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《最新【优美爱情英语美文欣赏】英语爱情美文.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《最新【优美爱情英语美文欣赏】英语爱情美文.doc(11页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、最新【优美爱情英语美文欣赏】英语爱情美文爱情是文学中一个永恒的主题,受到了历代文学家的青睐,成为经久不衰的创作题材。下面是小编带来的优美爱情英语美文欣赏,欢迎阅读!优美爱情英语美文欣赏篇一谁乱了这锦瑟华年Pillow night breeze, looking at the bright starlight, which a silhouetted against your face? Which one is your eye overlooking the living beings? I sleepless night, waiting for you just for a moment

2、 look back fondly. Leaning against the fence cold, by a bunch of street lights dim luster, skim drop before chilling cheek and let it fall to the window marble countertop, it is Acacia splash petals. Twist a cigarette lit, blue-hazed unreal, dense, and you seem to be on the opposite side near, care

3、for silence, only smoke filled the air, swept over the limitations of space, swept over the reality fetters . I've been are, and you will eventually begin as illusory, do not be sophisticated ignored.This night, accustomed to a person alone together for a while in the past, any trace of meditati

4、on might better be deceived, my heart filled with the ruins of collapsed like lingering spirits. Under Ningmu break and camphor leaves, old face lightly, a head sadness, love longer. Q rainy night breeze, why upload my life Yan Liang? Plausible but magic outline flooding lingers, and chaotic. A &quo

5、t;can not say" my heart is derived from magic, entangled melodies of the soul, able to escape the self-assertion of his own ancestry disaster, not salvation in vain worldly committed wrong move.No refuge soul is wandering as Fallen flowers. I was alone in the mortal world in the fall of twists

6、and turns, touch the time of the memories, flowery bright smile, drawing thousands of reverie. That favoritism praise words, it is my desire to promote the abyss. All ships have a total fantasy dream, wake up when you have the other side, across so far, as we had never taken rub shoulders edge.The B

7、owl, anything sad autumn picture fan. The most disappointed is none other like old friends, the same care just like a stranger. Hazy glimpse of Italy, who cappella melody ringing in the ears, swept over the deep midnight, is sad fruitful cradle. I ask for whom the Qin ring? And for whom thhis chaos

8、Chinese Zither years? Who will wake up the morning chirping points, hold a thought in vain years went fine stretches of water.Any of you how perseverance arms are not tight hold of time goes by, I never understand your world, I would also like to bother to understand, because too deliberate but then

9、 lost myself, this is my tangled feelings. So always linger in the night round-trip, going into life as transformation, whenever any of the transformation process, must be broke our hearts. It also unspeakable pain, only you know. Fragment of a tie, facing tempting text, leaving one of my high Tians

10、hui far .夜枕清风,仰望星辉璀璨,哪一颗映衬着你的容颜?哪一颗又是你俯瞰众生的眼?我彻夜无眠,只为等你一次回眸瞬间的眷念。倚着冰凉的栅栏,借一束路灯昏黄光彩,掬一滴心寒于腮前,任其滑落窗前理石的台面,那是相思溅开的花瓣。捻一支烟点燃,青雾缭绕的虚幻,氤氲中,你似乎就在不远的对面,相顾无言,唯余青烟弥漫,漫过空间的局限,漫过现实里的羁绊……我一直都在,而你终究始如虚幻,不予以世故的理睬。这样的夜晚,习惯了一个人独自厮守一段过往,冥思任何一丝可能的美好自欺,我内心坍塌的废墟装满了烈酒一样的缠绵。凝目堂前樟叶下,旧时容颜翩然,一目忧伤,情缘更长。问夜雨清风,何以载


12、水绵延。任你如何坚毅的臂弯也拥不紧时光的流转,你的世界我从未明白,我亦想刻意去明白,只因太刻意继而却迷失了自己,这是我纠结的情怀。总在如此夜色里流连往返,一如人生一场接一场的蜕变,但凡任何一程蜕变,必定是痛彻心扉的。这痛亦不可言传,只有自己知道。一阕残篇,对着文字缱绻,只剩下我一人的天高水远……优美爱情英语美文欣赏篇二爱情信使Whether it is out of reach and so great was the crowd of us, in fact, are human beings, there is the situation of the mome

13、nt, some love, may, the only difference is, great love, and finally vanished on paper, and their descendants can Jinjin music Road, or empathy, and love or love the blues in their hearts, passed, passed, just so, so nice, just really loved, as is vigorous or flat light, what is the relationship, and

14、 nothing different.That year, he transferred from another school over their parents' wishes, turn to turn, he is a cheerful boy, and quickly became the class of male students mingle.Soon, the pattern of the class, he would get a clear. It was quite simple, after they mingle, like all the boys ea

15、ch returned victorious generals, have to announce his own love battlefield.Underground relations Zhu Liang and class, he has confidence, he is a latecomer, deadly, he can rattle even the words of gibberish chatter in front of the boys, but girls rarely speak in front of the class, a lot of girls nam

16、e he did not even call insufficiency.Even good students and his play said: "This guy is a world outside expert, not into sex."In those days, a favorite girl, mostly to write, which is later described in our history, "writing a love letter."It was a school, there is no network, no

17、 cell phone, "geese, pen love" cute Love.Write love letters, there must be send a love letter, and he eventually became a gratuitous love messenger.His accomplishments in the classroom, than to play with him a lot of results are good, their class, and a few men, laughing together, enjoying

