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《男权社会的一曲女性悲歌——解析《远大前程》中的女性人物_Password_Removed.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《男权社会的一曲女性悲歌——解析《远大前程》中的女性人物_Password_Removed.docx(58页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、东北林业大学 硕士学位论文 男权社会的一曲女性悲歌一一解析远大前程中的女性人物 姓名:石红英 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:英语语言文学 指导教师:王新春 20070601 摘要 摘要 査尔斯 狄更斯是英国 19 世纪维多利亚时期的著名小说家。远大前程是其后期 作品,也是其思想上较为成熟的作品 当今国内外对于 /日 学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解 东北林业大学 有关保留、使用学位论文的规定, 有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和磁盘,允许论文被查阅和借 阅。本人授 极东北林业大学 可以将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库 进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段

2、保存、汇编学位论文。 (保密的学位论文在解密后适用本授权书 ) 学位论文作者签名 : 签字曰期: y 年 月 7 曰 学位论文作者毕业后去向: 工作单位 : 峨獨丨 通讯地址: 邮编: 导师签名: 签字日期: f 年 月 日 1 Introduction 11ntroduction As one of the greatest writers in the 19th century England, Charics Dickens has great impact on English literature. He is widely recognized as the preeminent

3、Victorian novelist, playwright and jourmlkt Recently, with the development of new theories, such as Anglo-American New Criticism, Psychoanalytical Criticism, Myth and Archetypal Critidsm, Reader Criticism, Feminist Criticism, Post-Colonial Studies as well as Gender Studies, the researches cm the wri

4、ter works are on the rise. Throua his novels Ovaries Dickens depicted the society in the 19th centujy truthfully and vividly. Meanwhile, he revealed the miserable lives of the pcxw; exposed and criticized the hypoaisy, injustice and cruelty of the upper class. Many of his IMJVCIS showed his profound

5、 sympathy for the oppressed, and Recent criticism has come to value not only the journalistic and documentary side of his work, but the very qualities of excess sprawling melodramatic plots, larger-than-life characterSf verbal extravagancethat earlier critics had identified as signs of artistic weak

6、ness. His novels provide a fertile testing ground for new theories and methodologies.n With the devclqment of social science and theory of Literature and Art, uhk navels atiract the attention of scholars coming from a wide variety of critical approaches: feminist, new historicisty psychoanalytic and

7、 decoTistrucdonisty as well as from the more traditional historical and formalist perspectives/ Although Dickens is good at portraying various characters in his novels and expressing his complicated feelings through the stereotypes of images, the portrayal to women charaaers in his novek stili rcSea

8、s the prejudice of the author as well as the society against women. In his novels, he indeed depicts many different and impressive women characteis, but as a whole, women are only taken to the inferior place, and the so many anti-traditional women characters in his novels show DidcensJs cognitive li

9、mitaiions in the Victorian society as well as the great influence of his living cxjricnce on him. Great Expectations is Didtens later work, which is recognized as 4ectationsy the main diaracters Pip and Miss Havisham, as well as other minor characters all attract aitics, and researchers, attention t

10、he articles referred to the analyses on characters and images of Great Expectations are numerous. For example, Wu Bin thesis Charles Dickens9 Vtew on Female and Women in His Works (2006), Lei PingJs thesis The Relationships between Social Circumstances and the Development of Pips characters in Great

11、 Expcctadorts (2005, 1), Zhang Xue?s thesis The Angel in the House on Dickenss Heroines in ihe. Viewpoint of Gender Studies (2001,4), Zhu Tmgliu!s thesis Children Images under the Pen of Charles Dickens (2003,4), etc. In the West, the articles sudi as George P. Landow5s Wemmick: Description and Char

12、acter in Great Expectations (2003), Jasper Ford Explanation of Miss Havisham fs character (2006,1), Serra Ansay Falling in Love in Jane Eyre and Great Expectations (1995), etc* are all about characters and images of the novcL 3. The Researches on the Themes of the Novel There arc quite a few artidcs

13、 and theses on themes of Great Expectations* In Qiina, such as Cao Huan*s thesis Fatalism in Great Ejqectations (2006), Guo Qiunlin thesis Charles Dickens and Critical RealismAn Analysis of Great Expectations (2004, 11), Yuan Yumeis thesis The - 2 - ! Intioduction Loading of the Morals arid the Defe

