最新【降价回复函】 拒绝降价的回复函.doc

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1、最新【降价回复函】 拒绝降价的回复函关于回复处理降价的函销售电话:028-62535252 65253533 业务传真:028-62530277 地址:成都郫县现代工业港(北区)港大路 580 号 邮编:611743 E-mail:sbnkj1989传真文电收件单位 收 件 人 收件人传真 成都畅越机械工程有限公司 王静 部 门 电 话发 人 电件 话 数陈小凤02862535252 62535353共1页 第1页8574503613438207769页文电内容:友情提示:若您收到的传真不清楚或不全请立即通知我们此传真所涉及的内容为机密并仅限注明的个人收阅关于回复贵司要求降价的函成都畅越机械工

2、程有限公司: 首先感谢您对斯宾纳科技产品的信赖与支持! 贵公司近日传真要求降价的函已收到。本着互利互惠与诚信的经营原则,由于现今 人工费用高,原材料费居高不下,直接导致生产成本费用增加。我公司与贵公司一直保 持着长期愉快与友好的合作, 并未上调产品价格, 已是薄利销售, 在保质保量的情况下, 我司确实无法下调产品价格,请谅解!顺颂商祺!成都斯宾纳科技有限公司 2012 年 4 月 6 日降价函_复函_20140117复 关于与贵公司商定2014年度成本事宜 致 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx有限公司 xxxxx 先生: 您好,多谢平素关照! xxxxxx公司全体员工深深的感谢贵公司长期以来对我司

3、一贯如初的信赖与支持,同时我们真诚的期待贵司在2014年度的销售能够取得预期的好成绩。 对于贵司提出产品价格要在现价格基础上下调5%-8%的商议,我司不但立即尽力地评估了能够执行的努力,而且也与相关方经过了交涉,特别是原材料也没有可以降价的预期;同时,近期随着国家关于基本工资逐年向上调整,工厂用工(人力)成本也同步有小幅提高。 因此对与降低价格的要求确实无能为力只能遗憾的回复当下只能维持原来的价格,还请给予诚挚的理解和体谅。 致礼 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx工业有限公司 2014年x1xxx日降价函_复函_20141229复 关于与贵公司商定20xx年度成本事宜 致 xx

4、xxxxxxxxxxx有限公司 xxxxx 先生: 您好,多谢平素关照! xxxxxx公司全体员工深深的感谢贵公司长期以来对我司一贯如初的信赖与支持,同时我们真诚的期待贵司在2015年度的销售能够取得预期的好成绩。 对于贵司2015年与2014年相比预计增长810%,贵司提出产品价格要在现价格基础上下调5%-8%的商议,我司不但立即评估了能够执行的努力,而且也与相关方经过了交涉,协调去降低产品价格。我司统计近年贵司订单发现,2014年度与2013年度相比,订单产品数量同期下降约47%,订单金额同期下降75%。如应贵司增加订单,我司2015年订单金额约增200元。 近期随着国家关于基本工资逐年向

5、上调整,工厂用工(人力)成本也同步提高,以及今年原材料价格的上涨,我司单方承受生产成本的增加,且产品订单数量过少,难以薄利多销,利润空间已压缩在最小范围。 我司与贵公司一直保持长期友好的合作,在保证质量的情况下,我司难以下调价格。因此对与降低价格的要求确实无能为力只能遗憾的回复当下只能维持原来的价格,还请给予诚挚的理解和体谅。 致礼 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx有限公司 2015年x月x日关于涂料申请降价回复 关于涂料申请降价回复 武汉市北方盛世商贸有限公司:我司与贵司合作至今,期间合作一直非常愉快。我司给贵司也一直提供着最优质的产品,从一冷至二冷的合作过程中从未出现过一起

6、质量问题,我司今后还将一如既往的给与贵司提供最优质的产品及服务。但合作期间贵司对我司的应收账款一直居高不下,给我司的应收账款造成了很大的压力,因我司也是国有企业,应收帐款过高造成我司承担了很大的财务风险及经营压力,希望能引起贵司的重视和理解。目前我司产品原材料采购成本压力非常大,如贵司要求我司对产品价格进行调整,将进一步加剧材料采购压力和材料质量的稳定,可能会导致产品品质的波动,这也是贵司与我司都不愿看到的情况,希望贵司慎重对待。 中海油常州环保涂料有限公司2013.1.14 回复2010年降价联络单复 20XX年XXX降价联络单To XXXXXX有限公司资材开发课 各位领导同事: 两年来,与

