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《最新农历腊月十九日子好吗_农历腊月十九.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《最新农历腊月十九日子好吗_农历腊月十九.doc(36页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、最新农历腊月十九日子好吗_农历腊月十九优秀作文腊月二十九 1、腊月二十九摄氏十五度地下通道张着失血的嘴唇拼命吞吐着拥挤的二氧化碳卖唱老人的二胡声轻落在他的额前一片片白霜挂满他的琴弦此时,他的儿女们是否看得见?裹着头巾的年轻女人贴着壁墙横卧在地上看不见她的脸她将脸庞出卖给肮脏的墙壁她的五岁“小女儿”羞涩的捻着自己的衣襟不停的说着“谢谢”此时,她是否会想起她的爸爸拐角的旮旯里十二三岁的少年“求八元回家”腊月二十九疲倦的地下通道张着苍白的嘴唇一遍遍问是谁带你们来这里?2、腊月二十九矜持的女人平生第一次涂着玫瑰色的口红招摇过市 腊月二十九的年风俗腊月二十九,上坟请祖上大供。中国农历有大小月之分,所谓大

2、月是三十日 ,小月只有二十九日。所以遇到腊月为小月,二十九这一天就是这一年最后一天。那么腊月二十九就是除夕了,即使不是小月,次日就是除夕,所以过年的各种准备活动都要在这天进行完。在整个年节中,二十九这天可以说是最忙碌的一天,除了筹备年节中的各种衣食祭品,还有一项极其重要的活动“上坟请祖”。所以年瑶称“腊月二十九,上坟请祖上大供”。对于祖先的崇拜,在我国由来已久。事死如生不仅是孝道的重要标志,也是尊老敬老的美德。因此每逢节庆,都要对祖先告祭一番,这不仅仅是一种向祖先的告慰,也寄托了后人对祖先的感恩与思念。春节是大节,上坟请祖仪式也就格外庄重和重要。上坟请祖的时间,大多数地区在二十九日清晨请祖,少

3、数地区在除夕日下午到黄昏时请祖。早在汉代,我国的祭祖活动,已经是春节中一项十分重要的活动。在我国历史上,有祠堂的大户,年终祭祖就要在祠堂中进行,而没有祠堂的普通人家,则需上坟请祖。但不管是大户小户,穷户富户,上坟请祖都是一项很庄重严肃的活动。按照程序,请祖前要先把写有历代去世先人的家谱在正房偏墙上挂好,备好祖案和香炉、油灯、长线、纸表、供品、鞭炮等才开始请祖。早饭后到祖坟各个坟头烧纸,一边烧纸一边念叨“爷爷奶奶回家过年喽”。烧完纸便起身回家,到大门前再烧纸表,鸣放鞭炮,面向大门叩头,并念叨“爷爷奶奶回家过年喽 请门神让路”,然后迈步进门,点燃明烛,彻夜不熄。进了大门以后,在门口横放一根木棍,叫

4、做“拦门棍”,最好是桃木的,以示拦住凶神恶鬼不准进门。待到正月初二晚饭后(有的地区为初二下午),持族谱送祖至村外,将香纸焚化,然后将族谱收起,名为“送年”。自今日开始,家中每顿饭前都要用最好的食物和菜肴先供奉各位神灵和先祖灵位,然后全家人才能食用。其意表示对祖先的尊敬和不忘先辈传衍抚育之恩。 腊月二十九寒假作业姓名_ Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm. 命题: 一、完形填空As I drove my blue Buick into the garage. I s

5、aw that a yellow Oldsmobile was too close to my space. I had to drive back and forth to get my car into the space. That leftenough room to open the door. Then one day I arrived home I turned off the engine, the yellow Oldsmobile entered its space too close to my car, . At last I had a chance to meet

6、 the driver. My patience had and I shouted at her, Cant you see youre not me enough space Park father over. Banging(猛推) open her door into the driver shouted back: Make me! this she stepped out of the garage. Still, each time she got home first, she parked too close to my I thought, What can I do? I

