最新励志美文欣赏 关于高考的励志美文欣赏.doc

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1、最新励志美文欣赏 关于高考的励志美文欣赏阅读作为语言学习的基本技能之一,既是学习和增长语言知识的重要途径,也是获得信息的重要活动。与国内外各级各类英语测试一样,阅读测试部分高考英语试题中所占的比重也是非常之大。下面是小编带来的关于高考的励志美文欣赏,欢迎阅读!关于高考的励志美文欣赏篇一让将来的你感谢现在努力的自己"Always remember that your present situation is not your final destination. The best is yet to come." - Unknown“一定要记住,你目前的处境并非你

2、的最终目标,最好的日子终将到来。”——匿名If your life isn't where you want it to be, change it. It's what successful people have done for thousands of years. You may currently be struggling and frustrated with your life but it's not going to stay like this forever, that is, unless you don&

3、#39;t do anything to change it.如果现在的生活并非如你所愿,那就去改变,数千年来成功人士都是这样做的。你现在可能正在挣扎,目前的生活使你沮丧,但生活不会一成不变,只要你能行动起来做出改变。The best time of your life may still be ahead of you but it won't just magically show up, you have to create it. It's in your power to create whatever future you want for your life. E

4、ven if your best days are truly behind you, you can still have plenty of great days ahead of you if you decide to make it so.最好的生活仍在前方等着你,但它不会无缘无故出现,需要你亲手去创造。你拥有那种力量去创造自己未来想要的生活,即使最好的日子已经过去,但只要你下定决心未来仍有很多好日子等着你。Instead of letting circumstances control and defeat you, use them to push you into action

5、 so that you can change your present situation. Bad times aren't going to last forever but if you want more great times ahead of you instead of just good times, it's time to start doing things that will make that a reality… it's time to work toward your ideal destination.不要让生活控制或打

6、败你,你要把压力变成动力去改变目前的处境。糟糕的情况不会永远持续下去,但如果你想要以后的生活更美好,那现在就要行动起来去把愿望变成现实,现在就要朝自己梦想的生活努力前行。关于高考的励志美文欣赏篇二别让抑郁束缚你Depression is like a plague that hits every one of us at some point in life. Everyone copes with it in their own way, but oftentimes it's hard to understand what exactly you feel and why you

7、feel like that. Feeling depressed for a few minutes and hours is a healthy reaction to a hard situation or event. However, when you let this feeling stay with you for longer, you risk losing yourself and ruining your life. Even though you probably need to see your doctor, these depression quotes may

8、 help you understand your true and deep feelings to know how to get rid of this plague.抑郁就像瘟神,每个人一生中都有遇上的时候。每个人有自己对抗抑郁的方式,但通常别人很难理解那究竟是什么感觉,也不理解你为什么会有那样的感觉。抑郁几分钟或几小时都是面对糟糕处境和事情的健康反应。然而,你要是让这种情绪持续更久,你就会有迷失自己、毁掉生活的风险。即使你可能需要去看看医生,但这些关于抑郁的引文会有助于你理解自己真实的深切的感受,以便知道如何摆脱掉这个瘟神。1. Mood swings1. 情绪波动“I&

9、#39;ll never forget how the depression and loneliness felt good and bad at the same time. Still does.” It's Henry Rollins' quote that often relates to me. One minute I feel the happiest person in the world and the next minute I feel awfully sad. I feel happy because I'm alone, but

10、feel depressed because I'm lonely. It's actually confused feeling.“我永远不会忘记抑郁和孤独是如何使我同时感觉又好又坏的,现在依然如此。”这是亨利•罗林斯的话,我常有这种感受,前一分钟还感觉自己是世界上最幸福的人,下一分钟就特别伤心。我快乐是因为我独自一人,但抑郁是因为我感觉孤独,这感觉真令人迷惑。2. Daytime nightmare2. 白天是恶梦“I didn't want to wake up. I was having a much better

11、time asleep. And that's really sad. It was almost like a reverse nightmare, like when you wake up from a nightmare you're so relieved. I woke up into a nightmare.” – Ned Vizzini“我不想醒来,睡觉时更开心。多悲哀呀,就像恶梦颠倒了。正如你从恶梦中醒来时感觉很轻松一样,我醒来反而是恶梦的开始。”——内德•威兹尼。If you

12、are prone to depression, this feeling probably sounds familiar to you. Depressed and sad people have a tendency to sleep in but it's not the solution. Exercise is a better option.如果你容易郁闷,这种感觉,你听起来可能感觉很熟悉。抑郁和伤心的人愿意睡觉,但睡觉不能解决问题,锻炼才是更好的选择。3. Serious disease3. 重病Chronic depression isn't just bad

13、 feeling. It's a sign that you need a professional help. If you see someone feeling depressed all the time, don't ignore them. It's crucial that people start treating depression as a serious disease and consult doctor when they can't find the way out.Barbara Kingsolver said it better

14、 than me, “There is no point treating a depressed person as though she were just feeling sad, saying, ‘There now, hang on, you'll get over it.’ Sadness is more or less like a head cold- with patience, it passes. Depression is like cancer.”长期抑郁不仅仅是感觉不好,这表明你需要专业的帮助。如果你看见某个人