7、贵司的合作配套工作中,受诸位的关心照应,在此本厂也表示衷心的感谢! 对于贵司提出,在未税价格基础上下调20%的商议,我司也立即尽力地评估了各方面能够执行的努力,但其结果只能遗憾地回复您们,本厂提供的零件目前只能维持原来的价格。 自项目成立初期,本方原以月用量500件的预期约定来开展的制造商务的交涉,受当时贵司代表认定,并称初期可能用量小至后期就可以到达我司制定成本的用量基础。之后贵司也应知道,实际2008年至2010年期间的用量趋势,年维持在1000 pcs1500pcs相差很大。与此同时,国际汇率的变动更对本方在日本的原料进口市场造成了冲击,日圆持续升值,给制造成本带来了不可承受的压力,经多

8、方协调后才勉强维持现状价格,因此实在无力面对本次的降价要求。 以上内容请开发课各位同事核实,并给予诚挚的理解。 祝,贵司在即将来临的新年里获得更大的成功! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX有限公司销售部门 201X年12月7日 16年降价函询价函尊敬的 电源材料有限公司:新的一年马上就要到来了!回顾2015,我们风雨同舟。国内国际经济形势不容乐观,各行各业市场持续低迷,制造业更是遭遇前所未有的萧条,电池行业也未能幸免。在这样的国际大环境下,我司逆势发展,2015年同比2014年产值增加56%,出现了电池供不应求的局面。能够取得这样的成绩,是和领导正确带领、精确的产品定位,且具有市场竞争力的产品

9、价格以及合作伙伴的大力支持分不开的。 2016年,我司依据现有客户资源和产能,目标产值在15年基础上增加70%100%。为了保证2016年计划圆满完成,我司加强内部管理,设施设备优化组合,技术不断革新,努力控制各环节成本。鉴于各种原材料价格下降幅度较大,金属类原材降幅更是达到了20%-30%。望贵司结合自身产品实际情况,对所供应产品价格做出相应调整,为完成2016年目标共同努力!望贵司收到此函后,于3日内对所涉及的产品价格降幅、账期及付款方式给予书面回复。期盼能与贵司在2016年攻坚克难,携手共进,再创佳绩。再次衷心感谢您的精诚合作与大力支持! 顺祝商祺! 降价通知函降价通知函关于降价通知函大

10、全第1篇:降价通知函尊敬的客户:您好!衷心地感谢您对_有限公司一直以来的信任!长久以来在您的关注与支持下,我司秉承质量第一,服务至上的精神,第一时间为您提供最优质、最新颖的产品,并赢得了各商家的认可!公司自成立以来得到了_行业的认可,不断地推出优质的产品及完善售后服务,迎合市场的需求和适应时代的发展。为迎接_有限公司十周年庆,本公司决定对我司_产品全面大幅度降价,以回馈新老客户对我司_的支持,我公司将一如既往以高质量的产品和优质的服务竭诚为您服务!特此公告,谢谢!降价详情请联系我司销售部:内贸部:周经理 电话:_ 手机:_韩经理 电话:_ 手机:_外贸部:王经理 电话:_ 手机:_ _有限公司

11、 20_年_月_日第2篇:降价通知函尊敬的客户:您好!首先感谢您一直以来对_的支持和厚爱。我们很高兴的通知你,为回馈新老客户的长期合作与照顾,现我公司对国内销售的_价格进行降价调整,该价格调整方案将于_年_月_日起实施,在_年_月_日前订货的客户按原报价发货,自_年_月_日后订货的客户一律按调整后的价格执行具体价格如下:执行全国统一到岸价:_元/吨(除新疆、黑龙江以外)。 新疆、黑龙江 执行:_/吨到岸价。关于此次_的调价,如有任何疑问,请随时致电_有限公司(_)。希望您能理解并继续支持_糖业,_糖业也将一如既往以高质量的产品和优质服务将甜蜜事业进行到底。 _有限公司 _年_月_日 注: 询价