14、nce of MindTalk about the Family World in DickensNovels (2006, 5), etc. And in the West, the artides, such as E. D. H. Johnsons Guilt and Complicity in Great Expectations (2002, 10), David C dyJs Auiobioaphical Elements in Dickenss Great Expectatiofis (2002,10), Alexander Criminally Self-conscious:

15、Pipfs aGreat Exjectasionsf, (2004), etc. all referred to the various of the noveL 4. Comprehensive Studies Recently, the comprehensive studies on Dickenss novels cover a laige scale. Critics and reviewers adopt different theories and methods to study his novels and make comparisons with other writer

16、s* novels. Sudi as Lu Changlans thesis Women Looking for Hearth and HomeTin Analysis on the Hearth and Home Complex in English Women Novels in the 19A Century (2005, 5), Iiu thesis “Cold Fleer” and “Warm Criticism”一 Comparative Studies on Satiric Sty ies of Lu Xuns and Dickens*Novels (2006,4), etc.

17、In the West, the researches on this aspect are also abundant For example, Katie Krauskopfs The Pcwer of the Unconscious in Great Expectations and Jane Eyre (1995)? Julianne Whitens Community, Stereotype, and Insanity: Eliots Adam Bede and Dickens Great Expectations (1993), Key lan Qazzaz5s Expectati

18、ons in Pride and Prejudice and Great Expectations (1988), etc. 12. Current Research Status Great Expectations is Didcens later and mature work. Nowadays the researches on the novel have entered the stage of multi-level and multi-angle aspects. Critics and reviewers have transfonned their approaches

19、from emphasizing the analyses on the contents to comprehensive studies, and have formed multi-existence pattern. In addition, the researches break ih phase of unitary development, that is the humanism in his novel, his CTitidsm on the social injustice, the compassionate to the oppressed as well as h

20、is intense sense of humor and integrated researches are on a large scale. In domestic research on the novels of Charl Dickens, from 1997 to 2006, there are plenty of articles referred to women in his novels, but only a few referred to the women characters in Great Expectations, Although critics and

21、researchers have paid mudi attention to studying the women characters in Charles Dickens novels as a wholet but the association with feminist literary criticism is still not cnouglL With the development of the society and literary theories, especially the development of feminist movement and feminis

22、t literary CTitidsm, it is necessary to analyze the novel from new perspectives and to reinterpret the women characters in Great ExpecUttions so as to have a deep and thorough understanding of the women tragedy in ctorian Age under the control of Patriarchal tradition. 东北林业大学硕士学位论文 1 -3 Feminist Lit

23、erary Criticism Feminist literary aiticism can be traced back to the women% liberation movement during the late 1960s. It is one of th. most spcdacular criticisms in today?s literary world. In practice, it not only takes literary texts and female literature as its study objects, but more importantly

24、, it digs the patriarchal ootions implied in the literary works deeply and reveals the prejudice of the society against women and women writers thoroughly. Feminist literary CTiticism, rooted in the earlia: womens liberation movement, aimed to promote womens self-awareness in the form of literature.

25、 It is signaled by American feminist Kate Millefs Sexual Politics, in whidi Millet brought thoroughness to the sexual disaimination towards female in males literary text and carried on an overturning reading in female angle, Virginia Woolf is the forerunner of feminism. With the aid of her personal

26、writing experience, she elucidated conclusively the relationship between women and writing from various aspects, such as woman?s image, writing tradition, writing type, diction, self-awareness and androgyny. Wginia Woolf (1882-1941) plays an important role in English women literature. She inherits t

27、he tradition of the 19th century women novelists and wrote a great number of novels and essays about womens lives and women issues. At the same time, she makes a deep analysis to the phenomenon of the oppression of women in history. The deconstruction and reconstruction of classical literary text un

28、der the vision of feminism is a popular literature-culture phenoraenon in western academe, which is a new writing way with the gender nature of ideology. Feminist literary theory can make people understand the classical text based on the male discourse through the visual angle of female, which not o

29、nly reveals the patriarchic ideology and the concept that men aie superior to women, but also makes auihors pay more attention to the existence of women by citing historical theme and further thinking of the relations between men and women. The author of the thesis will employ feminist literary theo

30、ry to analyze Great Expectations and to find out the deep reasons of women tragedy m the patriarchal society. In practice, feminist literary aitidsm is not confined to texts written and read by women, because its interest lies not only in the treatment of the sodety to women, but also in the notions

31、 of the patriarchal society to them. Its target may include stereotypes of any of these groujK seen as inferior from the point of view of an established patriarchal order, or the exclusion of such groups created by sudi a point of view (or ideological bias) in literary history* Feminist literary ait