15、总是很郁闷,不要不当回事。人们要开始把抑郁当成重病来对待,这很重要,自己解决不了时要咨询医生。4. A cage without a key芭芭拉•金索佛说得比我好:“把抑郁当悲伤来对待,就只是跟他说‘没事,坚持住,你能挺过去的’,这样没有任何意义。伤心有点像头痛,只要有耐心你就能挺过去,而抑郁却像癌症。”As Elizabeth Wurtzel profoundly said, “That's the thing about depression: A human being can survive almost

16、anything, as long as she sees the end in sight. But depression is so insidious, and it compounds daily, that it's impossible to ever see the end. The fog is like a cage without a key.” The only thing I can add is to stay strong and don't feel ashamed to seek help… Like she said

17、we are strong enough to survive anything, depression is no exception.4. 没有钥匙的牢笼5. There’s always hope伊丽莎白•沃泽尔意味深长地说道:“抑郁就是这样的:一个人能捱过任何事,只要她能见到曙光。但抑郁很狡猾,它每天都在加剧,根本看不到尽头。这团迷雾就像是没有钥匙的牢笼。”我唯一需要补充的是要坚强,不要羞于向别人求助……如她所说,我们很坚强能捱过任何事,抑郁也不例外。Unfortunately, most depressed p

18、eople refuse to ask for help. Whether they don't recognize their problem or they wish to get rid of it, they believe telling someone about their feelings is a shame. It's not, actually. Many celebrities and ordinary people consult doctors when they feel depressed and they don't feel asha

19、med. It's life.5. 总会有希望Hopefully, Howie Mandel's quote will inspire you to ask for help: “There isn't anybody out there who doesn't have a mental health issue, whether it's depression, anxiety, or how to cope with relationships. Having OCD is not an embarrassment anymore &n

20、dash; for me. Just know that there is help and your life could be better if you go out and seek the help.”不幸的是,很多抑郁的人不愿意寻求帮助。无论是没意识到自己问题的人,还是希望摆脱抑郁的人,都认为告诉别人自己的感受很丢脸。其实不然。很多名人和普通人抑郁时都会咨询医生,他们并不觉得丢人。这就是生活。Depression is a harsh feeling. When you recognize all the symptoms and ask for help at onc

21、e, though, you can feel better in a matter of a week. Love yourself. Don't let anyone hurt you. Surround yourself with positive people. Do what makes you happy. And nourish your positive attitude on a daily basis. These are tiny pieces of advice I can give you.所幸,霍伊•曼德尔的话能鼓励你去求助:“没有什么

22、人没有精神方面的问题,无论遇到的是抑郁、焦虑或是如何处理人际关系的问题,对我而言,有强迫症也不再是尴尬的事,你只需知道如果你去求助,就有人会帮你,你的生活也会变得更好。”抑郁是一种酷刑,你一发现自己有抑郁的症状就要马上寻求帮助,一周左右你就会恢复。要爱你自己,不要让任何人伤害你。要和积极的人在一起,做能让自己开心的事,每天培养积极态度。以上就是我能给你的几条小建议。关于高考的励志美文欣赏篇三勇敢跳出舒适区!7种方式挑战自己There’s this famous quote that can spark an interest to challenge yourself

23、within you:下面这句名言或许能激发你挑战自我的兴趣:“If something that you’re doing doesn’t challenge you, then it doesn’t change you.” Unknown“如果你做的事情毫无挑战,那么你也将毫无改变。”——无名氏Of course, since every one of us has room for improvement, this can also mean if you don’

24、t change yourself, then you can’t be responsible for changing your situation in life. You can never see any improvement in your life if you stick to your comfort zone. We all need a healthy dose of normal stress in our lives, after all. We can only see what we’re really capable of if we

25、make the effort to go over our pre-conceived limits. Don’t limit the challenges you encounter in life - challenge the limits that your “lizard brain” crafted instead:当然,每个人都有提高的空间。这也表示,如果不改变自己,你也就无法改变你的生活境况。如果沉溺在舒适区,你永远也不会看到生活有所改观。要知道,生活中我们都需要适量的正常压力。只有努力战胜预想的极限,我们才能发现自己真正擅长什么。不要限制

26、生活中遇到的挑战——而应挑战大脑设定的各种极限。1. Learn a new language.学一门新语言。Hangul, Nihonggo, French, Filipino, Mandarin, Spanish: these are just some of the languages you can discover as you strive to challenge yourself. Learning a new language isn’t just another way to pad your resume; if you really

27、get into it, you can even use this skill to tutor on the side and earn extra cash.韩语、日语、法语、菲律宾语、汉语、西班牙语:当你准备挑战自己时,可以尝试学习这些语言。学一门新语言并不只是为了丰富简历;如果你全心投入,或许还能靠这个技能做家教挣点小钱。2. Figure out what you’re scared of – and do it for one week consistently.弄清自己害怕什么,然后坚持尝试一周。If you’re in sales, and

28、 you’re scared of talking to people personally or over the phone, then you have a problem. You can’t just relate with your clients online, can you? Now, instead of crippling in fear and automatically thinking you’ll fail, spend at least five minutes a day to pick up the phone and m