12、和回复的信函例文1.General Enquiry and Reply一般询价和回复(Enquiry)Gentlemen:We learn from ABC & Co. Ltd, New York that you are a leading exporter in your country.We are, at present, very much interested in importing your goods and would appreciate your sending us catalogues, sample books or even samples if pos

13、sible.Please give us detailed information of CIF Guangzhou prices, discounts, and terms of payment.We hope this will be a good start for a long and profitable bussiness relations.Truly yours,(Reply)Gentlemen:We welcome you for your enquiry of March 21 and thank you for your interest in our export co

14、mmodities.We are enclosing some copies of our illustrated catalogues and a price list giving the details you ask for. Also under separate cover, we are sending you some samples which will show you clearly the quality and craftsmanship. We trust that when you see them you will agree that our products

15、 appeal to the most selective buyer.We allow a proper discount according to the quantity ordered. As to the terms of payment we usually require L/C payable by sight draft.Thank you again for your interest in our products. We are looking forward to your order and you may be assured that it will recei

16、ve our prompt and careful attention.Truly yours,Notes1.CIF 价格术语“Cost, Insurance and Freight”,成本、保险加运费的缩写。通常称作“到岸价”。2.discount n. 折扣,折价,贴现allow (or:give, make, grant).%discount off (on) the prices of goods 按货价给予.的折扣If you order for 5,000 sets, we would grant you 10% discount. 如果你方能定购5000台,我们将给予10的折扣。

17、We give 10% discount for cash payment. 现金付款,我们予以九折优待。at a discount 低于正常价格;打折扣;(货物无销路)The goods are selling at a discount. 该货正以低价销售。3.terms of payment 支付条件,也可以说 payment terms4.profitable adj. 有益的,有利的,可获利的profitable fields of investment 有利的投资场所profit n. (常用复数)利润net profits 净利润,纯利润total profits 总利润prof

18、it ratio (rate) 利润率gross profits 总利润,毛利sell sth at a profit 出售某物而获利5.craftsmanship n. (工匠的)技术,技艺6.appeal (to) vi. 有吸引力,有感染力appeal to the most selective buyer 吸引最挑剔的买主7.L/C payable by sight draft 即期信用证,也可以说L/C available by sight draft8.assure v. 向.保证,使确信,主要用于以下四种结构:(1) assure sb. of sth.We assure you

19、 of the reliability of the information. 我们可以向你方保证这信息的可靠性。(2) assure sb. thatWe assure you that we shall do our best to expedite shipment. 请确信我们将迅速装运。(3) be (or: rest) assured of sth (rest 是系动词)Please (or: You may) be (or: rest) assured of our continued cooperation. 请确信我方仍将继续合作。(4) be (or:rest) assur

20、ed thatYou may (Please) be (rest) assured that we will contact you as soon as our fresh supply comes in. 请确信一俟我方新供货到来,我方即与你方联系。 .Specific Enquiry and Reply具体询价和回复 (1) Enquiry for Chinese Cotton Piece Goods对中国棉织品的询价Dear Sirs,We are glad to note from your letter of March 9 that, as exporters of Chines

21、e Cotton Piece Goods, you are desirous of entering into direct business relations with us. This happens to coincide with our desire.At present, we are interested in Printed Shirting and shall be pleased to receive from you by airmail catalogues, samples and all necessary information regarding these

22、goods so as to acquaint us with the quality and workmanship of your supplies. Meanwhile please quote us your lowest price, C.I.F. Vancouver, inclusive of our 5% commission, stating the earliest date of shipment.Should your price be found competitive and delivery date acceptable, we intend to place a

23、 large order with you.We trust you will give us an early reply.Yours faithfully,Notes1.be desirous of 渴望,想要We are desirous of entering into (to enter into) direct business relations with you. 我们热切盼望与你方建立直接的贸易关系。desire n. v. 期望,渴望,要求,请求(比wish强烈)What do you desire to buy at present? 你方目前想要买些什么?It is d

24、esired that the catalogues shall be airmailed to us within one week. 深盼在一周内给我们航邮目录本。2.coincide v. (意见等)一致;(时间上)相同We are glad that our ideas coincide. 很高兴我们双方意见一致。Your enquiry coincided with our offer. 你方询盘正好与我方报盘同时发出。3.regarding prep. 关于,与with regard to, in regard to,as regards 同义,一般可以换用。 We have al

