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《七年级英语下册课件Unit1.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《七年级英语下册课件Unit1.ppt(70页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、I can singCan you sing?Yes, I can. No, I cant.Can you dance ?Yes, I can. No, I cant.I can danceCan you swim ?Yes, I can. No, I cant.I can swimCan you draw ?Yes, I can. No, I cant.I can drawCan you play the guitar ?Yes , I can ./ No , I cant.I can play the guitartrumpetPlay the trumpetPhrases: play t

2、he pianopiano thethe trumpettrumpet thethe drumdrums s thethe guitarguitar thethe violinviolin弹钢琴弹钢琴吹喇叭吹喇叭打鼓打鼓弹吉他弹吉他拉小提琴拉小提琴 play football basketball volleyball chess cards踢足球踢足球打篮球打篮球打排球打排球下棋下棋打牌打牌 What can these people do? Match the activities with the people?1.sing_2.swim_3.dance_4.draw_5.play ch

3、ess_6.spesk English_7.play the guitar_1ae eg gd db bc ca af fbfdcageCan you play the guitar?Yes, I can.I can play the guitar.No, I cant.I cant play the guitar. swim speak English sing play soccer paint play chess dance play the guitar Chain work A: Can you ? B: Yes, I can. / No, I cant. Can you . C:

4、 Yes , I can. / No, I cant. Can you (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)Pairwork: Talk about yourself!What can you do?I can.But I cant. singpaintswimspeak Englishplay the guitardanceplay chessplay computerplay the drumsplay the violinplay the pianoI can sing and I can speak English. But I cant play basketballta

5、lent showShe can .She can sing, but she cant swim,So she wants to join the music club.He can basketball clubHe can play basketball, but he cant dance,So he wants to join the basketball club.They can They can play soccer, but they cant play chess,So they want to join the soccer club. the English club

6、I can speak English, but I cant dance,So I want to join the English club.Ask and answer:A: Can he/she?B: Yes, he/she can. / No, he/she cant.What can he do?What can he do?He can dance.He can dance.CanCan he dance? he dance?Yes, he Yes, he cancan. .What can Mary do?What can Mary do?She can play basket

7、ball.She can play basketball.CanCan Mary play soccer? Mary play soccer?No, she No, she cantcant. .MaryWhat can they do?They can play chess.Can they play chess?Yes, they can./No, they cant.What can they do?They can dance.Can they dance ?Yes, they can./No, they cant.重点、难点 一、Can的用法 (1)它是辅助动词帮助说明能力、意愿等的

8、词,can后跟后跟动词原形动词原形,并且它不随主语人称的变化而变化 。 Eg. I can sing. He can swim. (2) 变否定句直接在can后加“not”。 Eg. I can not dance (3)变一般疑问句直接把变一般疑问句直接把can提前。提前。 Eg. Can you dance ? What can you do ? Grammar focus Can的肯定句及否定句形式:的肯定句及否定句形式: IWeYouSheHeItThey can/ cant play the guitar.Can 的一般疑问句形式:的一般疑问句形式: CanIweyousheheit

9、theyplay the guitar?Can的肯定及否定回答:的肯定及否定回答: Yes, IWeYouShe can.HeItTheyNo, cant.Iweyousheheitthey情态动词can小结:后面总是接动词原形,没有人称和数的变化.意思是”能,会”.用法口诀用法口诀: :情动can表能力, 和行为动词不分离.不管主语如何变, can的模样永不变.只要出现情动can,动词原形后面站.一般疑问can提前,否定can后not添.趁热打铁1.They can play basketball after class.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答.)_they_ basketba

10、ll after class?_,they_._,they_.2.Liu Lin can sing in English.(改为否定句)Liu Lin_ _in English. CanplayYescanNocantcant singJoin usJoin us English clubArt clubMusic clubChess clubSwimming clubIn the English club, I can speak English.the English clubI can speak English. I want to join the English club. In

