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《七年级下1-4单元复习.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《七年级下1-4单元复习.ppt(24页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 高频考题高频考题-直击中考直击中考312 要点回顾要点回顾-考点聚焦考点聚焦课前热身课前热身-话题复习话题复习1学习目标学习目标7B unit1-4重要短语看看 look at来自来自be from/ come from在在 .对面对面 across from紧靠紧靠.的旁边的旁边 next to.在在.和和.之间之间 betweenand 在去在去.的路上的路上 the way to在晚上在晚上 at night散步散步take a walk在在.的开始的开始at the beginning of旅途快乐旅途快乐have a good trip对某人友好对某人友好be friendly t

2、o sb以以.身份工作身份工作work as和和一起工作一起工作给某人某物给某人某物从从取走取走穿着制服穿着制服帮助某人干某事帮助某人干某事有点危险有点危险与某人交谈与某人交谈谈论某事谈论某事有趣的人有趣的人让某人干让某人干工作工作( (到很到很) )晚晚忙于干某事忙于干某事外出就外出就( (晚晚) )餐餐 work with give sb sth/ give sth to sb get sth from sb wear the uniform help sb do sth/ help sb with sth kind of dangerous talk to sb / talk with

3、sb talk about sth interesting people let sb do/ ask sb to do work late be busy doing sth/be busy with sth go out to dinners1.Ask ways问路的表达方式问路的表达方式:Excuse me,Wheres the (nearest), please ?Is there a (an) near here?Which is the way to , please ?Could you tell me how to get to?Is this the right way to

4、 ?Can you tell me the way to ?I want to go to . Do you know the way ?7B unit 1-4重要话题一一 问路和指路问路和指路课前热身课前热身-话题复习话题复习12.Tell ways指路的表达方式指路的表达方式:Its opposite (across from) the post office.Its just around the corner.Its next to/outside/ in front of/Its on the right/ left of theIts only ten minutes walk f

5、rom here.Walk along this road/ street.Go straight ahead about 100 meters.Go on until you come to a wide street, then turn left.Go across the bridge. You cant miss it.课前热身课前热身-话题复习话题复习1A: Excuse me! _(我怎样去)(我怎样去)the North Street Hospital? I dont know the way.B: _ (沿着这条街走)沿着这条街走)until you reach the se

6、cond traffic lights. _ _ _ _ _ ( 它就在路的尽头)它就在路的尽头).A: Thank you very much. _ ?B: Itll take you about half an hour.A: Its too long. _ ?B: Yes, The No.24 bus will take you there.A: Thank you very much How can I get toGo down this streetIts at the end of the roadHow long does it takeCan I take a bus her

7、e A: Excuse me, I want to go to the library. 1_ ?B: Go down this street and turn right at the second crossing. Go up the road to the end, youll find it.A: 2_?B: Its about 1,000 meters away from here.A: Oh. Thats quite a long way.B: Yes. Youd better take a bus.A: 3_?B: You can take the No.5 bus. Itll

8、 take you there.A: 4_?B: It takes about fifteen minutes.A: 5_.B: Its a pleasure.ABWhere is it? / How can I get thereHow far is it (from here)Which bus should I takeHow long does it take me to get thereThank you very much二二.谈论国籍,出生地,语言谈论国籍,出生地,语言Where are you from?-Im from China.Where do you live?-I

9、live in Ankang.What language do you speak?-I speak Chinese.Where does she come from?-She comes from America.Where does she live?-She lives in New York.What language does she speak?-She speaks English.课前热身课前热身-话题复习话题复习1Country Capital cityNationality languageChina Beijing Chinese Chinese the United K

10、ingdomLondon English (Englishman) English Japan Tokyo Japanese Japanese Canada Ottawa Canadian English/French the United StatesWashington D.CAmericanEnglish Australia Canberra Australian English France Paris French (Frenchman )French I come from China. I live in Beijing. I am a Chinese.I speak Chine

11、se. 2. 根据回答根据回答,写出问句写出问句. 1._? -He lives in Beijing. 2._? -They are from the U.K. 3._? - He is twelve. 4._? -His favorite sport is swimming. 5._? -He speaks French. 6._? -Yes, I have two pen pals. 7._? -He comes from Australia. 8._? -Yes, he can speak Chinese.Where does he liveWhere are they fromHow

12、 old is heWhat is his favorite sportWhat language does he speakDo you have any pen palsWhere does he come fromCan you speak Chinese3.补全对话:补全对话:A: _?B: I come from Sydney,Australia.A: _?B:I speak English.A: _ ?B:My favorite subject is math .A: _?B: Yes. I have a sister and a brother.A: _ ?B: I like P

13、.E best.A: _ ?B: Yes, I do. I want a pen pal in China. Because I want to study Chinese. Where are you from/do you come from What language can you speakWhat is your favorite subject Do you have any sisters or brothersWhat subject do you like best Do you have any friends? What do you want to be? I wan