7、 soon found a note on her windshield(挡风玻璃):Dear Yellow Oldsmobile,Im sorry mistress(女主人) shouted at yours the other day. Shes been sorry about it. I know it because she doesnt sing anymore while er to scream news and was taking it out on you two. I you and your mistress will her.Your neighbor,Blue B

8、uickWhen I went to the the next morning, the Oldsmobile was gone, but there was a note on mywindshield:Dear Blue Buick,My mistress is sorry, too. She parked so because she just learned to drive. We will park much farther over after this. Im glad we can be now.Your neighbor,Yellow OldsmobileAfter tha

9、t, whenever Blue Buick Yellow Oldsmobile on the road, their drivers wavedcheerfully and smiled.1Adriven Bparked Cstopped Dstayed2Acomplete Bclose Cnarrow Dfixed3Aquite Bnearly Cseldom Dhardly4Ahurriedly Bfirst Cfinally Dtimely5Aas usual Bas planned Cas well Das yet6Arun into Brun about Crun out Drun

10、 off7Akeeping Bsaving Coffering Dleaving8Amine Bhers Citself Dours9AFor BWith CFrom DUpon10Aroom Barea Cfront Dside11Aan instruction Ba result Can answer Da chance12Aput Bwrote Csent Ddiscovered13Aworking Bdriving Creturning Dcooking14Aon end Bso long Clike that Dany more15Ahope Bknow Csuppose Dsugg

11、est16Acomfort Bhelp Cforgive Dplease17Aoffice18Acrazily19Aneighbors20Afollowed 二、阅读理解 Bflat Beagerly Bfriends Bpassed Cplace Cnoisily Cdrivers Cfound Dgarage Dearly Dwriters DgreetedATaiwan police cannot decide whether to treat it as an extremely clever act of stealing or an even cleverer cheat (诈骗)

12、. Either way , it could be the perfect crime (犯罪), because the criminals are birdshoming pigeons !The crime begins with a telephone message to the owner of a stolen car : if you want the car back, pay up. Then, the car owner is directed to a park, told where to find a bird cage and how to attach mon

13、ey to the neck of the pigeon inside . Carrying the money in a tiny bag , the pigeon flies off .There have been at least four such pigeon pick-ups in Changwa. What at first seemed like the work of a clever stay-at-home car thief, however , may in fact be the work of an even criminal mindone that avoi

14、ds (避免)not only collecting money but going out to steal the car in the first place . Police officer Chen says that the criminal probably has pulled a double trick: he gets money for things he cannot possibly return . Instead of stealing cars , he lets someone else do it and then waits for the car-ow

15、ner to place an ad (启事) in the newspaper asking for help .The theory is supported by the fact that , so far , none of the stolen cars have been returned . Also, the amount of money demanded-under 3,000 Taiwanese dollars seems too little for a car worth many times more . start again, Chen holds littl

16、e hope of catching the criminal . We have more important things to do, he said .21After the car owner received a phone call, heAwent to a certain pigeon and put some money in the bag it carriedBgave the money to the thief and had his car back in a parkCsent some money to the thief by mailDtold the p

17、ress about it22The lazier and more inventive criminal refers to .Athe car thief who stays at home Bone of those who put the ads in the paperCone of the policemen in Changwa Dthe owner of the pigeons23The writer mentions the fact that none of the stolen cars have been returned to show .Ahow easily pe

18、ople get fooled by criminalsBwhat Chen thinks might be correctCthe thief is extremely cleverDthe money paid is too little24The underlined word they in the last paragraph refers to .Acriminals Bpigeons Cthe stolen cars Ddemands for money25We may infer from the text that the criminal knows how to reac

19、h the car owners because .Ahe reads the ads in the newspaper Bhe lives in the same neighborhoodChe has seen the car owners in the park Dhe has trained the pigeons to follow themBYou might think that global warming means nothing more than a rise in the worlds temperature But rising sea levels caused

20、by it have resulted in the first evacuation(撤离)of an island nationthe citizens of Tuvalu will have to leave their homeland.During the 20th century ,sea level rose 812 inches. As a result .Tuvalu has experienced lowland flooding of salt water which has polluted the countrys drinking water.Paani Laupe