11、the the art club, I can I can draw wellthe art clubI can draw. I want to join the art club. Music ClubIn the Music Club, I can play the piano wellI can play the piano. I want to join the music club. In the chess club, I can play chess well. I can play chess. I want to join the chess club. In the swi

12、mming club , I can swim wellI can swim. I want to join the chess club. 1.What club do you want to join?2.What can you do in the club?join 参加, 加入join the clubAsk and answer表达自己参加俱乐部的意愿和理由Art Club艺术俱乐部艺术俱乐部Music Club音乐俱乐部音乐俱乐部English Club英语俱乐部英语俱乐部 Chess Club 国际象棋俱乐部国际象棋俱乐部Swimming Club游泳俱乐部游泳俱乐部 draw

13、 sing / dance speak English play chess swim篮球俱乐部篮球俱乐部足球俱乐部足球俱乐部Basketball ClubSoccer Club play basketball play soccerA : What club do you want to join?B : I want to join the club.A : Can you . ? B: Yes, I can. / No, I cant. 俱乐部名称的写法俱乐部名称的写法: the swimming club the dancing club the singing club the mu

14、sic club the art club the English club the chess club the sports club the basketball/tennis/golf club joinA: Can you swim?B: No, I cant.A: I want to join the art club.B: Can you draw?A: Yes, I can.A: I want to join the music club.B: Oh, can you sing?A: Yes, I can.2 311b. Listen and number the conver

15、sations1-3. 2a Listen and circle the clubs you hear.a. English clubb. art clubc. music clubd. chess clube. swimming clubIWhat about you, John? Hi, Mary.BobI like to speak English. 1.What club does Bob want to join at first?2. Can Mary sing and dance?3. Can Bob play chess?4. What club does Bob and Ma

16、ry want to join at last?2b. Listen to conversation 2 again. Answer the questions.He wants to join the English club.Yes, she can.No, he cant.They want to join the music club.2b. Listen again. Complete the sentences. 1. Lisa wants to join the _ club, but she cant play _.2. Bob wants to join the _ club

17、. He likes to speak _.3. Mary likes music. She can _ and _. Bob likes music, too. They want to join the _ club.chesschessEnglish English sing dance musicPairworkmusic clubswimming clubEnglish clubchess clubart clubbasketball clubA: What club does Lisa want to join?B: She wants to join the A: Can she

18、 ?B: Yes, she can. / No, she cant.NameWhat he/she can or cant doClubsLisacant play chessthe Chess clubBobCan speak EnglishLikes musicthe English clubthe music clubMaryCan sing and dance the music club2c. Look at 2b and talk about what the people can do and the clubs they want to join.A: What club do

19、es Lisa want to join?B: She wants to join the A: Can sheB: 2dRole-play the conversationFast reading1. What club does Bob want to join?2. What club does Jane want to join?He wants to join the sports club.She wants to join the story telling and art clubs.Listen and follow1. What sports can Bob play?2.

20、 Can Jane tell stories well?3. Does Jane like to draw?Jane: Hi, Bob. What club do you want to join?Bob: I want to join a sports club.Jane: Great! What sports can you play?Bob: Soccer.Jane: So you can join the soccer club.Bob: What about you? Youre very good at telling stories. You can join the story

21、 telling club.Jane: Sounds good. But I like to draw, too. Bob: Then join two clubs, the story telling club and the art club. Jane: OK, lets join, now!Role play the conversation2dwant to do sth 想做某事想做某事 be good at 擅长做某事擅长做某事like to do sth 喜欢做某事喜欢做某事2d Role-play the conversation. (One)Jane: Hi, Bob. W

22、hat club do you want to join?Bob: I want to join a sports club.Jane : Great! What sports can you play?Bob : Soccer.Jane : So you can join the soccer club.Bob : What about you? You are very good at telling stories. You can join the story telling club.Jane : Sounds good. But I like to draw, too.Bob :