18、 themselves nonsense, the school is also rushing out of the campus, laughing all the way until their turn at a different intersection, they play well, have a good relationship.It was a no impurities, no competition, no vanity, no pleasantries, some nonsense, some laughing, some swearing, some youth

19、throbbing."I wrote a letter to her?" A boy asked one of his."Nonsense, of course, gave, waiting for her to reply better." His blunt answer.He and the girl is a village, they are almost neighbors, because they are separated by only two between two people, often on weekends, he wou

20、ld pocket Chuaizhuo others love letter, respect the dedication of the letter sent to the girl's hands he then turned to go home.Three days of the year, such as the arrow shot, flash past ten years.One year, they met in debauchery, although the past will never come back, but the memory still, rem

21、ember that the playback can not go back again.A male student of hip-hop as he walked, he is not the Sentimental boy, but rather a private owner, and his career dry belly as obvious.His grin said:"Hey, guys, we mora drinking, only to lose the hapless drunk bottle of wine, but also to answer a qu

22、estion, what if the bastard telling lies, then, sorry, table wine had all kinds of stuff Missy out, OK! "Other girls are laughing booing, they were once Sentimental students, but now, each have many roles or titles, and more than a secular powder, then stripped of shy, but remains charming and

23、beautiful obvious.Unfortunately, he lost the first, two words not long-winded wine, drink."All do not move, mouth, I first asked." Or that pregnant quickly said, and obesity plump middle finger that has the habit of pushing his thick round glasses eye on Dr."Yeah brother, brother I wo

24、nder, that would be three days, why you gave that guy sent a love letter," the fat man said, referring to the subject's eye haggard, continued: "It will be three days, four of us boys while where four girls like you, except you only send a love letter to the guy, why you can now tell u

25、s why it. ""Is Yeah, why?" There are several girls agreed.He hesitated for a moment, shook the hands of wine, said: "Actually, I like that girl, like a long time, but her long beautiful, good family, where his family is our richest man, my family is that we where the poor first,

26、I grew up playing in the parents' quarrels, early to know how little shame and low self-esteem, so, it is so. "Just then that the girls are, however, many years later, the girl had married, with one pair of very cute children.She shook the cup of wine, drank, she looked at him and said:. &q

27、uot;Oh, no messenger when you and I that he quickly points, I break off"At the moment, feasting silence.优美爱情英语美文欣赏篇三没有爱情的人生不完整Some people say that "youth is the road bright sadness." I say "love is pain with joy."Young, headstrong, Yang Xing, sweat, these words are full of y

28、outh full of thermal labels, tears, piercing the sky and shouts, regret is the front like a shadow accompanied. Always crying and laughing, always looking back.I feel like a calm sea surging undercurrent of passion but calm face, my eyes always solid white dress to her, in the corner of the road, in

29、 the bus, in the library, white overhead lights misty sky, pure pure polish up my dry soul.I was a fish of the sea, Fudong Zhao look you see the sea of eyes, I was a bird in the sky, flying with the sky watching you face. I'm blowing your wisp of wind, the rhythm of the jumping Qunzhe. Dear, the

30、rmal expansion of my body, my wayward confused character, the sun ignited my passion, sweat running scrub my body. Honey, I heard the piercing cry, my dear, I can not move it made the tears, forgive me the sky and shouts of heartbreak it? Because the youth is sad, but I just want to make it beautifu

31、l, because love is happy, I do not want it to hurt. Marine fish soaked eyes, fresh wind and wet bird's eyes, thick walls blocked the hissing wind blowing you, am I sad it is, Am I in pain you, am I in tears ? So who do you bright, Who do you happy, do not cry for me?有人说“青春是道明媚的忧伤”。我说

32、“爱情是伤痛着的快乐”年少,任性,阳兴,汗水,这些充满充满热力的词语是青春的标签,泪水,撕心裂肺,仰天长啸,后悔也是前面的如影随行伴随着。永远都是哭着笑,永远都是回头看。我的心情就像平静海面汹涌的暗流,激情澎湃却面容平静,我的眼前总是她的纯色白裙,在路转角,在公交车,在图书馆,白白的点亮头顶蒙蒙的天空,纯纯的的擦亮了我干枯的心灵。我是海边的一条魚,浮动着看你看海的眼睛,我是天上的一只鸟,飞翔着注视你看天的脸庞。我是吹拂你的一缕风,律动着跳跃的裙褶。亲爱的,热力膨胀着我的身体,任性迷惑着我的性格,阳光点燃了我的激情,汗水刷洗我奔跑的身躯。亲爱的,听到我的撕心裂肺的吶喊吗,亲爱的,感动我不能自制的泪水吗,原谅我仰天长啸的心碎吗?因为青春是忧伤,而我只想让它明媚,因为爱情是快乐的,我不想让它伤痛。海水浸湿了鱼的眼睛,劲风吹湿了鸟的双眸,厚墙堵住了嘶嘶吹向你的风,难道我是在忧伤吗,难道我是在伤痛吗,难道我是在流泪吗?那么是谁你明媚呢,是谁让你快乐呢,难道不是流泪的我吗?看了“优美爱情英语美文欣赏”的人还看了:1.经典爱情英文美文2.精美爱情英语美文3.优美爱情英语美文4.唯美爱情英语美文欣赏5.爱情英语经典美文第 11 页 共 11 页


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