三、教学目标 Unit4 Part II Reading.doc

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《三、教学目标 Unit4 Part II Reading.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《三、教学目标 Unit4 Part II Reading.doc(4页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、课 题:Unit4 Part II Reading整体思路:本课主要就是训练学生阅读技巧,提高阅读能力,包括默读和朗读两个方面,默读练技巧,朗读练习语感。朗读包括读问题,读所给文章,使两读有机的融为一体。一、教学目标一、教学目标知识目标学生掌握文中的新单词 wristwatch, cut ,cheer 和 around。能力目标通过本课的学习,培养学生学会概括文章主旨大意,运用细读阅读技巧理解文章,并根据上下文和单词构成猜测生词意思的能力.情感目标父母的生日要牢记于心,并送上自己的一份祝福。教学重点培养学生概括文章主旨大意、细读和猜词三种阅读技巧在文章理解的运用。教学难点学生对概括文章主旨大意

2、、猜词阅读技巧的运用。二、教学过程二、教学过程教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图(一)lead-in1. Ask Ss What day is it today ?When is your birthday ?Ss answer the questions 通过问答,使学生进入本课话题。(二)pre-reading1.Teacher received an E-mail ,show it to Ss.2.Ask a question and explain “main idea” Read the E-mail and answer the 这一环节是对Part I 中对话部分的改写,主要复习有

3、关(!)What is the main idea ?A.Mike Wants to see teachers and friends B. Invitation to Mikes birthday party C. Teachers ,friends and Mike have dinner at Mikes home .question .生日的词汇,并为阅读课文做准备。(三)While-reading1.Ask ss to read the text for the first time and answer the question .What is the main idea ?2.

4、 ( 1 )Ask Ss to read the text for the 2nd time and answer the six questions below the text.( 2 )Check the answers .3.After reading the text , ask Ss to guess the meaning of wristwatch, cheer and around .4.Show some sentences to Ss to put them into Chinese.5.Read the whole text after the tape . Read

5、and answer the questionsGuess the meaning of the words.Translate them into ChineseRead aloud1.第一遍阅读,由学生自己总结文章大意。2.第二遍阅读是让学生细读课文,培养学生寻找关键信息的能力。3.培养学生在阅读过程中猜词的能力。4.本环节是通过对重点句翻译加深对文章的理解。5.让学生跟读原文录音一遍 ,同时纠正自己的发音。(四)Post-reading1.Show another article to Ss to do the exercises .2.Check the answer .Read an

6、d do the Exercises .巩固学生对阅读技巧的掌握。(五)Brief summaryLet Ss to say “What is the main idea ?” and “How to guess the new words meaning .”(六)Homework1.Recite the text . 2.To read two articles in the exercise book .1. 语言积累2.对本课阅读技巧的再巩固。一、读短信, Dear Dave,Welcome to my thirteenth birthday party on this Sunday

7、. Its on October 12. My parents hold the birthday party at home for me . You can come to the party at 11: 30 . See you then .Yours Mike1.What is the main idea ?A. Mike Wants to see teachers and friends B. Invitation to Mikes birthday party C. Teachers , friends and Mike have dinner at Mikes home .二、

8、阅读课文,回答问题二、阅读课文,回答问题(一)(一)Read the text for the first time .1. What is the main idea ?A. How to hold the birthday party. B. Mike is very happy with his party. C. Tell us Mikes birthday and something about his birthday party . (二)(二)Read the text for the second time .1. When is Mikes birthday? 2. Wha

9、t do Mikes parents do on his birthday? 3. Who come to his birthday party?4. Does Zhang Fang give Mike a model plane? 5. Does Mikes mother cut the cake ?6. What do all the people do at the dinner table?三、Read and do the exerciseSeptember 21 was my birthday. I invited my classmates and friends to my b

10、irthday party at home. They gave me many presents .At 11:30, we had a big dinner together, then we played games and watched TV. At 15:00 , they went back home. My Mum and I went to a shopping centre and she bought (买)a sports shirt for me.I was very happy all day !1. When is my birthday ?2. invite _ (中文意思)3. What did my mother buy for me ?4. Sports shirt is _(中文意思).5. What is the main idea ?


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