23、Then join two clubs, the story telling club and the art club!Jane: OK, lets join now!2d Role-play the conversation. (Two)Jane: Hi, Bob. _?Bob: I want to join a sports club.Jane : Great! _?Bob : Soccer.Jane : So you can join the soccer club.Bob : _? You are very good at telling stories. You can join

24、the _ club.Jane : _. But I like to draw, too.Bob : Then join two clubs, _ club and _ club!Jane: OK, lets join now!Key phraseswant to doI want to join the music club.我想弹吉他。我想弹吉他。I want to play the guitar.My brother wants to join the chess club.我弟弟想参加国际象棋俱乐部。我弟弟想参加国际象棋俱乐部。我想加入音乐俱乐部。我想加入音乐俱乐部。Key phras

25、esbe good atI am good at telling stories.我最擅长游泳。我最擅长游泳。I am very good at swimming.Lily is very good at playing chess.Lily最擅长下象棋了。最擅长下象棋了。我善于讲故事。我善于讲故事。1.弹吉他弹吉他2.跳舞跳得好跳舞跳得好3.游泳游得好游泳游得好4.唱歌唱得好唱歌唱得好5.下象棋下象棋6.说英语说英语7.画画画得好画画画得好8.参加艺术俱乐部参加艺术俱乐部9. 参加音乐俱乐部参加音乐俱乐部10参加英语俱乐部参加英语俱乐部11参加象棋俱乐部参加象棋俱乐部12参加游泳俱乐部参加游

26、泳俱乐部13 参加篮球俱乐部参加篮球俱乐部14 哪个俱乐部哪个俱乐部1.play the guitar2. dance well3.swim well4. sing well5. play chess6. speak English7.paint well8. join the art club9. join the music club10. join the English club11. join the chess club12. join the swimming club13. join the basketball club14. what club1. play, brothe

27、r, the, your, guitar, can? 2. play, you, the, can, guitar? 3. guitar, sing, the, I, play, can, and. 4. to, club, music, join, want, do, you, our? Do you want to join our music club? Can your brother play the guitar? Can you play the guitar? I can sing and play the guitar. 一、连词成句。一、连词成句。二、补全句子和对话。二、补

28、全句子和对话。 1. A: _ you dance? B: Yes, I can. 2. What club does she_ to join ? 3. We want to _ the guitar club. 4. A: What club _ you want _join? B: We_ to join the chess_. A: Can you_ chess ? B: No , I _. 5. She can speak English but she _ speak it very well. Canwantjoindotowantclubplaycantcant _ you _

29、? Yes, I _. No, I _._ Jane and Jill _?Yes, _ _. No, _ _._ he _ _? Yes, he _. No, he _._ you and Tom _ _?Yes, _ _. No, _ _._ _ do you want to _?I want to _ the _ _._ _ you do?I _ _. I _ _.CanswimcancantCanswimtheycantheycantCanplay chesscancantCanplay chesswecanwecantWhat club join joinchessclubWhat

30、cancandancecantsingName Music clubArt clubEnglish club Chess clubMary Sing, not wellTomPlay chess wellA:What club do you want to join?B:I want to join A:Can you sing?B: Yes , I can. the music club.A: Can you sing well?B: No, I cant. Can you swim?Yes, I can./No, I cant.Can he play chess?Yes, he can./

31、No, he cant.Can you and Tom play chess?Yes, we can./No we cant.Can Jane and Jill swim?Yes, they can./No, they cant.What can you do?I can dance./I cant sing.Grammar FocusWhat club do you want to join?We want to join the chess club.3aWrite questions and answers with the words and phrases.1.Wu Jun/ spe

32、ak English/ speak Chinese.2. Mike/ play basketball/ play tennis3. Jane and Jill/ dance/ sing4. Grace/ play soccer/ play volleyball5.Bill/ write stories/ tell storiesCan Wu Jun speak English? No, he cant, but he can speak Chinese.Can Mike playbasketball? No, he cant, but he can play tennis.Can Jane a