32、ics may use various techniques to reinterpret a text, such as reader-response criticism, they will try to reveal the traditional ignored female characters in the tect, or to reveal the text itself. In addition, feminist literary critics may also dconstruct any text to find out the implied the female

33、 c masculine consciousness and analyze the inner clue of the: -characters in the authors novels 1 Intxoductii through social issues and women questions to reveal the development of the author mind and thoughts. In the thesis, it is of great help to use such a theory to analyze the novel Great Expect

34、ationsy especially the female images in the novel. aThr ughout the history of literature, female characters have been stereotyped into two extremes; either Angelsgentle and obedient, or Monstersfiirtatbus, lascivious and the Angels lose their independent personality and identity* In the eyes of femi

35、nist literary critics, the so-called wmonsters, means those women who have independent personality and opinions and such women should be praised So feminist critics try to dig* the implied or ignored female consciousiiess from analyzing the female images, thus they can construct their own theory to

36、fight against the patriarchal traditioa However, in Victorian period, the so-called monsteren were hard to live alone. Because of the restrictions of the society, women were greatly confined to domestic realms, their dependence upon men and their individual limitations resulted in their tragic endin

37、gs. The views of Dickens to wenuen of the ctorian society, to some extent, reflect the males views on the status of women as well as women identities of that period. The author of the thesis will make a deep analysis of the causes of women tragedy in Victorian sodety through the researches of the Vi

38、ctorian womens status and the prejudice of the patriarchal society against women as well as women novelists* By analyzing the causes of women tredy? the author of the thesis wiD make a condnsion that it is the patriardial society that caused the miserable lives of Mctorian women, and then the author

39、 will also talk about the ailightenment of Victorian women tragedy to modem women. Angels as tic spheres. the ideal women images aiming at controlling But such a male-dominated society also makes women and confining them to the domesti( -5- 东北林业大学硕士学位论文 2 The Patriarchal Tradition in Victorian Age V

40、ictorian Age is a typical male-dominated period. The patriarchal tradition affects every aspect of the sodety, and it also toudxes the deepest feelings of human beings. So it is of great importance to do sudi a research on the patriarchal tradition of this period 2.1 The Patriarchal Tradition Patria

41、rchy is a word used to describe the cultural expectation that fathers have primary responsibility for the welfare of Emilies. But this is only its general definition; by extension, it refers to societies where men are also expected to take primary responsibility for the welfare of the community as a

42、 whole, and hence take on the duties of public issues. In the thesis, it mainly refers to its broad definition. However, the beginning of the process of the creation of patriarchy originated from the second millennium B*C, and the process of institutionalizing it was in the ancient Near East, until

43、about 5(X)-600 B.C this process was finally completed, which made us end up with a society where men have rights over women whfle women do not have over men* In the long history of human beings, the patriarchal tradition plays an important role and takes over human beings for a long time. In such a

44、male-centered society, males are kept in the dominating position. Family traditions arc passed down from geaeration to generation implicating that males are the core of families and females are only housewives. Females are secondary in many aspects. Such society is a male-dominated, roale-idcntified

45、 and male-centered society* Males dominate the position of authority, having the power m political, economic, religious, educational, military, and domestic areas. So the traditional cultural stereotype of the female is weak and soft, and the male, on the other hand is tough and strong. Many feminis

46、t writers consider patriarchy to be the basis on which most modem societies have been formed. They argue that it is necessary and desirable to get away from this model to achieve gender equality. Matriarchy is the opposite side of patriarchy. It is a form of society in which power is with the women

47、and especially with the mothers of a community. The word matriarchy derives frm the Latin word “mater5, meaning mother and the Greek word “archein” meaning to rule. Matriarchy is distinct from matrilineality, where children are identified in terms of their mother rather than their father, and extend

48、ed families and tribal alliances form along female blood-lines. Through studying the incidence of depression, we notice that women arc more depressed than men. Many theories can be used to explain this ranging from biological, psychologjcaUo soci cultural, whidi all refer to the major issues in the

49、psychology of women. And the statistics on the 2 The Patriarchal Tradition in d riae depression of women have been well established, which involved all types of depression 一 psychotic, neurotic, and depressive affect in generd. Ma!esJ superiority is also shown in ideologies. Aristotle bad ever declared that athe female is female by virtue of a certain lack of qualities, ,fand St. Thomas Aquinas had ever said f(Woman is an perfect In Beauvoir The S


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