21、pa , a Tuvaluan government official ,reported to the Earth Policy Institute that the nation suffered an unusually high number of fierce storms in the past ten years .Many scientists connect higher surface water temperatures resulting from global warming to greater and more damaging storms.Laupepa ex

22、pressed dissatisfaction with the United States for refusing to sign the Kyoto Protocol, an international agreement calling for industrialized nations to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions(导致温室效应的气体排放),which are a main cause of global warming . By refusing to sign the agreement ,the US has effecti

23、vely taken away the freedom of future generations of Tuvaluans to live where their forefathers have lived for thousands of years, Laupepa told the BBC.Tuvalu has asked Australia and New Zealand to allow the gradual move of its people to both countries . Tuvalu is not the only country that is vulnera

24、ble (易受影响的)to rising sea levels. Maumoon Gayoon, president of the Maldives, told the United Nations that global warming has made his country of 311,000 an endangered nation.26The text is mainly about Arapid changes in earths temperature Bbad effects of global warmingCmoving of a country to a new pla

25、ce Dreasons for lowland flooding27According to scientists ,the DIRECT cause of more and fiercer storms is .Agreenhouse gas emissions in industrialized nationsBhigher surface water temperatures of the seaCcontinuous global warmingDrising sea levels28Laupepa was not satisfied with the United States be

26、cause it did not .Aagree to reduce its greenhouse gas emissionsBsign an agreement with TuvaluCallow Tuvaluans to move to the USDbelieve the problems facing Tuvalu were real29The country whose situation is similar to that of Tuvalu is .AAustralia BNew Zealand Cthe Maldives Dthe United States三、短文改错Dea

27、r Mr. Brown ,I am writing to thank you with your kind help. Before you came to teach us ,I had not interest in English .My pronunciation was terribly . I could only speak a few words .But one and a half year later. I now think English is a fun to learn .I got a lot from your encouraged words. I will

28、 always remember what you said, If you try to ,you can be No. 1! I hope youve had pleasant journey home and will come to Chinaagain sometimes in the future .I will write again and send you the photos we take together. 四、单词(必修二 Unit 3)简化_ 普遍的,通用的_ 合逻辑的_ 科技,技术_革命_智力,智能_ 解决,解答_ 总的,整个的_应用;申请_ 探索;探测_ 无论如

29、何_幸福_ 发信号_出现;发生_外貌;出现_性格;特点_ 处理;安排_ 侄女;甥女_三、书写练习(核对完答案后摘抄短文改错内容) 腊月29英语作业答案及解析:本篇完型填空 是以语境理解考查为主,是“语境能力型”的命题模式,主要考查对上下文的理解,其所设的四个选项往往在语法上都能成立,但从语境来看,却只有一个选项是最合适的。这就需要考生立足语篇环境,树立全局观念,把握逻辑方向。 本文是一篇关于两邻里间因停车车位问题发生口角,而后通过友好方式互相谅解的故事。1.停放车辆应用park, was parked 表示停放的状态。Stop表示“停下”,“停止”而非“停放”。2.由上句a yellow Ol

30、dsmobile was parked too close to space.得知停放的位置太靠近我的停车位,所以造成我的停车位有点狭窄,故用narrow。3.根据上文我的停车位窄, 可知下文窄到剩下了几乎打不开车门的空间。hardly“几乎不”, quite“相当,非常”,nearly“几乎,将近”,seldom“很少”。4此次我先把车开到车库。5as usual “象往常一样”。6run out “用尽”,此处指失去耐心。7leave“留出(给)”,save“节省”, offer“提出”,keep“保存”,此处指留出足够的空间,故选D,另外上文有暗示“That left enough ro

31、om to open the door8对应her door。9说着话她就走出车库。with介词,“伴随”。 拓展: with的复合结构作独立主格。表示伴随情况时,既可用分词的独立结构,也可用with的复合结构:with + 名词(代词)+现在分词/过去分词/形容词/副词/不定式/介词短语。例如:He stood there, his hand raised. = He stood there, with his hand raised.他举手着站在那儿。 The murderer was pought in, with his hands _ behind his back。 A. bein