33、nd Jilldance? No, they cant, but they can sing.Can Grace playsoccer? No, she cant, but she can play volleyball.Can Bill writestories? No, he cant, but he can tell stories.3bComplete the poster with the words in the box.Students Wanted for School Show We want students for the school show. Can you _ o

34、r _? Can you _ the guitar? Can you _ stories? Please talk to Mr. Zhang after school.play sing tell dancesingdanceplaytell1.What kind of show do they want to have?2. What kind of students do they need?3. If you want to join the show ,who do you need to talk to? Musicians Wanted for School Music Festi

35、valDo you like _? Can you sing and _? Can you _ the piano or the violin? Can you play the_ or the drums ? Then you _be in our school music festival. Please _ Mr. Zhang at 622-6033.musicdancecanguitarplaycallComplete the ad with the words in the box. 3b 3cWhat can your group do in the school show? Ma

36、ke a list.School ShowSunday 6:00 p.m. in the music room.What can you do?Come and show us!Name What can you do?_Li Xindo kung fuA: What can you do? B: I can do kung fu.Activity 1 Make a survey(调查调查)Interview (采访采访) four of your friends. Name Can Club (want to join) 1. What can you do ?2. What club do

37、 you want to join ?Report to the class. (汇报采访结果汇报采访结果) eg. I have four friends. Jenny can sing very well. She wants to join the music club. Alan can play chess. He wants to join the chess club. Mary can. She wants. to. Tony .Name Can Club (want to join) Jenny singMusic clubAlan play chess chess club

38、Mary danceTony swim Can you say these in English?1.下象棋下象棋 2.弹吉他弹吉他 3.英语俱乐部英语俱乐部 4.艺术俱乐部艺术俱乐部 5.加入音乐俱乐部加入音乐俱乐部 6.我想加入音乐俱乐部我想加入音乐俱乐部 play chess play the guitarEnglish clubArt clubI want to join the music clubjoin the music club Can you fill in the blanks ?1._ you swim ? Yes, I can.2.Can your father pl

39、ay the guitar ? No,he _ .3. What club _ you want to join ?4. Can Lucy and Alice dance ? Yes , _ can .5. We want _ join the English club .Can cant do they to ( )1. Lets go and play _ping-pong. I dont want to play _violin. A. a, the B. the, a C. /, the D. the, /( )2. Who wants _the swimming club? A. t

40、o joins B. join C. to join D. joins( )3. A:Can you swim? B: Yes, I _. A. am B. do C. cant D. can( )4. Maybe he can _in their basketball team. A. is B. be C. are D. am( )5. Can he _ well? A. sing B. to sing C. sings D. singing ( )6. She can play _ chess. A. / B. a C. an D. the ( )7. Can you play the

41、guitar? No, I _. A. am not B. mustnt C. couldnt D. cant ( )8.My brother doesnt like playing basketball _ watching TV. A. and B. but C. or D. so Exercise:CExercise:CDBAADCJim: Hi, Li lei. 1_ Li: I want to join the music club. Jim: Oh. 2_ Li: Yes, I can. I can sing well. 3_ Jim: No. 4_ I can play ches

42、s well. Li: I can play it, too.Jim: Really? 5_ Li: OK. A. Can you play chess? B. What club do you want to join? C. Can you sing? D. Do you want to join the music club? E. Lets sing a song together. F. I want to join the chess club. G. Lets play it, now. BCDFG1. I can play chess .(1. I can play chess

43、 .(改为一般疑问句)改为一般疑问句)2. She can speak Chinese .2. She can speak Chinese .(改为否定句)(改为否定句)3. Can your brother play basketball ?3. Can your brother play basketball ?(作肯(作肯定回答)定回答)4. We want to 4. We want to join the English clubjoin the English club . .(划线(划线提问)提问)5. Can Tom and Amy paint ?5. Can Tom and Amy paint ?(作否定回答)(作否定回答)Can you rewrite them ?No , they cant .Can you play chess ?She cant speak Chinese .Yes , he can .What club do you want to join ?


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