资源与评价初中英语八上答案Module 10.wps

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1、资源与评价初中英语八上答案Module 10Unit1 基础过关.1. famous 2. teahouse 3. impossible 4. main 5. for 6. much 7. decide 8. Almost 9. happens 10. know .11. to take 12. planned 13. see 14. to go 15. to be 16. more 17. impossible 18. especially 19. interesting 20. long .21. enjoy yourselves 22. dont know 23. someday/ so

2、metime 24. wants, to 25. Would, like/ Do, want .26-30: ABCAB .31.plays 32.little 33.until 34.back 35.biggest 36. as 37.full 38.bright 39. around 40.on .(A)41. favourite 42. out 43. helping 44. dream (B)45. No, he didnt. 46. Because he likes parts where he can make people laugh.Unit2 基础过关.1. wrote 2.

3、 audience 3. take 4. centre 5. goodbye 6. customers 7. during 8. love 9. opinion 10. from .11. greatest 12. twentieth 13. beautifully 14. stopping 15. taught 16. tells 17. its 18. died 19. drinking 20. to teach .21-25: ABBAC 26-30:CCCCB .31. went on 32. happened 33. weled, warmly 34. for 35. boys na

4、me .36. excited 37. think 38. strong 39. reach 40. most 41. tried 42. playing 43. hero 44. films 45. brought .46-50: FTTFF真的不掉线吗?、?真的不掉线吗?、?Unit3 基础过关.1. theatre 2. performance 3. actors 4. excellent 5. impossible 6. magic 7. take 8. audience 9. ancient 10. end . 11. Western 12. to watch 13. enjoyab

5、le 14. Chinese 15. offered 16. waiters 17. to write 18. study 19. children 20. greatest . 21. happy/glad 22. Where does 23. wonderful 24. didnt try 25. Did, offer . 26-30: CCBBB .31.most 32.play 33.loving 34.own 35.first 36.luck 37.but 38.learn 39. reading 40.success .(A)41. like 42. at 43. under (B

6、)44. To live for ever. 45. The clouds in the sky. 46. He couldnt move.能力提升.1.neighbourhood 2.offered 3.agreed 4.almost 5.silver 6.special 7.audience 8.Dynasty 9. Acrobatics 10. full .11. whispering 12. customers 13. lost 14. masters 15. twentieth 16. to take 17. impossible 18. lost 19. wonderful 20. to see. 21-25:CBACA 2630: BBCBA .(A)31-35: BEDHI 36-40:FAGJC (B) 41-45:DEACB .46-50:ACCBB 51-55:ACCBB .(A)56-60: CDABE 61-65: TTFFF (B) 66-70: BCACA


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