25、ready written to you regarding this matter. 关于此事我们已给你方写过信。Regarding the balance, we will advise you of the position in a few days. 关于剩余数量的情况,将于日内告知。4.quote v. 报价作“报价”解,这个动词的基本结构是:quote sb. a price for sth.Please quote us your lowest price for walnots. 请向我方报核桃最低价。有时可用:quote sb. for sth.Please quote u

26、s for walnuts. 请向我方报核桃价。也可用:quote sb. a pricePlease quote us your lowest price. 请报你方最低价。5.inclusive of our 5% commission 包括我方5%佣金This offer (or:price) is inclusive of your 2% commission.=This offer (or: price) includes your 2% commission.此报盘(或:价格)包括你方2的佣金。本课原句 Please quote us your lowest price, C.I.

27、F. Vancouver, inclusive of our 5% commission. = Please quote us your lowest price, C.I.F. Vancouver, including our 5% commission.请报你方CIF温哥华最低价,包括我方5佣金。 (2)Enquiry for Dyeing Machines对印染机的询价Gentlemen:We learn from your letter of July 2 that you are manufacturing and exporting a variety of textile mac

28、hines. As there is a demand here for high-quality dyeing machines, we will appreciate your sending us a copy of your illustrated catalogue, with details of your prices and terms of payment.Kindest regards.Yours truly,(Reply)Gentlemen:We warmly welcome your enquiry of July 15 and thank you for your i

29、nterest in our dyeing machines.We are enclosing our illustrated catalogue and pricelist giving the details you ask for. As for the payment terms we usually require confirmed, irrevocable Letter of Credit payable by draft at sight.We have already sole some of those machines to China and are now repre

30、sented there by The Engineering Export Ltd, Beijing. May we suggest that you contact the company directly? We think the firm may supply you with more details of our machines. We feel confident that you will find the goods are both excellent in quality and very reasonable in price.With best regards.Y

31、ours sincerely,Notes1.Confirmed, irrevocable Letter of Credit payable by draft at sight 保兑的,不可撤销的,凭即期汇票支付的信用证2.be represented by.由.代理representative n. 代理人a legal representative 法定代理人3.reasonable adj. 合理的Our price is quite reasonable. 我方价格是相当合理的。类似的表达法还有:realistic adj. 符合实际的,现实的;workable adj. 可行的;in

32、the line with the present market 与现行价格相符,etc(3) Enquiry for Textiles 对纺织品的询价Dear Sir,It is a pleasure for us to introduce ourselves to you as a commission for Chinese Commodities. Weve been engaged with this post for over 5 years now.We would be so much grateful if you send us catalogues and samples

33、 for the following items.(1)Towels, bed-sheets and blankets(2) Baby napkins and diapers(3) Garments for men, women and children(4) Underwear for men, women and children(5) Cotton piece goods and cotton fapics(6) Sewing thread(7) Cotton Knitwear(8) Synthetic fapic(9) Any other item that you wish to o

34、fferWe are awaiting your earliest reply.Yours faithfully,Nmission n. 委任,委托,代办(权),代理(权);委员会;佣金commission house 委托商行;证券经济公司commission sale 委托销售commission agent 佣金商;代理商commission poker 掮客,经纪人commission of authority 授权书commission for acceptance 承兑佣金commission ticket 佣金票证2.cotton fapics 棉织品3.synthetic fa

35、pics 合成纤(4) Enquiry for Cosmetics 对化妆品的询价Dear Sirs, Re: COSMETICSWe are one of the leading importers of Daily Chemicals in this city and shall be please to establish business relations with your corporation.At present we are interested in your cosmetics, details as per our Enquiry Note No. 1345 atta

36、ched, and shall be glad to receive your lowest quotation as soon as possible. We would like to mention that if your price is attractive and delivery date acceptable, we shall place our order with you immediately.We look forward to your early reply.Faithfully yours,Encl. As statedNotes1.cosmetics n.