14、t to be an actor.What does he /she want to be?He/she wants to be a What do you do?What are you?What is your job?I am a/anWhat does he/she do?Whats his/her job?What is he/she?He/She is a/anWhere do you work? I work in the Where does he/she work? He/She works in theWhy do you want to be a/anWhy does h

15、e/she want to be a/an?Because its a/anjob.三三.谈论职业谈论职业1课前热身课前热身-话题复习话题复习1What does he/ she do? -He/ She is .where does he /she work? -He / she works.nursedoctorshop assistantreporterpolicemanpolicewomanbank clerkwaiterin the restaurantin the shopin the bankin the police stationin the hospitalin the T

16、V station关于职业关于职业表示职业的名词表示职业的名词bank clerk cook /chef businessman/ businesswoman firm officer director teacher reporter scientistworker shop assisidant fisherman farmer engineer waiter musician tour guide head teacherwaitress basketball /football/. playeractor runner lead singer actress doctor lead/l

17、eaderpoliceman nurse driverpolicewoman reader magiciancleaner listener psychologist 心理学家心理学家writer /auther traveller soldier singer visitor translatordancer customertourist photographerpainter baker小结:小结:v+er writer waiter teacher v+or actor inventor visitor n+ist artist pianist scientist n+ian musi

18、cian 近义词辨析:近义词辨析:1.there be与与have there be 表示表示“某处有某物某处有某物”,“某处存在某种情况某处存在某种情况”,be 动词后的单数动词后的单数取决于后面名词的单复数,取决于后面名词的单复数,采用就近原则采用就近原则。have ,意为意为“拥有拥有”,表示所,表示所属关系,即某人或某物拥有属关系,即某人或某物拥有. 2.between与与among Between 常用于两者之间,常用短语常用于两者之间,常用短语between.and., among 用于三者或三者以上,意思是用于三者或三者以上,意思是“在在.当中当中”。用一用:用一用:1. I a

19、lways sit_ mum _ Dad when we takes photos.2. our English teacher was standing_us so that she could hear us allA away from B far behind C between.and D among1). There _( be) two libraries in our school. 2). There _ (not be) a supermarket behind my house.3). There _ (be) a hotel and two restaurants in

20、 our neighborhood.4). she-(有)有)a sister and a brother.isntisare2 要点回顾要点回顾-考点聚焦考点聚焦has拓展:拓展:therebe sb doing sth某地有某人正在做。某地有某人正在做。 there will be 某地将有。某地将有。 there used to be 某地过去有。某地过去有。CD4.tell,speak, say与与talkTell 意为意为“吩咐,告诉吩咐,告诉”,常用句型有,常用句型有tell sb. to do sth./tell sb. not to do sth. speak 说,讲话,跟语言

21、的名词搭配,说,讲话,跟语言的名词搭配,speak Chinese, speak at the meeting. say “说话说话”,通常要强调说的内容。后跟一个句子。,通常要强调说的内容。后跟一个句子。Talk “谈话谈话”,常用于,常用于 talk to/with sb about sth.不强调说话的内容。不强调说话的内容。3.through,across,与与over through“穿过某一物体的内部穿过某一物体的内部”,through the jungle. across“穿过某一物体的表面穿过某一物体的表面”,across the road, across the bridge

22、. Over“越过越过”,含有从某一物体表面之上或空间范,含有从某一物体表面之上或空间范围之上围之上“通过,超越通过,超越”,over the mountain. cross穿过穿过“ ,动词。,动词。Eg:1. canyou swim the- river? 2. we must go - the mountain. 3. Lets go and help the blind man_ the road. A through B along C cross D overacrossoverC填一填:填一填:our teachers always_ us to make good use of

23、 time and work hard, they _ some students are hard-working,other studentsare very lazy, in their spare time, they _ with these students_the importance of studying. (用合适用合适“说说”填一填)填一填)tellsaytalkabout kind kind of a kind of 做名词,种类;也可做形容词用,和蔼的,仁慈的。做名词,种类;也可做形容词用,和蔼的,仁慈的。“有点儿有点儿”,相当于,相当于a little,修饰名词修饰

24、名词一种,其复数形式是一种,其复数形式是kinds of 用用kind,kind of, a kind of ,kinds of 填空:填空:1.I am tired, so I need way of relaxing.2. Its very of you to help me so much. 3. There are many of ways to work out the problem. 3.kind ofkindkinds一一.用所给词的正确形式填空用所给词的正确形式填空.1.What is _ (he) favorite sport?2.My pen pal is from _.