32、g tied B. having tied C. to be tied D. tied10.side此处指太靠近我的车位一边。area“地区”,room “空间”不合适。11.由下文:作者找到了问题解决的办法。12.discovered 发现。13.全文故事情节都是围绕“车”来进行的,故driving选项最合适。14. like that 像那个样子。由上文My patience had run out and I shouted at her可知。15.hope表达了作者的愿望,填suggest后面从句的will应换成should。B、C词义不对。16.forgive.“宽恕,谅解”。 作者

33、希望缓解矛盾,因此是请对方谅解,而不是请对方安慰自己。17.由下句可知。garage“车库”。18.Crazily“疯狂地”,此处指“由于刚学开车,因技术不娴熟停车时的动作行为。”19.据文章,两辆车在车库经常并排停放,所以两位车的主人都已把对方视为neighbour ,由两张便条的落款也便知这一点。此处指经过互留便条,达到了由原来的邻里争吵而到现在的和解成为朋友。最后一段也可得到印证。20.passed指两辆车在路上相遇21.答案A细节题。从文章第二段The crime begins with a telephone message to the owner of a stolen car:

34、 if you want the car back, pay up then, the car owner is directed to a park, told where to find a bird cage and how to attach money to the neck of the pigeon inside. Carrying the money in a tiny bag, the pigeon flies off. 可以选出正确答案。22. 答案D 短语理解题。23. 答案B 文章第三段提到Police officer Chen says that the crimin

35、al probably has pulled a doubletrick: he gets money for things he cannot possibly return. 故正确答案应该选择B。24.答案D 代词的指代。按照就近原则去找。前面提到Demands for pigeon-delivered money故正确答案应该选择D。25. 答案A 文章第三段提到Instead of stealing cars, he lets someone else do it and then waits for the car-owner to place an ad (启事) in the

36、newspaper asking for help. 故正确答案应该选择A。26.答案B 这是一道主旨题。这篇短文主要讲述了全球变暖造成的恶劣影响。27. 答案B 这是一道细节推断题。根据第三段“Many scientists connect higher surface watertemperatures resulting from global warming to greater and more damaging storms.”可判断出造成严重的暴风雨的直接原因是海洋表面水的气温太高。28.答案A 这是一道细节题。第四段第一句话表示Laupepa对美国不满意的原因是美国拒绝签署减少

37、温室效应气体排放的公约。29. 答案C 这是一道细节推断题。根据最后一段可判断出the Maldives与Tuvalu的情况相似 Dear Mr. Brown , hadpleasant journey home and will come to China 春节习俗:腊月二十九去打酒春节习俗盘点:腊月二十九去打酒(双语)today is the 29th day of the 12th month in lunar calendar. the folk saying goes like 二十九,去打酒。腊月二十九,俗语称作“二十九,去打酒”。as the food has been prep

38、ared in past few days, chinese people will get some wine ready today。由于在过去的几天中,食物都已经准备就绪了,那么中国人会在这接下来的日子里准备些酒。wine is a necessary for the new year feast especially for adults。对于成人来说,在新年大餐中酒是必不可少的一部分。for those who can read chinese, please note that the folk saying is 打酒 not 买酒。大家可以看到这里写的是“打酒”,而不是“买酒”

39、。this is because many people could not afford the bottled wine in old days。这是因为在旧时代,许多人承受不起买瓶装的酒。they used their own bottle or plastic bag to go to the wine shop and buy the wine which is stored in a big container。他们用自己的瓶子或者塑料袋,去酒家里买酒,那里的酒会放在一个大容器里。this kind of wine is much cheaper. however, nowaday

