《大学英语(专)》在线作业一 He often works in evening.docx

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1、大学英语(专)大学英语(专)1 1 单选题单选题1 He often works in _evening. C A aB /C the2 A: I havent got a car. B: _. A A Neither have IB Neither do IC Neither am I3 He is a good student. He_hard. B A workB worksC does works4 A:Why dont you go to an estate agent, then, youre talking face to face? B:Well, _. C A I would

2、 likeB Thats a shameC I dont know5 A:Where do _live? B:_home is in London. C A they, TheyB their, TheyC they, Their6 A:I have got a pain in my chest. B:You _see the doctor. C A haveB needC should7 A: _is David from? B:I think hes an American. But Im not sure. A A WhereB WhatC How8 A: Can you help me

3、 with my homework? B: _else can. You have to do it yourself. B A EverybodyB NobodyC Somebody9 A: I didnt have time for lunch today. B: I didnt _. C A neitherB tooC either10 _people are coming for the party? C A How oftenB How muchC How many11 Do you have_ friends in Shanghai? B A manyB anyC not12 A:

4、What does your mother do? B:_. C A She does shopping once a weekB She tells stories to my daughter every eveningC She is a clerk in a bank13 Im afraid Ive got a terrible flu. _ C A Never mindB Keep away from meC Better go and see a doctorD You need be more careful14 A:Could you ring them up please?

5、Im sometimes quite nervous on the phone. B:_. C A Are you? I am fine.B Yes, why dont you call them?C Yes, of course. I will phone them for you.15 Do you think I could borrow your dictionary? _. C A Yes, you may borrowB Yes, go onC Yes, help yourselfD It doesnt matter16 A:So, do you like the cinema n

6、ear Hyde Park? B:Yes, I _ it. A A loveB am lovingC loves17 A: _? B: Yes, Id like to. Thanks. B A Would you like somethingB Would you like to come to the shop one dayC Would you like coming to the shop one day18 A: _is at the door? B: It must be our new neighbour, Mrs Jones. C A WhatB WhichC Who19 A:_. B:She works in the Oxford University. A A What does your mother do?B What do your parents do?C What are your parents doing at the moment?20 A:What do you do? B: _. B A I am washing the dishes nowB I am a policemanC I do my homework


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