 (of a feeling or a mood 感情或情绪) to begin to be felt 开始感到;逐渐产生;萌动;被唤起A mixture of guilt and fright began to stir in her. 她心里渐渐生出了愧疚和害怕的感觉。His stomach stirred with something very like fear. 他的心中充满着恐惧。5.单数 excitement, anger or shoc

15、k that is felt by a number of people (一些人感到的)激动,愤怒,震动Her resignation caused quite a stir. 她的辞职引起很大震动。(三)好句1.Restless, Ned paced up and down like a caged animal. Even the sight of the giant tortoises didnt interest him for long.内德坐立不安,像笼中的动物一样来回踱步。即使是巨大的乌龟,对他也激不起兴趣。2.I staggered to my feet, stumbled(

16、跌跌撞撞地走) along the corridor and burst breathlessly into the room.我踉踉跄跄地站起来,在走廊上跌跌撞撞地走着,气喘吁吁地冲进房间。这两句话都出自小说海底两万里。第一句话是动作和心理描写。首先以restless形容词作状语,奠定了Ned不安的心情。再写他来回踱步,也可以说pace back and froth或者pace to and fro都表示来回踱步,又用了比喻手法,像被关在笼子里的动物,可以想象狮子、老虎等被关在笼子里来回踱步,十分生动。第二句话是动作描写,连用三个动作,首先是挣扎着站起来,也可以说rise/get/jump

17、to ones feet都表示类似地站起来,然后沿着走廊跌跌撞撞地走着,最后是气喘吁吁冲进房间,将其情绪表现得淋漓尽致。小词Remark 英 rmk 美 rmrk n.注意,观察; 话语; 评论,谈论;vt.& vi.评论; 觉察;变形 过去分词: remarked过去式: remarked 现在分词: remarking 第三人称单数: remarks首先讲一个常出现的词remarkable意为非凡的,引人注目的,可用于应用文,示例:I still clearly remember that not only did you enthusiastically and patiently po

18、lish my compositions, but you offered remarkable guidance in my oral English before the speech contest. 我仍然清楚地记得,你不仅热情而耐心地完善了我的作文,而且在演讲比赛前,你给我的口语提供了出色的指导。Consisting of numerous painting artworks fromstudents, the exhibition definitely serves as an ideal platform for students todisplay their remarkab

19、le talents. 展览由众多学生绘画作品组成,是学生展示非凡才华的理想平台。1.可数名词 something that you say or write which expresses an opinion, a thought, etc. about sb/sth 谈论;言论;评述The room remained muted and not a single remark was made, yet the room seemed to heat up with every rustle of brush tip scrubbing against the paper, as if

20、waiting for some miracle. 房间里很安静,一句话也没说,可是刷尖擦着纸的沙沙声,房间似乎都热起来,仿佛在等待奇迹。Without giving me time to reply-though in truth, I was struck speechless by the rudeness of his remark-he turned and bellowed, “Joseph!”呼啸山庄他没有给我时间回答尽管事实上,我被他粗鲁的话吓得说不出话来他转过身来大声喊道:“约瑟夫!”2. (on/upon sth/sb) | (how) to say or write a

21、comment about sth/sb 说起;谈论;评论Allan gave me a frustrated look on his face, remarking it was an unusual way to prepare for a tennis match, as he continued completing his usual warm-up routine. 艾伦沮丧地看了我一脸,说这是一种准备网球比赛的不寻常的方式,他继续完成他通常的热身动作。“Its much colder than yesterday,” he remarked casually. “今天比昨天冷多了

22、。”他漫不经心地说。Critics remarked that the play was not original. 评论家们指出这部戏剧缺乏创意。由于remark是表达说的动词,在读后续写创始人王初明教授作序的英语写作通用教程Task A-1中收集了几十个表达“说“的动词,有的可以直接引导直接引语,有的是间接宾语。下面简单地翻译了每个词,详细使用方法记得还得查字典看例句。advise建议 assert坚称 claim宣称 declare表明;宣称 exclaim惊叫 add补充说 bellow怒吼 conclude总结 describe描述 explain解释 allege断言 blurt

23、脱口而出 confirm确认 dwell赘述 expound详细解释 announce宣称 boast夸耀 continue继续说 elaborate详尽说明 express表述 argue争论 chatter唠叨 crow欢叫 emphasize强调 growl低吼 impart告知 jabber急切而含糊不清地说 mutter咕哝 recount详细叙述 state陈述 indicate表明 maintain坚称 note指出 reiterate重申反复地说 stress强调 inform告知 mention提到 observe评论 suggest建议 imply暗示 mumble咕哝 proclaim宣告 reply回答 utter说 insist坚持 murmur咕哝 reason推理 warn警告学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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