40、s, wine is quite affordable to most。这样的酒要便宜许多,但是如今,对于许多人来说,买瓶装酒都是承受得起的。chinese people generally prefer to have some wine to go with a splendid feast。中国人一般都喜欢在吃大餐时配点酒。 2014年农历九月十九日2014年农历九月十九日缘:请谈一下股市的涨跌的内因吗?青腕:任何一只股票有它的节律周期,上涨和下跌都是由它内因而起。 缘:它的内因有哪些呢?青腕:内因就是它的生命节律,就是这只股票固有波动律,你们叫它事件驱动。它的背后人的思维行动。当任何的

41、发展都是按“易律”来进行,这只股票的产生也是“易律”的结果而产生,即大阴而生,是音能呈下成绝而生的,这是它的合理,也是万事的合理性,也叫宿命。缘:它的具体的节律又是怎样?青腕:在不同的时间点上,它含上涨、下跌,当事物的发展出现了它的应运时,它会上涨,也是当事物出现了对这只股票有利时,应该到了它的上涨的时候了,比如国家出现等一系列政策。而这政策也引起人们的思维趋同,如是它的活动周期到了,该上涨了。政策和事件和人的思维都按易理而生,这是必然的结果。 缘:那我如果知道它要上涨呢?青腕:首先要看你对股票运行的相关知识,规律掌握了多少,你掌握得好“虚空”就给你的多。掌握得少“虚空”就给你的少,这个是对等

42、的。生产力的进步和发展就这样,社会生产力和科技水平没有发展一定的时候,“虚空”给不了你,这叫人应天。“虚空”是一个信息能量库。在一定的条件相应多少、得多少。反过来讲科学技术是“虚空”幻想。缘:那如果对待它的上涨和下跌青腕:世间万事都有九宫的烙印,如上涨3、6、9、13、21、34、55等数,如今天是9月19日上让刚创新高,接下来该调整了。 股票的阳极和衰极都是由事物的运行而起,其背后的都是人的行动所为,而行动是由人的思维所引起,思维的背后就是“虚空”了,就是“音”和“色”了,而“音”和“色”是按“易理”运行,按宇宙的“因果律”运行。你看上了这只、他看上了那只,你买了这只、而他买了那只,其有皆为

43、“因果”。 缘:有的争到了财?而有的输了财?青腕:首先看你对事物的本质,股票的本质认识了多少。其质也是“音色”能量的高低高的问题了。再就具体到某只股票的就看你的缘了。这里也有一个每个人的万缘对每个人引道问题了,该是你的财,你的家缘也引道你得到,不管它自己知道还是不知道,这就叫做“运”、“亏和”、“赚”叫命。这就叫小运大命。 缘:那如果做到赢利呢?青腕:简单的方法,是遵循阳极而衰、衰极而阳,这是基本节律。当有天时,地利人和之时,有政策驱动,事件驱动引起人们,人们思维趋,同时就该到了这只股票上涨之时,这时是“易理”在起作用,该到的时候到了。当它阳极时,这些因素就开始转衰了,就要退出了。 1903年




47、半是跳舞、打牌、听戏。徐志摩常常婉转地劝告陆小曼,但效果不大。后来,徐志摩的父亲出于对陆小曼极度不满,在经济上与他们夫妇一刀两断。徐志摩不得不同时在三所大学讲课,课余还赶写诗文,以赚取稿费,即便如此,仍不够陆小曼挥霍。而陆小曼在鸦片和舞场霓虹里,把时光轻轻送走了。 1931年11月19日,徐志摩为了赶上林徽因的讲演,搭上飞机,但因大雾影响,飞机在触山爆炸,徐志摩身亡。徐志摩死后,陆小曼痛悔不已,她在书桌前写下“天长地久有时尽,此恨绵绵无绝期”,从此不再出去交际。1965年4月3日,一代名媛陆小曼在上海华东医院悄然过世,她的灵堂上,只有一副挽联:推心唯赤诚,人世常留遗惠在;出笔多高致,一生半累烟云中!概括了她备受争议的一生。 The lunar September 19th, 1903, Lu xiaoman was born inShanghai. Lu xiaomans father,Lu Ding is a qing dynasty juren. During studied in Waseda University in Japan,he joined Chinese Revolutionary League that Sun Yet-sen founded. Lu xiaomans mother,W


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