29、ake a call to a prospect. Yes, it’s scary. Yes, you may embarrass yourself. And yes, someone may hang up on you. But don’t stop on the first try just yet! You’ll get the hang of it eventually. After a while, you can look at fear in the eyes and say, “Go on, I’m not scar

30、ed!”如果你从事销售工作,却很害怕跟人当面或电话交谈,那可就有问题了。你不能只通过网络联系客户,对吧?现在,不要再畏缩害怕,不要再不自觉地认为会做不好,每天至少花5分钟拿起电话联系某个潜在客户吧。没错,这让你感到害怕。没错,你可能会出糗。而且,也会有人挂断你的电话。但是,千万不要刚尝试就放弃!因为最后你肯定能做到的。不久,你就能直面恐惧并告诉自己:“来吧,我不怕!”3. Take a class for a hobby you’ve been wanting to pursue.报培训班学习一直想发展的爱好。Make sure this hob

31、by is not linked to your career; you have to relax and de-stress while performing this. Some examples might be cooking, sewing, painting and graphic designing online.确定这个爱好跟工作无关;在从事这项爱好时,你必须能够解压放松。类似爱好可以是烹饪、缝纫、绘画或网络平面设计。Aside from helping you challenge yourself now, taking a class for your hobby can

32、 also give you extra income if you learn how to monetize it. (You get plus points if you take the class with a loved one. This way, you combine bonding, boosting your income and challenging yourself.)如果你懂一点生财之道的话,参加爱好培训班除了能帮你挑战自我,还可以为你带来额外收入。(如果你是和心爱的人一起参加,你不仅能挑战自我、赚外快,还可以增进彼此感情。)4. Attend one caree

33、r-related seminar a month.每月参加一场职场类研讨会。Don’t settle for your current job position. Aim high in your career. Of course, with that aim, include in your action, too. Book conferences that are relevant to the industry of your profession. There, absorb the lesson. Ask sensible questions. And don&rs

34、quo;t forget to connect with the attendees and the keynote speakers. Sometimes, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know,” may be a reality.不要满足于当下的职位。将职业目标定高一些。当然,除了目标,还要拿出行动来。预定和自己职业行业有关的会议,然后在会上多加学习,多提合理问题,并且,别忘了和其他与会者以及重要发言人保持联系。有时候,现实就是“重点不在于你知道什么知识,而在于你认识什么人&rdq

35、uo;。5. Make a realistic budget and find out how you can cut back on something so you can invest more.制定合理预算,想办法削减某些部分,以便加大对其他方面的投资。Challenge yourself to step out of your current budget and develop a better budget for yourself. Money management is not about what you make – it’s what you d

36、o with what you make.挑战自己抛开现在的预算,然后制定一个更好的。财务管理不在于你能挣多少钱,而在于你能用挣到的钱干什么。- So, produce a budget on paper, or in an Microsoft Excel file.所以,在纸上制定一个预算吧,用Excel也可以。- Identify the item you’ve been spending so much money on.找出自己开销比较大的方面。- Cut back on that item so you have more money to put in your eme

37、rgency fund or in your investment fund.然后削减在那方面的开销,这样你就有更多钱用来投资到应急基金或投资基金里了。6. Dedicate at least nine minutes a day for physical exercise.每天至少花9分钟锻炼身体。You don’t need to go to the gym, you know. A simple 9-minute run around your neighborhood or an intense dance routine done in your living-room

38、can do wonders for yourself. Aside from the obvious reason that exercise can help you maintain your regular weight or shed those unnecessary pounds, it can also aid in making you feel better about yourself by releasing endorphins.要知道,你不一定非去健身馆不可。绕着小区跑步9分钟或者在卧室集中跳一段热舞,其实也能帮你维持正常体重或甩掉赘肉,而且还可以通过释放内啡肽让你

39、感觉良好。7. Travel and allow yourself to be interested in new people.旅行——敞开心胸认识新朋友。We’re not talking about the expensive kind of travelling here. Something cost-effective like going to your local museum or visiting the resort in the next city can all count as travelling! Here, don&rsqu

40、o;t just limit yourself to your fellow travelers – try to connect with the service staff, like the lifeguard, or the receptionist, or the tour guide. You never know what kind of people they’re going to be. Get out of your house or go online right now to book your class. Start now and lea

41、rn to challenge yourself from time to time. We all need a little push once in a while.这里说的不是那种要花大把银子的旅行。像参观本地博物馆或邻市旅游景点这种花钱少的方式,也可以称为旅行!请不要只去认识同行的人——试试搭讪一下救生员、接待员或导游等服务人员吧。你永远不知道自己将会认识什么样的人呢。到外面或在网上报班学习吧。现在就开始学习时不时地挑战自己。我们都需要时不时地推一把。看了“关于高考的励志美文欣赏”的人还看了:1.高考励志美文欣赏篇2.最感人的十篇高考励志文章3.2016高考励志文章欣赏4.关于高三的励志文章 励志高三的美文6篇5.高考励志有文采的文章第 15 页 共 15 页


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