37、化妆品2.as per 按照,根据as per list price 按照表上价格as per enclosed documents 根据所附单据3.Enquiry Note No. 1345 1345号询价单4.attach v.t. 附加order with conditions attached 带有附加条件的订单aid with no conditions attached 无附加条件的援助5.quotation n. 报价(单),行情(表)lowest quotation 最低报价discount quotatuon 贴现行情exchange rate quotation 外汇行情q

38、uotation table 价目表quote v.t. 报价,开价quote favourable price 报优惠价格6.delivery date 交货期也可以用下列方式表示:date of delivery; time of delivery; delivery time; date of shipment; time of shipment; shipment time (date) etc (5) Enquiry for Personal Computer 对计算机的询价Dear Sirs,We are pleased to learn from your letter of 1

39、st August that, as a manufacturer of computers, you are desirous of entering into direct business relations with us. This is just our desire, too. We have studied your catalogue and are interested in your IBM CPU 80586 personal computer. Please quote us your lowest price, CIF Guangzhou, inclusive of

40、 our 2% commission, stating the earliest date of shipment.Should your price be found competitve and delivery date acceptable, we intend to place a large order with you.Please give us your reply as soon as possible.Yours faithfully,Notes1.be desirous of sth. 想要某物be desirous of doing sth. 渴望做某事be desi

41、rous to do sth. 渴望做某某事desire n. 渴望,愿意mission n. 佣金commission 作佣金讲时一些习惯用法如下:(1)百分之几佣金:a commission of .% 或 . commission(2)你方/我方百分之几佣金: your/our commission of .% 或 your/our .% commission(3)两笔或几笔佣金: two or several items of commission(4)一切佣金或各项佣金: all commissionsdraw (receive) a commission of 5% on each

42、 sale 在每笔生意中抽取(收取)5的佣金 The above price includes your 2% commission. 以上所开价格包括你方2的佣金。3.Place a large order with you 向你方大量订货order n. 订单名词order常与动词make,send,place等连用,如果表示订购某项货物,后接介词“for”,也可接“on”或“of”,但“for”最为普遍。If your price is in line, we will send you an order for 5,000 sets. 如果你方价格与市价相符,我们将定购5000台。or

43、der v.t. 订购,订(货)If you allow us 10% discount, we will oder 10,000 dozen. 如果你方给予10的折扣,我们将订购10000打。 降价联络函降价联络函致:各协力厂商 你们好!首先非常感谢各位长期以来对我司的支持与配合。目前我司执行细化采购制度,完善采购体系;与公司内部达成紧密 数据衔接,因此请各供应商结合目前市场行情,提供一份最新报价参 考下表:单价 调整前单价 产品名称 不含税价 含税价(税率) 调整后单价后期我司将综合供货配合度;产品质量;售后服务;产品单价比对 等因素评选稳固长期合作伙伴。 还望给予最大的协助,斟酌处理,增

44、强我司市场竞争力;于两天内 签字盖章回复我司,如未收到回复,从 2015 年 9 月对账单开始我们将默 认以 1/1.17 不含税单价对单入账。 顺祝! 商褀! 深圳 XXX 有限公司 2015 年 10 月 16 日英文邮件回复报价样函 英文邮件回复报价样函在外贸业务中,我们每天都在回复客人的询盘,那么你的回复是否规范,是否表达得明确而具体呢?这是我收集到的回复报价的英文样函,和大家一起分享吧。 说明涨价原因 Dear Sir or Madam: Enclosed is our new price list which will come into effect the end of thi

45、s month. You will see that we have increased our prices on most models. We have, however, refrained from doing so on some models of which we hold large stocks. The explanation for our increased prices stems from the fact that we are now paying 10% more for our raw materials than we were paying last

46、year, along with some of our subcontractors having raised their prices as much as 15%. As you know, we take great pride in our product an dare proud of the reputation for quality and dependability we have built over 15years. We will not compromise that reputation because of raising costs. We have, t

47、herefore, decided to raise the price of some of our products. We hope you will understand our position and look forward to your cooperation. With best regards, Hillary 说服买家涨价之前下单 Dear Sir or Madam: This is regarding our quotation dated 2 November, and our mail offer dated 8 November concerning the s

48、upply of widgets(小机具).We are prepared to keep our offer open until the end of this month. For your information, the market is firm and growing. There is very little likelihood of any significant change in the visible future. As this product is in great demand and the supply is limited, to secure your order, we would recommend that you accept this offer without delay.Yours sincerely, Hillary 对价格作出让步 Dear Sir or Madam: Thank you for your mail. We are disappointed to hear that our price for your required product is too high for your acceptance. You mentioned that Japanese goods


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