《大学英语》在线作业二 these honors he received a sum of money.docx

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1、大学英语大学英语1 1 单选题单选题1 _ these honors he received a sum of money. C A ExceptB ButC BesidesD Outside2 Either Mr. Lee or the students_ to clean the blackboard. C A hadB hasC haveD having3 Do you want to wait? Five days _ too long for me to wait. C A wasB wereC isD are4 As my mother has been separated fro

2、m her parents for forty years, she _information of them. C A run out ofB run short ofC is short ofD is short5 We are going to have a singing party tonight. Would you like to join us? _ A A Im afraid not, because I have to go to an important meeting.B Of course not. I have no ideC No, I cant.D Thats

3、all set.6 Any action that is not admit counts _ crime. B A withB asC atD to7 _ for my illness,I would have lent him a helping hand. C A Not beingB Without beingC Had it not beenD Not having been8 _ the difference in their ages they were good friends. B A In spiteB DespiteC AlthoughD As long as9 Any

4、one who looks his face cant help _. B A being laughedB laughingC laughedD laugh10 A fire on board a cargo ferry in the English Channel had been _. D A astonishedB distinguishedC punishedD extinguished11 Carbon dioxide (二氧化碳)constitutes only a small part of the _. C A weatherB climateC atmosphereD sp

5、ace12 After earning a degree, the graduate must comply _ the license regulations of the state in which he or she plans to practice. B A toB withC ofD /13 Does that tea have enough sugar in it?_. B A Yes, it is. Thank you.B Yes, it does. Thank you.C Yes, I will. Thank you.D Yes, I do. I like it.14 “H

6、ave you seen Lao Wu recently?” “It looks _ he would return home tomorrow.” C A likeB asC as ifD that15 As the bus came round the corner, it ran _ a big tree by the roadside. A A intoB onC overD up16 Shall we sit up here on the grass or down there near the water? _ . A A Its very kind of youB No, I w

7、ouldntC Yes, pleaseD Here you are17 A program has been set up to _ cooperation between police and the community. B A likenB facilitateC outlineD substitute18 He _ her chance of being the CEO of IBM company. C A formatedB forgaveC forfeitedD foraged19 But for Mr. Wang, we _ such a happy life now. A A wouldnt be livingB wont be livingC couldnt liveD are not able to live20 _your father _ everyday difficulties because he is old. B A Separate; fromB Insulate; fromC Keep; out ofD Distract; from


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