25、(French)3.They have pen pals in _ (English) and Australia.4.Do you speak _.(China)5._ (Canada) speak English and French.6.Where _ (do) she live?7.Please write and tell _ (I) about _ (you).8.I think the comedy is very (relax).9. Our in school are to us. (friend)10. Why do you want (see) the pandas?11

26、. The koalas like (eat) .(leaf)12. What other (animal) does he like?13. Sometimes he only at night, but now he is (work)15.She often helps me (do) the housework.hisFranceEnglandChineseCanadiansdoesmeyourself 高频考题高频考题-直击中考直击中考3relaxingfriendsfriendlyto seeeatingleavesanimalsworksworkingdo二二 单项选择单项选择1

27、.Our English teacher was standing us so that she could hear us all clearly.A. away from B. far behind C. between D. among2. There a sheep, two goats and five horses on the hill. Lets go and have a look.A. am B.is C. are D. be3.Please _me how to do it.A. speak, B.tell C. talk D. say4. Never forget to

28、 “Thank you” when someone helps you.A. speak B. tell C. say D.talk5.They walked the small road and then went the hill,at last they came to a village.A.through.across B. through.over C. over.across D. across.overDBBCD三三.补全对话补全对话A: Where do you come from , please ?B: Guess !A: You come from Shanghai,

29、dont you ?B: Yes, I do. 1_ did you guess it ?A: The 2_ you speak! When did you move here ?B: Two years ago.A: Why did you move here ?B: Because my father found work in Guangzhou, so we moved here at 3 time.A: What does your father do now ?B: He 4_ math in a school.A: Oh, he is a math teacher. Could

30、I ask him to help me 5_ my math lesson ?B: Im afraid he cant . Hes in hospital now. He is ill.A: Im sorry to hear that . Howwayteacheswiththat四四.完形填空完形填空Today is Sunday. Ann1 to school. Her parents Mr. King and Mrs. 2 to work. They want to go to the Haitian Park. The park is near their house, so the

31、y3 to the park. Its 9 Oclock now. There are4 People in the park. Some people chat. Some people 5 .Some people sing. There are a lot of good places to6 fun in the park. Ann plays on the merry-go-round.7 Other boys and girls. Mr King8 in the sports club. Mrs. King dances in the music club. They 9 its

32、very10 .( )1. A. dont go B. doesnt go C. not go D. goes( )2. A. dont go B. doesnt C. not go D. go( )3. A. takes a walk B. take a walk C. takes the walk D. take the walk( )4. A. no B. many C. a lots of D. lot of( )5. A. play the guitar B. play guitar C. plays the guitar D. plays guitar( )6. A. having

33、 B. have C. has D. enjoy( )7. A. having B. and C. with D. or( )8 A. plays tennis B. play the tennis C. plays the tennis D. play tennis( )9. A think B. thinks C. thinking D. look( )10.A relax B. relaxing C. relaxed D. boringBABBABCAAB五五. 阅读短文回答问题阅读短文回答问题 Dear Student, My name is Bob. I live in Toront

34、o, Canada, and I want a pen pal in China. I think China is a very interesting country. Im 14 years old and my birthday is in November. I can speak English and a little French. I have a brother, Paul, and a sister, Sarah. They have pen pals in the United Kingdom and Australia. I like going to the mov

35、ies with my friends and playing sports . My favorite subject in school is P.E. Its fun. But I dont like math. Its too difficult! Can you write to me soon? Bob1. Where is Bob from? 2. What does he want?3. What languages does he speak?4. What does he like?5. Does he have any brothers or sisters?6. Do

36、they have pen pals?7. What is his favorite subject? Why?CanadaA pen palEnglish and a little frenchGoing to the movies and playing sports.Yes, he does.Yes, he does.P.E. Because its fun. I think the most1 animal in the zoo is the 2 . I watching them swimming and jumping. They 4 fast and 5 very high. T

37、hey can6 with a ball. They can stand up and walk on the7 . They are very 8 to people. If you fall into the water and9 swim, they may come up and 10 you.六六.短文填空短文填空help play water friend cant interest jump swim like dolphininterestingdolphin likeswimjumpplaywaterfriendlycanthelp七七.任务型阅读任务型阅读 There ar

38、e four people in my family. My father is a policeman. His work is kind of dangerous. Hes very busy. He often has meals outside. Sometimes we cant see him all day. But I love him very much. My mother is a bank clerk, but she wants to be a teacher. She says her job is boring and being a teacher is int

39、eresting, because she can meet many interesting children. My brother is a waiter. He likes his work, because he thinks he can meet many new friends when he works. Im a middle school student. I study hard because I want to be a teacher. I think its not difficult for me. 1.In writers family, there are

40、 people. 2.The writers father works in a . 3. His mother works in a bank, but she wants to be a teacher, because she thinks teaching students is . 4.His brothers job is a . 5.Its not difficult for the writer to be a .fourpoliceman stationinterestingwaiterteacherName: Yao MingBirthday: September 12thAge: 29Nationality: Chinese City: ShanghaiLanguage: Chinese & EnglishFavorite color: blueFavorite movie star: Jackie Chen & Jet leeFavorite people: Zhou Enlai.Big trouble : cant live like common people(普通人)普通人)注:国籍不能用国名注:国籍不能用国名八八. 写作练习:写作练习:介绍我的朋友姚明介绍我的朋友姚明


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